Gigachad Earth v Chud Sun

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Pop Soyence :sciencejak: gibberish laughing and hate Thread

Dramacels, !spacechads, what are some of the most ludicrous, possibly wrongful and reddity pop sci videos/channels you've come across?

My thumbnail example is a Kursgesagt video about Terraforming Venus.

I know they try to make it as “scientifically sound” as possible, but the whole idea sooooo incredibly far-fetched, it involves building giant planet size mirrors to cover sunlight from Venus so the CO2 in the atmosphere freezes, followed by harvesting nitrogen from Titan and removing all the frozen CO2. Not to mention water from Europan ice and another giant mirror to provide day/night cycles (as Venus is almost tidally locked).

Another is their Dyson sphere video

Which includes disassembling Mercury

They also have these pop physics videos where they try to convey some “deep” philosophical ideas like this one.

>LE BOLTZMANN BRAINS :#marseybigbrain: :#marseysoypoint: by the way, what do physic-cels here think of this concept, is this even taken seriously?


@Geralt_of_Uganda I remember you made a thread on them once


They're like huge city-sized guns that shoot the tiniest objects known to man into one another to make them fricking explode and create even more small fricking particles that cascade into a shower of reactions and explosions!

This is the same mindset that made our ancestors bang rocks together until they made fire, it stimulates the same part of the brain and is fricking masculine as shit! :marseychadyes:

I wish WWIII started or some alien invasion happened so we could find an excuse to put these motherlovers on rails or mechs and fricking shoot them at stuff!


/r/solarpunk is a sub for those interested in “solarpunk aesthetics” which means carbon free degrowth utopias for their scifi stories/games, etc.

Naturally their zero CO2 emissions world has no place for planes.

>We travel across oceans in blimps and sail boats.

>I imagine solar sail boats or potentially algae powered? It would need to be something regenerative and we would need to sacrifice speed. There is no “weekend in Paris” and is a bit more arduous.

A bit arduous is quite an understatement

>Without the pressure of a capitalist rat-race, I hope people take traveling sabbaticals. These will by design not be quick. So, hitching a ride on a freighter (sail/ammonia/solar powered) or using a hydrogen-filled dirigible to get around seem like good options.

Once we get rid of capitalism everyone will be free to sail around the world :marseywholesome:

This is literally how it was done for all of history until the mid-1800s.

Sailing across the oceans was quite dangerous back then, I doubt redditcels will enjoy being in the middle of the Atlantic during a storm.

sail boats. people will have a lot more time to travel. in fact the voyage will be as important as the time spent in the destination, if not more important.

in fact i'm willing to bet that, in the future people will spend way more time travelling the world than we do now. because our "union" will not be because we share products it will be because we will share experiences.

humanity will not be tied economically it will be tied because we, our friends and family will have shared real experiences all around the world. no longer people will look at someone else from another country as another species because we will all travel around the world.


Bonus, some discussion on their meme ideologies

>Most compatible:


>Communalism/democratic Confederalism (Bookchin-Ocalan/Rojava model)

>Most forms of Socialism.

>Least compatible:


>Any type of Fascism (including Eco-Fascism)

>Any theocratic ideologies

Oh no !neolibs bros :marseypearlclutch#:

Lot's of “wholesome degrowth”


Green Revolution misinformation rant :marseyraging: :marseyrage:

Hi everyone :#marseywave3: :#marseywave2:

I just want to rant a bit about misinformations I hear from “educational” and “intellectual” sectors in my country regarding agriculture and the Green Revolution.

For those of you who don't know, Brazil is s breadbasket, along with our neighbors Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. Brazil alone produces enough food for over 1 billion people which has lead to a prosperous agro business in the country, speaking from a family background, my maternal grandma was a dairy farmer and she still keeps a small garden to plant veggies on her house. My late paternal grandpa was was a seed salesman and he owned a Silo at one point and my dad is an agronomist (though his company works with forestry). Most cities in the Southern Countryside are agricultural focused, similar to the American Midwest, the Centre-West region of Brazil is another breadbasket however their focus is on cattle (though soybean production increasing). The Agro is incredibly professionalized and Brazil has produces industrialized Agro derived products like Soybean oils, processed coffee and biofuels.

That being said it is no secret the Brazilian left loathes the Agricultural system, but what makes me particularly angry is how much they misinform or straight up lie about making use of “educational channels”.

For instance I've noticed on Youtube channels like Brasil Escola and other Youtube “Professors/Teachers” will rant about how the Green Revolution is bad because of Rural Exodus and the horror, PEOPLE MAKING MONEY OUT OF SELLING CROPS :#marseyscream: :#marseypikachu2:

The worst part is that these “teachers” make their videos to prepare High School Seniors for the ENEM tests (the ENEM is kind of like the American SAT). The ENEM itself is extremely politicized as you need to write an essay (redação) about a given subject. The subject changes every year. For instance the 2022 Redação Subject was “Challenges facing the traditional peoples of Brazil”, that is the indigenous and quilombolas. Last year the subject was “Challenges to face the invisibility of caretaking work made by women”. In 2019 it was “democratization of cinema access in Brazil”, and so on.

Scrolling down the comments of the Youtube Teachercels channels I keep finding the same nonsensical claim:





I always read this nonsense online when leftoids talk about the Agro Business. That number is false.

O censo agropecuário de 2017, o mais recente, também desmentiu os números superestimados da produção familiar, e revelou que as propriedades assim enquadradas respondiam por 23% do valor total da produção dos estabelecimentos agropecuários.

Leia mais em:

Copyright © 2024, Gazeta do Povo. Todos os direitos reservados.

The real number is around 23%

I remember the commies at /r/brasil soying about the MST (Movimento dos sem Terra) or “Landless Movement” a leftist group dedicated to private property occupation. They talked about the MST as id they singlehandedly fed the entire country.

Now, without mentioning their claims are completely bollocks, it seems they would rather disrupt the entire AGRO and place it under new forests or subsistence farming. Excluding the fact this would kill dozens of millions abroad and starve hundreds of millions by disrupting food supplies, it would cause starvation in Brazil as even the demonized AGRO crops (soybeans, maize, wheat) and cattle go beyond export.

Quando se fala de soja, ela está presente em vários outros alimentos, no óleo, no suíno, no bovino, no peixe. Ela é base da ração para esse tipo de rebanho. Você não se alimenta de soja de uma maneira geral, mas indiretamente ela entra na alimentação. > Com o milho é a mesma coisa. O frango é um milho com asa: 73% do frango é milho”, diz o pesquisador da Embrapa.

Corn and soy are used to produce oils and they feed the livestock which is consumed by Brazilians and foreigners alike. Not to mention derivate products like noodles and processed stuff. There's also coffee and cotton, the first is present in almost every Brazilian Household, the latter is the source for clothing.

These São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro teachercels and their leftoid “students” have an extremely romantic, idealized vision of subsistence agriculture to the point of being close to Noble Savage myths. That being said, President Lula is a strange man on this regard.

Lula has close relationships with MST leaders and allowed for this anti agro propaganda to thrive inside our Educational System (it's not only Youtube channels, regular teachers and they commie unions are the same), however when it comes to actual policy he's all business as usual. He always nominates centre-right agriculture ministers from Agro dominated states, he has meetings with Agro producers and businessmen and promotes our exports to China while trying to secure Fertilizer imports from Russia (also a reason why Bolsonaro was friendly with Russians despite the Ukraine debacle). It could be argued he pays lip service to MSTcels.

Anyways, I think this one of the most damaging and dangerous types of virtue signaling and feel good politics, I hope they never get their way but right now is kind of worrying how much PR this sort of nonsensical callous misinformation campaign currently has.

!macacos !neolibs

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Where do I make posts about the nerd bullshit I do every day? We need a hole for gay butt nerd stuff :marseybadass: :marseyscientist: :sciencejak:

This is my wife she's a real b-word but I love her


/r/climatechange used to be an interesting sun to have rational discussions on evidence based news and papers on climate change. This thread for instance was made specifically to tackle the most anxious worst case scenario alarmists.

Up until a year ago the sub treated Climate Change on a similar way as the scientific community did, a very serious global problem that will cause the unnecessary deaths of millions and displacement of dozens of millions not to mention the costs caused by damage and rising sea levels.

Some examples

>In my opinion /r/collapse is not a credible source for information about climate change. The users of the subreddit hardly ever seem to caution their statements with evidence, sources, or citations to the scientific literature, and much of it is simply just slippery-slope argumentation with the predetermined goal of claiming that civilization will collapse in the next few years. If you want to learn about climate science I would suggest you look for sources that have some kind of academic credentials in a relevant field, and most importantly who cite their claims directly from the published literature. But that's just my opinion.

>Don't tell that to /r/collapse, they think it'll be 20 billion and the clathrate gun will boil us all alive.

>It will create new challenges for humans for a new reason. Displacement not due to war but due to floods etc. Hunger due to climate change combining with the raft of other reasons people are now hungry. It will impact the poorest people in less developed countries the most, and the richest in the developed countries the least. The poor have far less buffer before they are impacted than the rich.

>Most people on Earth will be fine and it will just change the flavour of life as we know it, not stop us being sustained.

However during the last few months the sub received an influx from /r/collapse and now they're favoring the fringiest of worst case scenarios to the point of claiming the human race will go extinct or that society will collapse in a couple of decades.

>For example, phytoplankton make about 50% of our breathable oxygen. They die if the ocean pH gets too low or temperature gets too high. This is happening. It's therefore reasonable to assume the makeup of our atmosphere may exit the very fine balance required for humans to breathe.

>Don't forget about refugee crises, an increase in nationalist violence against immigrants, and also, RESOURCE WARS! It's not just gonna be some storms and flooding, there will be millions of refugees and billions in disaster relief, in addition to impacts on global supply chains.

>What leads you to believe we will survive?

>Did you notice how many people died in floods this year? Phoenix was 120 degrees half the summer. People can't survive that for long.

Of course books like “Limits of Growth” have become mainstream among them

>The Limits to Growth was written in 1972 and modeled well what is happening.

>What? First of all, that repot does not even address the topic of climate change. But regardless of that, it's spectacularly wrong, demonstrably so.

Also “The Population Bomb”

>Check out the book, Population Bomb in 1968, foretold most of what is happening and why. People still don't see population growth as the #1 problem we face.

This is a book which predicted mass famines in India with hundreds of millions dead happening as early as the 1980s, subsequent editions changed that to the 2000s, the author is still alive and claims he was right about everything and continues to double down.


But critics argue that even studying the possibility of solar geoengineering eases the societal pressure to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

F-22 Raptor dropping a flare
planespotters be like "yup, thats a plane alright" :marseyplane:

Alright guys, what Linux distro am I switching to today?

I've never run Mint or Debian on my home desktop but those seem like the obvious options.

I'm not installing Gentoo or Arch because my choice of distro is not based on insecurity about my peepee size and I'm looking for everyday ease of use and a large support base.

edit: currently installing mint debian edition pray for me brothers

edit2: mint debian thus far seems better/less buggy than ubuntu without major downsides :marseythumbsup:

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Will Burgers :marseyburger: :marseymutt: migrate to Leafland as climate refugees? :marseyflagcanada: :marseyrake:

!ifrickinglovescience the doomers at /r/climatechange are discussing the prospects of mass American migration to reddit's favorite country, Canada

I see hordes of people flooded out of their homes in Florida traveling north in migrant caravans for safety, especially as they traverse the Deer River gap in the Adirondacks. Fox News will opine on how unfair it is that Canada isn't letting them in.


Leopards ate my face amerite?

I think it will depend on government responses. The US is trying to build walls and privatize all our social nets. We are cannibalizing the public good. If Project 2025 comes to fruition we will be dramatically dropping the quality of life for almost all citizens.

If Canada has better accommodations- affordable healthcare, available housing or land, and possibly a more stable government then yes I do expect there will be an Exodus.

If we get to the point where the Arctic sea is navigable then Canada will be prime to become an exporter of rare metals from deep sea mining too.

Without appropriate water management most of the western and middle United States will suffer the Dust Bowl again. Our entire corn belt is grown with aquifer water - that will become too low and too expensive to use at some point.

I'm not as familiar with the concerns of Canada, but because they have such large tracts of land not currently in use, they may have a strong economy while others flail.

:#marseyschizotwitch: :#marseyleftoidschizo:

If you're a trump supporter , please stay in the flooding.


The collapse will probably be so quick and global, that Canada won't be any better off. More than just temperature, it'll be massive famine that will be our demise, which Canada is already on the edge of w prairie crop yields on the decline already.

Peak apocalyptic doomerism

Dunno , but if the United States falls to the cycles of cancerous fascist self destruction hopefully Canada will already have a long standing NATO presence to aid in sorting out possible US climate refugees , rather than yet more self defeating behavior like militarily seizing Canadian territory.

It is quite possible Canada could end up in the position Ukraine currently finds itself in as fascist/authoritarian states are quite fond of inventing histories and rationalizations for invading their neighbors.

If the Canadian government was actually taking the likely course of predicted climate change along with the continued weakening of US representative government seriously , Canada would be working to re- constitute /revive it's Nuclear weapons program , incentive the large number of Canadian nuclear weapons scientist current working in the US to return that expertise home asap....

:#marseyxd: :#marseyemojirofl: :#marseysurejan:

Surely Europe will defend Canada from evil Christofascist American aggression :marseysoldieramerica:


Telemetry modem and positioning system for my amateur rockets :marseyastronaut2:

Disregard the jumper wires it's a first revision okay :marseyschizonotes:




!biology !latinx !macacos

Basically a full scale nuclear war between NATO vs Russia/China would result in 5 billion people dead within weeks. With nuclear winter ensuing the few surviving breadbaskets will be Australia :marseyflagaustralia:, South Africa :marseyflagsouthafrica:and Argentina :marseyargentina:

I think is bold of them to asume the chinks wont nuke Australia.

South Africa would get overwhelmed by refugees from the north of the continent leading to collapse and full mayocide (RIP @kaamrev, you wont make it).

At the end South America inherits the Earth :#marseyletsgo: Brazil has the largest military in the continent so we'll totally invade Argentina to guarantee our food security. It's likely the South and Southeastern Brazilian agriculture wont be much affected, unless hydrological patterns are severely disrupted (I wonder if we could then make use of the Guarani Aquifer for irrigation until the climate goes back to normal)

Also interestingly, a full scale nuclear war between pakis :marseyflagpakistan: and pahjeets :marseychudindian: could still result in 2 billion deaths. Total South Asian extinction.

F**kable robots are here: Women who can only offer gussy become obsolete.

I have no clue which place this is. I don't even know if it is real but I am assuming that it's real.

The s*x robots should be ready by 2030.

Bet they cost an arm and a leg though.

Women chose the bear so man chose the s*x robot.

What do you guys think :

Boston Dynamics reveals its new generation "Atlas" robot :marseysnappyenraged2:

IRC was better than groomercord

Groomercord is gay corposlop on a centralized server with shitty paywalled features. IRC was leagues ahead in terms of aesthetics, protocol and trout

Cool handles? Mandatory.

Autism? Mandatory.


How to incrementally increase your goomble coins. No bullshit edition from a goombling addict.

1. You need to have at least 500 coins (Since 5 is the minimum betting amount)

2. You need to parcel your betting amounts so that even if you lose you can continue betting for at least 100 consecutive losing hands

3. The odds of you losing 100 times in a row is pretty low

4. Do not increase decrease your quanta of goomble at any point within a goomble session. The house is betting on you to do so.

5. Once you get from say 500 to 700 coins. Increase your quanta to 7

6. Keep counting how many times you have lost. Lost 5 coins. Increase counter by 1.

7. Let's say you have lost 7 times in a row. So your counter is at 7. You win 20 coins (quanta is 5). Decrease counter to 3 again.

8. Stop goombling the moment you cross from 0 to positive counter. You can't win with the house. The only way you can win is coming back with a bigger quanta after a period of time.

9. You won't win every time and this is the most important point. Set limits to losses. Biases and frustration will set in when your counter is at let's say 65. You will want to goomble the remaining of your coins in a blaze of glory. If you set your limit that when the counter reaches +30 (you have lost 30Xquanta) you're willing to stop when that counter reaches +5 (accepting a loss instead of frick it we ball). When it reaches +60, your stopping point is +10. This makes you see goombling rationally instead of making a profit every time.

10. Keep Calm.


!math idk if there's any mathshit explanation for this but it has served me pretty well. I was at -10k+. Over the last 3 days I have made back like 7k

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