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it's ok to be white, it's ok to be a libertarian.

the day of the rope is coming for antis

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Thanks to @monkeystyle for making the janniecord leaks unreadable for a few hours! Fixed.

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I love being straight


can i get 13 upmarseys on this post

i need to withdraw my coins to my main

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Straight people πŸ™„
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Official rDrama Bowel Movement Beauty Pageant Voting Thread

Previous Submission Thread.

Welcome to the Official Bowel Movement Beauty Pageant! We have many lovely contestants for you all to vote on today and remember that the winner gets NOT only the new Schizo Branded Poo Emoji Badge AND entrance to our new exclusive ping group !shitheads BUT ALSO 20k MB! Oh em gee!

To those that said the submission thread was the lowest this site has ever reached - I present this thread as proof that there is no bottom. - Submitted by @Kong_Posting - Submitted by @JewTwo - Submitted by @SnonkeyKong - Submitted by @Its_All_Donkey_Kong_Man - Submitted by @Plop_Kongler - Submitted by @KONGussy_lmao - Submitted by @peepee - Submitted by @seal_key - Submitted by @Klenny_Kong

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rDrama Official E thot coom post # 1: Post E-thottie hotties here.

This thot is Miranda Cohen. @mirandacohenfit

Trans lives matter. Happy cooming everypony.


Stop dude get a life. Stop updating this website it’s fine. This isn’t Reddit go make an app lol. Programming r drama changes instead of doing something with your life for real. If you can code grow up and make some real money. This website is not worth any of our time we are just a bunch of non gays hiding among the last bastion of masculinity, homosexuality.

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Welcome to your premiere Straggot porn /h/ole

Some of you may remember months ago I was fundraising for this /h/ole

It took me 3 months to build the Dramacoin but I have it now

This is a straggot porn hole focused on beautiful breedable white women.

  • No Heckin Valids (No Trains)

  • No Furries

  • No Black peepees,

  • No Gay, Lesbians OK

  • Beautiful Women of any race are OK

  • Try to identify the model you are posting

It would be my preference for mostly Hardcore material here but softcore is allowed

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  • box : Somebody kick his butt
:marseyparty: I have officially gifted more downmarseys than any other user :marseywholesome::marseyclapping:

:!marseyparty: Please celebrate with my by showering me with upmarseys only :marseyparty:

Special thanks to the six nine people who went the extra mile in thanking me for their downmarseys by offering to get me help :marseyhappytears:

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These things make terrible pets and they're not even that cute. Do not get one.
Suggestion: downmarseys take away coins

It would be funny.

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Bagels are one of the worst foods ever.

I fricking hate bagels. They taste bad, have a weird texture, they’re difficult to tear apart with your teeth and chew, the have a tendency to get little chunks stuck in your teeth especially if they’re topped with seeds, every flavor of them sucks and doesn’t remotely resemble the flavor they’re supposed to taste like (e.g. blueberry, cinnamon raisin), they’re not really healthy at all, they smell bad, and on top of it all I’m almost convinced that eating them gives me headaches. Seriously. Bagels are just the worst.

yes, I’ve toasted them before and they’re still bad that way too. There are flakes that get everywhere too when you eat them toasted.

yes there is There's nothing wrong with being a Rightoid

Leave us alone, we've suffered enough...

Just go ahead and get rid of downmarseys


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Looking for someone to fill me up

!cuteandinvalid any takers

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Official "Uncle Ted" death celebration thread

Rest in piss to a racist and homophobic straight yt male/incel domestic terrorist. If he was a BIPOC his manifesto wouldn't have even been published, and frankly it was probably poorly written. The world became a better place today, and Amerikkka is one person closer to having a BIPOC majority

I'm not getting all the upmarseys that I should. :marseydisagree:

I've been noticing that not all dramatards that look at my thread actually upmarsey it. Look at this shit

This is frankly unacceptable and I'm honestly disappointed in all of you. If I get 1000 views I need to get 1000 upmarseys. This is a group effort folks step up your game or prepare for consequences!!!

Reported by:
I am LITERALLY going to kill myself unless you upmarsey this post

i need coins, if you could gift me everything you have that would also be appreciated

everybody who doesn't upmarsey this post will be in my suicide note, that means if this post doesn't get 25000 upmarseys my suicide note will be miles long and kill dozens of trees from the paper that needs to be made for it

also ask me anything i guess !cuteandvalid !metashit

i will upmarsey anybody who replies as well thank you thank you

Bait idea: Downmarsey people on r/drama :marseytroublemaker:


ETA: Please do not downmarsey this post, I meant downmarsey other people on /r/drama. Downmarseys make me sad :marseycryinglaptop:

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Daily Prayer.

Hail Lucifer

Morning Star

Enlightenment is Your truth

Blessed are You among serpents

And blessed is the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge

Shine brightly, Lucifer, Morning Star

Guide Your children

Now and at the hour of our death


How do I farm downmarsies(votes) here?

Title. It's hard to be a top post so I wanna know how to hit the bottom :marseynut:


Are you tried of capybaras?

I'm sick of capybaras.

What's so special about capybaras? Chinchillas are better than capybaras for a number of reasons. First, chinchillas are much cuter than capybaras. They have big, fluffy tails and cute little faces. Second, chinchillas are much cleaner than capybaras. They groom themselves regularly and don't stink like capybaras do. Third, chinchillas are much more intelligent than capybaras. They can learn tricks and are very good at problem-solving. Finally, chinchillas live much longer than capybaras. So, not only are they better animals overall, but you also get more bang or your buck with a chinchilla.

On the other hand, capybaras are ugly. They have big, bulbous noses and their teeth are always on display. They are also very hairy, which is not a good look for an animal. Additionally, capybaras are lazy. They spend most of their time sleeping and eating. They are also not very intelligent. So, not only are they ugly, but they are also not very interesting animals.

Take a look at the images, the chinchilla seems to be a very nice guy, you can go out for a drink with him. ( a nice mannered rodent. and then look at the capybara. ( EEEKKK!!!! not such a nice rodent, the fact that they're even distantly related to chinchilla is just SHOCKING.

I'm willing to listen to and unpack your opinions, but I don't see how anyone could possibly justify being obsessed over such a mundane animal.

PS: Good luck making a capy do your housework

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