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Holy shit this squirrel is eating people :chudconcerned:

Yup that's human alright.



[>It was quite a site to behold, actually. I've never seen a squirrel with a bone in my life, let alone seeing one climb up my vertical patio post holding one.

EDIT: there's been a lot of comments about the squirrel so here it is.

EDIT 2: okay so we called our local non-emergency line and they sent an officer over. The officer took some pictures and told us not to touch it. He's sending them to an investigation unit to verify the bone's origin. If it is human, he informed us that our property basically becomes a crime scene so that sucks, but whatever.

EDIT 3: The officer ended up taking the bone in an evidence bag. He said they'll be in touch if the bone is human. The investigations people couldn't determine enough from the pictures. That's basically the end of it for now.

EDIT 4: Our neighbours in the townhouses behind ours just informed us that there have been squirrels in their attics for the past 3 weeks (all the attics are connected). This could be a potentially creepy revelation, or just a weird coincidence. In any case I haven't heard anything more from the officer which is good news for me. I'll update if there are any revelations.](

!animalposters :#marseyveryworried: thats a massive squirrel

Loved by a carp

@carpathianfIorist @Carp


We have now in one day more than 20 visual lost Bradley’s that’s 1/5 of their Bradley’s gone



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  • Jew : shitpost
Poop Plane Aftermath

I know it smell crazy in there

Plebbutors dunking on turtlecells

Based on an earlier thread

Mod on /sp/ play this and look at the marsey on 5ip of the screen

Janitor on /sp/ gets BTFO / spee outlaw

Also here is a literally who that made a video on it

Most hated Reddit Mod finally got Banned / Hero Hei

New Indian lore just dropped :marseyhotep:

Shakespeare in Love really blows if you know anything about Shakespeare

I saw this when it came out and thought it was overrated. Watching it again as an adult I realize it's embarrassingly r-slurred:

:marseyshakespeare: :plus2::marseyheart::equals2::marseygigaretard:

I can't deny she was a qt.

  • The whole plot is explaining how Shakespeare came up with the story of "Romeo and Juliet*, but irl the story has already been told in English plays and goes back to Italy. :marseygodfather:

  • There's lots of weird sexual behavior, I guess because "omg lol it's olden times but people are fricking".

  • Gwenyth Paltrow doesn't try to sell rocks to stick in your kitty. This is implausible.

  • Shakespeare is portrayed as a struggling young artist disrespected by society. Irl when he was writing his plays he was older, famous, and pretty rich. He was part owner of a company that worked for the queen and a household name. :marseynerd2:

  • Queen Elizabeth is rude and bitchy for some reason, not someone charismatic who inspires loyalty. For some reason she watches the play in the theater with commoners instead of having the company she patronizes come to her. This despite the constant assassination plots against her. :marseykingsmug:

  • Shakespeare is estranged from his wife, as many tards like to imagine. This is a flying saucer level conspiracy theory based entirely on his will leaving his assets to his daughter not her. But he didn't run out on his wife. He spent most of his life in Stratford with her. :marseyfacepalm:

But the really tarded thing that makes it laughably awful is that everyone talks like they're in a Shakespeare play. Real people didn't speak in poetry, they spoke in fricking English. It was much closer to how we talk now than the flowery stylized language used in plays. I mean ffs, how exhausting would it be to stay in iambic pentameter 24/7?


Famous Shakesperian actor Patrick Stewart's reaction.

So to sum up, it's a movie for midwits who think they're highbrow but only know Romeo and Juliet, the basic b-word Shakespeare play they know from high school.

StackOverflow: Announcing OverflowAI

/r/programming sneed:

!codecels discuss


Start here:

>OP β€” you have no idea what this did for me. I have a very similar situation and I've felt so alone. I've been with my boyfriend for 10 years (since the beginning we agreed no porn boundary.) At the start of Covid in 2020, I accidentally saw him (strategically hiding it while i was in a work zoom meeting.) It destroyed me. He promised me and you know the drill. I had decided to stop worrying about it and to trust him (I figured if he messes up then it's not gonna work anyways.) We we're planning/getting closer to marriage in the next six months. Ive been on top of the world adoring him and absolutely loving my partner (thinking I'm so lucky!) I was running a bath the other day, and walked out to see if he could make me a tea. I saw the explicit Reddit video and confronted him. I suffer from mental illness as well, and I feel the same. I don't want to end the relationship, and like you said I want my best friend back. I don't think he's there anymore β€” I'm building my strength to leave. I hate pornography and what it has done to my best friend.

'can't believe my boyfriend was jacking off in the bathroom during covid'

I recently found out my bf of 10 years developed a PA a few months after our cat tragically passed away (very sudden, she was basically our kid since we don't want kids.) It hit both of us hard and we found different coping mechanisms

'no more kitty in the house meant my moid had to go online and look for it'

Just looking for some support as I found out about a month ago about my partner of nearly 10 years PA (cropped up as a poor coping mechanism in response to a family death about a year ago)

holy shit lmao

My best friend. My partner of nearly 10 years. I'm realizing porn addicts are truly selfish, cruel, (and ultimately SAD) people inside. I feel disgusted and hopeless about men β€” whether it's how society tells them they're allowed to behave or their own design I pity their lack of humanity and empathy. I just want to be free of this monster who clearly does not care how his actions impact my mental health, education, work.

straggots endure this for a crumb of kitty

imagine choosing to be straight. you may as well just rope

The piece de resistance that got me here is this one:

I'm honestly depressed that I'm straight. I have no hope for men

Literally how I feel. There is no hope for men with femoids like this. Scrotes, take the gaypill.

>Turns out this β€œnice guy” developed a porn addiction during covid and has been using porn as a coping mechanism for stress and grief (despite it being a clear boundary in the relationship.) An entire relationship gone, and a future gone, all because he couldn't process emotions or maybe it's because he feels entitled to objectifying women. I'll never understand.


My personal guess?


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[Important] [Plant Posters] Corpse Flower Review

It actually doesn't really smell like a corpse but smells more like a garbage can. Not nearly enough to make you gag or anything though. If you've ever smelled a dead large animal I would say that is much worse. This is like the lite version. I could actually smell it from like 50 yards away though which was pretty impressive.

Really cool to see/smell in person.

Here is some Lily of the Incas they had in the same building, I think they look very good. I would love to impregnate a native who had these in her hair.

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