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??? Gambit is cool i thought :marseymindblown:


But critics argue that even studying the possibility of solar geoengineering eases the societal pressure to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

Space Bin Laden will always be a threat to NY.
Why are there so many terrible note taking apps

Every single one is bloated as fuuuck and all seem to be written in javascript and require electron.

All the terminology is written in marketingspeak. Like you can't just make a new page of text, you have to open the 'command palette' or 'create a new canvas'

UIs are full of junk like a big popup notification 'delete successful!' you don't need a notification for that wtf tell me if not successful otherwise shut up

Such a simple program shouldn't be this difficult to develop.

Sometimes I come across stuff like this, where there are enough r-slurs willing to spend money that a whole ecosystem of bullshit pops up trying to sell to them. Similar feels to when I have to research buying a new smartphone

Bedlam House - TV Tropes
Keep an eye on 3.20 for FED FOMC.

Feds cutting rates is pretty low chance. Neither is the chance of being more hawkish.

If you're overleveraged on tech, move your money around a little bit.

Avoid automobiles regardless of rate cuts, but keep an idea on Japanese auto sector.

Even with Apple CarPlay auto sector is dicey.

Bank of Japan is set to raise rates for first time in 17 years. Will it gain traction?

Last 7 out of 8 presidential elections, Financial sector has outperformed S&P

If rates remain stable or go down, take up some utilities stocks in your portfolio

Healthcare and Financial has a good opportunity in 2024 irrespective of rate cuts

Steer clear out of Cisco (stagnant tech) and Starbucks (Chinese supply chain, won't solve until China announces stimulus)

Volatility is really low, puts are going at very low prices, should you buy some puts in tech? Especially Mid cap tech

Have some cash buffer.

That's it for this week. ALL EYES ON WEDNESDAY

!fincels !besties

All are ideas, not advise. Frick you.

@houellebecq there you go, your weekly newsletter

@Patsy & @Bookers DUDE Adviseussy Lmao

How the Gallic War started

new NileRed kino
Do you agree? : cartoons
/co/ - You gotta love Frank Cho - Comics & Cartoons - 4chan
/co/ - LMAOO - Comics & Cartoons - 4chan
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Pop Soyence :sciencejak: gibberish laughing and hate Thread

Dramacels, !spacechads, what are some of the most ludicrous, possibly wrongful and reddity pop sci videos/channels you've come across?

My thumbnail example is a Kursgesagt video about Terraforming Venus.

I know they try to make it as “scientifically sound” as possible, but the whole idea sooooo incredibly far-fetched, it involves building giant planet size mirrors to cover sunlight from Venus so the CO2 in the atmosphere freezes, followed by harvesting nitrogen from Titan and removing all the frozen CO2. Not to mention water from Europan ice and another giant mirror to provide day/night cycles (as Venus is almost tidally locked).

Another is their Dyson sphere video

Which includes disassembling Mercury

They also have these pop physics videos where they try to convey some “deep” philosophical ideas like this one.

>LE BOLTZMANN BRAINS :#marseybigbrain: :#marseysoypoint: by the way, what do physic-cels here think of this concept, is this even taken seriously?


@Geralt_of_Uganda I remember you made a thread on them once


/r/solarpunk is a sub for those interested in “solarpunk aesthetics” which means carbon free degrowth utopias for their scifi stories/games, etc.

Naturally their zero CO2 emissions world has no place for planes.

>We travel across oceans in blimps and sail boats.

>I imagine solar sail boats or potentially algae powered? It would need to be something regenerative and we would need to sacrifice speed. There is no “weekend in Paris” and is a bit more arduous.

A bit arduous is quite an understatement

>Without the pressure of a capitalist rat-race, I hope people take traveling sabbaticals. These will by design not be quick. So, hitching a ride on a freighter (sail/ammonia/solar powered) or using a hydrogen-filled dirigible to get around seem like good options.

Once we get rid of capitalism everyone will be free to sail around the world :marseywholesome:

This is literally how it was done for all of history until the mid-1800s.

Sailing across the oceans was quite dangerous back then, I doubt redditcels will enjoy being in the middle of the Atlantic during a storm.

sail boats. people will have a lot more time to travel. in fact the voyage will be as important as the time spent in the destination, if not more important.

in fact i'm willing to bet that, in the future people will spend way more time travelling the world than we do now. because our "union" will not be because we share products it will be because we will share experiences.

humanity will not be tied economically it will be tied because we, our friends and family will have shared real experiences all around the world. no longer people will look at someone else from another country as another species because we will all travel around the world.


Bonus, some discussion on their meme ideologies

>Most compatible:


>Communalism/democratic Confederalism (Bookchin-Ocalan/Rojava model)

>Most forms of Socialism.

>Least compatible:


>Any type of Fascism (including Eco-Fascism)

>Any theocratic ideologies

Oh no !neolibs bros :marseypearlclutch#:

Lot's of “wholesome degrowth”



/r/climatechange used to be an interesting sun to have rational discussions on evidence based news and papers on climate change. This thread for instance was made specifically to tackle the most anxious worst case scenario alarmists.

Up until a year ago the sub treated Climate Change on a similar way as the scientific community did, a very serious global problem that will cause the unnecessary deaths of millions and displacement of dozens of millions not to mention the costs caused by damage and rising sea levels.

Some examples

>In my opinion /r/collapse is not a credible source for information about climate change. The users of the subreddit hardly ever seem to caution their statements with evidence, sources, or citations to the scientific literature, and much of it is simply just slippery-slope argumentation with the predetermined goal of claiming that civilization will collapse in the next few years. If you want to learn about climate science I would suggest you look for sources that have some kind of academic credentials in a relevant field, and most importantly who cite their claims directly from the published literature. But that's just my opinion.

>Don't tell that to /r/collapse, they think it'll be 20 billion and the clathrate gun will boil us all alive.

>It will create new challenges for humans for a new reason. Displacement not due to war but due to floods etc. Hunger due to climate change combining with the raft of other reasons people are now hungry. It will impact the poorest people in less developed countries the most, and the richest in the developed countries the least. The poor have far less buffer before they are impacted than the rich.

>Most people on Earth will be fine and it will just change the flavour of life as we know it, not stop us being sustained.

However during the last few months the sub received an influx from /r/collapse and now they're favoring the fringiest of worst case scenarios to the point of claiming the human race will go extinct or that society will collapse in a couple of decades.

>For example, phytoplankton make about 50% of our breathable oxygen. They die if the ocean pH gets too low or temperature gets too high. This is happening. It's therefore reasonable to assume the makeup of our atmosphere may exit the very fine balance required for humans to breathe.

>Don't forget about refugee crises, an increase in nationalist violence against immigrants, and also, RESOURCE WARS! It's not just gonna be some storms and flooding, there will be millions of refugees and billions in disaster relief, in addition to impacts on global supply chains.

>What leads you to believe we will survive?

>Did you notice how many people died in floods this year? Phoenix was 120 degrees half the summer. People can't survive that for long.

Of course books like “Limits of Growth” have become mainstream among them

>The Limits to Growth was written in 1972 and modeled well what is happening.

>What? First of all, that repot does not even address the topic of climate change. But regardless of that, it's spectacularly wrong, demonstrably so.

Also “The Population Bomb”

>Check out the book, Population Bomb in 1968, foretold most of what is happening and why. People still don't see population growth as the #1 problem we face.

This is a book which predicted mass famines in India with hundreds of millions dead happening as early as the 1980s, subsequent editions changed that to the 2000s, the author is still alive and claims he was right about everything and continues to double down.


I just think it's funny that


The please please get a life foundation is needed now more than ever.

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