Guys is it gay to be emotional : TikTokCringe
LTG posting

Old LTG was the funniest man in the circle, now he's just a beta destiny orbiter lying about his age for sympathy points. :marseyagreestill: Gotta make a post about him.

Cycle #5 improvement

Added brooming and mopping at the same time for housecleaning.

Improved executive function. Delayed gratification.

Cycles #2-#4 were failures.

Improved finances.

Jewish lives matter to chuds now that it is the contrarian :marseyakshually: opinion.

Savage Garden - Truly Madly Deeply
New vid from based racist and street harasser
:!chadblack2: Snappy strikes again :monke:

Black man wrongfully arrested in DeKalb County, Georgia due to facial recognition tech: lawsuit

DeKALB COUNTY, Ga. -- A Black man was wrongfully arrested and held for nearly a week in jail because of the alleged misuse of facial recognition technology, according to a civil lawsuit filed against the arresting police officers.

Randal Quran Reid, 29, was driving to his mother's home outside of Atlanta the day after Thanksgiving when police pulled him over, according to Reid.

"They told me that I had a warrant out of Jefferson Parish. I asked, 'Where's Jefferson Parish?' because I had never heard of that county," Reid told ABC News. "And then they told me it was in Louisiana. Then I was confused because I had never been to Louisiana."

The DeKalb County, Georgia police officers who pulled Reid over were in possession of two warrants issued by Jefferson and East Baton Rouge Parishes in Louisiana for Reid's arrest, according to a lawsuit filed by Reid for an unspecified amount. He was then taken to a DeKalb County jail to await extradition to Louisiana, according to Reid.

"I asked them why was I being locked up," Reid said. "'What is it [the warrant] even saying that I did?' And then they just kept telling me that it was out of their jurisdiction and they didn't really know."

Officers of the Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office used facial recognition technology to identify Reid as a suspect who was wanted for using stolen credit cards to buy approximately $15,000 worth of designer purses in Jefferson and East Baton Rouge Parishes, according to the complaint filed by Reid.

"[The facial recognition technology] spit out three names: Quran plus two individuals," Gary Andrews, Reid's lawyer and senior attorney at The Cochran Firm in Atlanta, told ABC News. "It is our belief that the detective in this case took those names ... and just sought arrest warrants without doing any other investigation, without doing anything else to determine whether or not Quran was actually the individual that was in the store video."

The individuals named as defendants in the complaint are Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office (JPSO) deputy Andrew Bartholomew and JPSO Sheriff Joseph P. Lopinto III.

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Bartholomew did not immediately return ABC News' request for comment. Lopinto told ABC News, "The Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office cannot make a statement at this time because the case is currently in litigation."

Every state in the country has police departments that use facial recognition technology in their investigative work, according to Nate Freed Wessler, Deputy Director of the Speech, Privacy and Technology Project at the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). The ACLU doesn't have an exact count of how many police departments use the technology because many of them use it in secrecy, according to Wessler.

"Part of the problem with this technology is that the public lacks good information about how it's actually being used," Wessler told ABC News. "It's often used in tremendous secrecy by police. And we know that it often misidentifies people, which has led to wrongful arrests in six known cases [around the country] but probably more cases than that."

According to Wessler, all known cases of false arrests due to facial recognition technology were of Black or African American people.

Reid was held in a DeKalb County prison for six days as his parents and lawyers scrambled to find a way to clear his name before his extradition to Louisiana, Reid said. After his lawyers sent multiple pictures of Reid to JPSO for them to realize that they had the wrong person in detainment, his warrants were thrown out and he was finally released, Andrews told ABC News.

According to the complaint, Reid's lawyers believe that JPSO uses facial recognition technology by Clearview AI, Inc.

"More than one million searches have been conducted using Clearview AI. One false arrest is one too many, and we have tremendous empathy for the person who was wrongfully accused," Hoan Ton-That, Clearview AI CEO, told ABC News in a statement. "Even if Clearview AI came up with the initial result, that is the beginning of the investigation by law enforcement to determine, based on other factors, whether the correct person has been identified."

Clearview AI would not confirm with ABC News if JPSO uses its technology.

"There's always risk when you go to jail, but I felt more in danger when I was being detained because I know it was for something I didn't do," Reid said. "I lost faith in the justice system to know that you could be locked up for something that you've never done."


I did it today, it was very tasty

Why does Saudi Prince always wear funny looking clothes?

Everyone else wears suit, coat, pants. Zelensky wears a common shirt but we can agree its to symbolize "We are poor and we cannot afford expensive clothes like you during the time of war." Once war is over, you will see his suit.

But why Saudi prince? He is so wealthy, he can buy the entire US with money if he wanted. Homeless people sleep in Bugatti in Saudi Arabia.

Yet, you see him in public apperances, he is always in his funny looking towel head. Why?

TIL: DeathSantis wears clown-cowboy boots

recommend me some good :marseysoylentgrin: lovecraftian :marseysoylentgrin: kino

you know b movies cult classics whatever you want to call them, can be low budget as long as its not complete youtube slop made by three guys with an iphone movie

stuff like the re-animator (1985)

something jay bauman from everyones favorite internet friend simulator reddit letter media would recommend


Hysterical white woman
Bullshit In Bookform Lacking Evidence

:#singaporeansoldierjak: :#marseyakbar!:



Average dramatards

Brutal Scandinavian prison, those fricking monsters :soycry:

They have a Xbox instead of ps5 :soycry: they are European how will they play FIFA ?

Vaxxmaxxers holding the line on Homoween c. 2023



To our community:

I'm Marc Whitten, and I lead Unity Create which includes the Unity engine and editor teams.

I want to start with this: I am sorry.

We should have spoken with more of you and we should have incorporated more of your feedback before announcing our new Runtime Fee policy. Our goal with this policy is to ensure we can continue to support you today and tomorrow, and keep deeply investing in our game engine.

You are what makes Unity great, and we know we need to listen, and work hard to earn your trust. We have heard your concerns, and we are making changes in the policy we announced to address them.

Our Unity Personal plan will remain free and there will be no Runtime Fee for games built on Unity Personal. We will be increasing the cap from $100,000 to $200,000 and we will remove the requirement to use the Made with Unity splash screen.

No game with less than $1 million in trailing 12-month revenue will be subject to the fee.

For those creators on Unity Pro and Unity Enterprise, we are also making changes based on your feedback.

The Runtime Fee policy will only apply beginning with the next LTS version of Unity shipping in 2024 and beyond. Your games that are currently shipped and the projects you are currently working on will not be included – unless you choose to upgrade them to this new version of Unity.

We will make sure that you can stay on the terms applicable for the version of Unity editor you are using – as long as you keep using that version.

For games that are subject to the runtime fee, we are giving you a choice of either a 2.5% revenue share or the calculated amount based on the number of new people engaging with your game each month. Both of these numbers are self-reported from data you already have available. You will always be billed the lesser amount.

We want to continue to build the best engine for creators. We truly love this industry and you are the reason why.

I'd like to invite you to join me for a live fireside chat hosted by Jason Weimann today at 4:00 pm ET/1:00 pm PT, where I will do my best to answer your questions. In the meantime, here are some more details.*

Thank you for caring as deeply as you do, and thank you for giving us hard feedback.

r-slurred house kitty


The west is winning this century

Here is proof:

1. Ukraine Russia conflict is getting resolved with Russia getting so weak that they will never be a real power ever again. Likely falling below top 20 countries before the century is out.

2. Israel Palestine conflict is being resolved with Gaza getting turned to ash.

3. Mexico is getting westernized and turned into little America.

4. Saudi Arabia is being turned fully into American vassal state like Japan.

5. North Africa is being stabilized and converted by Europe

6. Turkey is losing future influence as it runs out of things it can blackmail the west on by using up its cards right now. Short term benefit, long term loss.

By end of Century:

1. Whole North America will be called proper west.

2. Whole Europe and half middle east will be called complete west.

3. Half East Asia will be called complete west.

4. China will become fourth most powerful country in world.

New biggest empire happens. This time holds 33% of world before collapse.

Biggest losers:




Tell me why you are stupid enough to think I am wrong.

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