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she felt unsafe walking home at night and that she needed to hear my voice to feel better.

Pay attention to your surroundings then you dumb b-word

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Eww gross male solution oriented thinking

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>open thread

>CTRL+F "gun"

>0 results


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Frick Zoomers

When you take responsibility for a foid you take responsibility for all of the foids bullshit that comes with it.

Whining about having to do what you have to do to keep that foid safe and happy is exponentially more fatherless behavior.

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Simps like you created the foid narcissism epidemic that zoomers were born into I hate men like you more than the woman in the op

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foid narcissism epidemic that zoomers were born into

Neighbor "foid ruins everything" is chapter fricking 4 of The Bible. At what point are you going to accept you're just a cute twink.

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they were always bad but they got exponentially worse in recant times.

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No, you're just a histrionic zoomer that thinks their mundane existence is unprecedented tribulation

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foid :#marseyprojection:

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Chapter 3. Also, she immediately tries to avoid accountability by blaming the snake.

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Either they are equal or they are not. Foids chose the former, now it's finally time they are actually treated equal.

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>This year is the year we finally make women understand, it'll be different than every year in recorded human history

:chudseethe#: :#chudjakdancing: :#chudtantrumfaster: :c#huddyhappy:

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Every r*pe, every murder of any foid is a little victory :marseyshrug:

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Sun Core Temperature take there chief. A little too based for me dawg.

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women are basically children.

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I was definitely the AH because otherwise the โ€žI want to be always there for you" are just empty words.

And yet if a moid did this, they'd be saying "sleep deprivation is like literally Guantanamo torture" :marseydarkfoidretard:

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I wonder why so many people feel that she is entitled to his emotional labor :marseythinkorino:

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>we are equal


>i need too talk someone too walk down a street

Also :marseyfoidretard!#talking:

Trans lives matter

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year donkey

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>i need too talk someone too walk down a street

this is excusable and explained by biological reality. The real problem is that she went out drinking without considering the schedule of her protector

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Inshallah she would have not suffered so had she not gone out without her chaperone. May allah grace her with the humility to learn from this

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The world you are thinking of is "identical"

We are equal not identical

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The thing about equality is you wouldn't need laws to make things equal if they were equal

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year donkey

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The word you are looking for is identical.

Identical means laws apply to both genders the same, honey :marseynails:

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That bussy better be good. Waking me up from my slumber is capital offence

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weak men like this are what killed the west, billions of girls must be r*ped in dark streets by darker men. v sad (โ•ฏ๏ธตโ•ฐ,)

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They should not go outside unaccompanied by a male chaperone

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nyo they nyeed two start behaving like cwompetent adults and either

1:dwont leave :marseypeaceout: the fricking hwouse at nyight if they are this fricking afwaid

2:face ywour fears and gwow up

3:carry a fricking fwirearm

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she should drop her whore friends if she wants to enter a committed relationship

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if you're scared of your own shadow despite being less likely to be the victim of a violent crime do us all a favor and just neetmaxx at home 24/7 so nobody has to suffer you.

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aw, so cute when you're angry at foids! เดฆเตเดฆเดฟ ( แต” แ—œ แต” )

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learn :marseyreading: two be an adult :marseyfellowkids:

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Okay but hearing his voice only made her feel safer, it wasn't actually making her safer. The phone call accomplished nothing tangible. Foid at fault, but moid at fault for letting himself be convinced he was in the wrong.

We need trans hedgehogs! Trans hedgehogs belong here! We love trans hedgehogs!

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feels before reals

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There isn't an equivalent to manchild because moids typically are the ones that don't grow up until their 40s-50s lmao

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name one childish trait among females that socially unacceptable as an adult. you cant

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BIPOC stop being afraid of foids and get a job or something

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I have a job doe its one of those jobs that are great because I do nothing 99% of the time.

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What is it? :marseyfluffy:

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nyot dwoxxing myself :marseypain:

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But I work hard and I don't want to :marseycry:

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Get a programming job where most of your peers are old

Not at my work but I've seen other companies where the other programmers are all so geriatric that they make progress incredibly slow (so not much is expected of you per week) and are easily impressed by any small accomplishment you make

!codecels confirm?

We need trans hedgehogs! Trans hedgehogs belong here! We love trans hedgehogs!

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:marseyagree: Old devs have already automated everything and don't care about your bullshit "features" or "revenue"

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Im living this dream. We hired a couple of younger guys but had to let them go because they were literally r-slurred. I can get by on about 3 hours work a day.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739271948y52utXmckBNkwg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740487396BapOr-T9W_9t1g.webp

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Yikes imagine not burning oldcels to generate power instead.


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It's true my worth comes from knowing the arcane incantations to revive a 30 yo database that no zoomer will touch :marseyseethe:

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I somehow managed to land a job where they openbsd in prod, I think they discount how unusual knowing how to use openbsd is :marseypuffer:

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I can somewhat attest. The drawback is that you have to deal with absurdly out of date programming practices- one example that drives me fxking crazy is that one of our Elder Graybeards who refused to ever learn git has a bunch of code like this

code code code

He used to comment this shit ANYTIME there was a change to anything so legacy scripts are littered with this :ragejak:

However yes - because they are traditionally slow as molasses to do anything, you are expected to be as slow as them. Simply by using a modern IDE you can probably work 10x faster than them. I have witnessed that some of these older devs unironically code in notepad - and I mean Windows Notepad, NOT Notepad++.

And anyone young willing to take up this work has solid job security. Being the only guy under 65 puts you in a very advantageous position and very few zoomers have the balls to take your place - one look at the stuff you're working on makes them :zoomertears:

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Absolutely true, that describes my first full time programming job perfectly. I was the youngest engineer by decades and everyone was super impressed because I wasn't slow as shit.

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I've never been able to properly gauge whether I'm slow or fast. Not really a programmer though. Just like code monkey because I'd rather automate my job than work it.

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This is true but you can also just work in a business :marseybroker: that uses lots of indians for the same effect

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Where I live, most companies fire programmers once they hit 35

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>men: has hobbies

>women: "omg what a manchild lmao"

!fellas it's morning somewhere :marseycoffee:

We need trans hedgehogs! Trans hedgehogs belong here! We love trans hedgehogs!

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:#marseyinvisible: :#marseytrad: ew boys like things

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Cry lmao

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>Cry lmao


We need trans hedgehogs! Trans hedgehogs belong here! We love trans hedgehogs!

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You know for as often as women talk about how we could crush their skulls with our bare hands, they sure seem to forget sometimes that we could crush their skulls with our bare hands.



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