OK, not really. The bait sub is /r/sexpositivehomes
But I had an idea, why not just post in real subs? /r/sexpositivehomes has all the makings of a bait sub, we just need to ratchet it up a bit.
The mods of the /r/sexpostivehomes are already degenerates so I don't think they'll ban us, if anything they'll fap to our posts. On a very cursory view of the mods posting history, you see they literally all post in the likes of: /r/inbreeding, /r/TeenSexEducation, /r/incest_relationships etc.
One mod posts in /r/teenagers. "Her" posting history makes it seem she is in high school and she says she's been impregnated by her father. LARP or otherwise - it doesn't matter, these "people" are too far gone
Why should you join in?
It's funny and if it goes the way of our other bait subs, it'll be y'alled for good.
I don't understand all the pearl clutching, /r/TPTK was literally a sub about grooming your children which this site happily indulged in.
Fine I concede to the fact that my idea is basically feeding libertarians their fetish fuel. Anyone have another sub that can be repurposed to be a bait sub?
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I'm not posting on /r/sexpositivehomes or /r/teenagers under any circumstances, and I'm pretty sure that goes for most users here
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One time I slid into a teenagers thread to out a user as a 30-something neckbeard, but otherwise you're spot on. I'd rather hijack a sub from the schizos at /r/directedenergyweapons or something
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Someone needs to put in a Reddit request for /r/gangstalking it's a dead sub with huge potential. I will volunteer my expertise
and convince them to flush their risperidol scripts
Edit; NVM it's not dead anymore still we should steal it

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Yeah, apart from the specifics taking over a subreddit is a good idea and probably better than creating one at this point (bait subs mainly just turn into shitty rightoid versions of /r/xcirclejerk subs because r-slurs don't realize that 1. No one will find a sub if you don't advertise it and 2. Even Redditors understand the conscept of satire sometimes)
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taking over subs also won't get us instabanned
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Not /r/teenagers. Too big and lots of actual children there
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You sure about that?
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yes, it's still mostly actual teenagers. it's 5% adult larpers, but ... /r/teenagers
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Doesn't that more so prove that dramatards obsessed with kids are libertarians, rather than most /r/teenager posters being libertarians?
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They banned every redditor who had posted a significant amount in teenagers not just drama who posted in drama too, most of the DMs featured were people who bitched about how they never posted in drama before but suddenly got banned
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Ah I must be misremembering
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You might be right I was not an active dramneurodivergent at the time so I only see the historic archive
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I thought you only got notified of a ban if you had previously been active in the sub but maybe that was changed at some point.
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Some of the screenshots people say hey I never used ur sub before and I got banned
I think that's the way it used to be back then and then they changed it
But idk I don't post on Reddit much anyways
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why? /r/sexpositivehomes is less bad purely text wise than /r/transparenttranskid ("im crushing HRT and putting it in my kid's cereal"), ("my 5 year old is getting SRS today") ("how can i help my kid dilate"). the fact that they're not baiting is the problem
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I want to say something mean but your posts on this thread speak for themselves.
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the point of this site is to 'say something mean', sweetie, pls go ahead
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I'm good
I had a long conversation with loli_esports this morning, have already spent enough time speaking to libertarians today
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well i can't speak for, er, "loli esports", but i'm not a libertarian!
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To be fair to loli_esports he isn't lurking in this thread acting all desperate to post in a subReddit about literally raping children
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impressively ignoring my statement that 'i don't want to post there, i'm just arguing about it here'
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Literally keep yourself safe
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I did comment several times on teenagers but i made sure to tag myself with old flair prior
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Go commit die
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Are we using the same website? rdrama literally LARPed as train libertarian groomers and revelled in it?
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i agree, larping as libertarians is BAD. anyway, r*pe jew BIPOC holocaust
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i don't think i can make funny jokes about a "sexpositivehomes"-like sub. it's too degenerate.
maybe the opposite like "zerosexeducationforkids" or "nosexeducation," i could make tons of jokes about that
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And shitposting about HRT'ing your 4 year old and making them have sleep overs with 40 year old trains is not? I don't think this is that much worse than /r/TPTK
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i never posted on that sub tbh, i'm a new user. the only sub i've ever touched really was friendsofbrian
i will say though that i think putting your kids through weird medical things is a bit different than pretending to be a libertarian
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TPTK was ironically shitposting about something that is legal.
Posting on this fricking unironic libertarian subreddit is not the same.
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that is just patently untrue? where on earth did you get that? TPTK was worse than sexpositivehomes by legality.](/i/l.webp)
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"Let's post libertarian degeneracy as bait!"
I'm out.
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This idea sucks and you should feel bad
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Again, what's the difference between this and TPTK?
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I wasn't here for TPTK but I think there's a difference between making an obvious bait sub and cohabiting an existing sub with actual groomercoomers
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what precisely is the difference
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@frick said "adding fap content for libertarians" versus genuine trolling
I have no interest in writing libertarian coomerposts and anyone who does should consider why that is
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"i have no interest in writing racist rageposts. anyone who does should consider why that is???" by that logic we should shut down the entire site.
you don't have to add fap content! you can just write trollposts. "help, i wrote a blogpost about my s*x positive home and now CPS is here. what can i do??"
or spam about your s*x positive home of 50 year old gay dudes with lots of sweaty orgies
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Racism β libertarianism
You won't see me writing hurr durr ima go Elliot Rodger haha le epic troll either
posting is unbased and straggotpilled
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this site's tagline is 'mayocide'.
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It's the difference between
Lol Ted was right lol internet and its consequences lol
Here is this building, here are these packages I designed and the components I am using within them
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Difference of perspective I guess. "sweaty" and "yikes"posting along with the usual outrageous rdrama bait, isn't exactly cohabitating imo. But I can see where you're coming from, we'd be basically adding fap content for libertarians.
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If u can do it and get it banned than good job, but I am already on enough lists and I would rather not click on that sub let alone post there
I would say something about people who can write convincing libertarian posts should rope but honestly if it's like any of the other coomer story subs the level to be convincing really isn't a high bar.
So yeah I'm not tryna participate but if u can do it and get it jannied then I will make u a very ugly badge or marsey or something
Or u fail to get it jannied and the
nab u first
Tl;dr High risk, high/disgusting effort, low reward IMO
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Even for me I don't really want to post there, especially with only 3 dramatards who would be open to this. Honestly I wanted you guys to do it.
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Stringauer seems very hype on it
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generic 'bad person lists' aren't real? you don't get put on a 'list' for saying the n word. the 'real' lists are for ISIS, bc the govt actually cares about those!
this is literally the leftoid 'anything vaguely adjacent to RACISM is BAD and i will NOT touch it ew'. the goal is to make fun of them.
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My advice is this. Don't pretend too be a libertarian unless you are willing too court the risk of being mistaken as a libertarian and possibly attacked as one. If you're fine with this, go ahead. For example,
@sirpingsalot like conflict and @sirpingsalot worship the God of War. @sirpingsalot would not mind having an excuse too legally blow a hole in somebody's head when they mistook my prank for the real thing and tried too punch me: in fact, @sirpingsalot would probably enjoy the opportunity too tithe somebody else's blood too the OG (Old God) Mars(ey). Killing stupid garbage who are too r-slurred too reason correctly using facts and logic is a good deed that makes the world better, and brings you positive karma in the afterlife. That said, most people are not as fond of conflict as me, so just know what you are getting into.
That said, posting as the abused children in these relationships and seeking "advice" is a reasonable and much more risk-free thing too do. For example, you can post as a 16 year old whose dad said encouraged her too touch his peepee under the pretext of "educating her in s*x-positivity." Tell them it made you feel really weird, and you want too ask them if this is normal in a s*x-positive household. Most of them will respond in a way that outs them as massive libertarians, telling you that not only is it OK, but that you should consider going further, or something like that. And because you're not pretending too be a libertarian but rather a libertarian victim, you're less likely too encounter entanglements with the law. In fact, you may even out a few libertarians whose information you can pass on too police.
Oh yeah, trans lives matter
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Sorry ma'am, looks like his delusions have gotten worse. We'll have to admit him.
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guys im talking to marsey on irc and shes telling me to send her my social security number and to post about being a libertarian on /r/sexpositive homes should i do it????
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Yes post in sexpostivehomes fellow dramatards. It will generate much seethe. Wouldn't that be funny haha
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Most subtle
@Langley alt
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le epic troll my dude
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i think you're missing the point of bait
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I admit my idea was ill-conceived but libertarian outrage-bait is still bait. After getting the libertarian sub colonised by dramatards (<-- the ill-concieved part) posting outrageous shit, I was going to x-post onto /pol/, /r/NoahGetTheBoat, /r/Cringetopia to... bait them.
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Honestly I would have totally supported this a few months ago , I used to think keeping libertarian subs open was a good thing because i thought it made easy prey for the glowies. But if you look at geese_suck thread (top cc thread of all time), he identified a libertarian, got a shit ton of info on him, contacted the cops and literally nothing happened. So I would worry it would just enable the libertarians and feed their fantasies. I'm skeptical it would actually get the sub shut down.
Good intentions, wrong execution
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Yeah, I remember that post & I'm not surprised he hasn't been locked up. We don't have actual material proof of him diddling his kids, and it was never guaranteed his kids would admit to anything in an investigation.
As for getting that sub y'alled... it's possible, it just needs site-wide attention. Large scale attention = j*urnos.
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if you actually want to shut down /r/SPH literally just contact reddit trust&safety on twitter or something, actually accomplishing things isn't that hard. don't make a whole mythology out of it
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Yes, because no one has tried that before, rslur
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i don't mean @redditsafety, i mean reddit's equivalent of @allthefoxes, directly hit their personal accounts (but not with spam, pleasantly yet urgently worded writing)
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what I don't get is, who are you baiting? the sub itself already has plenty of outrageous libertarian shit so what would you add by posting?
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the aforementioned subs and boards
that sub, as bad as it is, isn't 100% fully a libertarian ring. I mean, it is... but not fully. There's a lot of other stuff like "i want my son to be comfortable being open that he's dating" and "how to teach safe s*x to my kids" which is not that bad on it's own, but much worse after digging around the sub. Dramatards posting outrageous posts would only bring the seedy parts of that sub (of which there are many) into the spotlight.
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Sorry, but no. They skeeve me out too much.
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I have no desire to LARP as a chomo
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For a bunch of supposed dramneurodivergents, y'all sure are cringing away from this one pretty hard. Maybe you're all closet libertarians and you don't want to out yourselves.
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Youβre gonna need to go home after this one. Certainly laughed though! Had a great time! You gotta go though, they donβt allow this kinda shit here. To be honest itβs kinda fricked up in a way too. Anyway, just get better. Spend some time reflecting, but most certainly get this Tom Foolery out of here.
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... I don't think I could bring myself to shitpost in subs like that. It's just fricking wrong.
I'd be waiting for the cops to kick down my door and lay into me with their nighsticks
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I have become a libertarian to own the libertarians
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Today i found out reddit has incest subs
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My advice is this. Don't pretend too be a libertarian unless you are willing too court the risk of being mistaken as a libertarian and possibly attacked as one. If you're fine with this, go ahead. For example,
@sirpingsalot like conflict and @sirpingsalot worship the God of War. @sirpingsalot would not mind having an excuse too legally blow a hole in somebody's head when they mistook my prank for the real thing and tried too punch me: in fact, @sirpingsalot would probably enjoy the opportunity too tithe somebody else's blood too the OG (Old God) Mars(ey). Killing stupid garbage who are too r-slurred too reason correctly with facts and logic is a good deed that makes the world better, and brings you positive karma in the afterlife. That said, most people are not as fond of conflict as me, so just know what you are getting into.
That said, posting as the abused children in these relationships and seeking "advice" is a reasonable and much more risk-free thing too do. For example, you can post as a 16 year old whose dad said encouraged her too touch his peepee under the pretext of "educating her in s*x-positivity." Tell them it made you feel really weird, and you want too ask them if this is normal in a s*x-positive household. Most of them will respond in a way that outs them as massive libertarians, telling you that not only is it OK, but that you should consider going further, or something like that. And because you're not pretending too be a libertarian but rather a libertarian victim, you're less likely too encounter entanglements with the law. In fact, you may even out a few libertarians whose information you can pass on too police.
Oh yeah, trans lives matter
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You can type 10,000 characters and you decided that these were the one's that you wanted.
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Is there a "support" forum specifically for trans teens? Seems like that would hit some sort of bait sweet spot.
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we already kinda did that with transparenttranskid, aping /r/cisparenttranskid
but yeah, /r/transteens /r/bisexualteens
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/r/transgenderteens is a thing but it seems quite dead
it's probably already bait but it's linked on one of the big trans subs
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