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:marseychonker2: I am 24 year old obese guy who's addicted to chicken tikka biryani. I've spent 7,534 in November on it. :marseyobese:




Costs 400 a plate apparently, the uneven figure makes me think he got delivery app discounts so maybe 20 plates a month?


His poor intestines.

This guy must be just a troll. He keeps making such posts every couple of days and never works or acknowledges any advice. Don't feed him further. Last week he didn't eat, didn't brush, pissed in his pants, just stare at the wall, had no sleep, had no energy for anything and still somehow spent 7500+ on biryani.

Makes weird conclusions like if I had 120+ IQ and luck I would make 1 lakh per month. Compares his life to other people around and panics. Says life is a genetic lottery, etc,. Complete weirdo who won't do anything but keep making such posts.

Just shower and you'll get better at pattern recognition inkwell.

BRO ARE YOU ME ? I LITERALLY POSTED THE SAME A COUPLE OF WEEKS AGO !! . My addiction has only gotten worse , I'm now eating biryani almost every single day.

Snoos of a feather...

This is one of the better addictions out there. Not a good one by any means, but could definitely be worse.


List of addictions that are better than his

:marseydrunk: :marseycocaine: :marsey420: :marseystims: :marseyjunkie: :marseygamer: :marseycoomer:

Imagine how long they'll have to keep the electric crematorium running to deal with his layers of blubber :marseydisagree:

As an alcoholic and druggie wait till you eat biryani high. If you're addicted now , oh boy do I have news for you from the other side. It's funny how you have created binaries for one addiction being okay and the others not. Come to the dark side friendo . Biryani on marijuana can only get better is someone was blowing you while you were eating that biryani

Experience that this redditor has totally had btw :derpthumbsup:

take it easy .... it'll pass - 30 yr old obese guy who's addicted to chole + Amritsari kulche

Motherlover how can you be addicted to that? I ate two morning of the last day of my Amritsar trip cause I got greedy and I didn't feel hungry till afternoon the next day. There's so much butter and oil in those things I'm pretty sure eating a whole 10 inch pizza would be less calorie intensive.

Thats more than my monthly salary!!!

:#marseyl: :#marseyl:

Wtf that's less than minimum wage in any metro are daily labourers from bhagalpur using plebbit now?

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7534 = 91.55 usd

about 3 bucks per biryani everyday for a month, sounds pretty darn cheap

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Dude works some fresher's WFH sales job that's probably 50% of his paycheck.

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Biryani isn't even that unhealthy, sure the rice has some ghee in it but it isn't loaded up with cream sauce like a curry would be. Biryani every day... I'm not going to say it's a balanced diet but there's definitely worse things you could be eating every day.

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>Cream sauce



What the frick are you doing to our dishes?

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You don't use cream if you're making butter chicken?

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Ah yeah butter chicken. I forgot Punjabis and their bloatmaxx agenda

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Thats more than my monthly salary!!!

How do people who make this even survive? Do they just live in shacks with 10 other people and collect gibs?

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google "cost of living". food and shelter are incredibly cheap in shithole countries, and even cheaper in shithole areas of shithole countries.

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True story apparently even top NLU grads who enter litigation firms get paid like 10k initially :marseyxd:

“People from non-NLUs don’t get paid any stipend. People from the top NLUs that are NLSIU, NLUD, NALSAR, NUJS get paid Rs. 10,000. This varies again by a range of Rs. 1,000 to 2,000 among the lower-ranked NLUs,” said the student.

But that's like only respectable career I can think of where you start off that low. That one's probably doing some commissions based gig, I don't see how white collar salary anywhere could be lower than 10k/mo at this point.

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Darn, but don't most of these fellas stay with parents anyway, so this should be like pocket money for them. Unless they are unfortunate

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How many of them have homes in the metros lol? There's working guy's messes, they probably use those. Cost my sister like 3k/mo in Chennai.

Lawcel and chartered accountancy are two fields where initial years can be absolute heck if you don't get into a great place or have contacts. My father used to walk 6km to his office everyday back when he was doing his CA articleship, lived in one room with 9 other guys. Used to make more teaching school kids when he was doing his BCom lol.

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I'm so out of touch. I spend like 10k/mo on booze alone :marseydrunk: granted it's usually between 2-3 people but still.

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Sasanka, what is the proper thing to do with chutney at an Indian restaurant? Do you mix it in with everything? Put it on naan?

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I think if you have anything fried its probably to dip that in, usually. You usually don't put anything on a naan(except a butter cube if you're really pigging out :marseywholesome:)

What sort of chutney? Pudina or spicy/sweet?

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rate my spread from my bday dinner king


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Pretty standard lol. Do you guys use spoons to eat the naan too btw? :marseynotes:



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i'm hungry


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It was delicious :marseychefkiss:

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All of it. There are sweet chutneys, spicy chutneys, diced pickled vegetables that are called chutney. I have no idea what I'm doing. I usually just load up on whatever and save some room for gulab jamun.

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Ah buffet. Just ignore them they add nothing of particular value. :marseythumbsup: Other than dry fried stuff all our food has requisite spices cooked in. Other than raita for biriyani :!marseyagree:

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Thanks king. :marseytunaktunak:

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You can do whatever you want, even just eating the chutney without anything is also fine

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proper thing to do with chutney

Put it on your papadums. Also lime pickle.

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Hmm 280x30 is 8400. :#marseysweating:

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Hm 270 for mutton biriyani is pretty good. Meat portion is decent? Also do you eat biriyani daily? :marseysquint:

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Yeah its fine, if you get unlucky you get a lot of bones but rare and tastes so much better than chicken biryani.

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Doesn't clarify if he eats biriyani daily

:marseysus: :marseychonker2:

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I wish I could eat biryani daily ngl. I'm a skinny vegetarian cute twink.

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Do better sweaty all the marwaris in my class started eating non veg after they got into HS.

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I tried, but realized I'm too soy for that and it doesnt feel right :marseysad:

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Chicken tikka is like the only edible sexy Indian dude food

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:#marseyinvisible: :#marseymutt2:

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Get a better skin color and you might have actually good food lol

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Sorry we don't grow enough corn here to cater to your diets :marseybow:

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I get biriyani a couple times a week and it's like 3x that. I really should take them up on a relocation offer the next time it comes up for a year or so

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Nips have biriyani? I only saw curry referenced in animu. There's a nip curry restaurant that's opened nearby, selling Japanized curry in India at 10x the rate regular curry rice would be to weebs with too much money is a great grift. Don't even need to train your chefs lmao.

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As with everywhere else, where tech companies exist everything indian will follow. Mostly because none of them actually want to adapt to the country at all and are just there for the check, so the market provides all the comforts of home.

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Because we learned from the Brits.

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Swiggy execs when they unveil Pune sales figure for Nov

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There are places in India which charges around 1500 INR for a plate of biriyani.

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>400 rupees per plate

>82 rupees per 1 USD


Isn't that stupidly expensive for India?

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Nah meat is same rate globally I think. We pay as much a kg of chicken as burgers do at least.

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Even at a grocery? It's like $1.80/lb here for chicken thighs now.

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Used to be around 400/kg so around 180/lb, 2.19$.


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Haha wow so it's actually more expensive there?

God darn


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