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  • eva_isaKONG : i cant post here because aevann knows i am too sexy.
rDrama Dating Hole

!meowr is the ping group

!chuds and !nonchuds find love

!male feminists find easy targets

!r-slurs and !neurodivergents find each other

Rizz lessons from Johannes

holeposting again

nice guy shoots his shot, stacy laughs and shows him chad's shackle


!meowr why even try

Meowr: Missed Connections


a Meowr success story


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Where 2 find moid with this phenotype?

Queen Ashley Jones is offering her services to our Incel Community (Feb Monthly Column) :marseykneel:

!incels @Vegeta !truecels



🦂 looking

❌ npnc

❌ no taps

❌ no fat

❌ no old

❌ no fem or trans

you got this bro

!Meowr !chads


I'm a 31-yo guy, and a week ago I had my first sexual experience (never too late for success I guess!)

It was really nice, my partner was great, and I am proud to report that I gave her an orgasm

However I couldn't come myself, despite being very aroused and my partner really wanting to help. What's weirder is that later I tried to masturbate and still couldn't.

Two days later, we saw each other again, and we couldn't have s*x for logistical reasons but there was a lot of flirting and heavy petting. By the end my testicles were extremely painful (though still a lovely afternoon all things considered). And yet afterwards, nothing.

That was 5 days ago! Still nothing to date.

Since then whe has been traveling pretty far away. We've been exchanging some suggestive texts, I regularly fantasize about her, I have trouble focusing on anything complicated, and I have erections galore.

I initially speculated that it was stress (even though I felt relatively calm), but I've been sleeping well, and despite the distraction and the occasional testicular pain I feel quite good emotionally.

I tried watching porn etc, no effect, I just get bored. I've never experienced this state before.

I asked Claude what it thought but it gave me boilerplate "oh you just need to get used to the new situation, or maybe you're too stressed, if nothing changes a week from now you should see a Professional"

But this seems more like psychology than urology (otherwise why would it occur at this precise moment?), so any intervention is likely to have a small effect size. Besides, I know LLMs have their faults but how is a random doctor going to help if Claude has no idea?

We're planning to meet again this weekend, if I'm still in the same state then I guess I'll be a very altruistic partner again lol

But at some point she's gonna wonder what's wrong (even more than she did the first time I mean). I'm happy to tell her the facts but I'd also like to be able to explain them.

Does anyone know about this phenomenon, or have any idea what could be going on?

Or maybe you know someone I could get in touch with

Thank you!

Would you vote for your gf?

!Meowr !foidmoment

Wife material
Enchanting 100 (🔷Legendary)

!Meowr !alligatorfrickhouse !babykillers

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LADIES Check out my bed designed with your comfort in mind :marseyflirt:

My DMs are open :marseyshy#:

I'm gay but considering sleeping with a woman.

Should I do it?

I don't think it'd be fun because I don't like talking to women, but I could just see if I can be genial for a couple hours and take one home.

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  • Impassionata : RDRAMA'S BEST WORK THUS FAR
  • Healthy : If you're interested in pics of a woman's literal shit in the potty look through this user's posts.
  • soapysoapy : it was a contest :((
Even BPD girls can find True Love? (Part 1) :marseyheart:

I come to you writing this from a polar heck-scape, somewhere I never thought I'd end up. My fingers move at a snail's pace and the toes of my right foot have gone numb. Frozen fog fills my lungs. Thick blankets of snow absorb almost all sound, except for the faint whistling of a breeze brushing through my unwashed shit colored hair, and the sound of my heart beating strongly with anxiety...

Women with my particular issue sometimes struggle to find their one and only. I gave up this endeavor before even starting, doomed to a life of ao3 scrolling and liveleak watching. I've actually known him for more than a year, and you wouldn't believe where we met. Our relationship is something straight out of a Shoujo romance... If you've ever read Kimi ni Shika Kikoenai you know what I'm talking about. He's like a beautiful flower I found and keep locked in my garden, of course I ensure he's well taken care of. He wants for practically nothing with me, and I truly believe that he'll never need another person in his entire life ever again.

They warned him about me. Some people fear me, but I know it's because of the demonic presence that have taken up residence in their souls. I have the cunning ability to expel these demonic spirits. Infected peoples can sense this unique strength I posses and without even really understanding why, they feel a sense of hatred towards me. Through the goodness of my heart I do not hold it against them, only pity them, and hopefully one day bring sanctity to their poor souls. They run from me though, and my more worthy endeavors demand the most of my attention.

Despite being warned by liars of my doings, he does not fear me. Even still I believe he is drawn much closer to me and the flame that is my burning heart. It's greatly endearing and he will be rewarded for this loyalty. Even in the bitter cold, I don't need a coat or boots because my demon expelling spirit burns hotter than the sun. He is drawn to this aspect of me, among many other things.

Recently, he flew me out to visit him. No man has ever done such a kind gesture for me, so I was honestly taken aback. Nevertheless, like a stag in a snowstorm, I pushed ahead into the unknown. And by god I was rewarded for it. Chat, you could never know how innocent and perfect he looks while asleep. Like a puppy, my flower is. I always carry a pocket knife in my bra, for safety and utility reasons, and I honestly just couldn't help myself. He was in a deep sleep, but not even snoring or drooling. Perfectly laying on his back, soft hair tumbling over his forehead in an angelic fashion. The temptation to bite him until I drew blood was overwhelming but even better ideas flooded my mind.

Slowly, I knelt over the bed, careful not to wake my perfect sleeping flower. My movements were as delayed as they were precise- can't frick this perfect opportunity up. The knife was removed from my bra and I flicked it open with a singular, smooth motion. He doesn't even notice the sound of a pocket knife flipping open inches from his face while he's sleeping (can you imagine how lucky I am?) I quietly warm the blade up to body temperature by pressing it against my forearm, enjoying the view from beneath me. Like I've been possessed, the tiny but deadly sharp blade is moved up to his neck. At this point, I'm not even myself anymore- someone completely different. An "out of body experience" would be a massive understatement. My flower isn't awoken by the blade at it's vulnerable stem, the control is all mine- so is he. 'Is he having a nice dream?' I wonder. This control is intoxicating. After withdrawing my pocket knife from his neck, I take this opportunity to check his driver's license for valuable information on him. It's always good to know more about those you love.

Anyways, I think that despite my many faults, I've really found the one for me. He's perfect in every way and I will never let him go. Do other girls with BPD struggle finding long-term romantic partners? It would be nice to talk about this issue with some other BPD sisters :)

Happy Valentine's Day! <3

It's Valentine's day, this hole should be full; M4T, I will be dressed like Donald Trump and you need to wear a pantsuit with yoga pants

If your peepee is too big, you may need to wear a peepee cage. Foids and gays acceptable, but it will get angry. No eye contact unless you want to go ctazy mode

Call me

+33 1 60 54 06 34

she said yes! later losers

!Meowr !fakecels

[WANTED] White boyfriend for 24 hours

This is your one chance losers, dont mess it up!

Heres review of the movie shes talking about btw:

Me & Who

@YALLAHblessYoTraplord this could be us but u playin'

I like the passion in the bedroom but I can't handle Latinx tempers


why can't I just meet a nice girl


people tryna make america great again but nobody's trying to make my heart unbroken again sadfrog

!Meowr !fakecels

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Wanted: dummy thicc mommy milker loving understanding soft assertive waifu mommy gf

!builtfor BAC

!Meowr !r-slurs !neurodivergents !autism

:marseynotes: ooh I'm gonna remember that one


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