I come today with an assortment of responses I've received regarding my epic pulitzer worthy journ*listic expose on FrozenChosen as well as the total vindication Mello received from Frozen's vexatious litigation.
The Janny Cabal would have you believe that I am an agent of chaos sowing discontent amongst the regular, salt of the earth rdrama users. This is, of course, a false narrative crafted to ward off the uncomfortable truths that I've uncovered. Let's take a look at some of the responses I've received so far.
@Joan_Wayne_Gacy sets out to disprove the fact that a Janny conspiracy is afoot by attempting to sweep it up. Joan took it upon themselves, probably coached by the other jannies, to post proof that my narrative was unreliable and that Mello is in fact a danger to the community. Ultimately, this is what it came down to:
My god, what an evil man! He said "creep" to the jannies, certainly he deserves the death penalty!
Does this seem worthy of a permaban and a janny wide consensus that legal recourse, by one of the admins of this website, was justified?
"It's not absurd to slap him with a restraining order when he messages you 100 times a day "
Apparently, @Joan_Wayne_Gacy knows better than our fair and balanced court of law that decided Mello is an innocent man. It doesn't matter to Joan that Frozen was unable to supply evidence that he was a dangerous stalker, Joan and the Janny cabal feels that it's warranted! That means something, right?
The great sweepening doesn't end there. @JimieWhales, who does not wield a mop but carries out their marching orders nonetheless, chimes in as well (as instructed by her masters, likely in exchange for a mop).
How interesting! No source to back it up, but she knows a creep when she sees one! It just so happens that her views align with the cabal, just a coincidence I'm sure!
Again, it doesn't matter to the cabal that he was declared innocent of all crimes by the court of law. They feel it to be true, so it must be!
It's at this point that I point out a very important question: How exactly did @FrozenChosen obtain Mello's personal information to serve him with the court orders? Is it possible that she was given his IP and personal information via the Janny cabal?
What is stopping them from doing the same to any other user whom they view as a threat to their power?
Speaking of Frozen, where is she? The charitable explanation that the henchpeople have given out is that she doesn't want to deal with this, that it's beneath her somehow. However, we know she loves attention. So much, in fact, that she sends her personal information to near strangers and sexts them for it. The spotlight is on her now, where is she?
Is it not more likely that she can no longer conjure up lies to sweep her crimes under the rug, and has gone on the run?
At this point, I'll call out one more enemy of the truth, and of god himself. He's different in that he is far too stupid and unstable to be a part of the cabal - he is simply a useful idiot and a simp. Nevertheless, his actions must be dragged from the darkness and brought to the light.
@sneedman has given me 2 one day ban awards in an effort to shut me up. He does this because apparently, being dramatic on https://rdrama.net is a high crime that cannot go unpunished. He feels a compulsion to defend his Queen because exposing the truth is apparently a bad thing to do!
"You guise, leave her alone! We've all had our laughs, nothing to see here! Just move on already!
I'm sorry, did Frozen consider Mello's mental health when she fraudulently used the courts to shut him up? Did she consider SPAL's mental health when she besmirched him as a libertarian? Why are we expected to just leave her crimes alone because it might make her feel bad (spoiler alert, she doesn't and never will).
@sneedman wants to go up on the cross and die for her sins because he is a simp of the highest caliber. Don't punish her for taking IP addresses from the jannies to purse vexatious litigation, no! Go after him!
The poor fool doesn't even realize that he's her next target, that it'll be him broke, homeless and banned next when he outlives his usefulness. I'd pity him if he wasn't such a vile worm.
My suggestion @sneedman is to remember to go up the highway, not across the street. It'll get you to your final destination sooner!
The Takeaway
!jannies, it's time to answer the hard hitting questions:
1. Why did you supply Frozen with Mello's IP address and personal information?
2. How many other users information has been callously given away?
3. Why do you believe you know better than the court of law and that the restraining order was justified, given that they discarded it due to a lack of evidence?
4. Why is it okay that FrozenChosen doxxed Mello to me? If any other user did that, there would be an outrage.
If I am found dead in the next 48 hours, know that I did not kill myself. I am of sound mind and ordained by the lord himself to drag to truth from the darkness into the light.
Enjoy the song!
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also i think ppl here forgot they alrdy voted on mellokind's fate 1.5 years ago
!commenters !metashit
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We need a new vote in light of my journ*listic masterpiece, do you agree !grillers
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Where's "I want Mello to be unbanned because of feelings and not facts"?
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Where's "I want Mello to be unbanned for one day every month so that he can annoy powerusers with his presence while not annoying me with spam"?
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Could even create a site theme for the days Mello is active.
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Just have it be mostly normal except for replacing the
up the top with 
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I demand a recount
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My feelings matter more than God himself what kind of stupid question is that?
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!metashit !r-slurs a modern day Pontius Pilate
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what did he mean by this
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You got a waxed and nubile Mediterranean servant to bring you up a copper basin, and you washed your hands of the matter, refusing to judge him and setting him to the mob's will.
Italians have been passive aggressive dramaqueens since the beginning, and to this day they narrowly dodge the Christ-killer allegations.
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He means you're a Roman
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can u allocate marseybux to people who correctly guessed grillcasts schizo breakdown would be less than two weeks on my /h/groomers poll
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She's calling you a white

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!bookworms The Master and Margarita reference???
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!christians is mellokind our Jesus Christ?
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What does exercise for foids have to do with this?
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Pontius Pilate was an r-slured kunt, too
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Why do you hate democracy?
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This is flavor country, jack
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Top Comment:
Where are these other supposed stalking and harassment victims and why have they not come forward?
If he is to be banned for supposedly "doxxing" Frozen, why is Frozen allowed to doxx Mello with impunity as a moderator?
Is it because he's been slandered as a "creep", despite being vindicated by the courts, and she is "well liked''?
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lmaaaaoooooooo fricking
@FrozenChosen has never made a meaningful contributor, she's spent 6 months e-whoring and acting r-slurred, etc.
by this standard
@FrozenChosen should be swept
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It's different because her and the cabal are e-fwends, don't you understand!!1
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Idk frozen posts actual funny drama. If I have to choose between that and the 100th shitty jewel music video i know what I'm picking
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Real ones see this because voting is gay and democracy is a sham.
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Just voted
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Changing my mind for any arbitrary reason (or none at all) at any time is my right as a dramanuat
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Hey, I voted to free him when that vote was posted. Mainly because I think it'd be funny, not because I have any moral opinion on this.
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