
The Queens finally get around to answering some questions from the males subscribed to our Patreon. You're welcome.

Kweens, did we get too cocky?

So this weekend I will be dating my gf for the first time but as the time approaches I´m starting to feel timid :marseybangfast:and nervous. i dont wanna mess this up guys, this might be a massive :marseyl: for the dramanaut race. Any words of advice/encouragement?

:marseyeggirl::!marseytrain:s are literally pissing everywhere :marseycalvin:


This was the bizarre scene yesterday outside the headquarters of the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) in London. An exhibitionist representing a group called ‘Pissed Off :!marseytrain:s’ stood, dressed in a ballgown and balaclava, began to wet himself. He then deliberately poured a bottle of urine over himself, while shouting: ‘The EHRC has blood on its hands and piss on its streets.’ All the while, his demure lady peepee was visible under his sheer dress. As part of this ‘political action’, the small band of what might be termed ‘piss artists’ also filled 60 bottles with urine, which they then placed around the EHRC building.

:#marseyamazon: So women stage peaceful sit-ins to defend their rights and stand up for safeguarding children, while TRAs literally urinate all over public places whenever a government body doesn’t grovel hard enough. Men act out their urine fetish in the streets to protest not being allowed to invade women's bathrooms to act out their other fetishes. This is why more and more people have stopped taking these perverts seriously.

The activist, speaking to VICE on the condition of anonymity, described the dramatic action as “an extreme version of the public embarrassment that trans people experience on a daily basis, using the potty that either doesn't fit with their gender or using the one that does, and then facing the backlash of people's judgement”.

Oh, poor things... time to start doing it at home all the time since doing it in public, no matter what, is soooooooooooo trumatic!!!!!!

A member of Pissed Off :!marseytrain:s told Vice, the only outlet to cover the protest at the scene, that the point was to show ‘an extreme version of the public embarrassment that trans people experience on a daily basis, using the potty that either doesn’t fit with their gender or using the one that does, and then facing the backlash of people’s judgement’. Essentially, this was a protest in favour of opening up women’s pottys, changing rooms and other spaces to males who identify as women.

"The activists of Pissed Off :!marseytrain:s have done their opponents a huge favour. No one sane could look at the image of a man wearing a balaclava and urine-drenched ballgown and think: ‘Yes, that is exactly the kind of person who should be let into the ladies’ lavatory along with little girls.’ Indeed, most tolerant people would be prepared to accept that such performances have a place on niche fetish websites – but not in women’s changing rooms, pottys or hospital wards."


Turns out trains are unoriginal, A very similar stunt was done in 2017- five years ago! - as a piece of anti-Trump performance art called PISSED by a TIF TRA named Cassils,

PISSED is a collection of all the liquid excreted by the artist in the 200 days following the then US President Donald Trump’s administration’s 2017 rollback of an Obama-era executive order allowing transgender students to use the bathroom matching their chosen gender identities.

PISSED, which is now part of the permanent collection of the Leslie-Lohman Museum of Art, a museum in NYC "dedicated to LGBTQ+ art and fostering the artists who create it," has a soundtrack too - and it's two hours long!

The glowing urine tank, PISSED, is contextualised by a four-channel audio installation that features the oral arguments from the case of Gavin Grimm, the transgender male teen who became the face of transgender rights in his fight to use the boys' bathroom in a school in Virginia. According to the artist, in the fall of 2017, Grimm’s case was accepted, and shortly thereafter rejected, by the Supreme Court— thus staying a decision by the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals which prevents Gavin from using the boys' bathroom to this day. Over the two hours of the audio composition, the audience hears the ignorance of Bible-quoting adults juxtaposed with the crisp, simple clarity of Gavin’s plea to pee against a sonic landscape of water flowing and flushing. The artist worked with a sound artist to slowly submerge the arguments underwater.


Translation: these scrotes need to stop being limp peepee bitches.

the guy straight up challenged him alpha style, he should have punched him after pouring the water in his face! but he beta out by confronting the girl, so Alpha challenged him again and the girl just went with the alpha male, this is the law of the jungle! lol women cant help it

But fr this is probably staged lol.


This is all they have to hope for from their pathetic lives. Every p-do incel that makes a foid thread is really this type of loser.


Flirty Fishing (FFing) is a form of evangelism by sexual intimacy practised from around 1974 to 1987 by the cult Children of God, currently known as Family International (TFI). Female members of Children of God, or "fisherwomen" would apply their s*x appeal on "fish", men from outside the cult (often but not always having s*x), using the occasion to proselytize for Jesus and seek donations.[1] The practice was "a primary source of financial support and political protection" for the cult, and criticized as religious prostitution.[citation needed] Children of God have defended it as a way of "bearing witness" for Jesus to people who would not otherwise be open to it.[2] According to some sources, over two hundred thousand men were "fished",[citation needed] and over 10,000 babies were born to cult women from 1971 and 2001.[3] The practice was curtailed as sexually transmitted diseases spread through the cult,[2] and then abandoned in 1987 reportedly because of the spread of AIDS.[4]

The Children of God practised flirty fishing and escort servicing from 1974 until 1987, when it was officially abandoned, in part because of the AIDS epidemic.

Researcher Bill Bainbridge obtained data from TFI suggesting that, from 1974 until 1987, members had sexual contact with 223,989 people while practicing Flirty Fishing.[7] As the women were expected to keep exact records of their "fruits" (successes), a 1988 statistic showed that more than 223,000 men had been "fished" since 1978[citation needed]—and that FFing had nevertheless continued into 1988. Though the cult had no problem ignoring Christian norms on fornication, it did follow "Christian fundamentalist underpinnings" when it came to birth control.[4] Sources differ on whether birth control was forbidden[4] or simply discouraged.[3] The practice also resulted in numerous pregnancies, the offspring of which were termed Jesus babies by the organization.[citation needed] According to Don Lattin, between 1971 and 2001 "more than 13,000" children were born to followers of David Berg; “women with six, eight, 10, 13 kids were not uncommon” in the Family.[3] The "first child conceived through 'flirty fishing,' was born to Berg’s common-law wife, Karen Zerby", but was fathered by "a waiter she picked up in the Canary Islands."[3]

Ex-member and critic, David Hiebert, states the practice was "used to curry political favor" in countries CoG had migrated to. "They would target special people -- in the media, lawyers, in the government."[6] According to James Chancellor,

Witnessing and disciple winning were by no means the only focus of Flirty Fishing. Even before 1978, FFing had become a primary source of financial support and political protection. Many female disciples established long-term relationships with wealthy or influential men. These men often provided money, food, clothing, housing, and other needs, including legal advice, help in immigration, and protection against social and political repression. It was not uncommon for some women to spend considerable amounts of time with their "fish", sometimes leaving their husbands and children for weeks or months at a time.[2]

Moids ☕
Zodiac signs compatibility

And yet he gets matches… guys like me don’t even get matches.

And I love strong independent women. I applaud women for not needing a man, and applaud feminism and, honestly, I’m the submissive one.

And yet, people see scrawny guy with glasses and just assume I’m like him.

MFW a 3/10 male approaches me while I'm out

Stupid scrotes. Too stupid.


WWE Superfan Savannah reports on a long overdue comeuppance for an unapologetic scrote.


It's become clear that /h/foid has been overrun by inkwell scrotes, so I've decided to create this new space for the queens of rdrama! Post about astrology, tinder scrotes, or just general scrote hate here!

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