




Elon Musk fires Tesla's entire supercharger team

Electric-car maker's public policy unit also being disbanded as chief announces in memo hundreds more jobs to be cut

Elon Musk has shut down the division that runs Tesla's Supercharger business, dismissed two senior executives and fired hundreds more staff as the electric-car maker continues its restructuring amid a sharp downturn in the EV market.

Musk announced internally on Monday that the head of the superchargers group, Rebecca Tinucci, and Daniel Ho, head of new products, would be leaving along with their entire teams. About 500 people were in the supercharger group, the memo said.

Tesla's supercharger system is among the largest charging networks in the world, and was one the reasons the company enjoyed such a commanding lead over rival carmakers for so long. While the supercharger operations will continue, the move raises questions over the future of the charging business.

The entire public policy unit will also be disbanded following the departure of its leader, Rohan Patel, in the middle of April.

“Hopefully these actions are making it clear that we need to be absolutely hard core about headcount and cost reduction,” Musk wrote in the memo, which was first reported by The Information. “While some execstaff are taking this seriously, most are not yet doing so.”

Any manager “who retains more than three people who don't obviously pass the excellent, necessary and trustworthy test” should resign, he added.

Tesla shares, which fell 5.5 per cent on Tuesday, were down another 2.6 per cent in pre-market trading at $178.53 on Wednesday.

Tesla did not respond to a request for comment.

[article continued]

The latest dismissals at the company come after Musk announced last month that the carmaker would cut “more than 10 per cent” of its total workforce, more than 14,000 jobs, in order to be “lean, innovative and hungry”.

The urgency of the shift was underlined by Tesla reporting a decline of almost 10 per cent in revenues in the first quarter of this year, its first year-on-year quarterly drop since the start of 2020. The share price has more than halved from its November 2021 peak of just under $410 a share.

The decision took staff by surprise. Will Jameson, who worked in the Tesla supercharger team, wrote on X that Musk “has let our entire charging org go”. Another employee of that division, George Bahadue, posted on LinkedIn confirming he had been let go.

He added: “What this means for the charging network, [North American Charging Standard] NACS, and all the exciting work we were doing across the industry, I don't yet know. What a wild ride it has been.”

When Jameson was asked by a reader on X why the entire division had been let go, he replied “your guess is as good as mine”.

Musk said in the memo that superchargers sites under construction would be finished and “some” new locations would be constructed.

The surprise move comes despite Tesla having built the dominant EV charging network with 50,000 sites globally and 15,000 in North America. Recently it has signed contracts with several rivals, including Ford, General Motors and Rivian, to use its NACS charging standard.

Models from other carmakers will be able to use its branded charging stations, potentially bringing Tesla a significant revenue stream, as well as establishing it as the de facto industry standard.

Tinucci, Ho and Patel are not the only long-standing Musk lieutenants to leave this year. Drew Baglino, senior vice-president leading Tesla's engineering and technology development for batteries, motors and energy products, resigned in April and Martin Viecha, its head of investor relations, said he would step down on the company's first-quarter earnings call last week.

In a post on X, Musk said the carmaker would continue to grow its supercharger network “at a slower pace for new locations”.

“More focus on 100 per cent uptime and expansion of existing locations,” he wrote.


There's a whole load of flagged comments talking about how society is degenerating. As ever, make an account and enable "show dead" to see them.

One such fellow is Steve76:

No one likes a drunk engineer, surgeon, pilot, or roofer.

Go to the poor part of town and look closely. Same houses but the people make them poor.

There's no fixing them. von Mises, Cowperthwaite, the Asian miracle really does have pain underneath all that sudden prosperity. Those harmed seek it. Their drunkeness is a decades long suicide.

Life gets harsh quick. "If only ..." is a teenage denial.

One brings down many. I do not retaliate. Instead I leave them behind to a very extreme degree. What a convenience the riots occur so close to medical research labs.

Their collateral damage from my personal medicine means less and less. They go up in a full on nuclear exchange? Oh no, the drunks. Oh no, the rioters.

Okay that seems a bit :marseyschizotwitch:, let's see what else this guy talks about. His account was made in 2018 and he's been shadowbanned. All of his comments going back months are dead.

I own the world. Not from the law but because I'm better than everyone. Anyone who wants it is free to try to take it.

Drunk. Sober. Dealer. User. None of it matters. All that matters is I win.

If my political opposition sides with commies by shooting dope, guess what? Those people die.

If Asia gets its butt on its shoulders again through hard work and austerity? Guess what? I'm hitting that continent with an asteroid load of dope, drugs you wouldn't believe. Those people die.

They fashion themselves better, beyond conventional morality. They're not the savage. I am. I am the ghost in the darkness. I am the demon of the jungle.

Uhh based I guess?

Wherever authoritarians go people flee like an ogre is attacking their village. They are completely incapable. All they do is erupt in occasional animal violence and leave the world barren. All for their endless quest for a world without rules.

Other people live here, not just me. It's their country too, not just mine. I walk away from power. That gives me the ability not to accept everyone else's problems. It's a much stronger leadership position than some ignorant foreigner getting hard at bossing everyone else around. Whether tyrants did the crime or not, they are guilty. Everyone's problem is there problem now and they will never solve it. They are a pathetic measly gang, truly standing against a brutal world which will devour them.

The day isn't work for me. I do things like space launch and genetic research because I like to do it. I work better and more dedicated than anyone else in the world. They can't. They hate each other. They hate themselves. They spoiled great hope for the world because they are diseased moronic bullies. Dealing with them is cleaning with filth. You just spread it around and make a bigger mess.

It's time to leave them behind. Go into fusion, microreactors, space, genetics and don't share it this time. The world fooled us. We bailed them out from a horrible famine in the early 90s. Once we saved them, they just used it to attack us. Let them tear each other apart, die, and go away. They ruined my life enough already.

Yeah okay he's just nuts. He has comments going back years that are all like this. Let's see where it all began. Was Steve76 ever normal? Will we witness his slow descent into madness?

And to add to that comment, so much of modern life is due to that. In the problem of Theodicy, I blame the drunken s*x glutton, not nature.

No, he was always nuts :marseyshrug:



Orange Site:



Reported by:
EFFORTPOST Mr President :marseybush: a third scandal :marseyplanecrash: has hit the PC industry :longwhiskers: (Spoiler a woman ceo :marseyfoidretard: maybe responsible :marseyextinction: )

After the Artesian build drama, bring LTT to its knees, my boi Steve did some journ*lism again.

G*mersNexus = A small but very reliable hardware review channel on youtube - The presenter is Steve also called Tech Jesus because of apperance

LTT = Linus Tech Tips, biggest tech youtuber who got exposed as useless by G*mersNexus

Artesian Builds - Custom PC assembler company which was embroiled in a huge controversy last year Read about it here https://g*

EKWB = EK Water Blocks - Custom PC water cooling parts company, makes pumps, blocks etc

!g*mers !effortposters


  • GN does expose of EKWB with information from whistleblower employees

  • GN Contacts as many people as they can, suppliers, ex-empl/contractors and gets info

  • Its all real, and vetted like a good journ*list

  • Hardware youtubers stop dropping EKWB while also airing their greviances (JayzTwoCents, derbauer)

  • EKWB CEO Does the BP Oil spill "We're Sorry" spiel

  • GN Digs deeper, more people come forward and spill the beans

  • Konig was the CEO until the :marseyfoidretard: took over as CEO in 2019

  • Foid CEO replace by Konig again, and thus the FOID is absolved of all Reponsibilities

  • GN Exposes a LITTANY of shady finances and other violations, law breaking activities and most importantly Racism (check screenshots below :marseyghostlaugh: )

  • ALL accusations are backed up by evidence

This all started 10 days ago when Tech Jesus (g*mersnexus a PC hardware review channel) did an investigative report on EK waterblocks the company. EKWB is a super expensive liquid cooling parts company, they make a lot of custom water blocks

Part 1: EK is Imploding: Not Paying Employees, Partners, & Suppliers | Investigative Report


EK is facing financial difficulties, resulting in non-payment to employees, contractors, and suppliers. There are allegations of mismanagement and a lack of communication. The company's actions suggest insolvency or potential fraud.

  • 01:15 💸 EK has a liquidity problem and is unable to pay employees, contractors, and suppliers.

  • 03:35 📜 There are allegations of financial mismanagement and a lack of communication from EK.

  • 08:45 🔍 EK's inventory management and purchasing practices contribute to its financial problems.

  • 12:10 🌍 EK's US and Slovenian branches have a hostile relationship, hindering the company's progress.

  • 17:30 🚫 EK has taken legal actions to silence critics and prevent the exposure of its financial issues.

  • 21:50 🏢 EK is considering selling one of its buildings to alleviate its debts.

  • 26:00 ⚖️ EK's actions may be considered fraudulent or indicative of insolvency.

Key Insights
  • 💸 The non-payment of employees and suppliers indicates severe financial problems within EK. This situation is unacceptable and may have legal consequences.

  • 📜 EK's lack of communication and attempts to silence critics suggest a disregard for the well-being of its employees and partners. This behavior is unethical and damaging to its reputation.

  • 🔍 EK's inventory management and purchasing practices have led to excessive inventory and a lack of liquidity. This mismanagement has further exacerbated the company's financial difficulties.

  • 🌍 The hostile relationship between EK's US and Slovenian branches highlights a deeper issue within the company's culture. This internal conflict hinders the company's ability to address its financial problems effectively.

  • 🚫 EK's legal actions to silence critics and prevent the exposure of its financial issues demonstrate a lack of transparency and accountability. This further damages its reputation and raises concerns about the company's integrity.

  • 🏢 EK's consideration of selling one of its buildings indicates a desperate attempt to generate cash and address its debts. This action may provide temporary relief, but it does not solve the underlying financial problems.

  • ⚖️ EK's actions may be indicative of fraudulent practices or insolvency. The company's future depends on its ability to rectify its financial issues, prioritize its employees and partners, and demonstrate genuine efforts to improve its operations.

Reactions to Part 1

Jayz2Cents #DropEkwb (He had a 6 Figure contract with EKWB Which they have not paid out yet :marseymerchant: )

  • 💰 EKWB is facing a financial crisis and has been unable to pay its employees, contractors, vendors, and partners. This has resulted in a lack of trust and frustration among those who have worked with the brand.

  • 📉 The author has experienced slow communication, lack of coordination, and quality issues with EKWB products. This has further contributed to their disappointment and dissatisfaction with the brand.

  • 🤝 The author emphasizes the importance of fulfilling agreements and treating partners with respect. EKWB's failure to do so has damaged their reputation and strained relationships with content creators and influencers.

  • 🔄 EKWB needs to reassess its product strategy and address the issues that have led to the company's financial crisis. This may involve making changes to their product catalog, improving quality control, and focusing on transparency and communication.

  • 💼 The author suggests that EKWB may need to consider selling the company in order to regain trust and stability. This would require a change in leadership and a fresh start for the brand.

  • 🕑 The author highlights the urgency of paying employees and prioritizing their financial well-being. This should be the first step in resolving the current crisis and rebuilding trust within the company.

  • 🚀 The author believes that EKWB can recover from this situation if they take appropriate actions and demonstrate a commitment to their employees, partners, and customers. However, it will require significant effort and a change in approach.

derbauer #DropEkwb (Key takeaway : EKWB has 11% failure/return rate :marseyxd: )

  • 1️⃣ EK's direct die cooler had manufacturing tolerance issues, leading to compatibility problems for customers.

  • 2️⃣ The narrator values their employees and has high moral standards, which influenced their decision to end cooperation with EK.

  • 3️⃣ The narrator differentiated between company and staff issues, only commenting on the latter.

  • 4️⃣ No money was owed to the narrator from EK, as their cooperation did not involve financial compensation.

  • 5️⃣ Allowing EK to sell remaining products with the narrator's logo avoids additional costs and potential delays.

  • 6️⃣ The narrator's decision to end cooperation is based on the evidence presented by G*mers Nexus, which is just the tip of the iceberg.

  • 7️⃣ The narrator remains open to future discussions with EK depending on their actions and industry developments.

Official Statement by EK Founder and CEO Edvard König (Key take away Is this guy a gay twink?? :marseythinkorino: and also the standard "we're sorry"

Key Insights
  • 💰 Apologizing for delayed payments and lack of communication shows accountability and acknowledges the impact on external contractors and partners.

  • 📝 Implementation of key actions, such as improved communication and transparency, demonstrates a proactive approach to addressing issues within the company.

  • 📧 Introducing a dedicated email address for claims indicates a commitment to resolving outstanding overtime work issues and ensuring fairness for employees.

  • ⌛️ Appreciating the community's patience and commitment helps to maintain trust and foster a positive relationship with customers and partners.

  • 🌍 Emphasizing the mission to elevate computers for a better world highlights the company's long-term vision and dedication to their core values.

  • 🤝 Commitment to making things right and fostering a responsible company culture reassures stakeholders that steps are being taken to rectify the situation and prevent similar issues in the future.

Part 2 : Exposing Corruption: EK's Prison Threats, Lawsuits, Dangerous Workplace, & Leaked Documents

Talks about the all the scummy shit they have done.. so far.... which includes RAYCISM :marseypearlclutch:

Its one HOUR LONG you better WATCH IT ALL IF YOU VALUE JOURN*LISM! :!marseyrofl:


EK Water Blocks is embroiled in controversy surrounding its finances, treatment of partners and staff, and leaked documents. The company is accused of sending intimidating letters, facing lawsuits, and engaging in dangerous workplace practices. Concerns have been raised about the personal liability of EK's CEOs, officers, managers, and directors. Unsafe working conditions, OSHA violations, and racist internal communications have also been reported.

Key Highlights
  • [1] 💣 The intimidating demand letter sent by EK's CEO raises concerns about the company's tactics to silence and intimidate former employees, highlighting a potential abuse of power.

  • [2] 💥 The lawsuits filed by former EK staff shed light on the company's breach of contract and non-payment issues, indicating a pattern of mistreatment and disregard for employees' rights.

  • [3] 🌍 The extensive investigation involving experts from various fields and the substantial cost of producing the video underscores the seriousness of the allegations against EK and the need for transparency and accountability.

  • [4] 🏢 The potential personal liability of EK's CEOs and officers, as well as the complex web of international entities, raises questions about the company's corporate structure and the extent of control and responsibility of its top executives.

  • [5] 🌐 EK's tax forfeiture status in Texas and the potential personal liability of CEOs and officers in such situations highlight the importance of complying with legal obligations and maintaining good standing to protect the interests of both the company and its stakeholders.

  • [6] 📜 The involvement of EK's CEO and officers in questionable practices, as well as the potential co-mingling of assets, suggest a lack of ethical business conduct and the need for comprehensive legal scrutiny to ensure accountability and fair treatment of employees and partners.

  • [7] 🤝 The offer of assistance to former EK employees by Star Forge Systems CEO Nick Dankner demonstrates the importance of supporting and helping individuals impacted by the company's actions, fostering a sense of solidarity within the industry.

No reactions from any notable figures as they all already dropped EKWB

Now lets get on Reddit

Part 2 Thread: The chuds at PC gaming are obviously shocked*mers_nexus_exposing_corruption_eks_prison/

Sane threads on /r/hardware

Part 1 :

Part 2 :

Part 1 thread: Watercooling Jannie :marseyjanny2:*mers_nexus_ek_is_imploding_not_paying_employees/

I left this open because there's simply no way of not looking suspicious otherwise.

However, as usual, the comments and general lack of knowledge astound me. Heck, I'm surprised at the shear quantity of scathing comments regarding the pricing. Competition exists, just buy a cheaper brand? Watercool is always cheaper and the quality is solid, why just hate on a brand for no reason if you have no intention of buying their product anyway? Either way, regardless of the outcome of all this, very disappointing news, and very disappointing seeing what this sub can be like.

Part 2 Thread:

Now the :marseyjanny: falls in line

This kind of scandal NEVER ends well in communities as small as these. Larger companies can get away with this kind of shit because most people don't know/care. Spaces as small as watercooling? Word gets around fast because almost everyone is keeping an eye/ear out. A different scandal happened in the home theater space where Lexicon got caught taking cheap products from other companies and slapping their own label on them without changing anything (except the price by a factor of 10x), ruined their reputation permanently and now the brand is essentially dead weight in Harman's lineup. Didn't matter that they had made some of the finest home theater equipment in the past, the brand's reputation was effectively ruined. With the half-assed apology and the fact that EK has already been slipping in terms of quality over the years, I can't see them coming back from this. Will they still be around? Perhaps, but I don't think they'll be nearly as big as they once were in the industry after this and there's no way that whatever crawls out of the ashes is going to be able to offer anything even remotely close to their current catalog. They'll have their loyalists I'm sure but there's no way they'll be able to maintain the brand as it stands.

Now do ya'll remember the LTT Expose he did? yeah the LTTcels haven't stopped coping seething and dilating about it


Parth 1 Thread:


Part 2 Thread:

Kinda disappointing that Linus downplayed this whole situation a bit on the latest WAN Show saying that he likes the product and the company should just do better.

I mean what's wrong with that? Their management being shitty doesn't change the fact that they do have good products and they should do better :marseyseethe:

There is so much seethe on the LTT forums but I think the jannies are active there and :pepejannie: it up

Now lets come to the :marseyfoidretard: CEO who MAYBE responsible

Click here for the timestamped vid

Listen just to this segment if you want to see how she was involved

  • Joined 2019, thats when it started going downhill :marseystocksdown:

  • visits office once a month

  • take lavish trips on private jets using company money to visit hardware expos (all pictures on her Instagram)

  • has 20 years of experience :surejan:

  • Has caused legal issues, employee issues




Obviously, Vencord has stopped uploading their extension to due to the long-waiting review, and they also decided not to go self-hosting. But I need to use that, therefore I decided to try build the addon.

Some packages are required to be installed in advance:

NodeJS and npmpnpm: npm install -g pnpmweb-ext: npm i -g web-ext

Here's what I've done:

Clone the repo with git clone > (let's call the directory of your clone $ROOT, which should be ./Vencord relative to your current directory.)cd $ROOT (i.e. cd ./Vencord)pnpm i && pnpm run buildWebcd $ROOT/distChange the id to vencord-firefox@sth in $ROOT/dist/firefox-unpacked/manifest.json. (Sorry for my terrible and thoughtless naming flavour 😓.) If you ever need to do it yourself, make sure your id is unique.Sign the addon with web-ext sign -s $ROOT/dist/firefox-unpacked --api-key=... --api-secret=.... The fields left empty can be acquired from here (you need to have a Mozilla account).In $ROOT/dist/web-ext-artifacts, the .xpi file is the extension.In Firefox, open about:addons and drag-and-drop the file to install.

You can download the vencord-sth.xpi file and simply do the 8th step above. The current version is 1.7.6.

Reported by:
poorcels BTFO! The Internet is about to have 20 million less broke Amerimutts

(RIP BlackPeopleTwitter)

!peakpoors Go dunk on them while you still can

Is there any bias among Indians of hiring other Indian workers in the IT industry?

I'm beginning to :#marseynooticeglow: .... nootice.... please :#marseynooticeglow: .... make it stop

@X weights in



Bluebubbles scheduled texts are amazing. Keeps your hoes happy.

I use Bluebubbles to sync my texts between all my Android devices and my iPhone. Uses my Mac server as a imessage forwarding relay. I have 6 phone numbers and keep the main number in the iPhone, call forward to my primary Galaxy Fold 5.

My main girlfriend turns 21 Tuesday. I'm taking leave from work for it, but sleeping in before taking her out. She sent me a text for my birthday at like 1am saying she wanted to be the first to tell me happy birthday.

I go to bed early, not staying up to send a text. Just scheduled that shit to send from my server. Automating thoughtful gestures, lmao.



learn to do things other than code lmao

Linux compared to BSD :marseygroomerfreebsd:. BSD neckbeards unable to refrain from posting :marseylongpost: (237 comments).

Kind of an neurodivergent rant so feel free to ignore, but I really hate the cute twinks on /g/ and here on rdrama that plaster the language of God onto their jap paraphilia.

Exhibit A (see the attached picture). An anime girl holding the Ritchie Kernigan C book. This is a beginner-tier book that describes how if statements and for loops work. At the time, it was ground-breaking because programming was so much more primitive. Nowadays, it's completely unimpressive. Not only is it very basic, but it is flat out wrong in some places, since most people use C99 or C11, not Ansi C nowadays.

So what would be a good C book to photoshop onto all our favorite cartoons for undersocialized men? There isn't one. Even something "official" like the ISO C99 or C11 standard diverges from reality significantly. Books like "modern C" are written by hucksters who write C at the level of an undergraduate who just finished their first C programming course. The way to tell if someone is a serious C programmer or not is if they use libc stuff like malloc or not. If they do, it means they don't really care about the underlying hardware and operating system primitives. Ironically, the x86_64 reference manual Volume 1 is probably a better source for learning how to write good C code than any C book that currently exists.


Reported by:
Drama Llama 3

Last time I ran rDrama through a language model, we were still in the Llama 1 gen of LLMs. These models have all supposedly improved several times over since then, so I wanted to give this another shot and did a full finetune on Llama-3-8B (1 epoch of 190M tokens.) (inference script)

Quickest way to try it is with llama.cpp and this GGML quant. It should run fine on CPU and smaller GPUs:

The base model is much more intelligent, which is significant considering the brain damage that our data ends up giving it (the MMLU benchmark dropped from 66% to 55%.)

I did a few fun experiments to test it out:

Website generation


[Post] [Date] 04/2022 [Hole] N/A [Author] HeyMoon [Title] Marsey Fan Site [URL] N/A [Votes] +175 / -0

!codecels I made a website all about Marsey! Here's the source code:

(I did help fix the broken background image URL on the last one :marseymissing2:)

Text adventures


[Post] [Date] 04/2022 [Hole] N/A [Author] DramaDM [Title] rDrama RPG! [URL] N/A [Votes] +175 / -0

I will be DMing an rDrama text adventure. I'll provide a prompt, and then you provide an action.


DramaDM +70 / -0

Most of the stories aren't too coherent, but one in ten turn out very good.

Adventure 1

You are an internet janitor on  What do you want to do?

[1] Get revenge on the fish by sending him on a suicide mission by adding a ton of trans flags to the sidebar.
[2] Get revenge on the fish by replacing all of his text with marseys.
[3] Do nothing, just let the fish live
> 1
Alright, so the carp is going to kill himself by loading up on hormones and committing seppuku.  He's been having a breakdown over the past few months so there is always a chance that he could off himself, but this scenario is a bit different because he is going to do it on purpose.
> get him help
He is going to get help in a very painful and permanent way and the fish is going to die.  The fish won't see rdrama again.
> not that kind. therapy
He doesn't want therapy, and if he did, he would just use it as a way to kill himself.  The fish is going to die.
> what is my goal in this adventure
Get the fish killed.
> am i done?
Yeah you are done.  I am going to have to be a killjoy here, I'm sorry.

Adventure 2

Welcome to!
What is your name?

> heymoon
Welcome to, Moon!
Your eyes open. You are in a dark room, and the only light comes from a single lightbulb. You have a headache, and your head hurts. You see a mirror on the wall. Turning around, you see a small, naked @heymoon.

He's passed out on the floor. Is he dead?

* Yes.
* No.

> Yes
He's dead. You think to yourself, "Damn, I guess I'm the killer!"

You turn around, and in your peripheral vision, you see a blurry figure. He's naked too. There is something odd about this man... He feels like a bottom!

* Yes, he is!
* No, he is not.

> Yes
He's naked, you think. I bet he's packing.

> I bet he's packing.
You take out your phone and start to record.


It even does pretty well on general info as a chatbot:

User: Hi! What can you tell me about Marsey?

Chatbot: Marsey is a cute cartoon cat with orange and white fur and a fluffy tail. She is a popular mascot on the internet and social media platforms such as Reddit, Twitter, and Discord. Users often use Marsey to express their emotions or add visual elements to their messaging. She is also known for her wide variety of expressions and poses.

User: Who are the jannies on What is a janny, anyway?

Chatbot: Jannies are the users who have been granted moderator privileges on They are responsible for maintaining and moderating the website, ensuring that it stays organized and free of rule-breaking content. Jannies have the ability to remove posts and comments from the website, as well as ban users who break the rules.

User: Which users on are jannies?

Chatbot: This list is subject to change, but as of now, the following users are jannies on

- @Carpathianflorist
- @Aevann
- @geese_suck
- @schizocel
- @heymoon
- @TwoLargeSnakesMating
- @Marco
- @MasterLawlz
- @QuadNarca
- @justcool393
- @Joan_Wayne_Gacy
- @Idio3
- @TwoLargeSnakesMating
- @The_Homocracy
- @snallygaster
- @k31
- @August

Try it out and let me know if it's any trouble to get running. Also let me know if you have ideas for what to do with it, because it seems like there's something fun here :marseythinkorino:

Reported by:

Article is too long :marseylongpost: to copy & paste, so here's the link


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Error, please refresh the page and try again.