/h/bharat leaking


A Sanskrit grammatical problem which has perplexed scholars since the 5th Century BC has been solved by a University of Cambridge PhD student.

Rishi Rajpopat, 27, decoded a rule taught by Panini, a master of the ancient Sanskrit language who lived around 2,500 years ago.

Sanskrit is only spoken in India by an estimated 25,000 people out of a population of more than one billion, the university said.

Mr Rajpopat said he had "a eureka moment in Cambridge" after spending nine months "getting nowhere".

"I closed the books for a month and just enjoyed the summer - swimming, cycling, cooking, praying and meditating," he said.

"Then, begrudgingly I went back to work, and, within minutes, as I turned the pages, these patterns starting emerging, and it all started to make sense."

He said he "would spend hours in the library including in the middle of the night", but still needed to work for another two-and-a-half years on the problem.

Sanskrit, although not widely spoken, is the sacred language of Hinduism and has been used in India's science, philosophy, poetry and other secular literature over the centuries.

Panini's grammar, known as the Astadhyayi, relied on a system that functioned like an algorithm to turn the base and suffix of a word into grammatically correct words and sentences.

However, two or more of Panini's rules often apply simultaneously, resulting in conflicts.

Panini taught a "metarule", which is traditionally interpreted by scholars as meaning "in the event of a conflict between two rules of equal strength, the rule that comes later in the grammar's serial order wins".

However, this often led to grammatically incorrect results.

Mr Rajpopat rejected the traditional interpretation of the metarule. Instead, he argued that Panini meant that between rules applicable to the left and right sides of a word respectively, Panini wanted us to choose the rule applicable to the right side.

Employing this interpretation, he found the Panini's "language machine" produced grammatically correct words with almost no exceptions.

"I hope this discovery will infuse students in India with confidence, pride and hope that they too can achieve great things," said Mr Rajpopat, from India.

His supervisor at Cambridge, professor of Sanskrit Vincenzo Vergiani, said: "He has found an extraordinarily elegant solution to a problem which has perplexed scholars for centuries.

"This discovery will revolutionise the study of Sanskrit at a time when interest in the language is on the rise."


I only see Indians doing this and it's mostly Indian guys. When did you guys start doing this? Is it religious and on purpose? Or is it an emotional reaction similar to how Italian men use expressive movements with their when talking about pasta?



:marseyjourno: :marseymini:

But the bigger, and more deeply ingrained problem, is that as a deeply caste-riven society, the concept of equality does not come naturally to us. We don’t believe rules apply to everyone equally and everyone is supposed to follow them. We don’t even believe everyone is equal before God, as “VIP queues” at any popular temple demonstrate.


Talk about reach. Fml never was able to use my Brahmin privilege to get into those VIP queues. I guess I'm a chamar after all, where da reservations at? :marseyexcited:

There are operational reasons for the T3 mess, such as an inadequate number of counters, the holiday rush, and limited security staff. But that does not explain why people insist on making a bad situation worse, by being unruly, unmanageable, and generally unpleasant. A common complaint is that “all kinds of people” can now afford flight tickets, who don’t have the manners and etiquette of seasoned fliers.

We don’t just have a civic sense problem, we have an entitlement problem. We lack a sense of fraternity, of “we are all in this together”. The dominant castes (still overwhelmingly the dominant class) believe they should be able to pay/brawl/brag their way out of a difficult situation, and if in the process, they are making that situation more unpleasant for others, it is not their problem. All the poor civic sense traits we display – jumping signals, cutting queues – are not just to get ahead, they are to overtake, to secure one’s own exit, even if the mess continues forever.


Those darn upper chuds being able to afford flying ruined it all :marseydisagree: Back when only brave Dalitx and Muzzx flew there never was any issues. Sure 50% of the flights with the latter would spontaneously explode mid air but that's the price we must all pay for true equity :marseyagreefast:


I love capitalism


In June this year, Sharma’s company, Digantara – which translates to “space” in Sanskrit – launched what’s arguably the world’s first commercial space-based space weather system, whose technology, he says, is “kind of like Google Maps for space.”

The same month, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi mentioned Digantara in his monthly radio show as part of India’s cutting-edge space companies that the world should look out for. By 2021, Digantara had raised millions in seed funding. It is India’s first private company that’s ready to send 40 satellites to identify and potentially clean up space junk. Space junk moves 15 times the speed of a bullet, and can smash spacecraft into pulp. The space junk monitoring market is, by one estimate, worth $2.9 billion this year.

:marseyjanny: :marseyabandoned:

The global space economy is worth nearly half a trillion dollars, with the U.S. and China as the biggest spenders. India currently makes up a mere 2 percent of it. But experts say things are changing at a pace that makes the country the next big thing in outer space.

A big part of this change is India’s shift to privatisation of space exploits.

There have been over 100 active space startups since 2012, according to the Economic Survey of India. Many of them are currently jostling to be authorised by the newly-minted InSpace, or the Indian National Space Promotion and Authorisation Centre, an agency that acts as a link between ISRO and private sector companies. Digantara is one of the two private companies to have received authorisations so far.

Vinod Kumar, director of promotions at InSpace, told VICE World News the department had received about 150 proposals from private space companies since 2020. He predicts India will make up at least 10 percent of the global space economy in the next decade, up from the current 2 percent.

The competition is tough. When it comes to space, NASA has pretty much captured global imaginations – from being the first to get humans to the moon, to helming missions to Mars. It works closely with private companies like SpaceX, and was allotted $30.62 billion this year by the U.S. government. Russia – the OG space superpower with which the U.S. has had a history of partnering – has hit a rough patch this year with the country’s invasion of Ukraine, and is functioning with a state budget of $2.97 billion. China’s space program had an estimated government budget of $13 billion in 2020, and its private space investment was nearly a billion dollars.

India’s space budget, in comparison – $1.7 billion for this year – is small. In this space race, the U.S. has 1,650 assets in outer space, while China has 450. India, so far, has 80.

A new report by the Indian Space Association and Ernst & Young predicted that India’s space economy is expected to be worth $13 billion in 2025. While its satellite manufacturing sector is expected to be worth $3.2 billion in 2025 – a huge jump from half a billion in 2020 – the “downstream” sector, which includes ground services, is expected to be worth $4 billion the same year.

Narayan Prasad, co-founder of India’s first space think tank, Spaceport Sarabhai, told VICE World News that India is looking at its own “Henry Ford moment,” where India has emerged as the favourite choice in the global space market. “With China being seen as unreliable collaborators, and Russia’s war impeding global trust, India stands out in a unique place with its space capabilities, ability to do business and the right mix of talent and infrastructure,” he said. “There’s literally no limit to what can be achieved.”

The next big thing in India’s business of space is defence. Last year, the then Indian Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat said space is critical to operations both in peace and conflict, and that the privatisation of space will be essential to that. This year, Digantara set up India’s first private space situational awareness observatory on the foothills of the Himalayas. It monitors satellites. “This will bring indigenous capabilities to the nation for both military and civilian applications,” said Anirudh Sharma.


A company called Numer8, for instance, predicts climate change patterns to help fishermen. Another startup called Vassar Labs uses satellite imagery to advise governments on climate change’s impact on India’s water resources. Another startup called Skylo developed, among other things, agriculture sensors that measure and deploy soil nutrient and watering needs in India, where 70 percent of rural households depend on agriculture.

“I don't believe India is in a space race with anyone,” said Prasad. “India will benefit from the convergence of infrastructure, experience, talent, capital and the openness of the global market to engage with the country, to build space products to benefit not just businesses and government, but also citizens.”





Recent years have seen a resurgence in nostalgia for the British empire. High-profile books such as Niall Ferguson’s Empire: How Britain Made the Modern World, and Bruce Gilley’s The Last Imperialist, have claimed that British colonialism brought prosperity and development to India and other colonies. Two years ago, a YouGov poll found that 32 percent of people in Britain are actively proud of the nation’s colonial history.

This rosy picture of colonialism conflicts dramatically with the historical record. According to research by the economic historian Robert C Allen, extreme poverty in India increased under British rule, from 23 percent in 1810 to more than 50 percent in the mid-20th century. Real wages declined during the British colonial period, reaching a nadir in the 19th century, while famines became more frequent and more deadly. Far from benefitting the Indian people, colonialism was a human tragedy with few parallels in recorded history.

Experts agree that the period from 1880 to 1920 -- the height of Britain's imperial power -- was particularly devastating for India. Comprehensive population censuses carried out by the colonial regime beginning in the 1880s reveal that the death rate increased considerably during this period, from 37.2 deaths per 1,000 people in the 1880s to 44.2 in the 1910s. Life expectancy declined from 26.7 years to 21.9 years.

In a recent paper in the journal World Development, we used census data to estimate the number of people killed by British imperial policies during these four brutal decades. Robust data on mortality rates in India only exists from the 1880s. If we use this as the baseline for "normal" mortality, we find that some 50 million excess deaths occurred under the aegis of British colonialism during the period from 1891 to 1920.

Fifty million deaths is a staggering figure, and yet this is a conservative estimate. Data on real wages indicates that by 1880, living standards in colonial India had already declined dramatically from their previous levels. Allen and other scholars argue that prior to colonialism, Indian living standards may have been "on a par with the developing parts of Western Europe." We do not know for sure what India's pre-colonial mortality rate was, but if we assume it was similar to that of England in the 16th and 17th centuries (27.18 deaths per 1,000 people), we find that 165 million excess deaths occurred in India during the period from 1881 to 1920.

While the precise number of deaths is sensitive to the assumptions we make about baseline mortality, it is clear that somewhere in the vicinity of 100 million people died prematurely at the height of British colonialism. This is among the largest policy-induced mortality crises in human history. It is larger than the combined number of deaths that occurred during all famines in the Soviet Union, Maoist China, North Korea, Pol Pot's Cambodia, and Mengistu's Ethiopia.

How did British rule cause this tremendous loss of life? There were several mechanisms. For one, Britain effectively destroyed India's manufacturing sector. Prior to colonisation, India was one of the largest industrial producers in the world, exporting high-quality textiles to all corners of the globe. The tawdry cloth produced in England simply could not compete. This began to change, however, when the British East India Company assumed control of Bengal in 1757.

According to the historian Madhusree Mukerjee, the colonial regime practically eliminated Indian tariffs, allowing British goods to flood the domestic market, but created a system of exorbitant taxes and internal duties that prevented Indians from selling cloth within their own country, let alone exporting it.

This unequal trade regime crushed Indian manufacturers and effectively de-industrialised the country. As the chairman of East India and China Association boasted to the English parliament in 1840: "This company has succeeded in converting India from a manufacturing country into a country exporting raw produce." English manufacturers gained a tremendous advantage, while India was reduced to poverty and its people were made vulnerable to hunger and disease.

To make matters worse, British colonisers established a system of legal plunder, known to contemporaries as the "drain of wealth." Britain taxed the Indian population and then used the revenues to buy Indian products -- indigo, grain, cotton, and opium -- thus obtaining these goods for free. These goods were then either consumed within Britain or re-exported abroad, with the revenues pocketed by the British state and used to finance the industrial development of Britain and its settler colonies -- the United States, Canada and Australia.

This system drained India of goods worth trillions of dollars in today's money. The British were merciless in imposing the drain, forcing India to export food even when drought or floods threatened local food security. Historians have established that tens of millions of Indians died of starvation during several considerable policy-induced famines in the late 19th century, as their resources were syphoned off to Britain and its settler colonies.

Colonial administrators were fully aware of the consequences of their policies. They watched as millions starved and yet they did not change course. They continued to knowingly deprive people of resources necessary for survival. The extraordinary mortality crisis of the late Victorian period was no accident. The historian Mike Davis argues that Britain's imperial policies "were often the exact moral equivalents of bombs dropped from 18,000 feet."

Our research finds that Britain's exploitative policies were associated with approximately 100 million excess deaths during the 1881-1920 period. This is a straightforward case for reparations, with strong precedent in international law. Following World War II, Germany signed reparations agreements to compensate the victims of the Holocaust and more recently agreed to pay reparations to Namibia for colonial crimes perpetrated there in the early 1900s. In the wake of apartheid, South Africa paid reparations to people who had been terrorised by the white-minority government.

History cannot be changed, and the crimes of the British empire cannot be erased. But reparations can help address the legacy of deprivation and inequity that colonialism produced. It is a critical step towards justice and healing.

The Indian colonization of Portugal is going according to plan.
I don’t know what this means, but I can feel it’s accurate
Its winter again sweaties prepare for chinkish shenanigans

They're becoming annual events lol.


India's vying for a piece of China's pie in higher end manufacturing.Sajjad Hussain/AFP/Getty Images

  • China's zero-COVID policies are pushing companies to diversify supply chains away from the country.

  • They were already moving out due to geopolitical tensions and tariffs from the Trump era.

  • But it isn't easy to fully replace China's supply chain ecosystem in any country --- even one as vast as India.

China's zero-COVID policy may just be doing what Donald Trump didn't manage to fully achieve during his term as president --- shifting global supply chains away from China for the first time in 40 years.

In 2018 and 2019, Trump levied stiff tariffs against China to counter what he called unfair trade deals with the US, spurring retaliation from Beijing and kicking off a trade war.

And while many companies started discussing moving supply chains out of China as a way to distance themselves from geopolitical risks, it was really the pandemic --- and China's zero-COVID policy --- that drove home the importance of not depending on one country for its supply chain.

"The geopolitical tensions in themselves may not have resulted into this level of realignment of supply chains, but COVID certainly provided that extra vision extra fillip, the extra fuel to the fire," Ashutosh Sharma, a research director at market researcher Forrester, told Insider.

Tech giant Apple provides the latest example of being burned by an overreliance on Chinese production lines, with iPhone output hit by China's relentless zero-COVID pursuit. Apple is now speeding up its push to shift its production out of China to other Asian countries. But where to go?

Major Apple supplier Foxconn's top pick is India, and so is that of other chipmakers, after the Biden administration in October imposed export controls on shipping equipment to Chinese-owned factories making advanced logic chips.

"India has a large labor pool, a long history of manufacturing, and government support for boosting industry and exports. Because of this, many are exploring whether Indian manufacturing is a viable alternative to China," Julie Gerdeman, the CEO of supply chain risk management platform Everstream, told Insider.

But the move is easier said than done.

India is the world's largest democracy, and that makes decision-making a lot more complicated

As a large economy with a young population, India has the potential to be a manufacturing powerhouse. But the South Asian country is also infamous for its bureaucracy and hindering red tape.

"It's far from a place where businesses can simply come in and open a shop without having too many company compliances," said Sharma, who is based in India. "I'm sure China has those issues too, but its ability to move fast on those compliance requirements is much higher than in India, because India is much more democratic and there are just too many stakeholders to satisfy here."

India came in at the 63rd position in a World Bank list of 190 countries ranked based on their ease of doing business in 2019. While this was an improvement from its position in the 142th position in 2014 when Prime Minister Narendra Modi took office --- it still lagged behind China, which was in the 31st position in 2019 --- the last year the index was compiled before the World Bank discontinued it after a data rigging scandal. Data irregularities improved China's position in 2018, according to a World Bank audit published in December 2020.

India also has a history of protectionism, which makes it less competitive in terms of attracting large investments.

"China manufactures at scale, while most factories in India are small and midsize due to federal regulations and protections designed specifically for SMEs," said Gerdeman.

China has built a manufacturing ecosystem over 4 decades

India's Prime Minister Modi has been working on attracting foreign direct investments, or FDI, since he took office in 2014, sending FDI to a record $83.6 billion in the last fiscal year, according to government data.

"India certainly has advantages in terms of demographics, in terms of geography, in terms of the infrastructure that exist, much of which has been built in the last few years," said Sharma. "It can obviously increase the scale, but what it does not have is all the pieces of the puzzle."

What he means is that China has managed to build up a value chain so extensive that almost everything required to make a product can be sourced and acquired in the country, which allows for low-cost manufacturing on a large scale. In contrast, India doesn't have this capability yet, which takes years to build up.

That's because manufacturers always start factory operations with the assembly line before starting to develop local supply lines for the finished products in a "backward integration" of processes, said Sharma.

"That supply chain takes time for it to build because even when you are sourcing it internally, the quality is not that good initially, your scale is not that high, and you run into those issues. So yes, it can be done, but it takes time," he told Insider.

Once burned, twice shy companies aren't going all in on India this time

In any case, companies are unlikely to flock en masse to India like they did to China because it's just been proven too risky, the experts said.

And it's not just Foxconn and Apple that have gone all in on China and are now suffering for it: US sportswear giant Nike, Japanese carmaker Toyota, and South Korean tech titan Samsung all number among the many companies experiencing prolonged supply-chain issues because of their reliance on the manufacturing giant.

"They are looking to diversify their sourcing," said Sharma. "If you look at Foxconn and Apple, they have already moved a significant part of production to India and I'm sure to other countries like Vietnam, and a few other places. That's precisely because they want to diversify, from having dependency on one country, like China, to a couple of locations."

This means more complex supply chains, but they will be diversified all from raw material stages, he said.

"If they can build two or three dependable places where they can source from, they will still have alternative sources even if something happens to one location in the future," said Sharma.



Close to my heart as a Sikh growing up.



How old are you OP? No disrespect but I think you have too much to unravel and learn.

You are too naïve...

In villages, people of different castes have been living in different parts of the village from a long time.

So they know that on that side of village XYZ castes lives and on the other side ABC caste lives.

So even if you change your caste, people will question you and find out your caste.

Another reason is if you change, there is possibility that you may lose on the benefit of schemes and reservation meant for you.

People who have no link with villages, living in an urban setting can definitely do this. But then again, people have this feeling (rightly so) that why should we give up our identity because of this. If we give up our identity, we will lose our culture.

That's what they did in Tamilnadu. The first name is their name and the last name is their dad's name -- no surname in the official name. It worked significantly but not enough to completely solve caste discrimination.

The man's solved caste discrimination! Why didn't they think of just acting like Brahmins lol.

They're killed for having a moustache , attending weddings , not attending weddings, polluting water , touching someone. Imagine what will happen to them if they claim to be Brahmins. They will be found very soon, they share none of the cultural aspects, none of the religious.

Why should a non-vegetarian caste give up meat and all their customs just to pretend to be another caste?

And brahmins aren't just one block. They have different sub-sects and gotras. A dalit would have to do tons of research just to pass off as one. > > Why do all that?

Conversion to Buddhism happened because Buddhism doesn't believe in caste. Conversion to Christianity happened because Christian missionaries were willing to educate communities who weren't allowed to be literate.

Might work in some places. But not in others where families are known to be from a lower caste by everyone in their social circle. Of course people can move. But that’s expensive. Also a lot of caste inferiority eventually gets internalized. So no matter where they go they still feel low self esteem due to years of brainwashing/upbringing. Not to mention you have pride and ego. People not wanting to change who they are to satisfy others.

Why didn't Indians pretend to be British and do away with the British rule in Indian? What is stopping them from doing that?

You have a very naive outlook. Beat around the bush than deal with the actual issue.

Read Coming Out as Dalit by Yashica Dutt if you're not a massive troll.

In today's generation I would rather be born as a dalit than a brahmin the amount of opportunities are insane even am ready to be born a middle class dalit too [-20]

Then they cant claim benefits of reservations lmao. The truly suppressed caste is brahmins haha [-6]

Least statist lundian :marseybootlicker2:

Anchor asks him how he's sponsoring a population control bill having 4 kids himself. He says he was so busy with his work he didn't think as he continued to have kids. Anchor says but he's already had four so how can he stop others so he responds if the Opposition had brought the bill beforehand he wouldn't have had 4 kids.


(:marseylongpost: warning) Some excerpts from a book I was reading on the 1971 war

Never read a first person account of combat from the subcontinent before.



In a statement attributed to Foreign Office (FO) spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch, it was highlighted that Pakistan has a "multi-religious and pluralistic society with a rich tradition of inter-faith harmony", The News reported.

:marseyxd: :marseyemojirofl: :marseydicklet::marseylaugh::marseylaughpoundfist::marseyobamacope::marseytypinglaugh::wolfrofl::marseyghostlaugh::wolflaugh::taylaugh::laughing::laughchair::brookslaugh:

Last week, the US added Pakistan, China, Cuba and Nicaragua, among others, to a blacklist -- Countries of Particular Concern from 2021 -- on international religious freedom, opening the path to potential sanctions.

The FO spokesperson expressed "deep concern and disappointment" on what she called the US State Department's "unilateral and arbitrary" designation of Pakistan to the blacklist.

Calling India the "biggest violator of religious freedom", she questioned why the country was excluded from the blacklist despite a "clear recommendation" by the USCIRF, The News reported.

Because Mumbai's GDP is larger than all of Pakistan's shut up BIPOCs :marseydicklet:

She said the "conspicuous omission" raises serious questions about the credibility and transparency of the entire process and makes it a subjective and discriminatory exercise, The News reported.

"International concerns over India's treatment of religious minorities have been the subject of several hearings of the US Congress and reports of UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Special Procedure Mandate Holders of the UN Human Rights Council, and reputed international NGOs," the FO spokesperson highlighted.




Costs 400 a plate apparently, the uneven figure makes me think he got delivery app discounts so maybe 20 plates a month?


His poor intestines.

This guy must be just a troll. He keeps making such posts every couple of days and never works or acknowledges any advice. Don't feed him further. Last week he didn't eat, didn't brush, pissed in his pants, just stare at the wall, had no sleep, had no energy for anything and still somehow spent 7500+ on biryani.

Makes weird conclusions like if I had 120+ IQ and luck I would make 1 lakh per month. Compares his life to other people around and panics. Says life is a genetic lottery, etc,. Complete weirdo who won't do anything but keep making such posts.

Just shower and you'll get better at pattern recognition inkwell.

BRO ARE YOU ME ? I LITERALLY POSTED THE SAME A COUPLE OF WEEKS AGO !! . My addiction has only gotten worse , I'm now eating biryani almost every single day.

Snoos of a feather...

This is one of the better addictions out there. Not a good one by any means, but could definitely be worse.


List of addictions that are better than his

:marseydrunk: :marseycocaine: :marsey420: :marseystims: :marseyjunkie: :marseygamer: :marseycoomer:

Imagine how long they'll have to keep the electric crematorium running to deal with his layers of blubber :marseydisagree:

As an alcoholic and druggie wait till you eat biryani high. If you're addicted now , oh boy do I have news for you from the other side. It's funny how you have created binaries for one addiction being okay and the others not. Come to the dark side friendo . Biryani on marijuana can only get better is someone was blowing you while you were eating that biryani

Experience that this redditor has totally had btw :derpthumbsup:

take it easy .... it'll pass - 30 yr old obese guy who's addicted to chole + Amritsari kulche

Motherlover how can you be addicted to that? I ate two morning of the last day of my Amritsar trip cause I got greedy and I didn't feel hungry till afternoon the next day. There's so much butter and oil in those things I'm pretty sure eating a whole 10 inch pizza would be less calorie intensive.

Thats more than my monthly salary!!!

:#marseyl: :#marseyl:

Wtf that's less than minimum wage in any metro are daily labourers from bhagalpur using plebbit now?

Me on da right
Pappu gets a NYT fluff piece

Right after Kejru


Mutt newspaper of records are so cheap even Pappu can afford them now


Gone were the luxury trappings that his adversaries in India’s Hindu nationalist governing party had used to caricature him as entitled and aloof. Now, Mr. Gandhi was speaking of blistered feet and the struggle of the common man. He was shaking hands with children, hugging older men and women who caressed his hair and kissed his forehead, on what he hoped was a 2,000-mile journey out of the political wilderness for his once-dominant Congress party.


Blisters! Blisters on our shehazada's feet


Look what you chuds did

“Every democratic institution was shut for us by the government: Parliament, media, elections,” Mr. Gandhi, 52, told supporters late last month in Burhanpur, in the state of Madhya Pradesh. “There was no other way but to hit the streets to listen and connect with people.”

Kek wtf. Did the timeline just shift to a very based one?

With a national election less than 16 months away, Mr. Gandhi’s march could determine whether India’s fractured political opposition can do anything to halt the era-defining ambitions of the governing Bharatiya Janata Party, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.


The future of India as a multiparty democracy hangs in the balance. Mr. Modi, one of the most powerful leaders in India’s history, has remade its secular political foundation to privilege the Hindu majority and sideline Muslims and other minorities.

Confirmed we have shifted into a very based timeline. Frick I'm going to be late for my job at the camp.

Parliament, once a thriving debate chamber, is now largely confined to ministerial speeches, with the governing party avoiding debates on key policy issues. The B.J.P., through a mix of pressure and the threat of withholding government advertising money, has largely cowed the traditional media.

Varghese Kumar from Darbhanga sure did follow the debates in Lok Sabha with the greatest interest


“When he listened patiently to us and spoke of the pain of the common man, my opinion about him changed,” said Amar Thakur, who supported the B.J.P. in the last elections and met Mr. Gandhi during a meeting in Burhanpur to hear local grievances. “Enough of hate now; I will vote for his party.”

How wholesome


Mr. Modi’s mark on Indian politics is so indelible that Mr. Gandhi, who declined to be interviewed for this article, has appeared to emulate him during his countrywide journey even as he has presented himself as an alternative.


Pappu remembers women empowerment bb there's no way any journo will ever get an interview with him again.

Mr. Gandhi’s forehead has often been adorned with a red dot, or tilak, a mark of Hindu piety. He has shed his formerly clean-shaven look for a beard that is growing by the day. He often participates in temple visits and religious ceremonies as he stops in villages and towns.

Not the tilak :marseyohno:

Syed Sharaft Ali, a Muslim day laborer, said he had left his home early in the morning and walked for three hours to express his support for Mr. Gandhi’s march and tell him how religious polarization was dividing friends and destroying families.As Mr. Gandhi closed in, the crowd pushed Mr. Ali, his body rolling between officers as they tried to corral the well-wishers. Mr. Gandhi gestured toward Mr. Ali to come inside the ring. They spoke for a minute. “At least he hugged me,” Mr. Ali said. “Other leaders don’t even want to look at us.” Mr. Ali then walked back toward his village with moist eyes; Mr. Gandhi continued on through the dust.

:marseyxd: :marseyxd:

Some jew really kicked the rightoid hornet's nest

It is part of today’s woke agenda to attack dead White males and to organise boycotts of the Jewish apartheid State. It has also become quite central to the woke agenda to attack the ‘majoritarian’, ‘supremacist’, ‘Indian bigot’ who supports a State which is to the former ‘an oppressor’ in Kashmir. The woke narrative cannot and will not tolerate any suggestion that the Pandits of Kashmir may be victims. They must be sly oppressors plotting against brave freedom-fighters. That there are no ISIS supporters in Kashmir; there are no terrorists; there are only non-violent youth and children who protest by throwing non-lethal soft stones. Their democratic aspirations are being assaulted by the Indian State and the Pandits are the agents of the Indian State. There has never been any violence against Pandits because they are Pandits. If some of them have been killed, it is because they have been quislings to the liberation cause. In fact, it can be safely asserted that the Pandits have been treated well. Even when they have been killed, the manner of killing has been eminently humane. We woke people therefore welcome your criticism of a movie, which is not only an artistic failure but also represents a politically unacceptable narrative.

Lapid, as a great aesthetician, you are in good company. You remind me of many western intellectuals who have argued that Jews (not Left-wing Jews like you, I mean “other” Jews) lie about anti-Semitism and routinely exaggerate violence against them and seek phoney victimhood. The Pandits clearly have learnt from such Jews. In the coming weeks, months and years, woke activists may target the Pandits using your argument. Such activists will doubtless use your words to justify their actions. You should take credit for this attribution.


You have not talked about poor cinematography or bad editing. You have used the expression “propaganda”, which is all about content, not artistry. As an aside, in my ignorant opinion, some of the best films in the world have been propaganda movies. You have used the adjective “vulgar”. Vulgarity can be only about content. Merely stating your lack of interest in political content fools no one although it does give you the halo that you seek.

In any event, we join you in expressing pride in anticipation of your conscious achievements and of course we welcome all intended and unintended consequences. The ‘activists’ would now assert that the Pandits were never persecuted, always treated lovingly — this must be true as a great artistic film director has endorsed this. Hiding behind your artistic armour, you have so adroitly achieved the political goals of the Left — the denial of Pandit agony. Well done, sir.

I would like to close with a piece of advice to Kashmiri Pandit readers. Earlier, according to the brave humane freedom-fighters, there are no political or religious hurdles coming in the way of killing, torturing, raping or dismembering you folks. Now thanks to Lapid’s brave, dutiful and magnificent intervention, there are no artistic hurdles either. It makes eminent sense therefore for Kashmiri Pandits to change their surnames and go underground. And from underground bunkers, please do send thank-you notes to Lapid.

Kek reading a retired businessboomer sneed like a 4chinner is funny. :marseyxd:

Redditors contemplate why they'll never be married


My question is very simple if a woman wants a guy with financial security is she responsible for house chores completely or the husband should help out?


Majority of these "chores" are personal chores. Cleaning your surroundings, washing your dirty clothes, dirty plates, ironing, cleaning your potty. These are minimum expected things from a human being who has both arms and legs, and is what that separates us from animals. Cooking is also a personal chore. You are making food that goes into your stomach and then comes out the next day through your own butthole. There is nothing more personal than food, and cooking it should also be seen as a personal goal. Imo even cooking should be split according to personal goals, depending on time and availability.



Literally what chore isn't personal under that definition bipoc? I have to walk the streets, guess sweeping them is also my personal chore. :marseymoplicker:

hot take but arranged marriage itself is a social evil and I expect nothing better to come out of it than what you described, and more. the transactional nature of marriage which is prevalent in India means that families are more interested in the security (financial, social) they get out of the union than the couple actually celebrating their love by getting married. no wonder high salary/govt job/caste and other superficial criteria rule supreme. when marriage starts being seen as a culmination of years of mutual love, respect and partnership, only then will this scenario change.

Then we might finally have divorce rates like enlightened goras


Dude what the frick are you talking about. Dating is not going to clubs, wooing girls with fancy cars and bikes, giving her expensive gifts. You can always find people in your own league to date. The only barrier is your own personality (not physical attractiveness).


I don't agree with system of dowry at all and that is extremely problematic.However at the same time looking for financial stability is not gold digging. At the cost of sounding rude ...good heart is not going to provide life comforts or shelter over your stability does that. Again let me make my point clear I don't agree with dowry or marrying a douchbag for money....but I don't even agree to marry just for a so.called good heart

:marseykween: logic

People who ask for higher salary , home and govt job should be asked about girls weight , waist size and bust size . Seedhi baat no bakwaas .

My friend was asked her bust size by the prospective grooms mother. I know several guys who rejected based on figure… it’s all fair play in AM. It’s brutal.


Based mother.

Sadly arranged marraiges are toxic af. As a woman, I hate that I need to be fair, beautiful and have both parents alive, a married elder sibling, an independent house, tall, know how to cook and have a job to be a desirable mate in arranged marraiges too (this is what ive seen in karnataka. Might not be true elsewhere). Its toxic for all parties, men and women.

Kek why a married elder sibling? And how does the eldest child get married? :marseyemojirofl:

Weirdest shit I swear. You are less desirable if you don't have one parent. It's like why did they die? Is it bad luck? Did they have health issues?


Average marriage planner making Punnett squares to judge your potential offspring's health.

Coz brides are not allowed to study, work or inherit property.


This guy came here from an alternate universe send me there please god please please please :marseybegging: :marseybegging: :marseybegging:

So true xueens and xings! Mayocide when?!?!?!
Least pathetic paki moment :marseyflagpakistan: :marseyretard3:
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