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I Didn't Say No — But It Was Still R*pe :marseywomanmoment:




"You OK?" a boy asks me in the middle of consensual s*x. His hands are firm on my hips, his breathing ragged in my ear. I turn my head to the side, twist my mouth into a grimace. He's having trouble getting off, he tells me. He'll finish soon, he promises. One quick thrust.

"It hurts," I tell him.

"You want to stop?" He says without pausing. There's a slight annoyance in his voice as he continues, "I'm really close."

I don't remember the feel of this boy's hands, I don't remember his caresses or kisses, I don't remember the words he said to me before we started having s*x. I do remember his heaviness pressed against me, the way he pinned me down by the very act of what we we're doing; his erratic, persistent, insistent movements, his loud pleasure and my pain. I remember speaking this quiet, muffled answer: "Kind of." But it's unclear --- I will remind myself later, for days, for weeks, for years --- what exactly I have said "kind of" to. It's too noncommittal, and it's too late.

"Just let me finish," he says. "It won't be much longer." He hurries and then he comes. He's slumping on top of me, and though I'm not sure why, I'm starting to cry. When he sees me, he's angry. Why didn't I tell him I was crying, and why didn't I say I wanted him to stop? He feels weird now; he feels guilty. I have ruined this for him. I am always ruining things for him.

"I tried to tell you," I say. I thought I did. Didn't I? He's pulling on his clothes and observing me with disgust. I'm naked and confused, mascara-streaked and ugly, alone on a hotel bed. He tells me I don't get it. Get what? I think, with desperation. I pull the covers to my chin. He's already crossed the room. Get what?

I shower and I cry and I can't figure out what it is that I'm supposed to get. When I emerge, we don't talk about it. I never speak of it again.

Here's a recent search in my Google history: "Is it r*pe if you ask to stop in the middle of having s*x?" Yesterday, today, and in this very moment, girls on forums across the Internet are sending confused, desperate questions into the ether. "I didn't stop him," one girl writes. "I just laid there silent until he stopped thrusting." "Is it r*pe?" Another asks, her words urgent, awaiting someone, anyone, to validate her feelings about what has happened to her. "It started to hurt," she writes. "I told him to stop and he kept going."

"The first time he did it I did not give my consent, the second time I don't know why I asked him to have s*x with me," another writes. "I don't know if it's considered r*pe anymore because of the second time." And then again: "Was it r*pe?" Girl after girl after girl asks in a million different ways. "Was it r*pe?" They ask strangers from across states, countries, and continents, hoping for confirmation from anonymous people who will never know their names.

Did you say 'No'? Men and women alike want to know. If not 'No,' then 'Stop'? Had you already consented? How forceful was he? How forceful were you? How loud did you say it? Did he think you were kidding? Did he mishear you? Did he hear you at all? Did he get distracted? Was he unable to stop himself? Did he apologize after? Did you sleep with him again? Is this something you've done before? Are you the kind of girl who sleeps with strangers? Are you manipulative? Are you misleading? Are you a tease? Are you a slut?

"Between the abortion issue and a woman's 'prerogative to change her mind' at any given moment," one angry, anonymous forum-goer writes, "people will eventually squeeze all of the natural enjoyment out of s*x and reduce it to merely a legal act of business between two consenting parties."

My r*pe is not r*pe to attorneys or lawyers or judges. And if another woman has gone through something like this, it might not be her definition of r*pe, either.

The R*pe, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) lets me know via their website: "It doesn't matter if you think your partner means yes, or if you've already started having s*x --- 'No' also means 'Stop.' If you proceed despite your partner's expressed instruction to stop, you have not only violated basic codes of morality and decency, you may have also committed a crime under the laws of your state." Now I have to wonder if my scenario "counts" as r*pe. "Kind of" is not exactly expressed instruction. It is not a "No."

Recently, a friend and I were talking about our relationships, both past and present; the men who treated us well and the ones who didn't. Maybe it was the influence of alcohol or the dim lighting of the dark bar where we stood, or maybe it was the safety of friendship. We began to open up. "I think," she confided in me, "I've been r*ped at least twice by different men whom I've dated." I told my friend that I was pretty sure I had been, too.

Later, we admitted to each other that we'd never said those words out loud before. These men r*ped us, but even as we spoke our truths, we wanted to push them back in, to quantify what happened to us in a thousand different ways. But with solidarity came acceptance. Then we said it one more time, just to be sure: "He r*ped me."

My r*pe is not r*pe to attorneys or lawyers or judges. And if another woman has gone through something like this, it might not be her definition of r*pe, either. I'm not calling in a jury, and I'm not asking anyone's opinion. "R*pe" covers a multitude of experiences; it is gray and blurry and messy. In calling what happened to me "r*pe," it now has a name that takes the responsibility off of me and puts it on someone else, regardless of whether that person goes to prison for it or not.

In defining my experience as "r*pe," I'm no longer to blame. This doesn't change the fact that it happened, or the fact that there are still times --- before s*x, during s*x --- when I tense up in momentary fear that if I ask to stop, the person who I am with might not. What has changed is my strength in these moments. I am no longer scared to speak up. I no longer believe that anybody has the right to make decisions about my body for me but me, regardless of the situation.

To the girls who ask, *Was it r*pe? *I say this: Know that your experience should not be considered "normal" just because you didn't think you could categorize it as "legitimate r*pe." Know that many people will look at r*pe in terms of black and white, "No" and "Stop." Be wary. Hold out for the partners who ask if it's OK before they touch you, who ask and mean it, who in a moment of consensual ambiguity will pause the entire act until it becomes clear. Know that these people exist. Don't let negative experiences prevent you from trusting someone.

Know that you can always say "No." But if you're scared, if you're unsure, if your mouth won't form the words because you're so overcome with emotion or because you don't know what he'll do to you if you say it, remember this: You didn't ask for it. It didn't happen because you were too drunk or too dumb or dressed too scantily. It happened because the person you were with was greedy and wanted to take something that wasn't theirs. If you couldn't speak up then, speak up now. Be loud. Don't let anyone's questions marginalize your feelings or your value or your beliefs or your pain. Feel it all.


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Downmarseyd on 2x 7 years ago. If you posted that today women (male) would upmarsey it to front page

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The fact an essay about r*pe is called Bustle is so perfect

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Hustle = violent assault

Bulste = r*pe

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I can't help but feel like TwoX would react differently to this today

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Today? What makes you think today is any different than any other day? We're still the same community of strong, independent women who don't need your help to feel anything.

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>implying there are still real live women on TwoX

Don't worry bbbb I think you :marseypass:

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Thanks for the vote of confidence!

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the best part is that she actually was a "professional" stripper, and the other girls in the video are her former stripper friends.

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What video? Where? That's horrible

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It's from a porno, and it's pretty gross

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What :marseyidk: are you talking about? The gymnast there :marseycheerup: is from a porno with strippers?

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Yes, it's on pornhub

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I'm not a coomer, I just want to talk about strippers

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>I'm not a coomer, I just want to talk about strippers


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What :marseyidk: her name :marseypinkname:

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I'm not a coomer

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Then :marseytransflag: how you know :marseyshutitdown: this video :marseykatamarireddit: exists?

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What kind of pathetic, sad man gets off on watching a woman take her clothes off for money? Women who strip are nothing but dirty, low-life sluts who are too stupid and lazy to get a real job. If you want to get your rocks off watching women take their clothes off, you might as well just masturbate instead of wasting your time and money at a strip club.

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@bbbb thoughts?

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This is not a job and I don't understand why you would do it for free.

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You thoughts? Ha! That's rich coming from you, considering how little you have to offer in the way of actual, intelligent insight. Maybe you should spend less time spouting off hot air, and more time honing your critical thinking skills. Then, and only then, will you be worth listening to.

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Remove the space from the following line and tell me what it says:

! slots39137

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It says "slots39137" without the space.

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These men r*ped us, but even as we spoke our truths, we wanted to push them back in, to quantify what happened to us in a thousand different ways. But with solidarity came acceptance. Then we said it one more time, just to be sure: "He r*ped me."

Cult moment.

I didn't consent to having my mind violated by such a :marseyfoidretard: article. I was r*ped! :marseypearlclutch:

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Yet there :marseycheerup: vote :marseyupmarsey: is equal too yours brother

Trans lives :mlm: matter :marseypinkname:


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I didn't consent to having my mind violated by such a article. I was r*ped!

I was going to write this, wtf!

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These foids r*ped us, but even as we spoke our truths, we wanted to push them back in, to quantify what happened to us in a thousand different ways. But with solidarity came acceptance. Then we said it one more time, just to be sure: "She r*ped me."

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Well hey there, good morning to you, too!


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can you NOT r*pe me right now

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don't worry bby you will have after I get done writing the article

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>Do you want to stop?

>Kind of.

Ehhh I'm not finding this quite as ridiculous as most people are here. I would hop off a b-word immediately given this exchange.

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I would too, but that would also be the last time I'd see the chick. If she's not into it and can't communicate clearly over something as simple as s*x, she's going to be a nightmare when it comes to arguments, expecting mind reading.

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I'm wondering if everyone here is unironically neurodivergent tbh. "Do you want to x?" "Kind of." is a clear yes if you have a basic understanding of non-literal communication. "Kind of" in this sort of context is "yes, but I'm worried you'll be mad about it."

Which is annoying in its own way because stop being a meek lil butterfly and all but it's not unclear.

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Lmao, 100%. It honestly seems like most people have the social skills and life experience of a 13 year old boy who never gets off the Nintendo

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Maybe, but I think both you and @dramasexual have the reading comprehension of a 13 year old as well. The whole debate around it is about if having s*x after hearing an implied "yes, but I'm worried you'll be mad about it" can be considered capital R jail-time-included R*pe. If she just wrote an article about how this was an uncomfortable situation with a shitty guy that she didn't want to repeat, then sure. But the article specified that this was R*pe, and that's more than a simple communication issue here, it involves a whole legal process that would treat this as an act of non-consensual s*x. She even says she uses the word R*pe as an umbrella term to absolve her of responsibility for her negative feelings after the fact.

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Yeah I got that. But it's also rtarded to keep going in that scenario because then you put yourself in a weird position for this debate to happen involving other rtards. Just be like Mike Pence and don't even take a chance when it comes to women. The risk is not worth the squeeze.

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She says like eight times it doesn't meet the legal definition lmao

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She even says she uses the word R*pe as an umbrella term to absolve her of responsibility for her negative feelings after the fact.

Reading comprehension my BIPOC. I included that, and the point was that you can't just redefine R*pe because it makes it easier to cope with negative feelings after a bad frick. The word R*pe will always carry a specific set of legal and even political connotations which is why she's using the word. She's trying to steal r*pe victim valor here, and put herself in the same category as victims who legitimately could not and did not consent to s*x.

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but that would also be the last time I'd see the chick

Sadly that's also bad. You should see her a few more times and then break up with her. If you immediately break it off after that moment you admit that you did something wrong in her mind - so it was obvious r*pe.

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The key is to be supportive in the moment, wait a few days and then make up some bullshit about how you're not actually ready to date.

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S*x with women is r*pe and libertarianism.

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I agree. But she herself admits that it was muffled and unclear so she might very well have whispered it to a guy who was close to nutting. If you want someone to stop you need to make yourself heard at least, especially when the s*x started perfectly consensual as she states in her article

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This is also her retelling.

50% chance she said it in her head and not out loud.

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Homo tops (rdrama users) wouldn't know the first thing about mutual enjoyment Tbf

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Yeah was thinking that too tbqh

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>I consented to a boxing match

>Here's words words words on why this was assault

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I mean if someone keeps punching you once you pull out of the boxing round or say you putting hands down in the middle that's assault and battery ain't it?

If you are fighting but then you say you ain't sure about it would midway would the match be stopped or go on?

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Right? It's insane to suggest you can't get out of s*x once you agree to it. You can break the rules, like a boxing match. It would be the equivalent of continuing to punch once the ref tells you to stop

Like yeah this article is bs but so is your analogy @SnappyIsMyWaifu

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Middle ground:

It's okay for a guy to act pissed if he is getting cockblocked right in the middle of s*x.

If the foid says no the guy should absolutely pull out.

You should have some willpower and self control if you intend to have s*x. At least enough to rage out after pulling out instead of guilt tripping after nutting in after a no.

Also like some kind of thrust rule of thumb. Like if he doesn't have his brain figure out the no within three extra thrusts or five or whatever number is agreed on then that's a foul. ( Dudes fricking, give him a break, his brain ain't gonna receive the no signal within a second of hearing it. It's like when you are too deep in a show and somebody is speaking at you from the side. You might or might not pick up on it. At least I assume that's the case. )

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Ye foids have to clearly say no, that's it. Even foids can get too into it and "r*pe" a guy if he doesn't make the no clear. R-slurred article lol

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Idk, apparently according to the law you have to be able to read body language and make out whether the woman wants s*x or not. Something something ask permission before s*x something something if its not enthusiastic s*x then its not consensual something something only neurodivergents got a problem something something zero connection with how people actually have s*x.

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The key is to completely emotionally dominate your partner so the thought of viewing you in a bad light doesn't even cross their mind. There are many ways to achieve this, but feigning anger issues and dishing out stochastic beatings is the simplest one. Not only will your partner never even think of s*x with you as non-consensual, but they will actively try to find positives and excuses for you after you actually r*pe them.

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It's insane to suggest you can't get out of intercourse once you agree to it

Try having a non-insane interpretation of what I wrote, then?

It would be the equivalent of continuing to punch once the ref tells you to stop

Point out where she said to stop and I'll agree with you.

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Like I said, the article is bs lol

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It would be the equivalent of continuing to punch once the ref tells you to stop

S*x referees would solve these problems.

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If you are fighting but then you say you ain't sure about it would midway would the match be stopped or go on?

This has happened numerous times before in both boxing and mma, usually after a knockdown or injury, and the usual result is that the referee throws them back in. Combat sports can't be compared to s*x because both parties do not have a responsibility for the health and safety of the other participant (within the established rules).

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I'm not calling in a jury, and I'm not asking anyone's opinion. "R*pe" covers a multitude of experiences; it is gray and blurry and messy. In calling what happened to me "r*pe," it now has a name that takes the responsibility off of me and puts it on someone else, regardless of whether that person goes to prison for it or not

Literally r*pe to them doesnt mean a crime, an evil act, it means the ability to shirk responsibility, establish a hugbox and consilidate bad s*x or an embarassing moment on their part into victimhood. These people would bring back lynching but for moids if they had the chance, they just dont want courts to get involved because then their victims wouldnt get legally smeared by the court of law. All this shit is vile to me, wanting to tear down liberal institutions not in the name of fascism but in the name of progressivism - an ideology already compatible with these institutions except for one thing: to the progressive fair and honest rules are unjust

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These people would bring back lynching but for moids if they had the chance

Why you think black folx don't put up with white foid nonsense. There is precedent.

However, there should be a grey discussion space for uncertain s*x where you ain't sure if your partner is into it midway or not.

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They dont put up with thin white foids 🤣

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They know ain't nobody gonna lynch ya for a fat foid.

You learn to fear the snake that's venomous.

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Fricking foids man.

I remember last year my foid got really fricking drunk on cider and wanted to frick. I wasn't particularly horny but when you're married you take every chance you get so I fricked her. But she just couldn't c*m. After a long time of boring drunken fricking using all of my techniques and her loudly "nearly" cumming, I just said "I've had enough now" and stopped. I was angry at her for being selfish because it was all about her trying to c*m and that stopped me wanting to c*m anymore which I didn't want to anyway because I'd had a busy day grilling meat on the bbq.

Anyway. We've all had bad s*x with poor outcomes. But where's my big article? Where's me claiming I was r*ped? You consent to s*x before it happens. If it happens and it's bad that's just a bad shag.

This b-word didn't even ask him to stop she's just angry he didn't stop on his own accord. I note that through the text she paints a picture of her just submissively lieing there getting her hole fricked and not actually doing anything. Maybe learn to frick you dumb b-word and then the men fricking you won't have to take hours to c*m.

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This is one of the worst posts I have EVER seen. Delete it.

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You didn't ask for it.


It didn't happen because you were too drunk or too dumb or dressed too scantily


speak up now. Be loud.


Taytay, should uterus-havers be coming forward crying "r*pe" if they consented to s*x?


thanks that what i figured. Sure would be a pity if someone were to mail this author a poop bomb.

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This is proof that homosexuality is not a choice.

Because what man would voluntarily put up with this

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"Oh, I didn't tell you halfway through s*x that I was suddenly not into it, you were supposed to read my mind and somehow just know. Why didn't you read my mind and stop when you magically learned that I was feeling uncomfortable? I feel like you r*ped me!"

I loathe b-words like this and I unironically think that they should be jailed because they are a threat to many perfectly decent law-abiding men like myself. I had an encounter with a foid like this when I was much younger and what really bothers me is that to this day, she probably still thinks of herself as the victim and considers me a male feminist, even though she could have stopped the encounter at any time simply by opening her goddarn mouth and telling me that she changed her mind about s*x, like a mature adult. Instead, this fricking piece of shit comes at me later with "I'm not sure our encounter was completely consensual." What the frick? Take some ownership of your actions, you dumb fricking b-word. If you're so emotionally handicapped that you don't know how to tell a perfectly nice dude who's currently deep inside you that you changed your mind about having s*x, then you shouldn't be dating. Instead, you should be in a conservatorship like poor Britney Spears was and never be allowed to have s*x with anybody until you learn basic communication skills, because by dating while you have unresolved emotional problems you are putting lots of innocent men at risk.

Anyway, I went on a few more dates with that evil b-word and slept with her a couple more times after that - partially because she was very hot and partially because I knew if I didn't, her memories would mysteriously "shift" and suddenly she would retroactively remember that night as "r*pe", so I needed solid evidence (in the form of texts, emails, etc) that she had a good enough time on my peepee that she was willing to jump on it again. But it really chafes my balls that evil b-words like this exist and go unpunished by society. I think that they ought to get hurt extremely badly until they learn to take some accountability and become decent human beings who don't blame innocent men for their own personal failings. They're never going to change their narcissistic behavior on their own: if we want them to do better, then society needs to actively start causing them pain.

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I loathe b-words like this and I unironically think that they should be jailed

because they make r*pe this laughable thing. My former best friend was r*ped when she was 14. She had to go through therapy and still has trust issues to this day. And these stupid women have bad s*x and think that's also r*pe. As if they suffer from the same thing...

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Yeah, my first girlfriend Jesse got r*ped as a child and it sounded like it really messed her up. When b-words use the word "r*pe" to mean "any s*x that I regret" they're really doing a huge disservice to all the women who are real victims of r*pe rather than self-centered narcissists trying to score oppression points and sympathy. I mean, don't get me wrong - I'm not trying to pull a Hillary Clinton and say that "women are the real victims" of false r*pe accusations, but it does hurt them too.

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Removing consent after the fact like that should count as r*pe, but for the guy, the actual victim

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What does BLM mean for me? Staunch support of Israel. It is well understood that the battle for Jewish and black civil rights has been intertwined for centuries. The tactics used by white-privileged Palestinians seem oddly familiar with patterns of police brutality in the United States. This is no accident. In fact, American police officers are known to take inspiration for their tactics from events like the Hebron pogrom and the Intifadas. In addition, countless police departments have been caught conducting training in Gaza. Why is this? Well it's obvious, they have the same openly stated goals: kill and terrorise their victims until they leave. This is just another example of how the fight against fascism is trans-Atlantic.


consensual s*x:

words he said to me before we started having s*x:

I thought I did. Didn't I?:

Is it r*pe if you ask to stop in the middle of having s*x?:

one girl writes:

her words urgent:

another writes:

one angry, anonymous forum-goer writes:

The R*pe, Abuse & Incest National Network:

if another woman has gone through something like this:

it is gray and blurry and messy:

will look at r*pe in terms of black and white, "No" and "Stop.":


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This is why you need to repent and join the Church:marseyorthodox:

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Indeed. No r*pes ever occurred in the church.


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If you're asking "was I r*ped?" then the answer is already "yes!"

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Mucho texto

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We really need that cure for straightness before more men are hurt. :marseydepressed:

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