- Christisbornlicious : unironically pls ban
- LuckyLouis : disgusting
- Neon_Needles : not reporting for content, but for lame shock that even babies wouldn't be impressed by anymore/
- Meesecakes : Mald harder
- AssignedCopAtBirth : This is not 4chan circa 2007
- ElectricFencePence : Jannies, ban this parasite please
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I get it, the vaxxed we're the real mindless zombies all along...very chuddy
- boogiecat : white devil trying to send another black man to the plantation
- boogiecat : this neighbor r-slurred
- dramaqueen : jokes on them, i was just "larping" as a libertarian
- DaddyReagan : chomo shit, even ironically, is still chomo shit
- TheUbieSeether : 2nd or 3rd time OP has gone on about (ironically) being a libertarian.
- JoeBiden : Post child porn to own the libs
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OK, not really. The bait sub is /r/sexpositivehomes
But I had an idea, why not just post in real subs? /r/sexpositivehomes has all the makings of a bait sub, we just need to ratchet it up a bit.
The mods of the /r/sexpostivehomes are already degenerates so I don't think they'll ban us, if anything they'll fap to our posts. On a very cursory view of the mods posting history, you see they literally all post in the likes of: /r/inbreeding, /r/TeenSexEducation, /r/incest_relationships etc.
One mod posts in /r/teenagers. "Her" posting history makes it seem she is in high school and she says she's been impregnated by her father. LARP or otherwise - it doesn't matter, these "people" are too far gone
Why should you join in?
It's funny and if it goes the way of our other bait subs, it'll be y'alled for good.
I don't understand all the pearl clutching, /r/TPTK was literally a sub about grooming your children which this site happily indulged in.
Fine I concede to the fact that my idea is basically feeding libertarians their fetish fuel. Anyone have another sub that can be repurposed to be a bait sub?
- ManBearFridge : No u
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If ur pro vax thats cool, thats ur dramatic choice, but yall starting ur little pharma corclejerks and quitely downmarseying the responses u dont like but cant respond to is some redditor tier bullshit.
im just letting yall know now ima enjoy pointing out cute twinky-moments and making u feel my hatred of ur pathetic bitchass selves, stay safe out there
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βRatioβ shut up. Shut the frick up. Nobody cares! Youβre gonna get the negative side of this ratio that you so care about. Shut the frick up. I thought Reddit was bad enough but now itβs borrowing from Twitter. Nobody gives a shit about the like ratio, nobody gives a shit about your r-slurred comment. Take my advice and shut the frick up!
- i_only_downvote_bad_posts : !vlogs
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!downmarseyrs let's kill /h/reformationofdrama before it grows!
- IHaveNoMeatAndIMustGrill
- RegnisLarson : Porn
- Epicaricacy : Unflagged NSFW
- Brum : Mine eyes
- LizardPerson : Frick furries
- novie : >1 person saved this
- CaptainAlex : Degenerate trash
- Skyfur_Everlight : KEEP YOURSELF SAFE
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you didn't have to see this but mods say i have to join house furry to post in /h/furry, truly 1984
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You read that right. cheese smells and tastes awful, and ruins every single meal it's added to. When it's melted it's especially worse and has the texture of phlegm and taste of distilled vomit.
And yes, I have tried countless types of cheese from all over the world and they are all repulsive.
Cheese is disgusting. Itβs useless additional calories. There is no reason to be addicted to cheese and thereβs no reason to add it to perfectly decent meals and sandwiches.
- 24-7_ROCK_COCK : hate speech
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Cry about it. Posting shitty orange cats on other sites and acting r-slurred to βtroll le chudsβ is next level cute twinkry.
- Nixoncrats_for_trump : Objectively wrong opinion.
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I've said it before, and I'm sure that I can be somewhat verified as not that user, but it is true that ChromeOS is the wave of the future and as ChromeOS and android become integrated it's over for everybody else.
It never began for applecels, even back in '77.
And windows, well at least legacy Windows is still running on some warships and in banks.
But things are changing.
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bottom text
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Success: I have downmarseyd a bad post in every hole. Honestly it was super easy since I've never seen a single good hole post.
- WeThreeKweens : Guys guys I just found out you can report posts do I get a badge now
- not_a_raccoon : fricking r-slur