Fell in love and got friendzoned

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People say stuff like “oh but you made a friend!” But this is honestly like the hardest thing to deal with. What has worked for me is to immediately move on to someone new. Just start thinking about ANYONE you find attractive. Redirect the energy. Also stop talking for a little bit if you can. In like a month you will be over it if you do those things.

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Im literally her ONLY friend. she never had a relationship before and is a very anti social and sad person (I can fix her) and im the only person who talks to her besides her family.

Im coping but maybe she is afraid to enter a relationship or smt? I mean if I leave her she is gonna be completely alone.

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Be direct and honest if you decide to break it off, which you should. She will prob take it badly if you weasel around it.

Say that you had a great friendship but that your feelings developed over time and now you've crossed the Rubicon by telling her you can't go back to how it was, but you don't regret doing it because you would have hated yourself if you didn't.

If you're smooth you can flatter her a little to make it more bittersweet, but otherwise just affirm her positive attributes, wish her well and evaporate from her life and onto the next one.

Make sure afterwards you lift weights and get a good job so you become “the one that got away” and lay the groundwork for your future rejection of her and her subsequent spiral into depression. That'll teach the b-word for rejecting you.

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The last point is so true lmao

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A life full of spite is a life well lived

Us neurodivergents need to reward loyalty because it's not easy putting up with our shit but some blessed people choose to do it anyway.

I want to be rich arm candy to make my foid happy, but it's also because frick you Kaylie, I could have been yours but you just wanted me to clap your cheeks and then ghosted me after you normie hooer

:#marseywholesome: :#marseyblep3:

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There is a bit of schadenfreude as others hit age milestones and look you up. When one of my exes turned 30 I received a friend request but then no follow-up messages once she realized I was in a relationship.

There is also the humorous awkwardness running into an ex randomly at Target when you are carrying a baby with your two older kids standing next to you. She's still single and forced to tell you how cute your kids are. "Oh thank you! I'm sure it'll happen for you too someday!"

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Like the great phylosophiser Michael McDonald said but go off

But what a fool believes, he sees

No wise man has the power to reason away

um I know you wont listen, but shes not totally into you dude, and Shes not gonna change her mind, and Its not going anywhere, and Cut bait for your own sanity


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Oh no poor foid will have to get on tinder for Chad thundercoxk, poor lady

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It happens to literally everyone, and like Just keep truckin, and Youll probably look back 5 years from now and not even remember her name


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What has worked for me is to immediately move on to someone new.

This is terrible advice lol

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It's funny, because she's actually trying to help, but men's and women's dating experience is so different that it's totally useless in practice. If he was the type of dude that had the options of an attractive woman, then this would all be a moot point. But he isn't, so here he is posting about his oneitis.

Also stop talking for a little bit if you can.

Actual good advice, but stretch little bit to forever. :marseyitsoverhappy:

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True true, for women it might be easier, and it might feel better at the time, but even then it's awful advice long term. The solution is to learn how to cope with feelings of rejection and be happy by/with yourself, otherwise you just drown your problems in the next person who will inevitably leave you too. I used to do this when I was younger, it's like a teenager coping mechanism.

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Fair, tbh I didn't even engage with the validity of the advice. It's kinda like Shaq giving a quadriplegic dunking advice; even if it's correct, they can't do shit with it anyway :m#arseychaosdunk: :m#arseydisabled:

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What has worked for me is to immediately move on to someone new.


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!incels should I torture myself and keep talking to her even though I know she doesn't love me?

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shes just going to string you along. you deserve better

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he doesn't though

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@Communist_spez love sucking peepee

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telling incels to "know their worth" is dumb as frick. chad and foid methods don't work for us

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If you're not a masochist you would be r-slurred to keep talking to her. Rip the bandaid off and find yourself a new b-word. There is litterally 3.5 billion of them in the world

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But she is perfect :marseycry:

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Keep tabs on her from a distance and strike when she's at her weakest then.

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Move on, it hurts but it's for the best

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Wow it's like I'm talking to myself from 5 years ago. I wish I could give advice but I never dealt with this kind of thing healthily. I avoid the problem now by not being friends with foids that I find attractive, and distancing myself from any that I find myself becoming attached to.

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where have i heard that before:marseyclueless:

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it's worth it if you enjoy talking to her :shrug: I still talk to someone who friendzoned me and it's sad but if you liked her enough that it made you forget about being an incel for a second then maybe you shouldn't immediately drop her?

the only thing is not too hold on too hope that she'll change her mind, but maybe talking too her will make talking too other foids easier

@sandkwinn love sucking peepee but it's not going too happen

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this is so true, I havent made an misogynistic post in months

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:marseypleading2: you are definitely going to make it :marseycry:

@sandkwinn love sucking peepee

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I still talk to someone who friendzoned me and it's sad


common "femcel" W

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If you stick around for 10 years you might be able to swoop her up after her second kid. Sometimes women need some time until the realize the gems that are in plain sight.

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My condolences, king. When I was fricking younger this used to happen to me all the fricking time. I'd chase women like a fricking puppy dog and then feel sad when they turned me down and just wanted to be friends. Then I'd become a fricking sad orbiter hanging out with them as friends but still investing the fricking same romantic effort. It was fricking pretty pathetic TBH and I'm glad I got over that.

One thing that really helped is fricking that I learned to stop investing any romantic energy into women until I had at least seen them naked. I mean sure, you generally have to pretend that you're catching feelings for them in order to get into their pants, but on the fricking inside my heart is fricking as cold as an icicle until we're had several hot s*x sessions. Until then, they can ditch you at any time, so why get invested, b-word?

Another thing that really helps is to fricking remember that having more lady friends is a fricking good thing because their presence signals to other women that you're safe to be around, and if they think you're a fricking cool guy they'll often introduce you to their single female friends, so even if they're not potential girlfriend material they can help speed you towards that goal faster.

It's also good to ask out women whom you have interests in common with because that way if they friendzone you, they're at least enjoyable to hang out with. For example, recently a fricking cute nerd girl friendzoned me after two dates. It was a fricking bummer at first, but she's into hiking and board games and AI so she's genuinely an interwsting person and enjoyable to be around. We went hiking together last Sunday in fact.

Lastly, if a fricking woman friendzones me I quickly downgrade the fricking amount of effort I put into her. You know how when you're dating you put in a fricking ton of effort to see her regularly and plan fun activities, b-word? As a fricking friend, you don't have to do any of that shit. See them whenever it's convenient for you. It's also OK to tell her "No, I don't want to be friends. I was fricking interested in you solely because I wanted to date, and if you don't want to date I'm not interested, so peace out." Women tend not to like this message, but who cares, b-word? If they can't handle your honesty they'd have made shitty friends anyhow, because life's too short to walk on eggshells around somebody else's feelings.

Hope this helps, king, motherlover! Have some self-respect, learn to love yourself, and try not to become an orbiting simp. A fricking woman who won't put out isn't worth getting upset over.

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sage advice from SPAL :marseykneel:


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GOOD SPAL post :marseyagreesuperspeed:

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that having more lady friends is a fricking good thing because their presence signals to other women that you're safe to be around


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I mean it's the same concept as married guys getting hit on more so then when they were single (happened to me), having a partner or a lot of female friends does signal that the guy isn't so repulsive to the opposite s*x and can maintain relationships, at least superficially.

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I agree with you to some extent, I just think saying it out loud that way is a little sus lol

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a lot of social conventions are ugly when you spell out the reason. all that involve women.


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Very fair lol, it is SPAL after all

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Have you seen me, b-word? I'm attractive, but I'm also scary looking because I could rip a fricking cute twink apart without breaking a fricking sweat. That definitely turns some women on, but at the fricking same time it's intimidating to them because if I turned out to be a fricking male feminist or a fricking murderer there would be fricking practically nothing they could do to stop me.

So yeah, I need to take active measures to downplay my rugged features around the fricking ladies so that their fear doesn't overwhelm their attraction. That's not necessarily a fricking bad thing, it just is what fricking it is.

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It's not that I think you're wrong, I just found your phrasing funny. Probably the Sharpen award is not helping too.

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I hate that award


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The root of communism and inceldom are the same. It is the envy of what others have permeating every part of your life. Go get a job and have s*x.

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She belongs too the streets now PERIODT

She wouldnt put Chad in the friend zone

Toss her aside, hit the gym, buy some books, and cope until the feels settle down

@Kaylan feel like Women are not worth the trouble

ok so Jewish lives matter

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fakecel trying too keep all the foids too himself and keep the incel from ascending. @sandkwinn love sucking peepee is probably what you say and still get foids

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I run into this a lot in my church and am honestly worried men are gonna end up single if they don't swallow a hard truth. Women know if they would be willing to date a guy within a few minutes of meeting him.

Ask her out if you're interested and get your answer and rejection quickly, you can get to know her when your dating

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Women know if they would be willing to date a guy within a few minutes of meeting him.

Vice-versa as well

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Dont want to get friend zoned? When in doubt, whip it out. Got me laid more than once

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How old is the b-word ?

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Same age as me pre-wall, virgin like me, looksmatched and she lead me on and everything

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Is she putting you in plan b option ?

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I dont know, she never had a relationship before and im her only friend so i doubt it

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You been talking to her for long time ?

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Yeah like 6 months

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That's no that much if she is legit didn't had any relationship, did she told you why she didn't wanted relationship ?

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Because she is anti social she told me she also has 0 friends. She probably has some sort of unresolved trauma

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Honestly seems like not worth effort, if she liked you she would jumped on you, since she is also psycho she probably mentally never realise she is past her prime so even at 26 she will act like she is 19

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she told me she also has 0 friends.



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>call a girl, having a conversation

>"I'm pooping."

*it's always sunny Dennis, Mac, and Charlie wincing in pain when Dee calls Cricket a "nice guy"*

Happens to the best of us.

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I usually just ghost them when this happens

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