
good morning I hate women







If a woman had made the same commentary the male mayor did about a case involving a male victim mass r*ped by dozens of women, she would receive r*pe and death threats and quite possibly need to go into hiding. And would probably end up being forced to resign (as she should obviously). I said what I said.

The shit men can get away with is insane. Y'all remember Matt Rife? If Matt had been a woman making a DV joke about a male victim, well, let's just say I don't think that woman would be very safe. And very likely wouldn't still have a career.






Reported by:
Girls get it done!




But she was also flirting with a guy names kenny last month

Almost like /u/Primrus is a femcel who made this up for attention



I have an imaginary boyfriend

Tired of being treated like shit?

Imaginary boyfriend.

He's based on an internet personality I have a crush on. 100% not what that person is actually like, but I was too lazy to make a name and imagine a face.

Now when people ask me what I'm doing with my boyfriend, or what we did last weekend, it's some of the most romantic, delusional shit. Call it manifesting.

"Oh yeah, I was tired so he ordered in my fave food and wrapped me in blankets while he prepared the body clay and then massaged me and then he did a clay body mask. I'm sooooo smooth."

"We went out to the park to recreate fragonard's 'the swing', but I fell off the swing instead of the shoe and he was strong enough to catch me."

"He planned an elaborate day, we're out to watch the ballet's matinee show, then high tea, then we're going to this conference on neurology for the free food but also the brain food."

Just enough to be possible, but just enough to be delusional.

I'm done being treated like an idiot, having no voice, no important hobbies, like I'm not working hard or in pain, like what I expect is too high in standard. So I'm raising the standards in my head. A 2 dimensional male character who can be present and support my self actualization instead of reducing me to a bangmaid.


Over the weekend I got banned from a reddit sub. It's primary audience is mostly foids but recently many men are joining too. It's devoted to a podcast but it seems like all of them hate the podcast. I got banned for "incel" posting. What these dumb broads and strags don't understand is that things change and all you can do is roll with it. I'm going to browse every day and find 2 or 3 posts to report every time. It shouldn't be hard with their millenial/zoomzoom obsession with Palestine to find some really anti-semitic stuff eventually, and that's not counting the once a season thread where India hate spills out.

Fair enough, you can ban me, but I will get my get-back.



Top comment on /r/divorce from an Angry Man

Well, a divorce is a huge life event and can cause people to re-evaluate. Not so much that he wasn't trying for you, but that now his life is upside down he finally understands how important it is.

But also, it's not like he changed that much, he might have a nice job, but he's still awful with money if he's buying a girlfriend a house.

Top comment on TwoX from Heckin Valid Women (male)

This is something I haven't admitted out loud as someone who recently divorced (aside for therapy). Since we have little ones, I do hope he steps up for them and gets his shit together. On the other hand, I don't want him to because that means there is something wrong with me. Why didn't he support me? Why didn't he step up? Why did I have to do all the heavy lifting?

My therapist said something along the lines of "if he changes it wasn't because you weren't good enough. Its because you are not longer managing his feelings and life so he HAS to step up to the plate. You had an overgrown child not a partner. A true partner would at least meet halfway where it counts. If he does step up after you leave him it's because you showed him how to step up. He didn't step up not because of something you did wrong."

He probably was taking advantage of you, whether or not he realized it. I doubt he has actually changed, he just got a new job and a new lady. It's ok to be scared. You will be ok being alone. Date yourself and stop giving him anymore of your already gave him 12 years of it.

Did we all marry the same man?




What can we do???? I feel rage and such sadness.

I don't think we can do much for them as individuals but we can push back on christofascist ideologies in the US like Project 2025 that are moving in the same direction as the taliban leadership in terms of coming after women's rights. It's infuriating.

Isn't it ironic how Project 2025 is practically the same as the Talibans bullshit especially when it comes to suppression of women, but with a slightly different Abrahamic based religion misinterpreted by right wing nutters and yet most people supporting stuff like Project 2025 still call the Taliban regime fricked up and wrong?

Taliban is basically just a middle eastern Heritage Foundation, chud! :!marseynails:



This is lowkey crazy to make as a first post for me but anyway I'm a cis woman but a lesbian also and lesbianism is definitely my gender expression regardless. I use and am comfortable with she/her pronouns and I like identifying as a woman, and I also love being masculine. I try to present more masculine with my clothes and I love feeling like a protector/provider in a sense. I love taking care of people and solving their problems and I'm not afraid to do the hard stuff. I don't shave my body hair which feels freeing to me and unfortunately makes everyone around me uncomfortable but it doesn't make me want to shave anyway. Anyway, all this to say, I'm comfortable with how I express and present myself currently, I love being a girl unconstrained by gender norms; but goddarn if I don't want a packer like SO bad. I feel like my whole life the one thing that's been missing is my own peepee between my legs. And that's the thing; It's not that I want to be a boy. I know I don't. I LOVE being a girl. But I want to be a girl that also has a peepee. I can literally recall this thought dating back to when I was a kid. I was frankly ENVIOUS and always have been. And ever since I discovered packers it's like it's calling to me. But they're a little difficult to search, and I feel like they're specific to men who are transitioning, and I don't want to just take something I'm not supposed to or that is specific to the trans journey. Or maybe I'm making up a problem that's not real? But anyway I did a little research and there's a couple different kinds you could have and I honestly really want to buy one. Idk I guess I've been nervous cause it's not even necessarily that I identify as butch either, I can't tell if how I present myself counts, or maybe that's something I just need to do more research on. Admittedly I have not read enough into the history of lesbianism or queerness in general enough that I can't say anything for certain. But at the end of the day, I'm a girl and I want that packer.

absolutely valid!

Buy it! Who cares what your identity is, if it feels affirming then it's for you.

I'm a trans woman, and I deeply wish I'd had this mentality at a younger age. I knew in middle school that I wanted estrogen, but thought that was only for girls and I didn't think I was one (lol). It would've improved my life SO much to have the attitude of "I want estrogen, so I'm going to get it. Who cares what my gender is- that's a different question."

Obviously a packer is less serious than HRT, but the same applies.

ofc there are trains infesting a lesbian sub and making it about them, sweety

virtually the only downside i can think of (speaking as a trans women who has the genuine article), is that you may come up against some misdirected transmisogyny. a lot of people will see a woman with a bulge and immediately target her with vitriol whether or not she is actually trans.

if youre flaunting your package trying to get people to notice then you deserve the attention it receives




Several months ago I moved to a new town with my young son. I met a woman with a son about the same age. I wouldn't say we "hit it off" in terms of being friends, but we got along well enough, as did our sons. We were also both going through separation/divorce. Therefore we had enough in common to keep our friendship going.

We've talked a lot about relationships and motherhood, but not much about politics or religion. Our sons are almost always with us too, so we also have our attention divided between them as well. Well today she was telling me how much she enjoys the Joe Rogan Experience podcast.

I'm torn on how I feel about this. I'm surprised honestly, and I don't want to judge her or end a friendship over 1 thing. Except it feels much bigger than just 1 thing. She was a person whose advice I was really beginning to value. What are your thoughts?

Nah frick that.

Joe Rogan is the worst kind of meathead far right bro.

He's historically tried to hide his promotion of far right stuff as "just asking questions" but in the past few years he's dropped any pretense. He endorses Trump and brings the who's who of far right scumbags on his show.

He's also always been a raging misogynist and racist. He was beating women and calling black people apes back in the 90s.

E: This thread really brought the Rogan roaches out of the woodwork. Not surprised.

I remember when Rogan signed his deal with Spotify for $100 million dollars, there was a video circulating of all of the times he said N----r on his show. The video was like 4 minutes long.

That's when I quit Spotify. Rogan is a shitstain, and anyone who pays to platform him can frick right off.

Your right he changed after Covid I couldn't stand him, he used to touch on pretty neat topics like archeology, aliens, tech, science and health related subjects.

now he is just an agitator of the social fabric of our society, my current view is that he is a paid Russian shill like most alt right and some alt left commentators he is simply a tool used to divide us he appears to always play both sides he gaslamps his followers into believing whatever is the current agenda. He says things like "who really knows who started the Ukraine war" or "maybe they were right maybe we are wrong" all this does is erode the confidence in our governments and poison the mind of men.

He has had some interesting guests - but he has allowed a lot of irresponsible propaganda on his show and allowed nuttos to push way too much right wing nuttery for my taste. He's a Trump supporter - that says all I need to know frankly.

Joe Rogan has also had racist misogynist Tim Pool on his show multiple times and they frequently tweet and retweet each other. After Pool admitted to being paid by the Russians, how close behind is a revelation Joe Rogan directly benefitted from Russian influence.

What is her stance on vaccinations? That's one tell.

Haha nope.

We had a woman join our book club. She had some strange hot takes that were kinda racist/sexist. One evening we wandered into a discussion about podcasts and she blurted out, "I listen to Joe Rogan like every week!" and suddenly all of her takes made sense in that context.

It was like she's dropped a big stinky fart. No one knew how to respond, but I guess our faces spoke for us.

The next week she didn't show up for book club. She did make a long Facebook post about how she was upset that some people didn't respect her opinions and it wasn't fair.

I felt kind of bad that I didn't reach out to smooth it over. Until Joe dropped his latest standup special on Netflix and I watched it out of morbid curiosity, thinking I could use it to reach out to her.

Nope. It was so racist and homophobic that I gave up halfway through. Younger me might have tried harder, but now I'm old and I don't have the fricks to give.

Joe Rogan is trash. I just can't respect anyone who listens to him for hours every week.

Giant red flag. Joe Rogan has gone off the deep end and is circling the drain at the moment due to his various comments made over the past few months.





I'm happy for you!!! I'm not going to lie, I got a little hot and bothered reading your post…it sounds like such a great time!!!

That makes me laugh because we joked numerous times about how I should write a smutty book about our escapades!

I'd read it!

:#marseytrain: :marseyxd#:









OP's account history is quite interesting as well. mostly posts about chronic illness, mylittlepony, also they are trans! :marseypooner:

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