

Something something STAY IN POD something something EAT THE BUGS



The A-level schoolgirl from Birmingham suffered from a rare degenerative disease and was fully conscious and able to communicate, repeatedly telling doctors that she did not want to die. However, last month a Court of Protection judge said that she lacked the capacity to make decisions about her treatment amid reporting restrictions preventing Sudiksha, her family and the NHS Trust and medics treating her, from being identified.

So she says she doesnt want to die, so they declare incompetent so that they can ignore her request not to die, then they are able to :marseycensored: her name from the record so that it cannot be discussed.

I hear nothing butt bad news from the UK. I hope to never travel there as the weather seems awful too. George Orwell cpuld have never prwdicted what a :marseycryingclown:world bongland would become.

>"Sanity is not statistical."~George Orwell, :marsey1984:

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  • atakeonhooper : daily rdrama jan 6 struggle session [WARNING: SCAT]

The astonishing endgame of the 2020 presidential election happened less than two years ago. After news outlets from the AP to Fox News, plus 50 state governments, certified Joe Biden's victory, Donald Trump made an unprecedented attempt to overturn the results and stay in power. This culminated in a day of violence when Trump's supporters broke into the U.S. Capitol in an effort to stop the final confirmation of the election by Congress. In case anyone managed to forget these shocking events, the House select committee on January 6 has held an impressively produced series of made-for-TV hearings in recent months detailing the postelection coup attempt.

So what has been the ultimate effect of all this high-visibility evidence of a rogue president gone insurrectionist? Well, the number of Republicans who agree with Trump's "stolen election" fable has almost certainly gone up rather than down. The 45th president remains the leader of his party by any reasonable definition and is unquestionably the front-runner for the GOP's 2024 presidential nomination if, as expected, he chooses to run. He actually leads Biden in averages of 2024 trial heats.

And the best efforts of the House select committee have failed to make the events of January 6 a significant campaign issue in the 2022 midterms. You can, if you wish, blame some of that on Democratic campaign wizards, as Politico recently noted:

Overall, less than 2 percent of all broadcast TV spending in House races has gone toward Jan. 6 ads, according to ad-tracking firm AdImpact --- or just $2.7 million of $163 million. Taken in total, Democrats have aired just two dozen spots focused on threats to democracy this cycle, in roughly 16 different battleground districts.

But some unusually deep polling by the New York Times and Siena College about whether voters care about "threats to democracy," and how they understand that term, might justify Democrats' focus on other issues.

That recent survey asked an open-ended question about the "most important issue facing the country today." Just 7 percent cited "the state of democracy." That's nothing compared with the 26 percent who offered "the economy" or the 19 percent who volunteered "inflation or the cost of living." But concerns about democracy did top "abortion," which was cited by 4 percent, and "crime," which was called a top issue by 3 percent. Moreover, the pollsters later asked whether American democracy is "currently under threat," and 71 percent said yes. That's a big deal, right?

Maybe not. It's when the pollsters dig into what people mean by "threats to democracy" that any focus on January 6 gets lost. Far and away the most popular complaint was about politicians and government generally being "corrupt." Nate Cohn tried to explain the responses:

When respondents were asked to volunteer one or two words to summarize the current threat to democracy, government corruption was brought up most often --- more than Mr. Trump and Republicans combined.

... One said, "I don't think they are honestly thinking about the people." Another said politicians "forget about normal people." Corruption, greed, power and money were familiar themes.

This sure sounds a lot closer to MAGA folk calling Washington a "swamp" than it does to members of Congress expressing shock at the desecration of "the temple of democracy" on January 6.

Similarly, voters perceiving a "threat to democracy" are nearly as likely to view Biden as a "major threat" (38 percent) as Trump (45 percent). Forty-nine percent call "electronic voting machines" a major or minor threat (as opposed to no threat at all), and 54 percent feel the same way about voting by mail. The claim with the strongest bipartisan support is that "mainstream media" are a threat to democracy: 84 percent of respondents, including 83 percent of self-identified independents, consider the media a major or minor threat to democracy.

The bottom line is that democracy itself is broadly perceived as so broken that Trump's deliberate effort to break it by an act of insurrection is being accepted by an alarming percentage of the population as just another warning light. They see it as no more significant than ineffective anti-inflation policies rather than as a unique threat to our system of self-government that must be condemned, punished, and prevented from ever happening again. If Trump's Republican Party makes the gains so many expect in November, it will be a green light for authoritarianism in the future, even if Trump himself exits the political scene and gives way to another demagogue.

:marseymushroomcloud: IT'S HAPPENING :marseymushroomcloud:
Reported by:
  • H : Army PsyOps cracks me up no matter what they do. I have stories .
  • DickButtKiss : God bless The Troops
  • free_palestine : stop trying to make kids into cannon fodders
  • Sphereserf3232 : Denigrationof young patriots joining the troops and other militarmisia isn’t allowed :marseymad:




Cowards. These people never learn.

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  • Wuzizname : Banned for posting a Vanity Fair article.

Politics thread

Twitter thread



Overwatch 2 is set to release very soon and more details are steadily being released including information about one of the original game’s heroes: Symmetra.

In Overwatch lore, Symmetra is a character with Autism, but it was rarely reflected in-game despite comics and other story pieces indicating that she is on the spectrum.

The sequel is hoping to remedy this by making it far more apparent and celebrating her Autism in-game through quite a few voice lines.

In a thread on Twitter, Narrative Designer Joshi Zhang delved into how they’re subtly representing Autism as she dukes it out with and against fellow members of the Overwatch roster.

OW2 is highlighting Symmetra’s Autism in combat

“I asked myself, how would her autism influence her experience on the battlefield?” Zhang explained in a series of posts.

In order to showcase this, Zhang revealed how Symmetra will comment on sensations that please or bother her such as being mesmerized by hard light – a key component of her gameplay.

One clip the dev highlighted is when she gets a kill on the music-based hero Lucio, she will remark: “finally, I can hear myself think.”

According to the dev, there are plenty of other voice lines that indicate her perspective on things. Surely, there will be a lot to discover when the game is out, and everyone with a proper phone plan can check it out.

“At the end of the day, I hope that neurodivergent members of the OW community feel like they are seen. Autism is not a weakness; it’s a strength to be celebrated by all,” Zhang concluded.

It’s not yet clear what Blizzard has planned for Symmetra once Overwatch 2’s PvE story content is added later on in 2023, but seeing how they’re doing so much to showcase her Autism in PvP, it’s likely that there is much more to come.

Overwatch 2 is set to release October 4 on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PS4, PS5, and Nintendo Switch consoles with a mobile port still rumored for the future.

Desperate Philadelphia Recruiting Lifeguards Who Can't Swim


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Boat took out a bridge in Maryland

wild vid



Reddit discusses:

/r/Scotland reees: 34% upvoted, plenty of seething in comment directed at both landlords and Telegraph.




Pedes what is he gonna do? I think he is going to do something, but don't know what.



In order to show those evil chuds how backwards they are, Governor Pritzker signed legislation introducing an Immigrant Bill of Rights in Illinois, a move that was praised by Chicago legislators.

"Wait, I didn't think you'd actually send immigrants here! They're supposed to stay down there!," say those legislators as Chicago recently bans unannounced migrant drop offs.

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