- DaddyReagan : unexile me you cowards
- lmao : Unexile me too pls
: Mayocels be seething
- himachalite : I already told you, you have to perform a public penance to be unexiled.
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- DaddyReagan : unexile me you BIPOCs
- himachalite : You have to perform a प्रायश्चित्त first and admit the superiority of the Indian race.
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Indian men created using Stereotypes and ai
— Madhav Kohli (@mvdhav) December 27, 2022
First, Delhi pic.twitter.com/BVoa4GRSBt
There are too many to screenshot but here are the first few -
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Raut, a close aide of Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray, however, made it clear that he was not criticising Modi.
“Hitler used to do a lot of events…that’s what Modi does…..it's true….in fact Modi follows Hitler…look at the social media,” Raut said referring to the propaganda machinery.
“The way Hitler used to do events, Modi and his party do it similarly ….I am not criticising him,” he said pointing out how in 1936 Germany hosted the Summer Olympics in Berlin when the entire world was against the German dictator.
"Hitler was a popular leader, he may have been defeated later….Balasaheb Thackeray admired him…even Modi is in love with him…now if anyone praises Hitler, it cannot be treated as sedition,” he said referring to Mein Kampf.
These are the anti chuds who'll save the idea of India.
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So I was reading an article about ricebag converts taken to Scandinavia and the author mentioned a guy named Sennapa Naik as a throwaway who seemed interesting. I spent 1 full hour MTLing the chapter on him from a Danish book and its genuinely a lot more entertaining than that shit article. Can't believe that journocel will get paid for it while I do it for free Anyway
Sennapa Naik left Tranquebar on 4 February 1795 as a stowaway aboard the Asiatic Company's "Juliane Marie"<, The following day it was written in the ship's log: "Found that a black sailor named Senepa had got into the ship and stuck himself between the pumps on the lee. When he appeared before the captain, he declared that he wished to become a Christian and to be employed as a sailor. Herr Capt. Lemming then ordered that since he was now in the ship, and we have several seamen, he could be employed at half-master with 5 rdl. monthly pay. The captain thought he had acted right and cheap, because this young man showed a desire to be a Christian.
The purpose of the voyage was, among other things, to complain in Copenhagen against the governor of Tranquebar, Major General Pe- ter Anker. In 1799, Supreme Court lawyer Klingberg wrote in a court document that the Indian came forward with this complaint "as he approached our coast and presumably smelled Denmark's hospitable country air.
There was little evidence of the alleged abuses, but Senna- pa was able to hand over two papers. One was a letter signed by nine people, most of whom described themselves as chairmen of the Tranquebar inhabitants and their districts.
King decided on 20 November that a commission should be set up in the colony to investigate the situation. The task was difficult, partly because some of the allegations were of a very vague nature, and partly because an investigation had to be made "without infringing the authority and reputation which are and ought to be attached to the office of governor". The unspecified allegation of siphoning off the population was disregarded and the investigation concentrated on the facts directly connected with the imprisonment and punishment of the two caste leaders. This theme of the investigation was formulated in eight questions.
Sennapa Naik stayed in Copenhagen for almost 6 1/2 years. About his fate during these years, marked by déroute, several details can be gathered in connection with his numerous references to public authorities and his role in court cases.
On 3 February 1796 the King resolved that Sennapa should be paid from the East India Fund 1 rdl. a day from 20 November 1795, the date of the resolution establishing the Commission. According to this and to a new royal. resolution of 9 March, Sennapa was paid 302 rdl, corresponding to his maintenance until 16 September 1796.
A rigsdaler a day was a considerable sum for an honest man in Copenhagen, but Sennapa did not behave like an honest man. He had already acquired expensive habits and incurred debts. On 24 May 1796 he applied for an advance or loan of 4,000 rdl. He claimed that Governor Anker had so far prevented money from being sent to him. 4,000 rdl. was more than the Kommercekollegiet dared to ask the king for. In July 1796 and February 1797, the College paid Sennapa twice 300 rdl., and these payments were approved by the king on 1 March 1797.37 According to the original calculation, the Indian had now received 1 rdl. per day until May 1798. But this way of calculating falls completely short of Sennapa's reckless use of money.
'The rumour that he was of a distinguished family soon brought him many acquaintances, and the consequence was that he was in a short time involved in a rather considerable debt, for which he must have received little or no money... Mr. Lieutenant Carlsen also did him the honour to offer him, as a stranger, help and guidance here. What is certain is that from the beginning of 1796 Carlsen paid bills for Sennapa, no doubt also lent him money on an even larger scale, and that in December 1796 Sennapa owed Carlsen no less than 6,000 rdl. At this point he issued some so-called instructions to distinguished people in Tranquebar, and on 15 July 1797 he gave the increasingly impatient lieutenant a promissory note for the amount. On September 6, 1797, Sennapa was ordered by the Court of Guests to pay Carlsen the 6,000 rdl. provided that Carlsen waived by oath the plea of having committed usury or otherwise not having rendered what amounted to the money claimed; Carlsen took the oath in the Court and City Court on July 24, 1798.
Lmao Nigerian Prince IRL
His lawyer, Fugl, referred to the fact that his client, as a "natural person, was ignorant of the language, customs and laws of the country. He could not have been guilty of punishment under laws he did not know. But these considerations were not shared by Carlsen's lawyer: 'That he is not ignorant of the Danish language, but can both speak and read it, I hope Mr Fugl has been convinced by conversation with him.... Although a native Indian, and although he has not in all parts had European culture, it is far from being a so-called natural man, as it seems that Mr. Fugl would make him out to be, and it is inconsistent that in respect of natural talent he may perhaps be placed if not above then at least beside many a European", From treasury, it sounded somewhat hollow: "Sennapa is a Danish subject and had, before he published the proof, been here for over a year and therefore should and could know the laws of the country".
Sorry bro we're just ignorant natives
It is possible that Sennapa's consumption of money was even much greater. There is some suggestion that in the same years a drawing-master von Strambow, also of the Zealand infantry regiment, lent him 10,000 rd1.43 This trail cannot be followed further.
What was the life Sennapa led in Copenhagen? In all probability he played with great talent the role of his people's envoy to the government in Copenhagen and as the son of a distinguished family. He let his surroundings know that he had great riches at his disposal which were very inconveniently located in distant India. Any financial embarrassment was temporary; with a little patience anyone would get what was coming to him. Sennapa used every opportunity to obtain loans or credit, and we are unable to determine what he himself believed. His predicament and his psyche have blurred the line between being in good faith and bad faith.
Noo he scammed me in bad faith
He then gets put under arrest but not imprisoned(lmao ) and also convicted of defamation but then we have
On 30 January 1799 the Adresseavisen announced under the heading >>Copulates<< that on the 25th of the same month a marriage had been contracted between ">the Indian Mr. Sennaja Naicker and mad. Birgitte Ye- ling" (misprint for Yding). At this time, the new commission investigation was underway in Copenhagen, but Carsten Anker had not yet filed suit.
The Danish Chancellery read the newspapers and understood that something was wrong. Birgitte Tønnesen, née Yding, had been divorced from Plenipotentiary Tønnesen in 1792, and in August 1798 had applied to the Chancery for permission to remarry. A few months later, Sen- napa applied for permission to marry madam Tønnesen. The Chancery granted her the requested permission, but passed over Sennapa's petition in silence. The Chancellery's resolution explicitly states that Senna- pa's application is "overruled". When they applied together for permission to marry, the Chancery replied on 22 January 1799 that it must remain with the permission granted to her. It was a strange message to give an engaged couple who had asked for nothing else. But one must assume that the Copenhagen Magistrate, to whom the resolution was sent, explained the meaning. If the Adresseavisens note was correct, the couple entered into marriage a few days after receiving the blinkered reply from the can- celite. But it is also possible that they had not yet been informed of the cancellate's decision when they got married.
Judgment was given in the case on 7 October 1799.81 Sen- napa himself was in custody during these months. Pastor Cruse had returned home. meviet Birgitte Yding and Sennapa Naik without a royal letter at the home consecration and without prior lysning. He had therefore performed the marriage without having proof that Sennapa had been baptised. The provisions that Cruse had violated were the Danish Law 1-1- 5, the regulation of 15 March 1683, the regulation of 7 September 1736 and the church ritual. Cruse was fined 50 rdl, one fifth of his annual salary.
Ghar wapasi bros...we won
But for the present I am not yet able to meet the expenses connected with it. The kgl. I therefore humbly request that I may enjoy an advance of 300 rdl. for the fulfilment of this important object, which I undertake to pay again as soon as Captain Schultz, who is expected here this month, arrives, as I have already received a letter from my nation these days by a ship's captain, that my long-awaited remission will finally be delivered to me by the said Captain Schultz. The answer I beg to request addressed to Mr. C., merchant and herbalist. Nic. Møller, living in Gothersgade 1932 From this it must be inferred that Sennapa had not been baptized, but that it was his at least pretended wish to be so.
The request for an advance was not granted, and Sennapa did not later mention a wish to become a debtor, any more than he ever described himself as baptized or used the name Carl Christian Friderich or any other baptismal name. When Sennapa refers to liquid assets as a practical prerequisite for being baptized, it must be emphasized that his financial situation did not improve after June 1797.
Holy shit this dude trying to scam them out of money to the last
About the life of Sennapa and his wife until his departure 11/2 years after the Supreme Court judgment, we are sparsely informed. He still seems to have received the 24 sch. daily from the College of Commerce, but when he had to pay for a room there was little to live on. At a late stage, in November 1801, a plea for help came to Kommerce- Kollegiet from his wife's mother Ane Marie Yding, who lived at Mellemgade 23, and who, according to the letter, was a poor widow who received little from the poorhouse and was mostly bedridden. It seems from the letter that at least the daughter has been living with her for a long time, and Sennapa has kept her with empty promises of payment
It is agreed that Sennapa will be sent to Cape Town or Batavia and from there to Bengal. Around 12 December 1801, Sennapa saw his wife and child and Denmark for the last time.
On 22 June 1803 - 11/½ years after his departure - he was notified from Duntzfeldt & Co. to Kommercekollegiet that Sennapa had escaped after arriving in Cape Town. There was a statement dated 21 May 1802 from a Mr. Rosell that Sennapa was not to be found, and a receipt from the same for the receipt of Sennapa's belongings, including 92 piastres.106 As Cape Town was an agreed destination, the notion of an absconding must imply that Sennapa had left the ship without the agreement of the captain.
Escape from mayostan
The College of Commerce had from the outset kept a careful account of all expenses and had submitted statements to the King at intervals. Care was taken with this formal basis for payments, although in some cases for royal approval of expenditure already incurred. In January 1802, the College was able to make an overall calculation. When older and more recent figures are put together, the following table emerges:
With an increase for some items in marks and shillings the total amount became 3,926 rdl. and 19 sk. This was a little more than the governor's annual salary
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When skin gets darkened due to scorching heat, it is called as ‘sunburn’
— Guruprasad Gowda (@Gp_hjs) December 24, 2022
Sunburn festival has similarity with the meaning as it darkens the cultural & moral life of young generation through drug-addictions and immoral activities carried on during this festival#Ban_Sunburn_Goa pic.twitter.com/KbeYO7MJod
Man these boomers acting like half the middle class hasn't tried ganja at some point in their lives
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An amerimutt style , 6 feet with a cleft chin and a stubble just boarded the bus I'm on and the conductor gave him a pink ticket(free tickets for wymyn
). Dude only put on some lipstick and has a foid style hair style with hair clips and all(though he's balding
). Even his clothes are moid issue.
Based tbh if I didn't have so much shame I'd do this too.
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Andy Levin, an outgoing Democratic Congressman
In the 2022 Democratic primary, Levin lost to Haley Stevens. A Zionist and former synagogue leader known for his critical views of hard-line Israeli policies, Levin was opposed by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), which raised substantial sums from pro-Trump financiers, and provided $4 million for a negative publicity campaign against his candidacy.
Rightoid Joos are so nice. If only the leftoid ones would frick off and die.
When nations become religious states, ppl start dying.
The reason it's so scary for India is that India has one of the largest populations of Muslims in the world and if India turns into a Hindu nationalist state then most if not all of them will be murdered, r*ped, imprisoned, or driven from their homes and turned into refugees. And that's just the Muslims. There are dozens of religions in India including Christians, jains, Buddhists, zoroastrians, indigenous beliefs, confucians, and Sikhs. Some of those are fairly large groups. And while it's mostly Muslims who are receiving the bulk of the ire and violence from Hindu nationalists, that's unlikely to remain the case if they truly take over the country and try and turn it into a theocratic state.
The azeris actually cleansing armenians in current year is fine tho cause there aren't as many
I live in Texas where I'm effectively forced to do prayer before meetings. Parts of the US is a nationalist Christian state.
The horror
Not all of us kowtow to that nationalist prick. Some of us are decent human beings.
Tulsi Gabbard loves Modi
And I love surfer mommy
According to some India is becoming a Hindu nationalist country. Although Muslim population has risen from 8% to 20% of the total population in last seven decades. Very strange indeed.
“They can’t be Hindu nationalist, think of the terrifying minority birthrate” is… kind of a disconcerting way of looking at this.
Seems like he is worried about India, which is at least a democratic country when we have backed non-democratic religious nationalists states like Pakistan for years only to have them become increasingly militant.
Democratic countries are held to higher standards than countries that are decidedly in the shitter.
Must be why Zelensky abolished democracy.
India is not those countries. India is supposed to be showing the world that a pluralistic, secular, democratic state can exist and prosper in this region of the world. That is the vison of the founding fathers of this country. So yes, India is judged more harshly, because everyone expects more from India than they do from other countries
Kek all these redditors would be calling for us to be economically ruined in any ukkkraine thread
Now do Israel. Theocratic fascists rise to key security posts in Israel's gov't
God I love Israel so much
Let me assure you that this is far from the truth. In the southern parts of India, religion barely causes any problems or conflicts. While there are problems in northern India, I believe that it's safe to assume that the harmony in southern India will spread to the North. And also India should be praised for their growing economy even with th all this diversity.
Lungi knows plebbitors can't get him a green card right?
India's got this extremely toxic social media element that makes America's social media problems look childish in comparison. Just rampant disinformation and zero attempts to do anything about it or even combat the narratives. Most would be in complete denial that it is even happening. I would not want to be there. (this is of course on top of the fact that most of the country is an overpopulated, ultra-polluted sludge pit)
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SAN JOSE -- With thousands of Central America refugees converging on the U.S. southern border, the issue of immigration is heating up this week. It's a fight that usually centers on a fear of Americans losing their jobs. But there are some immigrants who were invited here specifically because their skills are needed and they say even they are being let down by the system.
The thirty or so people who marched in San Jose Sunday were not immigrants demanding to enter this country. They've already been here -- some for decades. They were recruited from India to work in the Silicon Valley tech industry using H1B visas. Using H1Bs, employers can legally hire foreign workers who have specific skills and, once here, they usually qualify for a permanent green card within a year or two. Unless, that is, they come from India...
"We all have applied for a green card and it has been approved. Only thing is, we need to wait 150 years to get a green card," said Akhilesh Malavalli. "A hundred fifty years! I'll be dead. I'll be dead by the time we see a green card."
There is a cap on the number of skills-based green cards that can be issued to any one country of origin and there are so many workers from India, getting one has become practically impossible.
Sunday, the workers protested in front of the San Jose home of congresswoman Zoe Lofgren, demanding that she fulfill a promise to bring a bill to the House floor for a vote. HR 3648 would remove national origin as a consideration for getting a skilled-worker green card.
"What we are fighting for is basic equality," Malivalli said. "Treat us based on what skills we bring to this nation and not necessarily based on where we were born."
That's vital to the protesters because, with H1B visas, workers who lose their jobs for any reason have only two months to find a new employer who would be willing to apply for a new H1B on their behalf.
"You know, there will be layoffs and suddenly you're lost," said Prashant Prasad. "You have 60 days to find another job and stay in the U.S. and otherwise you become illegal."
Even if they maintain their jobs, under H1B children of workers must leave the country when they turn 21 even if they've lived here their entire lives. Unlike green-card status -- which also covers dependents -- if an H1B worker should die, their entire family must leave the country.
"Every month, there's someone who passes away," Prasad said, "And their dependents are now suddenly -- their lives are in disarray because, legally, they cannot stay here. So, they have to go back."
It doesn't sound like the proper way to treat an invited guest.
"You do everything right to be here. You probably are among the best in the industry in terms of skill sets," Prasad said. "But, when it comes to this, you're stuck."
Representative Lofgren is the lead sponsor of the HR 3648 and chair of the House subcommittee on immigration. The protesters said they want her to bring the bill up for a vote in the coming week.
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Currently the confirmed news on the #Bannu incident is as follows:
— The Intel Consortium (@INTELPSF) December 18, 2022
The hostage situation by THIRTY FIVE (35) terrorist, continues at CTD Police Station inside Bannu Cantonment. The incident began after militants that were being interrogated by the CTD gained control of one of pic.twitter.com/CxOGXeMs6L
The incident began after militants that were being interrogated by the CTD gained control of one of the interrogators and demanded the other’s weapon, after which they held both hostage. They have been able to free the other extremely dangerous terrorists in the installation and have hold themselves up with the terrorists inside the interrogation cell of the CTD compound with multiple hostages. Currently, Army and Security Forces officials are negotiating with the terrorists, who have demanded a helicopter to take them back to Afghanistan.
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Now that World Cup is over can we take a moment to thank mota bhai for providing millions of Indians free World Cup streaming on jio cinema without any interruptions from ads .
— Sagar Bandodkar 🇮🇳💹 (@sagarbandodkar2) December 18, 2022
This doesn't have any ads every 45 seconds like my match fixing premier league
Like how do you watch a full game and even think ads in the middle are realistic? Fricking maraturds man. The ones I see irl make bimarus look like geniuses.
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asking a telugu guy for gaalis in 'malayalam' to trigger chennai guy
Why are northies like this?! @CantBanMe
@Sasanka_of_Gauda pls give explanashun immediately
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when are you expected to pull out answers within seconds anyways. this is just test prep crap
Tests aren't important.
Not true, whites outperform us Indians in being male feminists.
Dangerously based. Are whites animals ?? Can't control their hormonal behaviour
I would still pick the white doctor. It's about trust and about adherence to the hippocratic oath. Whites take oaths seriously, bu to shitinstreets they mean nothing, and that makes all the difference.
id never let that shitskin be my GP and treat my children, they're ALWAYS incompetent. Keep coping in your slum Sexy Indian dude, you'll never be human. The only reason shitskin subhumans like you are even alive is because of the benevolence of white men of the past. They should have killed and worked to death every one of you animals.
You have an Indian running your country, what the frick are you even chimping about bong?
he thinks are Rishi is actually running the country
Whites are writing all their code for them on StackOverflow for free.
Um based?
This is literally rote memorization. Go ahead and ask them to read research papers and synthesize data
Indians cheat on tests. They have the smallest brains of any race
And yet they are taking over Canada which means Canada is even more pathethic
implying the white guy isn't a leftist playing dumb to make poojeet look good
Yeah, frick whitey! Let's move to whitey's countries and use whitey's websites and whitey's system, because frick whitey! China namba wan!
Slovenia lmao. Why is it always random e euro countries no one even visits as a tourist that talk shit about immigrants?
Well we are not eastern europe we are western europe jeet. Looks like you need to brush up on your basic geography skills.
Wakanda cope is that? You are literally Eastern Euro slavshits
Poland was formerly called part of western europe in modern times we are considered to be central europe you stupid jeet.
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In a Facebook post, Ashraf said the deceased had worked in the Middle East for decades and had not gone home in the past five years. He died earlier this week and after the family was informed about his death, the wife and two children unanimously said they didn't need his body.
I heard about this Bangladeshi working in muttistan with a similar story, he wanted to go back home cause he had sent back tons and his family had become fairly affluent but literally everyone told him he can't go back and he should keep sending them dollars and stay where he is. He was an illegal migrant so going back would be a one way trip, this dude spent his whole life slaving for people to whom he's basically just a stranger who gives them a monthly cheque.
I saw this other case where the dead man's daughter arrived and she didn't even go to the body, first thing she asked was for the death certificate(necessary to get his pension). Imagine dying and your daughter only cares about how much money she can squeeze from the corpse.
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Farrago tharoor tears
About a month ago, as a trenchant critic of the CAA/NRC project from the start – I was the first to oppose the introduction of the Citizenship Amendment Bill in Parliament – I was assailed by what was supposed to be “my own side” because I suggested that it was unwise for some Muslim protesters to raise specifically Islamic slogans, when their prospects of success lay in maintaining as broad a base of support as possible.
It amazes me how liberoids insist on defending people who obviously hate them no matter what. Raising islamist slogans isn't the problem, the chuds gaining politically from it is. I can understand muzzie progressives doing this, islamism isn't really a threat to them. But how the frick does someone born in a 30% muzzie state think like this?
I tweeted: “Saddened by the passing of Kerala’s veteran RSS pracharak P Parameswaran. As founder-Director of Bharatheeya VicharaKendram, he lived in Thiruvananthapuram. I met him once& we discussed many issues at length. Disagreement never involved disrespect. OmShanti”.
That’s when the proverbial dung hit the fan. Hundreds of responses flooded in on social media, accusing me of being a closet Sanghi, claiming I had revealed my “true colours” as an alleged Hindutva bigot, and parodying my condolences. Several Twitterati urged me to join the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), where, according to them, I truly belonged.
My critics sought to draw an analogy between my condolence and praising a terrorist. But Parameswaran had never been accused of any crimes, or of statements instigating violence. He was a founder of the BJP along with Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Lal Krishna Advani but, unhappy with active politics, retired to Kerala and declined Vajpayee’s offer of a ministership or governorship. He was an independent thinker despite his lifelong affiliation with the RSS, willing to challenge his own side and engage with a critic like myself. In short, the only crime Parameswaran could be accused of was defending an indefensible political ideology that I have opposed all my adult life. That didn’t make him a hate-figure to me.
There’s something terribly wrong with this picture. Why shouldn’t our politics allow for mutual expressions of respect across the political divide? Why shouldn’t we be able to see or hear the good things said or done by those we fundamentally disagree with and oppose? Jawaharlal Nehru was remarkably cordial to, and respectful of, the opposition parliamentarians who routinely savaged him and his policies, and even took criticism on the chin from some of his own party MPs. One could disagree with a party’s ideology, worldview or policies as a whole, but find common ground with its leaders on some things. But we have reduced our politics to black and white today: either for or against, nothing in between. “Fifty Shades of Grey” could never be the title of a book about Indian politics
Reminder he banned several parties including the communists and the RSS. You'd expect tharoor to know this, being a history graduate and everything. I suppose the thesaurus was more captivating
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Surrender of #PakArmy Brigade Cdr…seen removing ranks and belt and handing them to Maj Gen Dalbir Singh, JAT Regt, GOC 9 Inf Div… At Jessore Khulna & the famous battle of Garibpur …
— Lt Col Sundeep Parija 🇮🇳🇺🇦 (@sundeepparija) December 16, 2022
This a rare video from #India #Pakistan 1971 War.#VijayDiwas pic.twitter.com/fwlJdoyBGh