ONE BUCK - YouTube
Foid Facebook snark group devolves into snarky backstabbing
New jaking it toss dropped

Secret Service:marseyspyglow: agent says he moved 'magic bullet':marseywizard:
Thursday night drunk thread

Straight up lost track of how much I drank. It was at least a fifth of Svedka. I continued drinking and probably drank an additional 200ml of some tequila/vodka mix I got as a gift. Now to just play some RuneScape and online poker for the rest of the night


I just wanna pass laws again :marseyrage:

This is the most angry I've been over a fricking pig in a while. All these fricking bootlicker cute twinks immediately assault this innocent Patriot and lie to defend the pig. Then the pig shakes their fricking hands. Hopefully all the slave bitches get sued to death for being complicit in this man's brutal beating

Vegan seethe thread

Very easy to find slapfights all over this thread as the vegans found it very early.

In general vegans link to and heavily brigade any related thread so it's kind of crazy reddit never cracks down on that

Rooferpost: r/neoliberal say round em' up! :marseyhomofascist::marseystinky::marseyshooting:

3 of the cameos that went out this week.

And Thankyou for all the nice stuff you said about being in the Ripleys book

Proving soytards wrong: Solutions to all of today's big "problems"

Problem 1: Climate change

Solution 1: Renewables. Already being implemented at fastest rate possible without collapsing the economy. General outcome, with tech advances very likely to reverse climate change by 2060's.

Problem 2: China

Solution 2: China population going to halve this century. Half China cannot beat world.

Problem 3: Authoritarianism rising

Solution 3: Modern day authoritarianism is like 1950's democracy. Stop bitching so much. Dictators die and get replaced with new systems.

Problem 4: Poverty

Solution 4: Global poverty tracker shows global poverty is on the decline every single year except for when global catastrophe happens like once in half a century. Even delayed, poverty of the starvation kind will disappear from the world by 2070's. Stop bitching.

Problem 5: Water scarcity

Solution 5: Only states where corruption is too high fail at collecting and supplying enough water. It's a self solving problem. Stop bitching so much. Everyone will have access to clean water and it will cost money like electricity but a lot cheaper. Don't worry about it.

Problem 6: World hunger

Solution 6: Humans keeps getting better at producing more food per hectare every decade. Population growth is already slow enough that humans will likely outproduce human needs and supply chains by 2050's. Stop bitching.

Problem 7: Quality education

Solution 7: Indian tutorials for free on youtube you r-slur. Use them.

Problem 8: Gender Equality

Solution 8: Male testosterone is going down, by end of century there will be no difference between them and fellow women. Problem solved.

Problem 9: Economic growth

Solution 9: Economies keep getting richer every decade idiot. You get scared of one bad year. lil b-word.

Problem 10: Bad work standards

Solution 10: Work standards are going up every year. Stop bitching about it.

Problem 11: Sustainable cities

Solution 11: Cities are evolving every decade. It's a problem that will fix itself.

Problem 12: Peace in our time

Solution 12: All long term simmering conflicts will be finished this century or the next at most. After that there will be a stable status quo. Don't worry about it.

Everything is improving. Stop being a b-word. If you feel like the world is getting worse. That just means you are getting left behind. So do something about it and get to work you dumbass.

Boy kisser (song) - :marseyfurry::marseyhomofascist::marseylgbtflag3:
NO CREERรS QUE ESTE VIDEO ES DE IA por Macakiux - YouTube

Kirsty MacColl, the female singer here, is also dead. She was chopped up by a speedboat propellor in front of her young son while on holiday in Accapulco. The driver of the boat, a prominent local legitimate businessman, was never held accountable despite numerous witness accounts that he was piloting the boat unsafely.

Merry Christmas!!!

I found the new Ukrainian game changer

When it was announced I had no doubts it would arrive by that date, when was a product ever ready by its first release date ?

Familiarize yourself with TURKSOY :marseybug:

"Vertigo is only liked because men like it" -a man
The Killer

Straight away the lone killer doing weird stuff in a creepy room while he narrates some strange philosophy in the background felt like something I'd seen a hundred times before.

He was pretty boring as a character and none of his victims were particularly interesting either.

That fight scene in the house was pretty cool though, and maybe was the best part of the film. But even then they cheated a bit doing that fighting in the darkness trick.

Then at the end he spares the guy because ???

I think I'm mostly just tired of that character type. Edgy emotionless killer who for some reason always needs to be narrating. Nightcrawler was a cool film about a psychopath. They should make more like that instead.

I'm surprised that it has 86% on RT. Although then again it does seem like one of those films that critics score highly because they wanna believe it's good, and indeed David Fincher usually makes good stuff, but not this time.

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