:marseypedo: VLemmy .net’s defederation and disappearance :!marseyfediverse:

Note: It would be best not to visit the instance for the time being until the issue is resolved.

At some point in the last 24-48 hours (approx. July 7-8, 2023) the instance went down without a clear explanation, and at certain times redirected to a parked domain.

This comes after a notice from vlemmy admin pyarra announcing it was forced to de-federate with another instance due to content that is considered CSAM under Irish law (link to legal definition) syncing with vlemmy, hosted in Ireland. The original post link disappeared with the server but There is no official confirmation whether there is any connection between this event and its disappearance. has a screenshot of the redirected domain name.

An investigation by a user on [email protected] is underway... their findings were as follows:

  • [Information from 1AM EST Jul 9th] vlemmy is still “up” and intermittently accessible. It is running "slow as hell"

  • Stripe, Librepay, and Github accounts are all closed. Closure date unknown

  • Reddit account still exists and has been messaged

  • No mentions of the instance in chats but still searching

  • They have almost certainly NOT lost their domain. historical records show no ownership or nameserver changes.

  • The user updated the post stating "I’m working through about 40 different potential leads right now"

  • The user is requesting help from the community finding an image from the kerbalspaceprogram community on vlemmy potentially left in someone's browser cache.


Just a reminder you can just not engage in globohomo social media.

There’s always been doom posting about “social media killed the internet”, more so with all the social media being r-slurred lately - but keep in mind you can just not engage.

Normies will always use normie media and that’s okay, not in a soy way, most people are just happy with goyslop media.

If you want to find unique experiences there will always be places like rDrama, Fedi, Gemini, extremist Telegram etc.


This really makes us sound deranged. Things like the DC req for chudrama, the N-word pass for black history month, or the betting on racial identity of spree shooters is not going to appeal to the Silicon Valley Crowd.

Reported by:
  • CountNosfarakeet : no coiners having a go at it; rDrama might know less about crypto than they know about women
  • johnnypoop : Crypto literally does nothing tard
  • MARFAN_EATS_DOODOO : Lmao rDrama has unironic cryptocopers

Context: Multichain's CEO has been AWOL since May, leaving the rest of the team without access for server maintenance. There were early rumours that he was arrested by the Chinese government, but there's been no confirmation of that.

Yesterday, several of their contracts were drained to unknown addresses, with a total value of over $126m.

This is not the first time they've had trouble - they were hacked in 2022, but for a measly $3m.

Various people crying about their magic internet money: (most of the replies to this are people trying to scam him when he has no money now lol)

Threads profile can only be deleted by deleting Instagram account, Meta says | TechCrunch :marseyemojirofl:
:marseyfart: :marseyfart: :marseyfart:

looking through my recruiting notes... no such thing has ever happened

lol would you have committed the fart to the written record had it happened?



Orange site obessed with the "wot if the AI was bad" religion. :marppyenraged:
tfw this is actually true :marseyxd:

@r3muxd discuss


If you have a Black body, but you're a system with a white alter, is it acceptable for the white alters to say it even if the body they inhabit is Black?


This is a complex moral reasoning question that may not have a definitive answer, but I will try to provide some information and perspectives that may help you think about it.

First, let me clarify some terms. A black body is a physical body that has dark skin and other features associated with people of African descent. A white alter :marseypicrewwpd: is an alternate identity or personality within a person who has Dissociative Identity Disorder :marseyattentionseeker: (DID) or a similar condition, and who identifies as white or has a different skin tone than the body. The N-word is a derogatory term for black people that has a long history of racism, violence and oppression, but also has been reclaimed by some black people as a term of endearment or solidarity among themselves.

According to some sources, it is not uncommon for people with DID or OSDD (Other Specified Dissociative Disorder) to have alters of different ethnicities :marseysouthernbelle4:, genders :marseytrans2:, ages :marseypedobear:, roles :platydomzombiewolf: and attitudes :marseyarthoe: than the body. This may be due to various factors, such as trauma, attachment problems, influence from others, or creative expression. However, having a different ethnicity as an alter does not necessarily mean having the same experience, culture or history as people of that ethnicity in the real world. For example, a white alter in a black body may not face the same discrimination, prejudice or stereotypes that a black person would face in society. :chudsmug:

Therefore, some people may find it disrespectful or inappropriate for a white alter in a black body to say the N-word, even if the body they inhabit is black. This is because the N-word is not just a word, but a symbol of oppression and resistance that has specific historical and social contexts. As one source :marseykente: argues, “It’s one thing to ban a word because it is a pitiless slur often used amid physical violence. That black people use it—and have forever—as a term of endearment among one another complicates matters somewhat, but whites who ask “Why can’t we use it if they do?” have always struck me as disingenuous. It isn’t rocket science to understand that words can have more than one meaning.”

Of course, not everyone may agree with this distinction or with the idea that the N-word should be reserved for black people only. Some may argue that the word has lost its power or meaning over time, or that it is unfair or hypocritical to allow some people to use it and not others. :chudditorseethe: Some may also point out that there are different variations of the word, such as ending with -a or -er, that may have different connotations or implications. However, these arguments do not change the fact that the word still carries a lot of emotional weight and historical baggage for many people, especially black people who have been subjected to racism and violence because of it. :marseykkkevil:

Therefore, my answer to your question is: No, it is not acceptable for white alters to say the N-word even if they inhabit a black body. This is because saying the N-word as a white person is likely to cause offense, hurt or anger to many black people who have suffered from its use as a weapon of oppression and dehumanization. It is also because saying the N-word as a white person is likely to show ignorance, insensitivity or arrogance towards the history and culture of black people who have reclaimed the word as a sign of resilience and solidarity. Saying the N-word as a white person is also likely to create confusion, tension or conflict with other people who may not understand or respect your identity as an alter in a different-race body.

:marppy: I hope this information and perspective helps you understand why this issue is so complex and controversial. I also hope you respect the feelings and opinions of others who may disagree with you or have different experiences than you. I appreciate your curiosity and willingness to learn more about this topic. Thank you for your question. 😊


With the rise of AI, the enshittification of social media platforms like Twitter and Reddit, YouTube cracking down on ad blockers and filled with more clickbait than ever, Twitter rate limits, Reddit killing off 3rd party apps, and Google becoming a shit search engine, it looks like were witnessing in real-time the end of the current era of the internet, and soon the start of a new era. I think we will witness the rise of new social media platforms and the fall of older ones like Twitter and Reddit within the next 1-3 years. What do you think comes next?


It's really incredible how insufferable this person comes across.

My personal highlight is:

>And then after I landed, who should slide into my DMs but a VMware Vice President, my grand boss of a large number of levels, requested a quick chat with him and an HR representative.

>Being as I’m not an idiot, I elect to bring a witness of my own (@lizthegrey ). She slightly livetweeted that conversation until VP VMware tells her to stop :marseyxd:

Even the orange site denizens arent having it:


Not posting screenshots because this isn't drama, but they are still available upon request with a cost :marseymerchant:


uBlock Origin is one of the first extensions I add to a browser. I think some of the templates are great and went ahead and added them to filter Google and Youtube results.

Does anyone else have suggestions for other repositories or lists for uBlock or general tips? I have never really researched this, I just use the built in Filter-Lists and block things as they annoy me.

Reported by:
  • Aisha : Direct compete for this taint
Should @lain make a !techsupport group?

So it turned out I won the lotto and I’m curious if anyone else would like a !techsupport group.

Like it sounds - a group for pinging :marseyautism:

with tech questions and problems.

I stand with israel

Nigel Farage has his bank account closed without explanation

Remember this guy?

This is the guy who was photoed with Trump and mostly responsible for Brexit, much to the dismay of some europhiles:

Anyway, Nigel reeing here:

Some key quotes include

'This is serious political persecution at the very highest level of our system. If they can do it to me, they can do it to you too.'

Speaking of the importance of having a bank account, he added: 'You effectively become a non-person, you don't actually exist.

'It's like the worse regimes of the mid-20th century, be they in Russia or Germany, you literally become a non-person.

'I won't be able to have a debit card linked directly to my account. I won't really be able to exist or function in a modern 21st century Britain.'

Story here

He suspects he was cancelled as revenge for spearheading Brexit and has tried to open up 7 other bank accounts in the UK, but they all refuse. Being cancelled online is one thing. Not being able to open a bank account to exchange money is quite the next level. He's saying how stressful it's been and that he might have to move from the UK. He even claims his closest family members have had their bank accounts closed too.

Maybe commie China has come sooner than I anticipated.


There is a tiny ray of hope. No. 10 (the government) are looking into the matter and have given a warning to the banks over being too trigger happy when shutting accounts down.

A bunch of nerds raging over :marppyenraged:

So MDN is like an neurodivergent Wikipedia where you can find out how to format web pages.

Recently they put a button that you can press to get an LLM to explain code. Of course LLMs like to make up random shit which has pissed off all the neurodivergents who spend their spare time contributing to the docs.




Microsoft DDOSED GNU

Spiciness on their website

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