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According to the survey, published on Tuesday, some 43 per cent of the 1,000 participants viewed China as the biggest military threat followed by the US at 22 per cent and Pakistan and Russia at 13 per cent. “While the world’s two largest democracies would seem to make for natural partners, especially given their mutual mistrust of China, Indians have strategic reasons to be wary of the world’s Western superpower,” said Sonnet Frisbie and Scott Moskowitz, who oversaw the survey, reported Bloomberg.
Based I hope this means we'll finally stop burgerizing.
- COOF : But still can’t build sewers
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In a significant development, India may have already surpassed China as the world's most populous country. According to projections from the World Population Review (WPR), India’s population was 141.7 crore as of the end of 2022. That's a little more than 50 lakh more than the 141.2 crore declared by China on January 17, when there was the first fall since the 1960s, according to official announcements.
India, a country where 50 percent of the population is under 30, is anticipated to have the world's fastest-growing major economy. The milestone was supposed to be reached later this year, according to the UN. According to WPR, India's population increased to 142.3 crore people as of January 18. WPR predicts that, though India's population growth has slowed, it will still climb until at least 2050.
The most recent figure for India is 142.8 crore, according to a different estimate from the research platform Macrotrends. After postponing population surveys due to pandemic disruptions in 2021, the nation did not release its once-every-ten-year census statistics.
The largest programme of its kind in the world, free food rations are still used by around 80 crore people in India, despite the country's relatively good recovery from the pandemic and its rapid economic expansion prior to COVID-19.
The third-largest economy in Asia is currently self-sufficient in food production. In terms of rice, wheat, and sugar production, it ranks second. While being the leading importer of edible oils, it is also the largest consumer of sugar. India is the third-largest market for the purchase of crude oil, the second-largest consumer of steel and gold. In addition, it is the third-largest domestic aviation market in the world.
In his January 18 report, Bloomberg Economist Eric Zhu referred to the minor recession that China is currently experiencing as a "growth crushing headwind for a long time". According to information made public by the National Statistics Bureau, China's population decreased by 8.5 lakh in 2022 compared to the previous year.
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Recently, Rahul Gandhi was asked about the change in his image in the Bharat Jodo Yatra. "Rahul Gandhi is in your mind. I have killed him long back. The person who you are looking at right now is not Rahul Gandhi. You might be able to see him," Rahul Gandhi said adding that one may understand his statement if they study the Hindu religion.
@Gaudapada thoughts resident Hinduism scholars?
"This is the condition of the Congress. A 50-year-old says he has killed cold, he has killed himself. Tu kya hai phir? Jinn hai? If you have killed yourself then who is this person? Had I told something like that, people would have thought I was having fits," Owaisi said in Hyderabad.
Lmao based jihadi. Still going to get gassed first though sorry
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India is relevant to the world, not only in its size and girth but by its footprint and what matters to the world
Russia is under American sanctions, and none can trade freely with Russia except India which buys Russian oil on preferred terms and then re-export it to help an old patron earn dollars the indirect way. Two opposing military superpowers of the world claim India to be its ally. If this isn’t diplomatic coup, what is?
Under Modi it has crafted a religious-nationalist plank of its newer assertion and identity. Don’t balk. World over the trend is of the Right gaining eminence in social attitudes. Pakistan in this realm has its own set of challenges. Importantly, it seems to be working for Modi and India.
world baby
Saudi Arabia, Pakistan’s fraternal brother, announced an investment of over 72 billion USDs in India even as we beg her to invest the 7 billion promised for Pakistan. Pakistan’s iron-brother, China, pledged 10 million USD in the very latest donors conference in Geneva to help Pakistan out of its financial predicament as well as a looming bankruptcy, as did Pakistan’s favourite whipping boy, America. Somehow, both place equal premium on Pakistan’s prospects.
The world has taken note and regardless how much we play China vs India as a sorry paradigm for face-saving both are now above 100 billion USDs trade that binds them with a common aim to quickly move to 500 billion. Those who trade at that level never graduate beyond sticks and clubs, even if spiked, and whatever the savagery of their brawl. It is time to smell some real leaves.
One hates to admit, but Pakistan was politically outmanoeuvred by India on Kashmir by rescinding Article 370 of its Constitution which gave a special if not disputed status to the region. Her gradual mutation of the demographics in her favour continues unabated. And as the older generation of the defying Kashmiris bows out the young view issues far less weighed by emotive persuasion.
- JimothyX5 : Stupid, unfunny and completely unrelated to drama
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India is expected to surpass China and become the world's most populous nation within the next three months, according to a recent report by the United Nations' population division, marking a seismic shift on the global stage in a trend with significant social and economic impact for both countries.
"Most people think India's economy is still a fraction of what it could be in the future, which means there's so much promise," Dr. Audrey Truschke, an associate professor of South Asian History at Rutgers University, told Yahoo News, adding that much of the potential is due in large part to India being "such a young country."
Of the rapidly growing 1.41 billion people in India, about 1 in 4 are under the age of 15 and nearly half are under 25. By comparison, China's population is about 1.45 billion, but those under 25 make up only a quarter of the population.
"The Indian subcontinent has always supported a robust human population," Truschke said. "India has also long been compared to China, and they have for a long time traded with one another. So as much changes over the course of human history, that's something that recurs --- both the dense population of the subcontinent, as well as the comparison with China."
Since 1950, India and China have accounted for an estimated 35% of the world's population growth, with China emerging as a global industrial power. Combined, the two population epicenters are a significant slice of the world's roughly 8 billion people.
But China's one-child policy, which was introduced in 1980, drastically reduced its birth rate --- and redirected its economic prospects. In recent years, women have been allowed to have up to three children, but the average birth rate still sits at 1.2. China's population is set to peak in the coming years and projected to decline. This means that the older, nonworking population will have to rely on individual single children, many of whom will probably face economic difficulties caring for two parents and four grandparents. As a result, many elderly Chinese will be left to rely on a public pension system that is reportedly set to run out of money by 2035, despite recent efforts by the government to boost revenue.
"Without a quality pension support system, young people would be reluctant to get married and have children, [and] middle-aged people are double-burdened to care for the young and the elderly," Zhang Jingwei, a researcher at Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University, told the South China Morning Post. "Only when the elderly can enjoy the fruits of the reforms and are guaranteed institutionally happy twilight years, anxiety at different age groups can be solved and all of society's energy can be released."
Population growth in China is flatlining, and its supply of cheap labor may follow suit. Despite stubborn unemployment in pockets of the country, the shortage of skilled manual labor is becoming more evident.
India and its growing population of more than a billion people could pick up some of the slack, but its growth rate is also declining, and its industrial infrastructure is not as robust as China's. And much of India's population growth is centered in its poorer regions, especially in the north.
By 2050, data shows that India is expected to provide more than a sixth of the world's population of working age (15 to 64 years old).
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I remember visiting India in 1991 and the crisis was seen by the country as a 'national shame never to be brought upon again'. Politicians actually felt humiliated in front of the people, rightly so, but still they did not go overboard and started thanking donors, loan-givers etc in public out of self-respect. Exact same thing happened in South Korea. Even when they are down, these countries still maintain a degree of self-respect.
Lol, lmao. They're demoralizing themselves so much better than our trolls ever could
Repeat beggars lose all shame at some point.
It’s a fairly bipartisan national trait, us being beggars. Not taking shots at PDM/SS.
If you want to simply vent about how much you dislike PDM, go ahead. But don't frame this as a "self-respect" thing, because we haven't had any for a long time.
Pakistan has been kept in poverty and failure for so long, several generations of people have grown up in this landscape thinking that Pakistan is a poverty country with crappy leaders which is no chance of picking itself up.
Has been kept
The USA (and everyone else in general) has also taken advantage of this and easily waves away Pakistan as some bum middle east hobo country which nobody cares about, despite having the 5th largest population in the world and having nukes which other countries can only dream of attaining.
We are thanking because we have no plans to correct our course, Indian liberalized it's economy after 1991, South Korea too after Asian financial crises in late 1990s. But, we will not take those painful structural reforms because we have in our back of mind this concept, we will be bailed out as world cannot afford a nuclear state gone bankrupt.
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This day, year 1761, about 100000 brave Marathas died defending their country from an Afghan marauder at Panipat. This was one of the bloodiest battles in the history of India.
— Ketan Shah (@Thinkerks) January 14, 2023
Note: it wasn't Maharashtra under attack,but Marathas fought Panipat to defend Bharat from an invader. pic.twitter.com/A6Gf8vEUdQ
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It's just a disguise, you know that
The old ones are, The Hindu conservatives you talk to online are are the young ones. I always find it funny when millenials find out that Gen Z leans more right than Left.
Gas the muzzies
Confused uncle tries to stay relevant.
Nooo but randitv told me his militia is going to start beheading muzzies in the streets any day now nooo
Huh, the headline isn't calling them hardline rightwing as they regularly do when talking about RSS . Will probably hurt their bottom line.
Do better reuters.
Like, it's good someone is calling for progress, but it's insane they're still having this fight in 2023
There's only ony one country* that has decriminalized gay marriage in Asia. Taiwan.. even the most developed countries in asia have not acted upon it.
Ah yes...The expected response to anyone pointing out India's flaws. And as usual, it's not even true https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Asia
Nice...modi is still a peepee ..
Anyone else do a double take? I just saw a religious group + LGBT in the headline and my mind filled in the rest of the words with assumptions of intolerance. Made me happy that my assumptions were completely wrong. Good for them.
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FIXED LINK HERE: https://fortune.com/2023/01/07/wells-fargo-fires-executive-who-urinated-on-passenger-air-india-flight/
He butt got fired, but not before begging the foid for forgiveness
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When Tina Singh's boys started learning to ride bikes, it was obvious they'd need helmets.
There was just one problem: Singh couldn't find a single helmet on the market to accommodate her sons' turbans.
"My kids keep their hair, so anytime I went to go put a bike helmet when they were going out to ride ... nothing fit them properly," the Toronto mom of three told CBC Toronto.
Not having a turban-appropriate helmet meant Singh had resort to things like getting larger helmets that didn't fit right, scooping out the foam inside one to accommodate her children's hair or not putting a helmet on her kids at all.
None were safe options.
An occupational therapist who has worked with patients with acquired brain injuries, Singh says she knew how important it was to have a well-fitting bicycle helmet.
"I was frustrated that there wasn't a safe option in sports helmets for my kids," she said.
So, she set out to create her own.
'Big learning curve'
Now, the Ontario mom has designed what she says is the first safety certified multisport helmet specifically for kids like hers.
For over two years, Singh says she has worked on and tested different versions of the helmet. Now, she says it's in production and certified for use with bicycles, inline skates, kick scooters and skateboarding for kids over the age of five.
When Tina Singh's boys started learning to ride bikes, it was obvious they'd need helmets.
There was just one problem: Singh couldn't find a single helmet on the market to accommodate her sons' turbans.
"My kids keep their hair, so anytime I went to go put a bike helmet when they were going out to ride ... nothing fit them properly," the Toronto mom of three told CBC Toronto.
Not having a turban-appropriate helmet meant Singh had resort to things like getting larger helmets that didn't fit right, scooping out the foam inside one to accommodate her children's hair or not putting a helmet on her kids at all.
None were safe options.
An occupational therapist who has worked with patients with acquired brain injuries, Singh says she knew how important it was to have a well-fitting bicycle helmet.
"I was frustrated that there wasn't a safe option in sports helmets for my kids," she said.
So, she set out to create her own.
'Big learning curve'
"This is a big learning curve for me, it's not something I've ever done before," she said.
What makes her model unique is it has a domed portion on top to accommodate a child's hair, while still fitting the way a helmet should: two finger spaces above the eyebrow, creating a "v" shape around the ear and one finger space between the chinstrap and the ear.
This past December, the helmet received a passing grade from the international testing company SGS.
'A welcome step'
While Singh's helmets are for children, the issue of whether to exempt turban-wearing Sikhs motorcyclists from having to wear helmets has made headlines in recent years.
In 2018, Ontario's Progressive Conservative government moved to join Alberta, B.C. and Manitoba in allowing Sikhs to ride motorcycles without helmets after calls by Sikh motorcycling groups and federal NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh.
The previous provincial government, under Premier Kathleen Wynne, refused those calls, saying the move would pose a road safety risk.
In a 2008 court case, a judge ruled against a human rights challenge to Ontario's law after a Sikh motorcyclist refused to pay a fine for not wearing a helmet over his turban, saying it was against his religion to do so.
Speaking to CBC Toronto, Balpreet Singh, legal counsel for the World Sikh Organization of Canada said the helmet is "welcome step."
"There are some Sikhs that do wear helmets and also many Sikhs that choose not to wear helmets because they don't feel anything should cover the turban. So I think this is definitely one more option that Sikh families can consider and definitely long overdue."
'Surreal' seeing vision come to life
Moezine Hasham, executive director and founder of Hockey 4 Youth says the helmet will help Sikh kids overcome the challenges to participating in sport, saying the industry is overdue for innovation.
"When you think about the impact of the pandemic and the access to sport that unfortunately wasn't there ... the creation of this type of helmet is now going to create an inclusive space, it's going to foster belonging."
Now, the Ontario mom has designed what she says is the first safety certified multisport helmet specifically for kids like hers.
For over two years, Singh says she has worked on and tested different versions of the helmet. Now, she says it's in production and certified for use with bicycles, inline skates, kick scooters and skateboarding for kids over the age of five.
Meanwhile, for Singh, the release of her helmet isn't just a solution for Sikh kids, it's also a symbol of being seen in sport.
"It is also a demonstration of inclusion and diversity in sport participation," she said.
As for seeing her kids wear the helmet she created herself, she says: "To me it feels really surreal... It's a beautiful moment for me. I did this for my kids and to see them actually reap the benefit of that is amazing."
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The Indian Supreme Court is expected to hear arguments in favour of same-s*x marriage this week.
As part of a set of petitions issued by two same-s*x couples, the New Delhi court will hear arguments for the recognition of same-s*x marriage on Friday (6 January).
The lead petition, filed by gay couple Supriyo Chakraborty and Abhay Dange, has argued that denying LGBTQ+ citizens the right to marry is an affront to their right to equality.
Currently, India does not officially recognise same-s*x marriage, but allows couples to engage in an “unregistered cohabitation.”
This effectively means that same-s*x couples aren't legally permitted to inherit assets or adopt. It can also complicate hospital visits if one-half of the couple is under strict visitation rules when hospitalised.
The petitioners have argued that, since inter-faith heterosexual couples are protected via Supreme Court rulings, then LGBTQ+ couples would naturally follow.
The second petition, filed by Parth Phiroze Mehrotra and Uday Raj, argues that barring LGBTQ+ couples from marriage equality violates several articles of the constitution.
"If the petitioners, as a same-s*x couple, enjoyed access to the civil institution of marriage, they would not face untold practical difficulties, both vis-a-vis each other and their children," the petition read.
"The denial of the fundamental right of marriage to persons like the petitioners is a complete violation of constitutional law."
As part of the 6 January hearing, the Indian government is expected to voice its opinion on both petitions, as well as its current position on same-s*x marriage.
Indian government unlikely to support same-s*x marriage
Prime minister Modi's government previously declared that same-s*x couples in India "cannot claim a fundamental right for same-s*x marriage" during a similar hearing in 2021.
It clarified its stance to the Delhi High Court, where it said that LGBTQ+ couples do not deserve the same rights as "traditional" heterosexual couples.
"Living together as partners and having a sexual relationship by same-s*x individuals is not comparable with the Indian family unit concept of a husband, wife and children," the government told the High Court.
While the government's position is unlikely to change, a shift in public perception toward LGBTQ+ couples could see a victory for petitioners in a similar fashion to the decriminalisation of same-s*x relationships in 2018.
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The stretch these whitoid strags do man
Leather is now a critical military component