Kanye says "Yes Diddy"

this is cirno


[–]Circumin -3 points 15 hours ago

>The Daily Wire. Probably had questions like "Do you agree with Republicans that schools should not be forcing s*x changes on children? Yes or no."

[–]Wyvernrider[S] 12 points 15 hours ago

>This was a NYtimes/Ipsos poll. Are you that dense?

[–]Ok-Bookkeeper6926 -3 points 14 hours ago

>polls dont mean anything

More :smugjak: in the comments

:marseycop: Redditors mald over cops eating hot dogs. :!marseyweenie:


Food looks amazing. I don't think I would be so enthusiastic about serving the oppressors though.


ACAB tho


so cops just roll up and get free food then then go down the street and give someone a ticket for handing out free tho the homeless..

The boot lickers here don't wanna talk about what cops actually do.

everyone is like he's so fast! he's crapping himself.....


How is this not a bribe?

I sell heavy equipment to municipalities, and I can't even take them out to lunch because of conflicts of interest. Cops are above the law.

It literally is. And they are taught that accepting free food is an ethical violation. These losers are willfully corrupt.


Did those cops get a free meal?

I hope so! If I had a place like this law enforcement would eat free if I could afford it. 👍

Would you serve boots to your customers or do you just save those for yourself?

holy frick redditors are insane


I've learned this is a tough situation. First, you for sure want the police protection in your area, and you want them to like you. Second, we pay taxes and favoritism is inappropriate, and one business should not incurr a cost in excess of another business for the same level of protection.

I wanna see the pink women's lace underwear shoppe also offer free pink lace underwear at the same dollar rate as the meal subsidy.


None uncanny!, even the hairline looks the same! :gem:

One year 2 months to Duilio Flora, 43, who has a prior conviction for possession of child pornography behind him. The episode happened on the first day of service

PADUA. The little student who reported being molested by the after-school teacher on the first (and only) day of the teacher's service at the Casa del Fanciullo "il Melograno" educational center on Santonini Street was believed. Thus came the sentence of one year and two months (suspended) for Duilio Flora, a 43-year-old from Brindisi, a graduate in engineering, computer scientist and science teacher in schools, currently suspended from teaching and present in the courtroom: the sentence was pronounced by the Padua gup Mariella Fino at the end of an abbreviated trial, an alternative rite that provides by law for a discount of one third of the sentence. Very serious was the charge charged: sexual assault against the 12-year-old pupil with a double aggravating circumstance, the victim's age under 14 and the fact that she was in his care for educational reasons.

The judge also applied the ancillary penalties of perpetual disqualification from public office and, in particular, from facilities frequented by minors. Flora, moreover, had a previous record (plea bargain of a sentence converted to a fine of 5 thousand euros) for possession of child pornography. Finally, an immediately enforceable provisional award of 5,000 euros was established, 3,000 for the little girl, 2,000 for her mother who constituted a civil party with attorney Aurora D'Agostino. This is an advance on the compensation that, as for the remaining part, will have to be quantified by the civil judge in a separate judgment.

The defense (entrusted to lawyer Luisa Granata) had always insisted on the defendant's innocence, firm in rejecting all charges. Prosecutor Sergio Dini, on the other hand, had urged a sentence of one year and eight months, believing that all the elements gathered during the investigation were sufficient to prove the defendant's responsibility.

The abuse occurred on the afternoon of Sept. 14, 2015, at the center attended by the little girl: her mother is alone, works, and the Municipal Social Services helps her by paying her tuition so that the little girl (good and diligent) can be tutored in doing her homework for a few hours in the afternoon. The 12-year-old is in class with other classmates and is doing her math homework. The teacher is buzzing around her and increasingly trying to shorten the distance with her: his hand insists on touching her until it reaches her private parts. Fortunately, the student immediately tells another teacher at the center about the incident. And the complaint is triggered: the next day the professor is "invited" to leave the school.

The victim had been questioned in the center "The Sunflowers" by a psychologist on behalf of the prosecutor: experts had assessed her testimony as credible.

What a wholesome way to end the year!, 2025 sure looks promising!, may 2025 be the year that TTD and TPD is finally achieved! :#marseywholesome:

!libertarianhunters !soyteens

Cavity vaccine
Post funny and good centrist comics

second nazi salute has hit the tower


Scott :marseydilbert: Mckenzie - San Francisco :marseybridge: (Official HD Video) - YouTube :marseymetokur:

[🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘] Which one would you consider ideal?


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

...I'm a lesbian. (7)

Then you'd stay silent. (-3)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

Can we please have a moratorium on these kinds of posts? (4)

You mustn't get mad. I'm sure if the male version of this post was made, you wouldn't say anything. Or you would pick a body type, lol. (-2)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

Those are literally both pics of Kim Kardashian. (142)

Blech! 🤮 (-5)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Dude you're comparing surströmming to human beings with human bodies , plus if he doesn't like abs or whatever he can just reject or not even date people who have em without disrespecting them , I swear if a woman or a fem person said the same thing about short men it'd be a different story now come on (1)

Points is still the same? I've met people who were so morbidly obese that they couldn't properly wash themselves and it resulted in them smelling like death. They were legitimately nauseating. Some body types are disgusting and some are just not attractive and some are. Sugar coating it does nothing to help anyone.And we hear it all the time how women think short men are ugly or gross or "not a man" etc. they're entitled to that opinion too….so not sure why you're bringing that up unless you're just trying to cry about some double standards (which has constantly existed so again…doesn't change anything). (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

And I am so tired of it. (1)

I am as well. Reddit as a company had a reputation for being hostile to women for years and you can see it on the platform. Women's concerns are rarely taken seriously and women are allowed to be insulted and picked up for endless deficiencies ("don't be fat" "don't have small breasts" "don't have cellulite" "don't have too much body hair" "don't have a flabby stomach" etc) unless it's a negative comment about Ariana Grande but that's only because she has the most aggressive management team in the world. But otherwise women are routinely denigrated and insulted and posts bashing women's bodies are constantly amplified by Reddit, (2)

Angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

Crazy that all but one of these women would be in the thinnest 10% of the female American population.It's no wonder that dudes think there are no girls to date, if you all think this is a variety of body types, 90% of women don't even exist. Plus throw in the added overlays that they can't be over the age of 29, and the legal overlay that they must be 18, and you are all severely limiting yourselves. (3)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Dianagorgon

Score: 🐮🔘🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 3

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Ambien: A Love Story in Four Parts

Part 1

17 Nov 2018

r/ambien: It this for real help

Edit: I really dont like this medicine.
I guess 20mg is too much, I mean I'm suppose to take 5mg. And my wife, a really wonderful woman, counted my pills for me. I took 4 5mg accused my wife of Loving our dog more. Then asked her what concrete was made out of then got angry and sat in the pantry until she would tell me. I slept on the couch. She's really upset, but understands it was the influence of the medicine. I made this post last night seeking help more than likely while I was in the pantry.


18 Nov 2018

r/ambien: I accused my wife of knowing what concrete is made out of than accused her of loving our dog more than me.

She's in a bad mood. I need to sleep but i really don't like this medicine.


Part 2

22 Nov 2018

r/ambien: mywife is soft nd ilikeher



05 Dec 2018

r/ambien: my wiwwwfie wife is visting her mom and i miss her

she smells nice and is reall soft

Im wish she washere



09 Dec 2018


yes i lovd her you have to bewilling to love her and shelllove you



Part 3

19 Nov 2019

r/ambien: It's been a long time since I've posted here, but I want you all to know my wife is still soft and I still like her.

I completely forgot about these posts, and I got a message today that reminded me of them I went through and couldn't stop smiling. I got in a fight with her recently and after reading these I went into our kitchen and held her. I told her I loved her and showed her the posts. She said she loves you guys.


Part 4

19 Feb 2022

r/ambien: diforce :#marseyscream:

form zelda driforce AAA g :marseytroll:



20 Sep 2022

r/ambien: Not on Ambien today, but my Wife calls you all my "Reddit fans." She told her coworkers I'm famous on this subreddit because of how often I gush about her



Bonus Material

r/TheLastAirbender: [No spoilers] just a world building question in general. but be warned NSFW. Do you think water benders can be their own contraceptive?


Redditors are suddenly in favour of deporting illegal migrants



Video is not necessary to watch at all and there are others, but I'm too lazy.

The comments however are fricking great

Elon has lost complete and total street cred with the most important demographic on the internet - !g*mers

Oh hey look it's Darkmatter2525, haven't seen that guy in like 10 years

Reported by:
[🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘] AITAH for telling my wife I'd have never asked her out if I knew she was a sugar baby?


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

NTA. What's a relationship, worse, a marriage, without trust?Vulnerability is important in all relationships and keeping secrets is so disrespectful, specially when you've been together long enough. (337)

No one is owed every aspect of your history. She has given no reason not to trust her (-43)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

When she had the actual "relationship" OP knew about. The sugar baby stuff was apparently after that, so she'd have been of age. (45)

We don't know that for sure. There's no timeline here. From what I'm reading her sugar daddy stuff was around late teens to early adults (-52)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

Your 1,2, and 3 are certainly questions worth exploring, but your are missing question 4 Can you regain trust with her or has this lie completely undermined your ability to believe her when she tells you anything important (180)

Idk, I think it's fair to ask whether she will ever trust him again, either, or if she ever did. He's not exactly giving "ride or die," is he? (-36)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

As someone who spent 10 yrs in a marriage with a man who judged me for having any type of relationship before him, I can understand why she was scared to tell u. My late husband, who died in May of 2023 of cancer, accused me of cheating, constantly called me a b-word, whore, slut and a c*nt every single day because of the fact I wasn't a virgin when we got together and I had an 8 yr old son when we got together. And he constantly interrogated me at the beginning of our relationship about the size of my son's father's peepee because I told him about the abuse I suffered at the man's hands(he beat and r*ped me for 8 years). And then spent our marriage accusing me of wanting cheating cuz I "needed" a "real" man cuz he wasn't "huge". My late husband was so fricking insecure and it sounds like u, OP, are just like that. An insecure prick who can't handle her past. IT IS HER PAST!!!! LET IT FRICKING GO!!!! Her past is her past. She is more than likely ashamed about that part of her life. But... (-3)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

ESH. Wow. Okay, so there's a lot to unpack here with the information you provided. Emotional reactions are understandable under the circumstances, but feeling your feelings doesn't excuse a person's behavior. And OP, your words were hurtful, cruel, and disgusting. Regardless of how you feel and view s*x work, you might as well have called your wife a whore. She did not call herself a prostitute, that is a label you put on her. You only know the side that she is telling you, and from the sound of it she was right to feel unsafe confiding in you. If she suspected you would react with such little understanding and empathy, then what is the point in confiding in something she did when she was young, immature, and probably desperate for money? She also might be ashamed of her past actions.Not only were you cruel, but imo you showed some very ugly colors in saying that you never would have even dated her if you knew. Though maybe if she told you, y'all could have gone your separate ways a... (12)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Dude! That's fricked up!!! You literally married a prostitute. I know you say you love her, but darn! She lied to you this entire time. I can only speak for myself, but I would get that marriage annulled. She's ok with lying to you to get her way. She's used to whoring herself out to get what she wants (gifts/money). You can never trust her. Luckily you don't have kids. Break that shit off and get the heck out of there. (-1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/OrganizationBorn2317

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🔘🔘

Number of comments: 14

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

magic faucet true believers in thread Daddy saves California :marseyhappening:

Oh nevermind all he did was turn on a few federal pumps that had been down for maintenance for three days :marseyteehee:

Reported by:
It is Peanut's birthday today


Happy bday peanut :marseychungus: :marseyeasterbunny: :marseybunny2:

LLM is selling ad space lol :marseymanlet:


If you're thinking of running for office, I'd love to chat with you.

Check out three months of data—@AntiWuCoalition delivers real engagement, not just impressions. Unlike traditional digital ads that get ignored, my audience actively engages.

Spend your political ad budget wisely—reach out with what you need, and let's get your message seen, shared, and talked about.

Canucks won chudessay lost




45% of Democrats want their party to be less extreme, vs 27% of Republicans.

!anticommunists !trump2028

[cw: sadposting] Taking the wrong message from suicide notes?

I wonder if this is another example of me being kind of broken and maybe this is a topic for my therapist, but I've noticed I have kind of the wrong (I think) reaction whenever I read a suicide note in like a book, or online. I think most people are like, "Oh my god, how tragic! Gone before his time! She had so much to live for!" :marseycry:

...but I guess I take people at their word? Like I read these notes and they seem p compelling to me. Like, "wow, darn, yeah you're right. it sounds like your life really sucks."

If someone says they're a human shitstain and the world would be better off without them, who am I to say they're wrong? Like, they would probably know best why they suck.

Believe :marseyclapping2: shitstains :marseyclapping2:

what exactly is "Après ski"? from the "snowbunny" Wiktionary

I saw this:

2. (Canada, US, slang) A young, attractive, female skier; a sexually active young woman attracted to the promiscuous après-ski way of life.

naturally, I looked it up immediately:

VICE confirmed it's foids slooting, whether rich or poor I just wanted to see the term used somewhere:

"while, I went on a one-woman rampage, spending most of my days either up to my armpits in soap-suds and other people's pubic hair, having s*x with stoned, broke teenagers on Tabasco-soaked mattresses"

For some reason I had to click at least one Reddit link before I backed out. This proved to be a good idea, shout-out to epic definition definer /u/Piper6728:

It originally meant after skiing social activity, but it eventually became lewd and sexual (in superman 3 evil superman used Après ski to screw a woman's brains out)

(in superman 3 evil superman used Après ski to screw a woman's brains out)

Gemini explained the Superman III scene with this link

[Superman slowly walks into Lorelei's room]

Lorelei: How about a little après-ski?

[as Superman walks closer to Lorelei,]

Lorelei: Champagne?

[Superman proceeds to make out with Lorelei]

White people can't behave. WPT locks all posts


:drafts: Does this look like a couple in love to you?

Ari clearly has the ick.

I can't get over Ari's hand :marseyxd: She's posing like this is an annoying fan that wants a quick selfie, not the guy she fricked and destroyed two marriages to have.

Texas migrant shelters are empty amid immigration crackdown | The Texas Tribune | :marseyparty:


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