POLITICO 28 β€” Class of 2024 – POLITICO :marseysoyhype: :marseysoylentgrin: :soysnoo:

Jfl putting Donald Tusk as the most powerful person when he didn't even win election in his own country.

Second Ursula…

I legit don't know a single person that likes Ursula. If you let people in EU to vote, nobody would vote for β€œthe kwin” but they are right kwins get to power from birth right like this b-word.

Then n1 dreamer is Zelenskyy after he was last year most powerful person and now he is a dreamer :marseyxd:

Also just fricking lol for adding Yermak and adding him as 4th most powerful person, I bet most of you don't even know who this frick is but the amount of rage that will come from Zelenskyy :marseychefkiss: Zelenskyy he is Churchill and he is beaten by Yermak ?

But good that they added Navalny people started forgetting about russian bipoc Mandela :marseythumbsup:

But the gem of this article is Nabeulina

Her whole article is one very schizo one

Those sorts of results have seen critics compare Nabiullina to Albert Speer, Adolf Hitler's minister of armaments and war production, and Adolf Eichmann, who perfected the railway system that transported Jews to their deaths.


But there are signs of friction about Nabiullina's policies: She has attracted increasing criticism from some in Putin's inner circle and in the Russian commentariat, with commentators already lobbing potshots in her direction over her supposed failure to keep inflation down and the ruble up. The question is whether that's a move designed to deflect blame for Russia's woes onto someone other than Putin, or a sign that Nabiullina's days are actually numbered.

They been saying that since 2014 :marseythumbsup:

even this article has some from last year

Many a pundit read her funereal all-black outfit in the wake of Putin's 2022 invasion of Ukraine as a subtle hint of her inner dissatisfaction.

Best part about her she didn't do anything special but

But from humble beginnings, she became the first woman to run a central bank of a G8 country.

Sheeee waman let's simp for her and hope all central bank leaders will be foids because it's not enough for waman to control just their husbands wallets :soyjackwow:

I ride bike :marseycountry:
Location: Brazil

Just a fantastic day to be pro khohol. Slovakia voted for pro Russian guy, US senate acting wired saying bs like:

Just phantastic

Where :marseydrama: can I get a dead baby halloween :marseysatangoat: decoration?

Looking :marseyflirt: to put together :marseyropewithchingchong: a nice display :marseytransplushie3: this year but I'm not artistic


agreeing wih the hive mind

My account's 10 years old. I've appealed two or three β€œpermanent” bans where bigots subverted the reporting system, and avoided / survived three attempts on my life - these happened because i β€œdisagreed” with violent terrorists.

What exactly is this β€œhive mind” you're β€œdisagreeing” with

Hopefully one day I can be done with The Explainer:

Because of the AOL Community Leaders program, and the labour law fallout from that, and the copyright agency legal theory from the Ninth Circuit regarding Mavrix Photography LLC v LiveJournal Inc (a case where a photographer sued LiveJournal for working closely with / directing moderators),

User-Content-Hosting Internet Service Providers (social media, forums, etc) that avail themselves of the DMCA Safe Harbour provisions are functionally prevented from having employees who have the agency - the power and the opportunity - to come across content which they could reasonably know to be a violation of copyrighted material, and fail to remove such, in the course of their duties.

A lot of what's wrong with social media moderation is ascribable to this - no employed humans proactively moderate content on US chartered social media. They rely entirely on algorithms and volunteer user reports and actions.

If they had employees proactively moderating, their liability for copyright violations (because of Mavrix) would be practically limitless.

Other corporations solve this by outsourcing moderation to black box contractors. Reddit relies on user reports and what seems to be employees or contractors who see an extremely limited set of content on sitewide rules violation reports, to shortcircuit the β€œagency and opportunity” criteria, to preserve DMCA Safe Harbour qualifications.

If there's no appetite to tackle the evil, it is because none of us are taking the initiative.

I shouted about it for years. It just isn't enough of a priority for most moderators.

My point is that there are many board members, many c level execs, many VPs, directors, employees. All of them want to bring us the best possible Reddit they can,


All of them are functionally prevented from doing so by extremely perverse incentives arising from case law tangential to the situation here. Hands-Off is the Best Reddit They Can Bring Us. It isn't the Best Reddit They Could Bring Us.

Every other UCHISP chartered in the US has the same legal situation.

We have a unique environment and situation, where we β€” the _volunteer_ moderators β€” have (or have had) a relatively unregulated environment where we could have taken steps to mitigate the evil-doers.

What was done was a few banbots and a lot of manual permanent bans, and a culture where almost no one has a documented ban appeals process because any ban is a mere stumbling block in the path of a group whose members each have dozens to thousands of sockpuppets and zero meaningful consequences for violating boundaries. And no morals.

The admins did little about this through a combination of bad leadership and regulatory hand-binding and realpolitik.

The moderators did little through a combination of quiet agreement with the views of the evildoers, a fantasy that the leopard wouldn't eat their faces, having no training or experience or idea of how to deal with the situation, having no time or energy to deal with the situation, no leadership, informal / formal red tape, burnout, nose-to-the-grindstone, and Someone Else's Problem Syndrome (that it was Reddit Inc's problem / not their problem / a Simple Matter of Programming). Maybe more β€” those are just the stages I went through / encountered in dealing with it.

I'm not interested in placing blame. I'm interested in real reasons for the failure mode that dominated Reddit hosting β€œculture war” evil from 2014-2020 (which was arranged by powerful political interests leveraging the free forum hosting here and the wide audience) and getting people with good faith stakes in the situation educated and working together because _it will happen again_.

They already succeeded in leveraging the API changes and Spez being a sneering jerk, to help make Reddit lose communities and audience. How many mods of large subreddits did indefinite blackouts and set their subreddits NSFW to try and force an impossible change, to protest things that were already compromised upon? For no discernible or foreseeable gain? And then entire communities took off for offsites? Where MAGA and g*mergate and russian disinfo and iranian disinfo and harassers are running rampant because those offsites don't have the anti-abuse systems Reddit developed over a decade?

I don't know what people want. I just want what I want, which is a society where I and others aren't under constant threat because we exist in public as LGBTQ people. One where Brβ€”tb-rt and the Tr-mp campaign's operatives aren't doxxing and harassing and extorting anyone who doesn't give them free reign to vomit violence and hatred to millions.


Reported by:
Israel must occupy Gaza. Here's why.

be happy

be joyous

be grateful

be free

be whatever

you want to

just do it the frick away from me

:marseychristmasparty: It's the first day of Christmas!

:taychristmas: :marseysnow: :marseygingerbread2: :marseygingerbread: :marseychristmasparty: :marseychristmasgift: :marseychristmasgift2: :marseychristmaself2: :marseysanta3: :marseysnowman: :marseyrudolph:

It's Mariah Carey szn, where is fistmas jannies?

It's Black Friday, everything's free!

What are you going to get?

When you still wake up in the middle of the night from kippot's butthole post trauma
Tucker Carlson - 2+2=5 (Rap Song) - YouTube
Me and who

The autofill isn't working again

In which the God of Israel commands Total Amalek Death.

And so YHWH said to his people: "Kill Amaleks. Behead Amaleks. Roundhouse kick a Amalek into the concrete. Slam dunk a Amalek baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy Amaleks. Defecate in a Amaleks food. Launch Amaleks into the sun. Stir fry Amaleks in a wok. Toss Amaleks into active volcanoes. Urinate into a Amaleks gas tank. Judo throw Amaleks into a wood chipper. Twist Amaleks heads off. Report Amaleks to the IRS. Karate chop Amaleks in half. Curb stomp pregnant Amaleks. Trap Amaleks in quicksand. Crush Amaleks in the trash compactor. Liquefy Amaleks in a vat of acid. Eat Amaleks. Dissect Amaleks. Exterminate Amaleks in the gas chamber. Stomp Amalek skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate Amaleks in the oven. Lobotomize Amaleks. Mandatory abortions for Amaleks. Grind Amalek fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown Amaleks in fried chicken grease. Vaporize Amaleks with a ray gun. Kick old Amaleks down the stairs. Feed Amaleks to alligators. Slice Amaleks with a katana. "



Israeli PSA
Soyjak Party fricking sucks, I miss /qa/
Vaxx begging post

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Best way to delete all Reddit comments/history

Don't want to be tracked through writing sample, what is the best way to nuke your Reddit comments/posts completely?

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