Bard spotting on Bluesky 24 February 2025 :marseyrandom:

Here we spot wild Bardfinn Bluesky activities.

Be valid and ping ! bardfinn for something worthwhile or create a new thread.

Tree Ornaments.

Also it's go time lol.

Working now on putting all of the raccoon sequences into one big, fluid, video. It's at like 20 minutes now though and I don't think people are going to sit and watch the whole thing.

The United nations is useless


Reading reddit just makes me more racist

Ketamite jew betrays his muslim friend and srdines clutch pearls in their cans!




Most mentally stable leftoid Redditor


>literally nothing happens

>Calls out of work for stress because le orange man

>Redditor knows "revolutionaries"

>They are all drug addicts alcoholics

Just lmao

Orange Site notices the SFBA Rationalist Cult


oguz-ismail 3 hours ago | prev | next [–]

How does a 27-year-old fail to kill an 80-year-old with a samurai sword?

tibbetts 3 hours ago | parent | next [–]

Probably by trying to do it from first principles.

It might be time for me to take my assorted SFBA Rationalist Cult writing and put them on a blog. I'd have done it already but the goddarn fascism just keeps on marching onwards.

Aurornis 3 minutes ago | parent | prev | next [–]

Weird to see a community I followed show up so close to home and negatively like this.

I had some coworkers who were really into LessWrong and rationality. I thought it was fun to read some of the selected writings they would share, but I always felt that online rationalist communities collected a lot of people with reactionary, fascist, misogynistic, and far-right tendencies. There's a heavily sanitized version of rationality and EA that gets presented online with only the highlights, but there's a lot more out there in the fringes that is really weird.

For example, many know about Roko's Basilisk as a thought exercise and much has been written about it, but fewer know that Roko has been writing misogynistic rants on Twitter and claiming things like having women in the workforce is "very negative" for GDP.

The Slate Star Codex subreddit was a home for rationalists on Reddit, but they had so many problems with culture war topics that they banned discussion of them. The users forked off and created "The Motte" which is a bit of a cesspool dressed up with rationalist prose. Even the SlateStarCodex subreddit has become so toxic that I had to unsubscribe. Many of the posts and comments on women or dating were becoming indistinguishable from incel communities other than the rationalist prose style.

Even the real-world rationalist and EA communities aren't immune, with several high profile sexual misconduct scandals making the news in recent years.

It's a weird space. It felt like a fun internet philosophy community when my coworkers introduced it years ago, but the longer I've observed it the more I've realized it attracts and accepts a lot of people whose goals aren't aligned with objectively "make the world better" as long as they can write their prose in the rationalist style. It's been strange to observe.

Of course, at every turn people will argue that the bad actors are not true rationalists, but I've seen enough from these communities to know that they don't really discriminate much until issues boil over into the news.


In 2009, all Asians in the US had was Joy Luck Club, pandas and "azn." Complete cultural irrelevance and felt like representation peaked in the 90s.

Since then Asian Americans were a major part of some of the defining subcultures of the 2010s: raving, streetwear and designer fashion, anime, K-pop, gaming/streaming, tech bros, millennial wanderlust, MUA YouTube, "cool" chefs and campus politics.

Since the 2020s Asians have continued to take Ws while avoiding any backlash. The newest American ultra billionaire is Asian and is perhaps the only tech billionaire that isn't hated by most of the country, yet. Trump lost in 2020 in part due to backlash from healthcare workers, TikTok lovers and the optics of "Kung Flu" while winning in 2024 by softening on China and Tiktok. Stop Asian Hate was genuinely the last moment of left idpol unity before its collapse and that fake crisis was endorsed even by conservatives who focused on "who exactly are beating up Asians in SF πŸ€”." Asian directors won best picture three years in a row without any DEI accusations. Asians shifted right in 2024 and successfully rolled back Affirmative Action alongside whites but the focus is only on Arabs and Latinx for "betraying" the coalition. Even in this current moment Indian hate in the US and Canada is at all time high while Asians (who drive up the cost of housing more than Indians I bet) are enjoying record high Q scores. All while the stereotypical "virgin" has slowly shifted from pittiable East Asian math nerd to detestable South Asian bobs and vagene type. The entire political spectrum sees East Asian countries as the pinnacle of culture and India as a smelly den of male feminists. Jews are kicked out of leftism for their loyalty to a Muslim oppressing ethnostate while activists download little redbook. Every town has multiple boba shops and the number continues to increase.

Not sure if it's all a psyop or the payoff of several decades of keeping your head down and doing your homework but I'm wondering how much longer it can continue.


Comrade accidentally joins the revolution


Itachi's Hate

!anime !weebs

What are your favorite anime soundtracks to listen to?

For my new years resolution I have decided to take up cardio kickboxing classes. I am still underweight so I'm not supposed to do too much cardio, but I will also be trying to eat more so it should balance out.

An art angel among evil art hoes

perfume, but not for homos

Checking out some fragrances today. Unlike most of you apes, I don't rely on my "natural musk" or "urinating everywhere" when out in the wild to attract mates. On one page, I found a couple o comments that might go against the mindset that only homosexuals wear perfume.

Advance&Conquer; 02/08/25 14:01  

boffin1979 you nailed it!


(scrolls down to see comment because I'm a retard and don't understand CTRL + F.)


boffin1979 Β  01/31/25 23:04

Exactly the same as Tobacco Blaze, but with a more vegetal leaning evoking more of a masculine bias. Very nice. If you like "different" this one is for you. Not recommended for gays and nancyboys.


So, ladies, do you want to smell like a :gigachad4: or are you a :bussyboy:?

Chuds are r-slurs: Evidence #48573205


The "news" article even quotes the intent and then goes on to entirely ignore it

Naturally chuds

This bill is about sperm and regulating it, which is creepy, weird, and all sorts of 'WTF.'

Like chuds obsession with babies.

Every 2 months, a Redscarepodoid posts the exact same take on sports betting...

And these mouthbreathers eat it up. :marseybrainlet:



You can read more here about Lord Doogycel and the allegations against him.

After a little over two years since getting banned from IncelTear for the grooming allegations, St Doogycel attempted to return on his new alt account: Barleficus2000. That name alone exposed itself as Doogycel's alt. Detectivecels found an abandoned World of Warcraft forum profile belonging to Doogycel, where he mentioned his character name is Barleficus. However, the final nail in the coffin was when Lord Doogycel bragged about his old comics and lied about the circumstances he was banned for. As subtle as a brick, fellow IT users realized this was him and he was canned shortly after. Since he wasn't suspended for ban evasion (yet), Lord Doogycel is still active on that profile, acting like nothing happened.

Anon's family is well known at the local pizza joint
Tourists are the dumbest humans on the planet


Reported by:
Frick the police-marsey

!coomers !2dgooners

I am also once again out of dramacoins to pin things :marseypoor:

I wish people took me seriously when I say I'm trans age : r/nevergrewup


I'm 16 but I feel like I grew up to fast. I still feel like Im 8-9, my age dysphoria is bad I hate birthdays, I hate telling people my age, and I hate being around people my age or older because I feel little and even ppl who are 13 feel older than me :(. and I try my best to dress like an 8-9 year old even though I'm tall and don't look like a little kid :(, why don't people take me seriously when I say I'm trans age? I just want to be respectful and validated and taken seriously. I'm not a creep, I just have age dysphoria and I still feel like I'm mentally 8-9

:marseyxd: :marseyemojilaugh:



!neocon !neolibs

To all our well-meaning newly-arrived liberal refugees, who is this "we" you keep referring to when you lecture and virtue signal about Ukraine?

As far as "we" are concerned, you're all 80% as complicit as the isolationists in the current rightoid administration for the current geopolitical state of the world. It was Biden's Afghanistan withdrawal which emboldened Putin. It was years of liberal soft-handedness and tolerance of crossed red lines from Russia, which prevented Ukraine from joining NATO. It was Biden who refused direct intervention even when Russian troops were miles away from Kyiv. From Iran to Russia to Hamas, and soon China, we've warned for decades that authoritarians are deterred by solidarity and strength, not olive branches.

And now you want to lecture about Republican isolationism? My brother in Allah, you're the problem. As far as we're concerned, you're post Molotov-Ribbentrop Stalin lecturing about the dangers of nazi expansionism. Our contempt for isocucks does not preclude our equal contempt for you. So spare us the self-righteous lectures. The prisoners at gitmo are lucky they were only subjected to waterboarding, and not "self-righteous lecture by self-unaware liberal".

"Could it be the fault of Bush fricking up the Iraq War (and lying about WMDs) that Americans are now isolationalist? Nope. It's Obama's fault"


Reminder to Rdrama: Love thy Enemy
Pope Francis :marseypope: has pneumonia in both lungs , Vatican says

Failed races list.

In 2023 I was training to run a marathon but then injured my leg and didn't do anything for a month and even after I recovered I got lazy and gave up

one time I was playing Mario Kart and came in 8th place when half the players were CPU

What are some times you have failed races?

White people can't behave. WPT locks all posts


Reported by:
  • Vegeta : Sorry I only read news in MAXN
Why the COVID:marseycovidscare: Deniers:chudjakdancing:Won:marseyitsover: - The Atlantic :soyjaktantrum:

The author :taylorlorenzcrying: of this article was Bush's speech writer famous for crafting the axis of evil :quote:

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