Foids Posting Ls :marseyl:


I turned to an old friend of mine to vent, lament and seek comfort

Ive endured lots of abuse from this man, having met him at 15. I am 29 he is 48…I feel like a fool but now I see why no American woman wants him (one faked her death to get out of a relationship…🚩🚩🚩

:#marseytunaktunak: :#marseywomanmoment2:

For real. No Kamala/Hilary voter would call OP a fricking idiot over her being worried Canada could become a part of USA, a country ran by a man who r*ped at least 27 different women.

Edit: people brought to light the fact that more than one woman got r*ped by this pig.


I'm sorry American conservative men are real buttholes. They are literally killing pregnant women here. They have outlawed access to medical care, criminalizing pregnancy, which a woman has no biological control over. It's good he's not your neighbor and fellow voter, since American conservatives are truly dangerous people.

Neighbor what is going on this is bait even for TooManyX



My best friend is giving birth and I'm not excited

My best friend of 20 years is giving birth today, and we've been eachother supports through so many relationships and life changes. But now she's prioritizing her new husband and baby and it's clear we're going down different paths. The hardest part is my mom's cancer is back and she has stage 4 aggressive ovarian cancer. I'm taking care of her, seeing her deteriorating at the same time supposed to celebrate the birth of this baby. I don't have my friend to lean on right now and I feel so alone. I ended my relationship because the guy said "well everyone's parent dies". He didn't understand, not even looking for advice just a place to vent into the void. Idk how to be happy when I'm not. I'm so scared of losing my mom and I've dealt with so much grief lately

Eta: no I'm not just "leaning" on this person or asking for her to hold my grief. I'm missing the bond we had. Yes, I'm still showing up for this person and putting on a happy face when I can. Yes, I'm feeling extra sensitive being vulnerable online and this is hard to post so thanks for the support ❤️. I don't tolerate people being rude, invalidating, or coming here to protect on to me. If you can't be kind to someone by not commenting when they're obviously going through a lot, maybe rethink your own boundaries. And I know that's asking a lot of the internet so I'm sorry!

"well everyone's parent dies"


Even twoExtraChromosomes is dunking on her (in straggy redditor speak)

The GOP Is Rewriting What It Means to Be a Person :soycry:


Fetuses are people. Women are not.

Survived H5N1 & My Butt Is Still Sexy AF :marseywomanmoment: :carpfans:


Woman becomes depressed about losing tiktok.


Everyone's patting her on the back and saying it's not pathetic at all because they all have various abbreviated women-specific diseases that make them need canes and attention. Banning tiktok is literally fascism and hurts disabled folx, chuds. :marseysipping:






Foid podcast drama involving Dave Portnoy/Barstool

Brianna "Chickenfry" LaPaglia and her bff Grace O'Malley host a podcast on the Barstool Network. Brianna was famous from Vines somehow despite being only 25, and she got her friend Grace a job on the Barstool network. Important context to see who is right and who is wrong in this drama:

Brianna Chickenfry

Grace O'Malley

Back in October, Brianna's boyfriend, country singer Zach Bryan, announced on Instagram (seen here) that they had broken up. He fumbled this a bit since he hadn't actually broken up with Brianna yet. She is pissed and and starts spilling the tea saying he emotionally abused her, and that he offered her a NDA of $12 million which she turned down. :marseynails: Some r-slurs on tik tok/other socials attack Brianna over this and she kind of goes into hiding for a few months.

Before this, Zach supposedly drove a wedge between Brianna and Grace. It's all super vague what the heck was going on but here is the quoted reasoning:

"But she knew that this was the worst year of my life," LaPaglia said. "This is when the internet started attacking me. They only lift Grace up when they're beating me down. ... It was, like, whatever because it helped her career, and she was fine and happy about it. But it got to a point where she was, like, never defending me."

"You can hate (Bryan), but you can still be there for me," LaPaglia added. "And she never was."

LaPaglia claimed she went to O'Malley in May and asked her to defend her online. She said O'Malley responded by saying she knows the truth and that LaPaglia has supported her.

They decided they hated each other and took a break from the podcast without officially announcing anything. Here is Dave doing a breakdown to farm engagement clicks on his new podcast channel with some zoomer, but pretty much the podcast looks to be over and they don't talk to each other at all. Dave tells both of them to take some time off and they both have a place at Barstool when they want to come back. Brianna is doing nothing, Grace is doing comedy shows with Whiney Cummings. :marseyeyeroll:

With things simmering down, Brianna decided it was a perfect time to stab Grace in the back announcing the podcast was over without Grace (seems familiar :marseythinkorino: ). Grace is super butthurt about this because they were supposed to put out a joint statement saying the podcast was over :marseyeyeroll: . She does a three page Instagram story explaining this is bullshit and blah blah blah. Dave is pissed at Grace because she is stirring up drama against Brianna over something she knew was over, and tells her that. He's still under the impression that she was going to do a podcast under the Barstool network.

Brianna crying about it:

Well, after this "betrayal", Grace blindsides Barstool and announces she's going to the podcast network ran by Alex Cooper (not Alice), of "Call Her Daddy" fame. This was a supposedly popular podcast that spun off of Barstool Sports after some drama in 2020. I first heard about it after Kamala Harris was on it. Grace then goes on the podcast circuit hyping up her new thing hitting all the usual suspects. On Theo Von, she alludes to being paid less than Brianna (duh) and says her salary was "decent" but she wasn't paid for the podcast tour. This annoys Dave, and never one to pass up engagement farming, he comes out and says she made $250,000 ($175k salary, $75k on commissions) in 2024 on Tik Tok. And of course she wasn't paid extra for the tour, that's what the salary was for.

Several of the top comments are saying Barstool needs an HR department and lots of "that's not the move, my guy" :marseydisgust: replies. I do agree with this one:

Tell us bris salary



Okay so that's kind of a stretch, that may or may not actually happen but my point is is that if people took women's pain as seriously as they took men's pain or if society and the medical field was structured around women rather than men then childbirth wouldn't be painful. Like I'm not a medical person so I can't say if that is exactly the case but it feels like the reason why childbirth is still so painful and still somewhat dangerous although thankfully not as before, is because people don't take women's pain and women's health as seriously as they do with men.

So true queen! And if men could break their leg that wouldnt hurt either :marseynails:

butt also



Adoption isn't always the better alternative to abortion!!!


:#marseykween: :marseyabortedgenocide:

Woman explains it's more dangerous to put the baby up for adoption and better to kill it outright to prevent slavery.

Various women in the thread say they wish they were aborted, lots of hating on the mayo menace.

Reported by:
Foid with BIG FAT TITTIES gets harassed at the Verizon store [POLL INSIDE]



Selected pictures:

Best comments:

They think because you look the way you look that you're looking for attention. Insufferable people.

No, I'm just saying that viewing your previous posts had as the same red flags as the weirdo thinking it's ok to text you that crazy stuff. I'd block him for sure but you might want to take some time thinking about how you're interacting with these creeps

Game is game

Fun Facts

According to her post history she's on methadone and probation.


BuT wHaT aBoUt GaZA???


Camgirl hates her sister for making her dad kill himself.


This one's a doozy of a trailer park fight. Jannied because she started arguing with people about how her teenage sister was to blame for her dad killing himself and driving her mom into drugs.

For context... my mother recently died from an overdose. She got the poppies for my mother.... We don't even have a toxicology report yet. So she doesn't even know what killed my mother. My dad hung himself when I was 10 and sent her a letter a week after he killed himself... saying it was her fault that he killed himself, that if she wasn't such a horrible person/sister maybe the outcome of our family wouldn't have ended like this. So basically my parents are both dead because of her. So she decided to get this horrible tattoo on her hip for my parents. The knot at the top is supposedly for her "failed marriage" she didn't even get legally married.

How old was your sister when this happened? That's a really fricked up thing to send to your kid, even worse if she was a child as well.

16. She abused my parents. She lied in court saying that my dad hurt her. Got him charged and put in jail for child abuse. I witnessed the whole interaction. He was in jail for months or like a year. My mother had to reach out to children's aid society in an attempt to help her and in hopes to keep my younger sister and I safe from her harm. She's abused both my sister and I. Made countless comments about killing our pets and my sister and I. She's literally caused me to bleed before from her abuse.


She sent me a photo of her bush too. I obviously cut that out. She literally told me one early morning at her house that she's emotionally incest towards me. So I wasn't surprised by her nudity more so mortified by what she'd done to her body and claimed it was for our parents


I have so many stories about my sister and her abusive crap like this goes on and on I could literally tell you countless stories about her that I've dealt with. She tried to kill my parents and my sister and I before she was emancipated. She got into an argument with my dad for not being able to text her 20 something bf on her phone because he found out and took her battery. The neighbours called the cops on her for her screaming like an insane person. Only for the situation to escalate more. My sister and I ran across the street for safety because she tried going after us. She bit my mother and father. Smashed plates over his head. Boiled water was splashed onto him while she was screaming at him in the kitchen. Then she went for my mother pulling her hair. I believe she caused a bald spot on my mom and literally clawed my mother's back until she was bleeding. I can't remember if she punched them too but I believe she did. She then ran out of the house as soon as she realized that the police arrived. Kicked one them in the nuts slid over the hood of the cop car and punched the other guy in the face. She was tackled down and arrested. I watched from on the porch then tried to run inside to get my shoes on because my mother told me to go across the street. With my younger sister. I got her and my shoes and she tried chasing after us only for my dad to get in the middle to get plates smashed over his head and burned with hot water. We literally rushed outside to the neighbours. Then watched from their window. With the mother of the house.


I am obviously seeking therapy. It is so clear as day that she isn't a good person and doesn't wish to be one. She's apparently pregnant right now and I plan on contacting cps on her butt as soon as that poor child is born.


What part of the body is this on?

Butt and upper hip

Even weirder…. Sorry for your losses and I'm sorry your sister decided on such a design

She had some random guy on the bus bow, kiss her feet countless times while everyone smiled and laughed at her. This happened shortly after she got the tattoo and she called me crying basically regretting the tattoo because of this interaction 😂😂😂

Can you elaborate on this? Just, what?

What's to elaborate about this?

Why would a guy do this? Why did people think it was funny? She was upset but went with it?

I honestly don't know. Maybe he thought she was a goddess. They thought it was funny probably because who does that shit in public especially to someone that looks like trash! She was confused and didn't know what to do. If someone did this to me I would frickin laugh my butt off. Then probably call them a pig and probably kick him. No one understands consent these days I swear!


For everyone commenting. I'm not answering anymore of your bullshit comments.


Anyways, here's her boobs. She tried starting a subreddit called boobiesbig but it never went anywhere.

Moms, how would you react to daughter being r*ped by her father? : TwoXChromosomes



Stunning and brave :transchad: claps back :marseyshesright: with schizo rant :marseyswear: against evil terfs :marseyterfdomesticabuse: and even more evil ex girlfriend :femcel:








Men are by far the main emotionally codependent people I've met, who seek support from someone out side of their lived experience, but expect empathy and self abandonment for support instead of just looking for people with shared healing journeys to heal together. Why is it women's responsibility to solve male mental healthy? Why can't they take responsibility of their own healing?





!chuds :marseyhorseshoe: !foidmoment

My partner 31M told me 24F my art isn't worth the price!


…I am an artist for a particular community…


Woman is upset that her partner wouldn't pay $60 for her definitely-not-traced furry art and reaches out to reddit for consolement.

"I consider myself part of the BBW community" is an adorable way of saying "I'm morbidly obese and absolutely refuse to get healthy" LMFAOOOOO :gigachad2:




Jesus christ. Some reason this gets me hot

If this woman had chosen the man she would still have a kayak.



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