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Can you strags stop postings the same shit over and over?
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- forgor : h/spongebob
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@HailVictory1776 the pope is the whore of Babylon and not one catholic, traditional or reformed will make it into the gates of Heaven. Repent and actually read the Bible, or you and your wife will burn for all eternity. The church established by St. Peter is no more thanks to catholics and their child r*pe, warmongering and indulgence charging of the past, present and future.
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1. The Daily Beast: Trump's Change of Tone in RNC Speech Lasted All of 10 Minutes https://www.thedailybeast.com/trumps-change-of-tone-in-rnc-speech-lasted-all-of-10-minutes
2. The Hill: Trump's acceptance speech should have been a home run. It wasn't. https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/4781405-trump-speech-rnc-lost-opportunity/
3. The Daily Beast again: Donald Trump's Speech Wasn't Just Bad and Mad. It Was Boring https://www.thedailybeast.com/donald-trumps-rnc-speech-wasnt-just-bad-and-mad-it-was-boring
5. The Independent: Trump's rambling, over-long speech at the Republican convention was taxing even for delegates https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-rnc-speech-election-steal-border-wall-immigration-b2582513.html
etc etc
6. Newsweek Trump RNC Speech Appears to Send Attendees to Sleep: https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-rnc-speech-appears-send-attendees-sleep-1927442
Patriots would never take their lips off Daddy's peepee, but even they found the speech a bit hard to believe: https://scored.co/p/17teSUJa1W/the-groomercord-and-division-in-our-/c
No unity with demons.
And the rest of the NPCs require retribution 1000x over what they have done to us.
There is no compromise that does nothing for us. Compromise goes our way from here on out. We move Right. The Overton window comes with us.
Republicanism is the religion of unity
Post cope below.
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Do better sweaty
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@MAGAshill Why not just goomble in devrama at this point
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Unfortunately these following users are straggots
@MoeBitches, @frickmeatsandwich, @BernieSanders, @cyberdick, @MoniqueMystique, @DildongusPrimative, @degorius, @Maximus, @killalldogs, @Slipperyman, @alice, @ACA, @VisigothApologist, @Horned_waifus_shill, @GnarlyCharlieBrown, @Tonberry, @NikkiHaley, @none, @Elon_SUSk
@Lv71_Slime, @Scaraoschi, @MarseySheepdog, @BushWasRight, @Lurker, @r-slur, @Bix_Project2025Enjoyer, @pobrecito, @MarseySexHaver, @TouchFluffyTails, @drama_enthusiast, @FukinSukinCukin, @_sus, @MayflyAlt-98, @poopdick, @Unbroken, @GeorgeFloyd, @AnnoyinTheGoyim, @ShartBath420, @OneLunchMan, @ChristoffWChanderson, @CopeSpringsEternal, @BananaSlugToucher, @Shill, @Landlord_Disciple, @Aevann, @Allende, @ReeTardyOswald, @seal_ion, @TheSubredditPolice, @Raphael-Ambrosius-Costeau, @whyareyou, @Salamander, @Petrel, @Elements
Unlike this terf I am not crying that ya'll ghey
Thank you for participating
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Points in favor:
1. I should be allowed to spergout wherever I want.
2. It will be dramatic
3. It will multiply sneed for the mods to have a favorite user who is an obvious r-slur.
4. Please. I ask nicely.
5. Most of the lolcows you ban award every few days hate my guts. So it's like 2x torturing the bad lolcows.
Countering the points against:
1. If you give in to the demands of this r-slur he will keep coming back - Factcheck: False. I rarely trouble the mods. My hobby is writing spergouts that get ignored. My levels of being annoying have stayed consistent over time. So there is no reason to believe they would increase any further in the future.
2. It will upset other users - Good. Let them sneed.
3. It is too much effort. - I have no idea. I assume it's like a 3-4 clicks task.
4. There is no reward. - My 1 in 10 high quality educational spergouts is the reward.
5. He supports the wrong side. - I support whichever team the mods support. As a true dramanaut I have no allegiance to any cause. I hate or love women and children and jews and blacks and Canadians and bongs as per convenience in the moment.
You should make me unexilable to make this site more fun and enjoyable for the users as they will now have access to users who will never leave them.
- Pizzashill_feet : The rss guy doesn't like other rss posters
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- whyareyou : false premise
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There are a number of emojis on rDrama and Watch People Die that are hidden - they don't show up in the emoji picker or on the emoji lists, but they do show up when fully typed out. Some of them are hidden because they're offensive or NSFW (which seems rather odd on an 18+-only site), some of them are hidden because they're embarrassingly bad, some of them are hidden because they're duplicates, and some of them are hidden for absolutely no reason whatsoever.
These are the ones that I know of:
The emoji :love:
exists in the code, but doesn't show up properly unless given a modifier like . The emoji :marseytransgenocide
also exists in the code, but the only way to access it is to type . The same for :typing:
, which has to be given a modifier like . Others that have to be modified include: :boomhauertalking:
(), :chadtalking:
(), :chudjaktalking:
(), :derptalking:
(), :donkeykonggenocide:
(), :donkeykonglove:
(), :ethottalking:
(), :landlordlove:
(), :marseyaugustlove:
(), :marseybearautistlove
(), :marseybigbussyhunterlove:
(), :marseybirdlove:
(), :marseycapylove:
(), :marseycarplove:
(), :marseychinchillalove
(), :marseychiobulove:
(), :marseychiobupat
(), :marseychristmaslove:
(), :marseychudgenocide:
(), :marseycodecellove:
(), :marseycommielove:
(), :marseycornlove:
(), :marseyflufflylove:
(), :marseyfluffylove:
(), :marseyfoxglove:
(), :marseyfrozenlove:
(), :marseyharpoonerhillarylove:
(), :marseyisraellove:
(), :marseyjclove:
(), :marseykiwilove:
(), :marseykoalalove:
() :marseykonglove:
(), :marseylove:
(), :marseymarseylove:
(), :marseymarseylovelove:
(), :marseypennylove:
(), :marseyraccoonlove:
(), :marseyschizoabsinthelove:
(), :marseyschizobussylove:
(), :marseyschizobyolove:
(), :marseyschizocapygitcommitlove:
(), :marseyschizocapylove:
(), :marseyschizocarplove:
(), :marseyschizochadbasedcapylove:
(), :marseyschizochadseethecapylove:
(), :marseyschizochadthankscapylove:
(), :marseyschizochadyescapylove:
(), :marseyschizochiobulove:
(), :marseyschizodoggilove:
(), :marseyschizodongerlove:
(), :marseyschizoducklove:
(), :marseyschizodussylove:
(), :marseyschizofartbinnlove:
(), :marseyschizogeeselove:
(), :marseyschizogetogetolove:
(:#marseyschizogetogetolove:), :marseyschizogrizzlylove:
(), :marseyschizohanklove:
(), :marseyschizohobocellove:
(), :marseyschizoidiolove:
(), :marseyschizojclove:
(), :marseyschizojoelove:
(), :marseyschizolangleylove:
(), :marseyschizomajorgenerallove:
(), :marseyschizonekolove:
(), :marseyschizopennylove:
(, :marseyschizosallove:
(), :marseyschizoschizolove:
(), :marseyschizosnakeslove:
(), :marseyschizosorenlove:
(), :marseyschizostimslove:
(), :marseytalking:
(), :marseytransgenocide:
(), :marseytransungenocide:
(:#marseytransungenocidegenocide), :marseyvampirelove:
(), :marseyzombiewolflove:
(), :playlove:
(), :sharkylove:
(), :sigmatalking:
(), :soyjaktalking:
(), :talking:
(), :taylove:
(), :tracelove:
(), :trumpjaktalking:
(), and :wolflove:
:donkey kong:
and :newport1:
exist in the code, but I don't know how to get them to show up.
The schizo love emojis without any modifiers can be found here.
Here is a guide to how to view all of the hidden emojis.
If anyone knows of any others, please post them ITT.
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I never posted metashit but I thought that thread was funny
@DeforesterCarpathian @Corinthian
@BrasilIguana faça a gentileza de pingar os seus amigos do metamerda por favor
- AdrenochromeJunkie : hat
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How the frick do we not have a MAGA cap in the hat shop??? !metashit @AntispaniardAktion @realDonaldTrump outrageous oversight.
I wanted to celebrate my conversion to MAGAism (and secondarily, Christianity) but I can't buy merch to advertise my devotion?
Why is this site biased against conservatives?? Fricking liberal media elite conspiracy denying us hats.
Someone ping rightoids to get angry with me about our victimization at the hands of Egyptians and Bongs withholding hats from good honest Americans.
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I only have positive ones added to posts or beanos for users that dont mute this place, or simply dont mind having a new badge, and its become aware to me that the meta here is quite different than the sister site. The sister site is usually harshness while this one has a really annoying nasty positive taste in my mouth. You see? Isnt that wierd nust hearing that? Im not equipped to do much, and i dont know how to post or what yall post. Its very difficult to undwrstand your engine of coins here.
Its not a wiestion, anymore involdment would only make me question it more.
That being said ii dont mind if you tell me wjats really going on. Cause sometimes i get so stoned annd even simple youtube algorithms bless me but curse me, i do not and never retain information. Thats why i wirtten that book so long ago that was aleister crowleys writings, and many spells from books! Id never remember them if im in the hospital for mental health, and personally itd be nice to read something good instead of deptessed pamhplets
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