FRIDAY :marseyjason: MEME THREAD :marseystitch:

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suck a peepee if you really wanna celebrate pride month

St. Matthew Island β€” Overshoot & Collapse

During World War II, while trying to stock a remote island in the Bering Sea with an emergency food source, the U.S. Coast Guard set in motion a classic experiment in the boom and bust of a wildlife population.

The island was St. Matthew, an unoccupied 32-mile-long, four-mile-wide sliver of tundra and cliffs in the Bering Sea, more than 200 miles from the nearest Alaska village.

In 1944, the Coast Guard installed a loran (long range aids to navigation) station on St. Matthew to help captains of U.S. ships and aircraft pilots pinpoint their locations. The Coast Guard put 19 men on the island to operate the station.

In August 1944, the Coast Guard released 29 reindeer as a backup food source for the men. Barged over from Nunivak Island, the animals landed in an ungulate paradise: lichen mats 4 inches thick carpeted areas of the island, and the men of the Coast Guard station were the reindeer's only potential predators.

The men left before they had the chance to shoot a reindeer. With the end of World War II approaching, the Coast Guard pulled the men from the island. St. Matthew's remaining residents were the seabirds that nest on its cliffs, McKay's snow buntings and other ground-nesting birds, arctic foxes, a single species of vole and 29 reindeer.

St. Matthew then had the classic ingredients for a population explosion: a group of healthy large herbivores with a limited food supply and no creature above them in the food chain. That's what Dave Klein saw when he visited the island in 1957.

Klein was then a biologist working for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. He is now a professor emeritus with the University of Alaska Fairbanks' Institute of Arctic Biology. The first time he hiked the length of St. Matthew Island in 1957, he and field assistant Jim Whisenhant counted 1,350 reindeer, most of which were fat and in excellent shape. Klein noticed that reindeer had trampled and overgrazed some lichen mats, foreshadowing a disaster.

Klein did not get a chance to return to the island until summer 1963, when a Coast Guard cutter dropped him and three other scientists off on the island. As their boots hit the shore, they saw reindeer tracks, reindeer droppings, bent-over willows, and reindeer after reindeer.

β€œWe counted 6,000 of them,” Klein said. β€œThey were really hammering the lichens.”

The herd was then at a staggering density of 47 per square mile. Klein noted the animals' body size had decreased since his last visit, as had the ratio of yearling reindeer to adults. All signs pointed to a crash.

Other commitments and the difficulty of finding a ride to St. Matthew kept Klein away until summer 1966, but he heard a startling report from men on a Coast Guard cutter who had gone ashore to hunt reindeer in August 1965. The men had seen dozens of bleached reindeer skeletons scattered over the tundra.

When Klein returned in summer 1966, he, another biologist and a botanist found the island covered with skeletons. They counted only 42 live reindeer, no fawns, 41 females and one male with abnormal antlers that probably wasn't able to reproduce. During a few months, the reindeer population had dropped by 99 percent.

Klein figured that thousands of reindeer starved during the winter after his last visit.

With no breeding population, the reindeer of St. Matthew Island died off by the 1980s. The unintended experiment in population dynamics and range ecology ended as it began β€” with winds howling over a place where arctic foxes are once again the largest mammals roaming the tundra.

Lunchmaxxing :marseyviewerstare:

Overnight oats with dried raisins, sultanas, sunflower and pumpkin seeds with orange jam preserves. I abuse the milk set out in the break lounge for tea and coffee and leave it in the corpo fridge so I always have lunch there. Topped with strawberry jam too.

Also it's smoothie day today :marseyembrace: I got raspberry.

!besties :marseyfluffy:




If you guys weren't aware crowded is a a not so cute, cute twink.

Think the performative part might have something to do with 99 percent of his "comedy bits" include him dressing like a women.


For the uninitiatied: This is the absolute r-slur who spent weeks arguing that "2 + 2 β‰  4"

He's also famous for making sophomoric ggplot charts in R to show off his "data science" chops :marseysmug2:

and going viral for bullshit like this:

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Orange man is the new mlk

A few thoughts on β€œConfessions of a Mask” :marseyseppuku: :marseyhomofascist:

I finished β€œConfessions of a Mask” yesterday, BUNCH OF SPOILERS AHEAD.

I found this book to be much better than β€œThe Sailor who fell from Grace with the Sea”, the beginning was kind of weird with Mishima describing his fetishes like masturbating to a St Sebastian painting

This one to be more specific, and I giggled when he had an erection at school after seeing his older classmate show his hairy armpits during a physical education class while describing the pits as β€œblack bushes” with fascination :marseybooba:, not to mention his suicide fetishes.

Then by halfway the book became increasingly sad.

This an honest confession written by a man tormented by his homosexuality, he desperately tries to blend in and fails, at some point he holds on the idea of war and dying in battle or during an air raid, he even says he wishes his entire family would die as well trying to act as emotionally robotic as possible. Then we see that's just a coping mechanism as he cries after his sister dies and cries again after realizing his mates mocked him for not having being able to have s*x with a prostitute. You can also tell he wishes he was in love with Sonoko and kind of regrets not having married her, at the same time he knows it wouldn't have worked, or at least he wishes he was β€œnormal” enough to be sexually attracted to her.

All in all this is a well written book and I wonder what sort of reaction it caused on mid 20th century readers.



Kinda disappointed she didn't mentioned how she get her degree and talked about Covid vaccines and what happened to those

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How do you respond without sounding mad?


Trudeau has inspired another generation to carry on the proud Canadian tradition of black face.

β€œLast summer, I disguised myself as a Black man and traveled throughout the United States to document how racism persists in American society,”

β€œI recognize that my independence bothers people, but I think it produced a tremendously important and historic book,” he added.

β€œNobody has an experiential barometer with respect to race, for that matter,” he writes. β€œNobody except for me.. My barometer is better than anyone else's.”

Just when you thought Canadian leftists couldn't get more out of touch this banger arrives. Do we have an /r/Drama book club?

I found a video about it and it's even stupider than I imagined:

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On the one hand, you have Joe Biden. Boring and old, but supports men's rights, has appointed hundreds of MGTOW judges to the federal courts a majority of whom have been men and includes a record number that have worked for oil rig and other white men organizations, and passed the largest funding package for combating foids non sense in the history of the US.

On the other hand, you have Donald Trump. Officially a convicted criminal, found liable for raping a men last year, appointed the Supreme Court justices that ratified the 19th Amendment the year before, and plans to turn America into a foids femocraty through Project 2025 which includes a nationwide only fans accounts, s*x work support, everything to woman divorce and more.

One of these will be your President in January 2025. You either vote AGAINST Trump by voting for the only man that can beat her, or you vote for her whether directly or indirectly by wasting your vote on a hapless 3rd party nothing that won't come close to winning a single state. These are your choices. The future of America, and in a lot of ways the world by proxy, is in your hands.

I just pointing how insane it would had sounded if men made post about supporting men's right, that's why we need to push for equality

Redditors trying to have an independent thought

Boeing Starliner CFT Launch Thread :marseyastronaut2: :sciencejak:

!spacechads !ifrickinglovescience Launch is scheduled for 12:25 pm EDT

This is the third overall flight of the Boeing Starliner capsule and the first crewed flight. Success will ensure Starliner's certification for the Commercial Crew Program by which NASA pays for private company services to shuttle astronauts to the ISS.

Crew members are:

Commander Barry E. Wilmore

Pilot Sunita Williams

She does have a large chin

I'll stream the launch at Kino Session chat

Reminder that the old sub was reopened by jannies and Is now full of tourists

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