Aryavrata has fallen :marseyitsover: Billions must die :marseywereback:
Currycels seethe about harmless satire post

The Image Caption says: "Population: India overtakes China". Its a satirical image that was printed in a german magazine. Indians aren't taking it lightly - at all, they Cope and Sneed in all directions, even outside the dedicated sneeding street.

Some Highlights :

They live in different part of world. Ignore them. In next 20 years we will be adding 1 Germany gdp every year

:marseytunaktunak: SUPERPOWER BY 2040! :marseysoonretarded:

Dude am quiet left oriented, though not extreme, this poster is fricking ridiculous. Frickers think they're the center of the world and the rest of the world is evil garbage. I hope these fricking western goblins (cuz they are power hungry looters) fall to heck.

:marseyrussiaglow: +:chudsey: +:marseycrap:=> :marseychudindian: :marseyinvisible: :marseylaugh:

Once a Nazi, always a Nazi. Never trust Germany or Germans.

:marseyangelamerkel: Shut it down!

Racists are going to be racist. Never forget that only an "enlightened" German mind came up with Aryan Invasion Theory.

:marseythroatsinging: LMAO , they are still in denial that subhuman Drav*dians were colonized by Steppe Chads. Link

Man you must be the most butthurt Indian who didn't make it to Europe


:marseybased: :marseybased:
Civil war among :marseychudindian: over STRONG BORDERS :marseytrump: against HINDU SOLIDARITY :marseyblm:

The entitlement of the cute twink recording lmao. Occupies forest lands, is evicted after multiple warnings and tries to shame the country that still hasn't bussed them over to Paki border like we should have from day 1. :marseysipping: Will definitely demand gibs the moment they get citizenship, deport the lot. :marseywholesome:

Yeah if you break the law by building illegal housing then authorities will come and demolish it. Did the Pakistani Hindus really think that India is some kind of paradise where normal laws will not apply to them ?

But same administration won't break houses of peaceful community.


Yup they are not Muslim illegal migrants, they should have known it. Otherwise Delhi CM and congress CM personal visit karke free ka bijlee Pani dete. Fricking idiots , but yeah we are the one responsible that our fellow Hindus go through this.

Not my gibs demanding fellow Hindus :marseycryingfast:

It should be the govt who should be building Houses for them. Bharat is Hindu Homeland. Law is nothing but what the majority seems fit. So its our mistake.

Smartest randispeaker.

If I understand the situation correctly, these people had built homes on encroached forest land. Some of them even inside the flood zone of a natural water catchment lake. The high court has been after the authorities insisting they demolish illegal construction and reclaim the forest land. The admin had been dragging heels but now I'm guessing with state elections around the corner totla wants to be seen as though on crime. It is sad but there was no other way except removing them since they had deliberately ignored multiple notices. People cannot be rewarded for squatting on and taking over government property regardless of their religion.

What about Haldwani dispute then?


so says a hindu....then don't blame "hindu party" for not caring for hindus if hindus themselves don't care. Don't blame BJP for not looking after Paki Hindus when you yourself are dupporting ousting of Paki Hindus.

lol am i occupying a space in you head rent free ? heh heh , why should i care about a non tax paying individual who is just gonna encroach illegal land , suck my tax money like a leech and act like they are entitled to the land. and according to you i should care about them because they worship the same gods as me ? vikas dubey worshiped hindu gods. vijaya malaya was a hindu, dhruv rathee is a hindu , should i care about them too just because they are hindus ?

:marseychudindian: Same TBH.

Just mind your own business if you can't empathise with those who are being persecuted. These people ran from extreme persecution and dont have any other option to avoid their daughters from being assaulted and men murdered.

Did they try not being born in Pakistan? :marseysmug2: Seems like a skills issue.

People in this comment section are sick. People thing India is some concept that came out of heaven. Hindus made India. But educated gawars dont understand it

That's why we must treat ones that weren't born here better than ones who were :marseythumbsup:

What a hypocrisy 😂 garbage Rohingyas and Bangladeshi are freeloaders on Hindu people taxes but some Hindu refugees come to India they destroyed their houses, I know they are illegal migrants but india is the only country Hindu can go... Not like those hypocrite talk about 56 ISLAMIC COUNTRIES yet illegal rohingya and bangladeshi enter in India and we all know who gives them houses without letting anyone know. If Hindus refugees not allowed then throw all the garbage out of India who's living here from long time.


Randis mad at :marseysuit: :chudsey:


Bar Council literally has no job interfering in the judicial process. It's a statutory body tasked with regulating lawyers, not the law or the constitution.

Nooo our CIA funded NGOs are authorities on every facet of existence but a guild of professionals cannot express their opinion


Religion is the Bane of a civilized society. If people just kept their gods and practices to themselves we would've progressed far more than any Western country. But no, we want to control the lives of other people based on our personal spiritual allegiance. What a morally bankrupt society. The biggest irony is we preach morality when we have zero idea about it ourselves.


I would love to know where they found that 99.9% statistic. In their arse??

Source? @Sasanka_of_Gauda need a source!!


I mean, nobody's surprised, right? I just feel like we're so so SO many light years before we even begin the conversation about how we deal with same s*x relationships. Women are hardly treated as human beings maybe in 20/30 years well maybe come close to society at large thinking these things are on the table for discussion.

More like never


These lawyer frickers never shut up for shit and the only way of shutting them up by putting a peepee in their mouth but they making it illegal. Only lawyers will do this. Petty bastards.


trans lives matter too carp

Paki :marseyfoidretard: cries about Kashmir :soycry:

!bharatiya lmao Pakis get jealous about a fricking SHOPPING MALL :marseylaugh: :marseydicklet:

Dear Zunaira I am afraid the same I’d going to happen to Pakistan as well. Nawaz Sharif Zardari and Kiani & Bajwa laid the foundation back in 2007/2008.


forget about kashmir it's gone .. our military leadership had 2 opportunities to take it back but it didn't and has just kept the issue alive to rule over us.

:marseyxd: :marseyxd:

Is this tard talking about 1965 and 1971? That time Indian tanks could be viewed from their largest city and that other time they lost half their country, they could have taken Kashmir then? :marseyemojirofl: :marseyemojirofl:

We have also made srinagar highway

:marseyhmm: Muzzie name. Rare patriotic muzzie? :marseysoypoint:

Pakistan is an independent state but foreigners hesitate to invest even our overseas don’t feel comfortable to invest in it, and on the other hand Foreign countries are investing in Occupied Kashmir, really disappointing for Pakistani Nation :( Zunaira shukryia kis ka ada krna ha

Pakis run by :marseyjewofthesubcontinent: are worth investing in :marseymanysuchcases:

India is the new Israel for the world🤣



:marseyitsover: Stalin declares workers don't have to work longer shifts :marseyitsover:
:marseychudindian: Chuds celebrate judges getting covid :marseychuddance:

The agenda they are pushing ,would have been more apt if all these crooks including Harvardia caught some Fatal STD .


These judges don't even realize thst their future generations will also pay for thei evil karma


It will be good if few of this gang get a chance to meet their makers to get an idea about the genders from the creators.


Pakis lmao :marseylaugh:

Just :marseyl: after :marseyl: in that post, !bharatiya don't our corrupt authorities seem like :marseyangel: listening to the Paki's lived truths?

There’s so much corruption with customs people literally have to pay them to get even a laptop which mind u is legal to get across or they do this detention thing. Absolutely shit


Laptop classcels BTFO

My mother went to Pakistan a couple of months ago and went using wheelchair assistance due to old age. They parked her in one spot and wouldn't let her go until she paid a bribe. Needless to say, she won't be going back any time soon.

:marseybabushka: B..b..ut I need to pee

:marseyflagpakistan: Only after the bakshish

Yup. Those guys work closely with the customs people to target seniors.


I had a porter follow my dad to the car as he was taking the trolley bag. Didn't say a word. When my dad lifted the bag into the trunk the fricker lunged to basically touch the bag before it went completely in as an attempt to show he helped lift it

:marseypoor: :marseybigbrain:

I was flying out from Karachi in 2019, and the customs/passport control guy sat me to the side (I was flying on my canadian passport). kept me there for 20 minutes before I asked what was going on. he radio’d his supervisor, who came over and took pictures of the inside of my passport with his personal phone(!!!!!), and they let me go on my merry way.

Preparing for the raking :marseychudnotes: :marseyrake:

Least bloodthirsty gujew
Paki government postpones elections claiming :marseytunaktunak: :marseyglow: are :marseyamogus:, :marseyflagpakistan: :marseysnoo:s :marseysneed:

:#marseywholesome: :#marseyindiarentfree: :!#marseywholesome:

If they think india will ever stop trying to exploit fault lines in Pakistan they’re stupid, it’s the job of security agencies to prevent this exploitation from any outside force.

Yeah, everyday they wake up an think, “how are we going to destroy Pakistan today?”.


Bruh. Obviously the defense ministry and the government are BS(ing) here. But to say there is no threat to Pakistan from BJP/RSS extreme wing factions…. Your just blind.

:marseyxd: :marseyxd:

And these r-slurs are surprised when their masters say shit like this kekekekek. Destroying Pakistan is a bipartisan issue here


Our lolberals partitioned their shithole but they can't stop seething about rightoids lmao

Replace RAW by ISI and that's our playbook. Mostly. We also blame Gandhi and Nehru


Kill all lolberals in real life :marseyfedpostyes:

Okay, if India manages to do so, the country deserves it. 70% of issues are self-induced. Doubt India would have to even lift a finger for this. Lumber 1 and politicians will do everything on their own.

True we don't have to do anything but I hope we still send some more explosives to Talibs and Balochis anyway :marseywholesome: :marseywholesome: Has been amazing ROI so far.

Who believes this shit anymore? There are more ISI funded terrorists in Pakistan a lot more than RAW can dream.


We have to get those numbers up

As an Indian...I wish our RAW was the monster you imagine it to be.

True. :marseytabletired2:

It is. Y’all haven’t woken up. How is that MODI life going for ya??

Paki doesn't understand external intel agencies don't run the country cause his does :marseydicklet:

Lmao RAW isn't a monster. If you want to see a real monster of an intelligence agency, head over to Israel. 🇮🇱


Isn’t this admitting a big success by RAW that they are able to prevent timely holding of elections in our country? And at the same time a big failure by our security and intelligence agencies?

If only


Lundian chief justice says there is no s*x :marseysoylentgrin:, :chudsey: seethe

Just invade already Papa Xi we need a big war :marseybegging: Preferably a nuclear exchange that wipes out all the big cities :marseybegging: :marseybegging: :marseybegging: If not all of them please wipe out Dalli at least I beg you :marseybegging: :marseybegging: :marseybegging: :marseybegging: :marseybegging: :marseybegging:

Somehow a case on same s*x marriage morphed to :marseytrain2: shit? :marseyconfused:

Have you read the Mahabharatam?

Yes especially the part where Krishna justifies killing all adharmis :!marseyagreefast: :!marseyagreefast: Love that part.

Just because one produces sperm or has XY chromosomes does not make him man . Such things are defined by humans and not defined by constitution .


Andrew tate was right.


and yet, He is CJI while you are a troll


It'd be fun though, now Hindus must keep quiet. Let them introduce unisex pottys in Muslim-majority areas🤣🤣🤣🤣. Let any transgender enter a potty where a burqa clad woman goes. Now Hindus should enjoy Islamists vs 'Supreme C*** of India'.

Oh god this would be amazing drama. I can't wait for muzzies to start pushing hijdas off roofs and stoning them.

You know what, I support :marseytrain: shit now. :marseytransflag2:


Fricking gobarmint

:marseyglow: :#marseyshooting:

In March 2022, Gurjar discovered a crimson-throated Sarus crane that lay in a field shivering and bleeding from a broken leg. He brought it home and using traditional medicine, nursed it back to health in six weeks before setting it free

Gurjar thought that the bird would fly away as soon as it recovered. The wild bird, however, had no intention of leaving its new human friend.

"After I found the bird wounded, I nursed it well and performed the duty of a human being,” Gurjar, 30, told VOA. “Strangely enough, it did not fly away after its recovery. It chose to remain closer to me, and my emotional attachment to it grew. We became good friends.”

In one of the several videos of the pair that went viral online, the Sarus crane — which Gurjar simply calls "Sarus" — can be seen flying alongside him as he rides his motorcycle.

:duckdance: :marseybiker:

The two friends were separated, however, when Indian wildlife authorities confiscated the crane on March 21. Saying the Sarus crane — the world’s tallest flying bird — is classified as a "vulnerable" species and cannot be kept as a pet, authorities charged Gurjar under India's Wildlife Protection Act "for keeping an endangered bird at home."


On April 11, Gurjar was allowed to visit Sarus for the first time since the bird’s zoo confinement.

In a video documenting Gurjar's zoo visit that has evoked deep emotion in many viewers, Sarus can be seen flapping its wings frantically and jumping and flying around the cage upon seeing Gurjar — apparently attempting to rush out of the cage and reunite with its human friend.

During his visit to the zoo, Gurjar was allowed to stand outside Sarus' cage "just for five minutes," he said.


As of Tuesday afternoon, one of the petitions on, "Free the Sarus Crane Now!" had amassed more than 14,000 signatures. The online petition, started by Soumitra Pathare, is addressed to the Environment, Forest and Climate Change Department of Uttar Pradesh and emphasizes the distress plaguing the caged bird as it is away from its human friend.

"The crane committed no crime," the petition said. "Is being friendly with human beings a crime? Why is the bird being punished for no reason? It has lost its freedom and is clearly distressed and unhappy in the cage."

Gurjar has not returned to his village since seeing Sarus at the zoo.

"Sarus became the center of my universe since it chose me as a friend. My house feels empty now that it's gone. … Sometimes I also hold myself responsible for it ending up confined in a cage, and it makes me feel guilty," Gurjar said Tuesday from a friend's place in Lucknow, 150 kilometers away.



Explain yourself :marseytunaktunak:

Hello sirs, what do you think of my Cee Vee?:marseyamazon:

Also you read that right girls, unmarried :marseybegging:


!bharatiya. It's :marseywords::marseylongpost2: but will be interesting for those of you who like this stuff.

देखना! Can you guys explain this to me? :marseytunaktunak:
Foid journo :marseyfoidretard: calls a gangster Robin Hood, :chudsey: seethe in the replies

My best wishes for Geeta Pandey to meet next ateek Ahmad and his gang up close and personal and be at the beneficial end of those Robin Hood techniques Sooner , the better and hope that article will have more personalised experience of observing a Robin Hood closely


Correction: Actually Mother Teresa got inspiration from Atiq Ahmed.


Whitewashing the image of a hardcore criminal - BBC way

Nowadays BBC sound so wrong. I only got to know when i googled.


Also he was considered as the incarnation of MK Gandhi, always helped people to reach heaven quickly. India was expecting next Nobel peace prize for him


How do you guys sleep at night? Don’t you repent and ask sorry from god?

They're witches, which is why burning them at the stake will be fine when the day comes


As usual another upper caste Hindu battling for Muslims.


Another Gangu Brahmin

:marseynoooticer: :marseynoooticer:

I'm brahmin dude,i enjoyed what happened to that mulla.


WHAT is the solution to the bruhmeme question?

:marseyjewofthesubcontinent: :#marseymini:

True.Shri Atiq Ahmed ji was a well reputed lawmaker, anthropologist and philosopher whose vision and research shaped indian economy and space programs.He killed people to control population and took over their properties to make this world better place to live.


Geeta, this is creating alternate reality for your readers, not reporting news. You’re describing a brazen criminal, murderer, male feminist, who bathed his victims in acid, as Robinhood. Even under complicit govts, he had 165 cases filed against him, of which 100 were for murder

She'd probably like him more hearing he was a male feminist. :marseysipping:

Reported by:
  • pH : Maaf, Pak, saya tidak bisa bahasa Java.
  • X : Anda babi anjing puki

Bagaimana cara mendapatkan uang dengan menonton iklan? Belakangan ini orang-orang lebih sering mencoba untuk mengantongi cuan melalui internet, bahkan dengan bermodalkan gadget pribadinya. Kamu bisa menggunakan berbagai macam aplikasi nonton iklan yang memberikan uang dalam jumlah beragam lho.

It is in the gujjews :marseymerchant: DNA to scam, defraud and swindle

A federal jury convicted three former executives of Outcome Health, a Chicago-based health technology start-up company, for their roles in a fraud scheme that targeted the company’s clients, lenders, and investors and involved approximately $1 billion in fraudulently obtained funds.

Bhangilorean landlets getting buckbroken :marseysoutherner: :marseybuffbipoc:

FAANGcels utterly and totally BTFO :marseyxd: :marseyxd:

Sorry NITcels find some slum room to live in :marseysmug2: Apartments for IIT and IIM chuds only.

:marseyno: :marseybaby:

:marseyyes: :marseybabushka:

!incels bros we are so BACK


!bharatiya come laugh at our resident bhangilorean @AntiJannieAktion :marseylaughpoundfist: :marseylaughpoundfist:


Turbo based shit.

I totally wasn't expecting to see the fricking assassination happen live in front of tv cameras and I'm honestly shook. What the frick?

Next time we'll execute /r/india subbers live in front of tv cameras


None of the police fired a single bullet. You'd think they would do it for their lives if not for their jobs.

In this video, you can see the cops give a good amount of space to the 3 killers, do literally nothing while the killers take their sweet time emptying their guns into the victims, and then wait for the killers to surrender before hugging them.

:marseycop: :!marseylove:

Feel sorry for the prime time news anchors.. Saturday night party chodh kar sab studio aaye hain 😄.. none the less they needed something strong to whitewash Satya pal malik's statement .. bravo govt. PR team ..

Lmao the interview was about how government didn't move 20k+ troops by air despite recommendation during a routine shuffle(and there was a car bomb attack on one of the buses). They actually think a thirdie country penny pinching on transport costs is some big scandal. :marseylaugh:

Such is the state of law and order in UP that one can kill those who are supposedly under police protection in front of live media without any fear. And the people and media are going to be absolutely jubilant over this. I have already stated my position regarding the gang of Atiq Ahmed. Being an Allahabadi, I always looked forward to his and his network's demise. But the last 51 days have ensured that there is no way I am going to spend my life in UP.

They don't realize, this is the exact sign of dictatorship. Aaj gangsters, kal unke khud ke saath yehi hoga. The threat goes both ways. But dumb, blind, and unreasonable modi rss bhakts are going gaga over this


Surely the lundian government and the extremely lawful past gobarmints of UP have NEVER killed civilians without cause in the past.

Ohhh :marseysipping:

There is a total break down of law and order machinery in UP. Rival gangs sone even supported by the government are running the show. Its eerily similar to Russia

Sure this don was a MP and gave interviews on who should run the state to the media but remember this has only happened after the chuds came in power :marseywink:

Do you know 10 High Court judges in Allahabad high court distanced themselves in his bail application hearing because they feared for their life? Such was terror of this man.

Be that as it may, if someone else is able to murder him in police custody with such impunity then you should be locking up that someone else before him. Retribution is not justice. This is lawlessness at peak. You'll miss rule of law someday.


Social acceptance of extra judicial killings is abhorrent. That is a bad precedence. You will rarely hear about extra judicial killings because they make news when big gangsters are killed which is usually rare. But that power leads to killings of poor people who don’t have someone who can fight for them. They will never get to the tv screen.


This multimillionaire criminal being killed means there will be nonbinary transgender disabled dalit folx getting butchered too!

This is bound to happen, it was planned well in advanced, just look at the news channels for past couple of weeks, they have been calling for extra judicial killing.

B..b...based journos? :marseyshook:

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