Reported by:
  • Jew : keep yourself safe
(changelog) the super fetch update

Democracy is so not fetch, so we’ve gone ahead and done this anyway. The word “cool” is now automatically slur filtered to “fetch”. Those who voted no will soon be banned for being either children or, worse, zoomers. Those who fail to change their name color to pink on Wednesdays may also find themselves on the chopping block.

Krayon (sister toucher) has had his sentence enacted as well.

My Christmas vacation is now over and I have to work in 35 minutes and I don’t wanna :(((((((

Reported by:
  • whyareyou : funmisia and dramaphobia also are reports in comic sans what even is this font
  • sandkwinn : I like this font, it's whimsical
(changelog) Grinchmode is BACK :marseyreindeer:

Grinches have a TOGGLE to disable the Fistmas music if they decide to see just how many awful decisions they can make in one day.

500 coins in the shop, same as last year. Unless I misremembered. Either way, though, it’s in the shop. Buy it and use it on yourself for a FREE BADGE.

If you already have the grinch badge from last year, there’s no need to buy it again.

Note that this is different than the Hallowgrinch badge and award which only applies to Homoween.


(changelog) FIXED! Upload a profile background and get a badge!!!!!


Sorry about that. It works now. It's not retroactive though so you'll have to reupload your background.

[APPLE] added this

Only iOS chads can view this thread.

Hello fellow real people.

All embedded videos will now have a link under them. You can long press this link to bring up the context menu pictured, and then hit Download Linked File to save the video. I assume you know how to get it to your camera roll from there. You’re not some brainlet androidcel.


hey we added a cool leaderboard for world cup bets

i hear there might even be badges at the end of it :)


you can now download the New™️ Rdrama™️ Mobile App™️ using the instructions in the linked page

also, new accounts now have a special hat to let you know to be kind to them :)))


android app v2.6, restored pull to refresh


Reported by:
(changelog) marsify awards last 24 hours now

bottom text

also who was that person who wrote this like long post about all of the awards on rdrama i forget who they were and i can't find their post now but they're the reason why i thought of the idea and also the idea to halve the cosmetic award prices so ya

Reported by:
  • 1 : Hats.
  • peepeehands : hat
  • whyareyou : making chuds is dramaphobic because people wont expect chuddery if someones not chud awarded and tha
reduced chud award price from 2500 to 500 (death to rightoids)

:#!marseymini: :chudsey: :#marseymini:

Reported by:
(changelog) you can now ping all of the admins at once

so if you want to ping us all at once you can use @jannies which will summon all of the admins to your post or comment which willl... do what you think it does

you have to have 500 truescore to use it though so there's that. this isn't a homoween thing btw... this is a permanent change. say thanks to @Aevann for making it

love you all btw and lmk if there's any issues :marseyvampirelove:

(changelog) i fixed that stupid scroll bug

there's been this weird bug (maybe only on firefox i don't know for sure) where if you try to edit text sometimes it'll like partially scroll the page upwards. it was really really annoying and honestly the bug has probably been there for years

anyway i fixed it with like one line of js. it should be fixed now lmk if it isn't. i have no idea what it was but i'm gonna pretend to be smart and say it was some floating point bug that caused this and by adding the line i avoided it but in all reality i have no clue.

hopefully it makes you posting your longposts and longcomments easier

love you all :marseylove:


tl;dr— Comments search works again. It is much, much faster. Also search keywords for comments now only search for the whole word.

This all began forty-eight hours ago. The WPD server was down, I'd already broken out the bourbon (as is customary when your server is down), and someone was trying to search for comments containing the word china. Comments search always was slow because we used to do an exhaustive search through the full text of all 2.2 million comments on the site. But, man, china was even slower than slow: it was grinding the site to a halt for minutes at a time. We don't normally log search queries, but china was so slow it was crashing the server, which showed up in the crash error message.

It was 2 AM, we were busy dealing with WPD, and I wasn't exactly sober enough to debug, so we disabled comments search until we had time to look at it. The next day, a dozen of you let us know comment search wasn't working. A dozen-minus-one of you didn't scroll in the bugs thread to notice that's what everyone else was reporting and we'd already explained why.

Anyway, it's re-enabled, and it's a lot faster. china takes half a second, not two minutes. This comes with some minor changes in functionality. First, word substring searches don't work on comments now—carp only finds the exact word carp (or Carp), not carpathianflorist or escarpment (this probably breaks nwordcountbot; sorry @geese_suck). Also, I have no idea what "exact search" syntax with "s does any more; probably just guarantees you get zero results. Report weird search results here and we'll iron it out soon. Just wanted to get comment search back online.

added this

in the bottom here






















(changelog) Announcing hatlocks to correspond with awards!

An important update to our various various awesome QoL-altering awards, available in the shop! :!marseymerchantelf:

In addition to doing their usual thing you see in the description, various annoyances you put on others (or yourself, if you want) will also lock an appropriate hat onto them for the duration of the award.

Try it out! It's definitely an interesting feature.


Awards affected are:

Rehab. Progressive Stack, Pizzashill, Bird Site, Marsey, Bite, Rainbow, OwOify, Early Life, Marsify, Ban, and Chud.

Reported by:

Well done, everyone who earned this badge! (me)

Text is wonky, will fix later. Good job though fish!!!!!!

edit: fixed


I should make another badge for that lightning quick response time to a major issue.

Reported by:

requested by @KARABOGA

Reported by:

Here’s your fricking Marseys.

Submit them there. Tag them. I will approve and change tags/names as needed.


  1. Naming conventions are marseyWHATEVER; no portmanteaus of things for the NAME. Farting marsey would be marseyfarting, NOT fartsey.

  2. If your proposed name already exists, it will tell you this. Add a 2. If that already exists, add a 3.

  3. REGARDING TAGS: Tags are meant to aid in searching. They are not meant to be jokes or memes. They are also not meant to describe the image. A marsey wearing a blue tux and smiling as she farts, named marseyhappyfarting for example? Good tags: smile brap toot suit. You don’t need “blue” you don’t need “cat” you don’t need “feline” you don’t need “drawing” or whatever the frick. You also don’t need to include anything that is in the name. So tagging things “marsey” is redundant. Tagging this one “happy” would be redundant. Tagging it “fart” would be redundant. Why? Read on!

  4. This part is so simple but so constantly overlooked by you people that I’m giving it its own point. Emojisearch doesn’t search for exact matches of the full string. If you have “farting” in the name or tag, a search for “fart” will return it already. You don’t need every conjugation of every verb, either, that helps to render searching useless.


Thank you :star:



(changelog) Hole j-slurs can now change their Hole’s Marsey

It doesn’t even have to be a marsey

But it SHOULD.

Also accessible from the sidebar of the Hole. For mobilechads, the sidebar is accessed via the hamburger menu. For mobilechads who have touched grass before, “hamburger menu” refers to the three horizontal lines in the top right corner of the screen.

God bless.

(changelog) added House dormitories

Hi again, I’m here to let you know about another exciting update for all you Potterheads! Each House now has a dedicated Hole in which only its members can post, but everyone can view.





Like others, House Holes will also be automatically deleted if they have no posts for 7 days.

We’re actually going to be doing stuff with Houses in the nearish future. Geese was supposed to make the House-specific awards I came up with MONTHS AGO but after he accepted it a couple weeks ago he vanished so that’s now on the backburner, sometime after the chat upgrades, hats (lol), and optional Sorting for new accounts.

Anyway while I have your attention, since @Saint_Nicholas claims that this

was confusing and unclear, I will now walk you through adding hidden Holes to your main feed. These are /h/Chudrama (5k truescore requirement), /h/braincels and /h/smuggies.

Let’s use Chudrama as an example.

  1. Visit /h/Chudrama. You can do that without a link by just typing Or, you can access it from the master list of Holes:

  2. Look at this yellow-highlighted bit:

Click there.

  1. If done correctly, it will then change to this:

  1. Chudrama posts will now appear in New and Trending for you. Well done.

You can also click the lower button in the first screenshot if you’d like a notification of any and all new Chudrama threads.

p.s. Here’s a really brilliant dark surrealist take on Alice in Wonderland from 1988 Czechistan. Watched it last night and I really cannot recommend it strongly enough:

I love you.

xoxo Carp 💋


Already signed in to rDrama on your device? Now you don't need to enter your username and password to try Deuxrama! Just go to Deux's Sign In and click Sign In with rDrama. You'll be instantly signed in to Deuxrama.

It's never been easier to check out the hot new site for unapprovedcels posting whatever you want without trannie jannies mopping it up.


Main News

Pin awards and progressive stack are back. If you really hate this for some reason, there is now an option to sort by Warm in the sort options box. This acts like sorting by Hot but makes pins not appear at the top.

Minor Patch Notes

There were like 700 commits since I last wrote one of these a few weeks ago, but this should be most of the noticeable changes. In rough order from older to more recent:

  • Dropdown has a link to information on the Fediverse instance.

  • The abundance of megathread buttons on the sidebar were condensed into the Directory.

  • Snappy comments made in the past 2wks (and ongoing) will show up in search.

  • Reddit mention notifications (from Y'all Seein') are much more detailed and informative. (P.S.— you know this post chiobu just got 130+ upsorens on? If you had a Y'all Seein' Eye, you might've beat him to posting it.)

  • Marsey Alphabet contains greek letters and lots of mathematical symbols. You can do real Marsey Math now!

  • Search operator for searching inside holes, e.g. hole:truth wave if you want to find Carp's Jesuswave edits easily.

  • Posts you Subscribe to new comments on now only notify for top-level comments. Also, you can find posts you subscribe to in a new tab on your profile.

  • marseyschizochadseethecapylovepat and other pats of long emoji names actually work.

  • File upload limits for Paypigs actually work the way they should on all media. Want to upload bigger videos or images? Donate link in the dropdown!

  • Glowie Marseys — Like Golden Marseys but rarer.

  • Emoji search autofocuses on the text box when you open it open. Just click to open it, and you can start typing!

  • Fart mode now has Hunter Biden's fart as a possible sound.

  • Simps/Haters/Simps-For/Hates have a "Total" line summing all the rows (including one's self-votes).

  • Trying to leave a page while having unsubmitted text in a comment box will prompt you before leaving and losing your work.

  • Right side of header bar on desktop is laid out more sanely (and the dropdown menu shouldn't clip off the side of the page sometimes).

  • Replies in chat now have less clunky-looking block quotes.

  • Ranking algorithm: no more boosts to effortposts. Hot Rank ∝ (votes + 0.2 × comments)(age)⁻¹·²³

The loading image placeholder is much prettier (and rather mesmerizing):


Users who have received the Checkmark award now get a badge for it, like most other expensive awards:


Numbered lists now properly appear with the number inline, rather than on a separate line:

  1. Dude

  2. Bussy

  3. Lmao (sneed)

Also a ton of other minor fixes you'll probably never notice (and that's a good thing—better than noticing something broken). Lots of ongoing, long-overdue code cleanup in the backend too. For one small example: polls aren't a ghetto system where you're technically upvoting a hidden comment anymore.

I've got about a week of Marseys backlog I'll get to soon. Not gonna let 'em pile up like a certain (((🐟))) did.

u can now search comments in a specific thread

like this

16583 is the ID of the post ur searching inside (as an example)

idea by @NotYou

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