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Tears in my eyes at white customer service :marseyleafpearlclutch:

My dad collected a bunch of airmiles and called me to tell me there was enough that I could get myself a special treat :marseycupcake: #JustGirlbossThings

My friends over so we ordered a big Boston Pizza order that would make any !goyslopenjoyers cry. Pierogi pizza, wtf is that? No one knows but my dad's beer purchases paid for it so frick it let's get one.

I made the order. Then I realized it said pickup. Called. They do not do delivery! I'm like oh shit girl we're gonna have to get dressed and get an Uber. And the guy on the phone... gay, mayo, beautiful...

He says he'll come deliver it don't worry about it. We argue like no dawg we can't do that to you don't worry we'll BE there - hes like no bbs how much is that Uber gonna cost you

A patriotic tear runs down my face, memories of when Canadians were kind, went the extra mile, wore deodorant

She's outside waiting to receive him I'm in the gooncave writing to you. !leafs Mass migration is ruining your ability to overwork tired fast food workers even more based off their own inexplicably guilty conscious about 2 r-slurs not being able to read "pickup only" :marseyflagcanada:

edit: https://i.rdrama.net/images/1720569974137924.webp Sour cream, bacon, Cactus Cut Potatoes, pizza mozzarella, cheddar, green onions, and a dollop of sour cream.

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:marseyweeping: I'm crying for the Canada that was. For 25 cent draft night, for Hockey on the CBC, for stubby bottles of Molson and for bus shacks full of vomit, not hobos

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>picture an empty "employee of the month" plaque

>A white person slowly fades into view on the plaque

>Mfw the west is saved :chudjakdancing:

get an Uber

Uh... bb? :marseypoor:

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Don't tell me in all your chuddy glory that you really want more women drivers out there

And it could be for a cool reason, like too many DUIs :marseyindignant:

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Fair point #WhiteShariaNow

And it could be for a cool reason, like too many DUIs :marseyindignant:

Imagine getting caught while driving impaired :marseyemojirofl: !boozers

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I start driving real good 5 deep

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Don't tell me in all your chuddy glory that you really want more women drivers out there

After driving with my sisters and niece I fear the female driver. She always accelerates, it doesn't matter she has a hard right hand turn in 100, she will accelerate the entire way there, slam the brakes and then shoot off again in a generally rightward direction

And stopping, a woman does not glide to a nice easy stop no, this would interfere with her acceleration so instead she appraches the stop sign at speed only to slam on her breaks at the last possible instant

I'd bring up parallel parking but none of the foids I know can do it

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Lmfao I want to refute you but darn I https://media.giphy.com/media/yXVO50FJIJMSQ/giphy.webp

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Sour cream, bacon, Cactus Cut Potatoes, pizza mozzarella, cheddar, green onions, and a dollop of sour cream.

Sour cream twice? :marseyconfused:

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Lol I took it from the website, guess they really wanted to emphasize it?

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Pierogi pizza, wtf is that?

Uhh, don't leave us hanging about the pierogi pizza, sweaty :marseynotes:

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i thought we had something :marseycrying:

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look at the filth youve introduced into our life


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Sour cream, bacon, Cactus Cut Potatoes, pizza mozzarella, cheddar, green onions, and a dollop of sour cream. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17205697588515038.webp I will not double ping the goyslopenjoyers so I don't annoy them but I do hope they see it in all its glory :marseychonker:

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Allah forgive me, I would do unspeakable things to this pizza


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It's honestly fricking great lol Carp forgive me but I might be putting fried taters on more pizzas in the future :tomatothrow:

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Edit it into the op bb

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When I read pierogi pizza I was expecting it to have a ton of mini dumplings as toppings. I am incredibly disappointed. :marseycry:

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that would :marseymid: be really :marseythinkorino2: good and i might make that sometime :#marseylickinglips:

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if you do please post it that would be awesome :marseyexciteddance:

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itll take me a few days to prepare but ill ping u

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>A patriotic :marseysaluteconfederacy: tear runs down my face, memories of when Canadians :marseyleafpearlclutch: were kind, went the extra mile, wore deodorant

I was teleported in my mind back to our family :marseyracistcheck2: friends' place :marseychtorrr: where :marseydrama: the fellas would :marseymid: play WCW Mayhem :marseyvargfinnselfdefense: on the N64 after going :marseysal3: to BP for dinner. The Pierogi Pizza was fricking :marseytom: godlike. I'd have the individual size every single :marseykiwimom: time I went there, and cover it in tobasco sauce and the chili flakes they had at the tables so nobody else would :marseywood: try and take a slice. I thought :marseymindblown: they took it off the menu like 10-15 years ago.

How was it? Boston :marseytf2scout: Pizza seems to have gone completely to shit in my experience. Tell me it was good and I'm ordering one of these puppies this weekend.

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Honestly I live in Ottawa where pizza is notoriously awful, all of the non-chains are owned by lebanese who do great leb food ofc but are so bad at any other cuisine lol, the most recommended place in town is Collonade and this :vomit: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17205724394405398.webp :vomit: is the image they use to advertise on their front page. They put the toppings under the cheese so they get steamed, nothing like slimy floppy pepperoni :marseypuke:

So it might just be that I"m used to dogshit but I loved it lol I really hope you get your pizza and enjoy it and it brings back memories of dosing it with pepper flakes to keep your siblings away :marseyxd:

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I'll be getting one on Saturday for sure then. Thanks for bringing me back.

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nothing like slimy floppy pepperoni

I say the same thing when I lift my fupa and see my pp

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Don't get me all worked up in front of my pizza :arousedpizzashill:

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Pierogi pizza

Does it have bacon? You can't have Pierogis without bacon

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you cant have pierogis WITH bacon wtf?


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I'm sorry, what? Fried in bacon grease, cover with cheese and bacon wrapped is one true way to eat Pierogis

All Canadians know this.

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yeah you people also eat vomit as a national dish

pierogi is our thing frick off


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yeah you people also eat vomit as a national dish

B-word you better not be talking about poutine

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you've gotta admit despite being tasty, poutine ain't exactly a feast for the eyes

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Poutine looks like a baby cat had diarrhea :marseyconstipation: all over some soggy french :marseyguillotine: fries :marseyfrylock:

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!kurwa carp is a polak???

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Hmmm I wonder what country those mountains are in

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They stretch west to east in an arc from the Czech Republic to Romania.


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Is carp a fellow polski? :marseythonk:

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I'm spiritually Polish (unintelligent and prone to anger at nothing)


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Brother from another ethnicity mother!


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Or pan fried in butter with bits of chopped onions and bacon

The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of The Great Milenko

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OMG I forgot about the fried onions! You always need fried onions in your bacon wrapped cheese Pierogis

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aren't you one of those r-slurs that has """chili""" without beans?

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No? I've made multiple threads and a Twitter poll dunking on fake chilicels


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Mass migration is ruining your ability to overwork tired fast food workers

Around the 1990s we got terrible white teen fast food workers. You had to sit there in the drive-thru and look through the bag to find which item they failed to put in. Tbf it's pretty hard to remember a list of 5 things when you absolutely do not give a shit.

Then they got replaced by Mexican illegals. It was harder than heck to understand them but it was a net positive. At least you could trust them to successfully carry out their fast food jobs. Also it made Taco Bell feel more authentic.

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Our white teens got replaced by Indians here and it's so bad basically everywhere here now lol. My friend sent me this wingstop order he got earlier

looks like they emptied the grease trap into his order :vomit:

!leafs my buddy said there's a gov online form you can fill out to claim you got food poisoning so whenever he gets awful jeetified orders he's gonna do that and hope they get fricked :mjlol: reportmaxxing irl https://inspection.canada.ca/en/food-safety-consumers/where-report-complaint

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At this point i just don't let indians touch my food

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Their food all looks like that + greasy diarrhea so dont go too hard on them

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You guys probably got a much worse batch of 'jeets than we did. Here it's all people who work at Intel and their kids.

there's a gov online form you can fill out to claim you got food poisoning

I gotta see if I can find something like this. I put in complaints about doctors and nurses but I don't think anything happens with those.

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Our original ones were great tbh, when an Indian family moved in they were always something impressive like a doctor or engineer, their kids were great and went onto be successful too, but yeah now it's just moar doordash drivers and tim hortons workers lol

Were they mean to you?? I will raze the hospital down if they were mean to you when you had your leg issue. I feel you tho I put in similar ones with my mom and I think they only even looked at them when I called and raised a fuss with the ombudsman, your hospital might have one of those too (sry if you already know this)

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DMed because hopefully there will be some legal action about this someday. :marseyraging:

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The problem with jeet workers here is that they are unfamiliar with English, computers, plumbing, running water and food safety.

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It's the machines that have been doing the heavy lifting.

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These kids could have fricked that up. It was literal Beavis & Butthead.

"Uhh... the customer ordered like... a burger or something. And I think we put in fries."

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Sour cream

It was such a happy story up until this point. :marseyunamused:

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you can have some of the med one we also got :marseyfluffy: https://i.imgur.com/0zIpgVM.png https://i.rdrama.net/images/17205708816668904.webp I assume fancy PNW people like a vegetal only pizza :marseysmirk2:

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fat butt neighbor

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It's genuinely hard to explain how bizzare it feels to actually get mayoid customer service in Canada nowadays. It's so weird to talk to a fast food worker where you don't have to stoop down to their sexy Indian dudeesque speech and can just have them take your order like a normal person.

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I feel you!! I was trying to find a non-racist way to tell the guy that this level of customer service is unheard of. He wouldn't even let me give him extra money. I love white people so much

Though when I was in NY we made a Walmart grocery delivery order while the truck was in the shop and IG they use doordash behind the scenes, so I was like "okay here we go", but a black guy dropped it off and like HE SPOKE ENGLISH. HE WAS NORMAL AND POLITE. HE COULD WORK THE INTERCOM. He blew me tf away. I was mumbling "I'm from Canada.... what.... I'm amazed..." because that's unheard of in Canada but he prob thought I meant I'd never seen a black person before

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Yeah I went to the states for a bit and was surprised at the amount of actually normal people in comparison to Canada, where they're a dying breed

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A couple of months ago, I called Telus over a question I had with my bill. The first call was six minutes trying to tell AI to let me talk to a real person because it didn't understand what I wanted. Eventually, I started yelling at it and it hung up on me. I phoned back and the second call consisted of five minutes of me yelling at the AI until it transferred me to a real person. I don't know what I said differently, but it worked. Anyway, I get transferred to Sexy Indian dudea, who takes 500 words to tell me my contract is over, and that's why my bill increased $140 from the month before. I asked her what she could offer me if I signed a new contract because I'm not paying $195. She says $115. I say no. She puts me on hold for 10 minutes. She comes back and says $110. I tell her no. She puts me on hold again. After 25 minutes of being on hold, I got to the Tech Savvy website, signed up for their internet, and I set the activation date for four weeks from that time. 15 minutes later, Sexy Indian dudea comes back and says $105. I told her to cancel my service. I've signed up for a new ISP since I've been on hold for so long, and the price is ridiculous. She tells me she'll have to transfer my call. I get put on hold again. After 5 minutes a new indian answers and he's one of those sales indians that pretends he's your best friend and talks fast and doesn't shut the frick up. He gets on the phone and says that Sexy Indian dudea filled him in on everything and that he will get me the best deal. I tell him I've already signed up for a new ISP and to cancle my service. Ten more fricking minutes of him asking me, "With who? What's the price? What speed? And making me offers, trying to get me to stay. At one point, he asked me when I wanted my service terminated, and I told him ASAP hoping to recoup some money, and forgetting my new internet wouldn't be up for another month. I had to call Tech Savvy back hoping to move up my activation date and you know how that call went? There was one automated question where I had to press the key pad and then I got to talk with a nice lady with no accent and I assume is white. I called another time later and got a white guy, not some call center paki.

The phone call with Telus pissed me off so badly that I cancled my cell phone service with Koodo too. Telus sent me an email saying I needed to return my equipment, which they didn't specify what, by the way. The list of equipment I needed to return was left blank. But it said I could use a box of my choice, so I put the modem and router into a box of a carpet cleaner I'd bought. The box was about 15 cubic feet and I put a couple smaller boxes in there so the shit wouldn't bounce around. Boxes that would have held the equipment on their own lol.

Ten years ago, I was cool with Indians. I've had a friend for over 30 years who's parents are from India. They're a good family. Now I am sick of them. They're pushy and cheap and are shit drivers too. If you answer a phone call and an Indian talks back, acuse them of being a scammer and hang up on them. I'm not being nice to pushy cheap indians anymore.

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>The box was about 15 cubic feet and I put a couple smaller boxes in there so the shit wouldn't bounce around. Boxes that would have held the equipment on their own lol.

:marseyxd: beautiful

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still unemployed then?

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Tbh the real area where leafs should be outraged about jeets is their takeover of "professional driver" roles

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Curry in a Hurry LLC

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>boston pizza


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Ik but there's only so many things my dad's airmiles are good for and my pizza dough takes 72 hours to make and we wanted pizza immediately :marseychonkerfoidpuke: :!marseychonkerfoidpuke:

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:marseysaluteusa: but with a Canada flag


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how did i miss this beautiful thread

how was the pizza

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It was so fricking good I still have a bunch in the freezer. I'm still kinda riding the wave of not only seeing a white person in town but also getting insane good service from them tbh

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Are you black or something? Why do you think fathers don't exist?

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