
I like the horse in the bar.

Congratulations rdrama user! You have made it to friday. :marseycheeks:

Ruling govt says Imran committed “offence of corrupt practices”

Protests reported from Lahore, Islamabad, Peshawar and Karachi as PTI leaders urge people to pour into the streets

Imran says disqualification aimed at barring him from leading Haqeeqi Azadi (Rightful Freedom) movement

Fawad Chaudhry says it’s a “slap on the face of 220m people”

Imran’s lawyer Gohar Khan says ruling will be challenged in IHC “right now”

Imran was ousted earlier this year by the Army after disagreements with Army Chief Bajwa. Despite his ouster, he remains extremely popular among people, as his party PTI won 6 out of 8 seats in bypolls held this month.

Now the ECP has banned Imran from contesting for 'corruption' (meaning the army wants him gone), so now his supporters are seething all over.

Some good quality resident evil 4 gameplay footage is finally in.


  1. Graphically looks very good. Skin doesn't appear plastic.

  2. Movement flow is also good. I think it's about 10-20% away from looking like completely natural human movement in between transitions and during gameplay.

  3. The zombies look good and there is weight to each one of them.

  4. More QTE's but they look cool so I am fine with them. Some might even actually like it more with the QTE's.

  5. They added in the radio girls face now. New waifu unlocked.


Looking forward to what the other areas and characters look like.

Original resident evil 4 released in 2005. Remake release is 2023. That's like 18 years.

Looking at all the remakes I think the best time for a remake is about 13-18 years after the original.

Your thoughts?

I'm drunk and I need help finding a song

I like, unfortunately, German rap. Left Boy was the first song played at my wedding.

There is a music video on youtube, of a German rap group of super lefties, where they tear down the German flag in a scene of some dudes like solo picnic. I can't remember the group, or the name of the song, but I need it, I want it, I reach out to you dramatards in my drunken state to help me find this.



No club near me plays Eurobeat :marseyitsover: it's just shitty pop and David Guetta :marseygiveup:

[🤓🤓🤓🔘🔘] PolyMC isn't "compromised"

Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

It is compromised, in the way that the developers who did the most work (just look at the github contributor page) and package PolyMC for flathub and the AUR were kicked out without discussion. (5)

Disagreement =/= Compromisation (-5)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

[removed] (5)

imagine taking the time to create a throwaway account just to complain to a developer about a project you did not make.Pathetic. 💀 (1)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Projects dead. Mojang has revoked all permissions. Went to remove them myself and they were already gone (0)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

Imagine a developer reclaiming a project for himself he did barely any work for and claiming it is because of „those radical leftists“ (4)

First of all, you're driving the thread out of context.Secondly, I never defended lenny for his actions.Third, the response from the group he tried to get rid of is honestly even worse than lenny's action. I'm all for lgbt rights, but death threats, brigading etc... is this what the community is supposed to be remembered for? Is this the LGBT legacy? Be toxic to anyone that is remotely uncomfortable with your movement. What a shame.Fourth, it's your human right to disagree with me and I fully respect your opinion. That to the point that I upmarseyd your comment instead of blatantly downvoting it for my own satisfaction. (5)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

thank you, you did the health thing. i have never played minecraft or this mod of minecraft but i can tell you, getting into those politics only causes quality to decay and the corruption to spread. thank you for not allowing art to be destroyed by evil ideologies. (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

First of all, you're driving the thread out of context.Secondly, I never defended lenny for his actions.Third, the response from the group he tried to get rid of is honestly even worse than lenny's action. I'm all for lgbt rights, but death threats, brigading etc... is this what the community is supposed to be remembered for? Is this the LGBT legacy? Be toxic to anyone that is remotely uncomfortable with your movement. What a shame.Fourth, it's your human right to disagree with me and I fully respect your opinion. That to the point that I upmarseyd your comment instead of blatantly downvoting it for my own satisfaction. (5)

Should the LGBT community tolerate and normalize people degrading them? No, if you're gonna throw shit, expect getting shit back. (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/jkst9

Score: 🐮🔘🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 4

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡🔘🔘🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Seigmen - Metropolis - YouTube


Reported by:
  • Yui : How unwise
Lizz truss is gone

She is great example of glass cliff and how r-slurred people are. Like b-word been PM for a month she barely had any effect on the country course yet she get blamed for it jfl


Daddy Z looking 🥵🥵🥵


rdrama vampire story idea.

Aright I am gonna do you all a solid and give you a dramanaut story idea for free. Here goes:

BIPOC vampire from the 19th century wakes up in current year. He finds out trains are real, ghetto trash exists, white people became whiny losers, incels are a thing, and how gay people reproduce. As a vampire like all vampires who do not fit in with their times he was put into a deep sleep by other vampires to try again in the future with his vampire ideas and ways of life.

Some choice scenes:

Scene -1:

Bald buff Naked BIPOC vampire pursues a long haired man into the bathroom. Kills the man and steps out of the bathroom stall. Sees a bunch of women staring at him. realization hits

BIPOC vampire: My pronouns are she/her. leaves through the front door.

Scene - 2:

BIPOC vampire is stealing some white kids because kids have the sweetest blood. Gets caught by a neighborhood watch.

BIPOC vampire: This kid is gay you straggots should stay in your lane. Walks away with the child

Scene - 3:

BIPOC vampire has been way too visible and loads of people have seen him. He looks like a super black guy and is only hunting in white liberal neighborhoods for the most part. Finally some of the neighborhood watch go to the police to report him.

Neighborhood watch guy: There is somebody going around our neighborhood going around stalking people.

Black police officer: Okay sir, could you give me a description of the assailant.

Neighborhood watch guy: Well, he is well built, has wide nostrils, big lips, a sloping skull, black eyes, built strong, and has some clicking sound when he talks.

Black cop stares at neighborhood watch guy : Alright. What...color is he sir.

Neighborhood watch guy getting uncomfortable realizing he is coming off as racist: is...white.

Scene - 4:

The neighborhood watch guy finds out the weakness of BIPOC vampire, it won't drink the blood of transwomen, the high levels of artificial estrogen are poisonous to it. Now the neighborhood watch has to go on a side adventure to find a transwoman who passes and can be used as bait for the BIPOC vampire.

Scene - 5:

The BIPOC vampire is finally staked and killed by the neighborhood watch. A group of cops and FBI agents arrive to find the skeleton and label the event as a white on black violent crime with the neighborhood watch getting dismantled and it's leader being taken to jail.

After - credits scene:

A vampire Genghis wakes up from his unmarked grave to the year 2206. He opens his eyes to see himself surrounded by a whole group of mongolian :marseytrain2:s. Genghis closes his eyes again and tries to go back to sleep as tears stream down his cheeks.

Where's my emmy.

Chad Keef

Today in Mountain Lion News (10/19/22)

Is there a mountain Lion in Boise? The world may never know.

Cute twink Bruce - Peepeestar



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