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EFFORTPOST Most functional and mature Zoomer, repulsive inside and out, "borrowing" 40'000 a year from mother and JESUS this fricker is dedicated to FAT, defeating multiple fat surgeries and the new anti-fat shots to maintain mass

Might have made some mistakes I lost track of things in some parts

  • 0 minutes - 11 minutes, no timestamps, it's wall to wall content.

    • Stealing 40'000 a year from mother while also leeching a salary separate from this from mother's business, mother "forgets"

    • Mother has caught on before but has not done anything because she "forgets," then starts again

    • Bought a new outfit just for coming on this show, spent $100 at a restaurant for lunch

    • Took a 'loan' from her mother for an 2100 wedding ring she told her mom was 3000, mother has "forgotten" about this "loan"

    • Brother is also stealing from the family business something about Steam giftcards

Collections on some bills

  • In collections on some bills

Car Loan (2016 Suburu Crosstrek) (15477 remaining) timestamp

  • "Does not really care to make more than one payment on car a month"

    • Mom cosigned on the car

    • If not "I would still make the payments but they would be late"

    • Some bullshit about paycheck timing, spending the whole paycheck before receiving it on going out to eat, "going out to do things"

  • $386 minimum payment

  • 13.47% interest rate

  • "How's the condition of your car?" timestamp

    • "Bumper's coming off" this r-slur rammed into a pole at a gas station last year "kinda bumped into it a little hard," blames ex for saying they were not going to run into it

    • AC has some kind of leak

    • "Husband says my brake pads might be shot"

  • Split finances with husband, starting to combine, married a month

    • "He's a little bit better with spending than I am"

    • Husband does not have any debt

    • Husband encourages her theft? timestamp

      • Some weird details in here
  • Thinks it's worth 10'000 timestamp

    • Original loan was for 19'000, 72 months, "my parents left midway through the paperwork and I didn't understand what I was signing" "I thought a 13% interest rate was good because like my credit card"
  • R-SLUR does not know that the S&P 500 is timestamp

  • Capital One Quicksilver ($400?) timestamp

    • Sob story about why opened, "wanted to spend money" is what it comes down to

    • 660 credit when this was opened

    • Maxed it out "really quick"

    • Just keeps making minimum payments, "kept going through hardships"

    • fights with mother, wouldn't steal money when these happened for fear of upsetting mother timestamp

    • "My mom actually paid it off" timestamp

      • "She paid it off to make my credit score higher"
    • Built the balance all the way back up timestamp

      • Blew lots of money on Temu, Caleb has refused sponsorships from them, "they are a terrible company"
    • "I had actually lost a bunch of weight, my clothes were all too big on me"

      • "I had no money so I used my credit card"

      • Bariatric surgery, stomach sleeve? "tried to diet but couldn't keep doing it"

      • Mother paid for the surgery, 16'000, ended up gaining all of the weight back because couldn't stop eating McDonald's

      • Mother then paid for her to get on weight-loss shots

      • Mother just paid again for "tummy tuck and liposuction"

        • Why Lipo? "My mom told me I probably wouldn't be able to get rid of it" Mother knows this r-slur has no self-control :marseyxd:

        • Had to get woken up mid-surgery?

    • Didn't tell mother the balance is back up :marseyxd:

  • Claims to be doing better but spent $500 going out to eat timestamp

    • "Sometimes I go out to more expensive places"
  • Misc bullshit alone is more than monthly income :marseyxd:

  • Student Loans timestamp

    • Switched degree a million times, "always in the field of psychology"

    • Got GED at 16, graduated early because bullied "really bad"

    • "Ball State University" - online

      • Fell behind, left at 18
    • "Chicago School of Professional Psychology"

      • Applied Behavior Analysis

      • Ended up falling behind, left this one too, weird aside mentioning "can't remember why"

    • Colorado Christian University

      • Grandmother passed while here, ended up leaving "couldn't mentally do it"
    • American Public University (not certain on the name for this one)

    • Southern New Hampshire University

      • "Already a third of the way through my degree"

      • Bachelor's in Psychology

    • Total timestamp

      • 7 or 8 thousand
    • Claims to be getting bullied in college by girl on snapchat timestamp

  • Collections 1 - timestamp

    • The Colorado school
  • Collections 2 - timestamp

    • $608

    • Treating cashapp as a collections

    • Can't make a bank account? US Bank held her account? What?

  • Azca Donations tiemstamp

    • something for a mobile bingo game?
  • This WHORE is paypigging to Pokemon Go timestamp

  • Constant in-app purchases timestamp

    • Reads like DSP's bank statements :marseyimmaculate:

    • subscriptions for board games to get rid of adds too holy shit, this is beyond parody

  • Trying to rehome dog because can't take care of her timestamp

    • "I don't have the time to"

    • Dog has super severe separation anxiety? Behavior issues? Dog is on doggy meds, "can't exist without other dogs"

  • Doordashed something from 7'11, has no idea what it was

  • Spends so much on food, it's unreal

  • "Plays" counterstrike 2, buys tons of skins, tries to sell for steam profit to get games? "Usually makes a profit"

    • Claims most made was $75 profit on one

    • Lost money more than made?

  • Final Fantasy in-app purchases

  • minecraft in-app purchases on servers? What the frick? plays "prison servers" ???????????????

    • claims 5'000 over the course of two years
  • $150 getting lashes done

  • "steam levels" $100 timestamp

    • Wanted to make level higher than husbands??? What the frick????


  • 2'300 in retirement timestamp

    • this story is fricking insane. "I got into a fight with my dad, then it turned into a fight with my mom and I threw a taco at her and I hit her golf cart, umm, her brand new golf cart with my car umm and dented it a little so she fired me, she didn't talk to me for a while"

    • Pulled out her 401k, 6 or 7 thousand - claims spent this on rent and needful things only (lol sure)

  • Plans to be a leech off husband in the future instead of mother? timestamp

Pie Chart time timestamp

  • Spent three times more than made

  • 48% is bullshit

  • 1.5% is groceries

Calling the mother timestamp

  • Mother just doesn't care. "It's chump change to me." "Something I'm very used to" :gigachadqueen:

Do you know how much money that she's taken from you over the last 5 years?

I don't, I would be very interested to figure that out.

It's about 200'000 as far as we know

Oh my god, for real?

"I don't really know how I help her, I'm willing to cut her off" :marseyxd:

"If I give my money to somebody I just assume it's gone" :chadwomannordic:

"We're having a watch party" :chadwomannordic:

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Early financial audit: "Too many credit cards!" :#marseych!artbar: :#mars!eyzoomer:

Current financial audit: "B-word"

:#marseydisgust: :#marseychonke!rfoidpuke:

Holy shit /ourguy/ is getting far too Redpilled on poors

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My fav part of this will be when the mother asks herself "what possibly went wrong?" when her foidlet is in the poorhouse or prison in 10 years

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Tbf if she stole that much without her noticing(and her mother is the one who earned the money) she probably has enough to live comfortably forever.

Also lol why did the foid let him call her mom to tell on her?

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The quotes from the mother in the call - apparently she did pay attention but just didn't care enough to bother her every time.

"It's chump change to me." "Something I'm very used to." :gigachadqueen:

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Tbf if she stole that much without her noticing(and her mother is the one who earned the money) she probably has enough to live comfortably forever.

She would assuming the daughter could resist the urge to piss it all away.

Some people are just too r-slurred and no matter how obscene of an allowance you give them they'll blow it all and be sucking peepee for fent while they wait for the next one

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See: Seminole reservation in Florida, where everyone gets 25k+ checks a month and will be passed out drunk in a parking lot with not a penny to their name 3 days before the end of the month

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>and her mother :marseygiftboxmarseyhug: is the one who earned the money

:marseysurejan: and what did her ex husband do?

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Dog has super severe separation anxiety? Behavior issues? Dog is on doggy meds,

In absolute awe of the medical-industrial complex. After turning mutts ( the "human" :imwhite: ones ) into pill-popping zombies that think eating 20 meds is a normal part of being adult, they've convinced mutts to also feed their doggo mutts ( :marseytrans: ones ) pills "to make them normal pupperinos".

They've absolutely buck-broken american brains. Absolute madlads.

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Lmao I still can't get over how this show is essentially straight up fiction and it gets posted here as rage bait. Keep yourself safe today if you get worked up over this, you are brain dead and a cute twink

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!straggots another fantastic showing from !biofoids or !actualbiofoids

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This one looks like F1NNST3R from afar.

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Why do ppl go on this just to get humiliated ?

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It's nouveau-Jerry Springer/Maury/Judge Judy/etc. Give the contestant the bare minimum service so they can pretend they're not being humiliated on TV

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yeah at this point I think they do it for a "free" vacation and probably to promote something idk. It's weird they go on this and Caleb claims they approve the nasty thumbnails for the videos.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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This is the biggest foid moment I have ever seen. Jesus Christ, this chick is irredeemable and deserves to die on the Walmart floor.

:#marseywomanmoment2: :#marseywomanmoment2: :#marseywomanmoment2:

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Walmart's too good, take her lard butt to the dollar :marseymoney: general :marseysalutenovorossiya: parking lot to be drawn :marseyfoxxy: and quartered

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drawn and quartered

Those poor horses :marseysad:

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Why did this goblin allow herself to be humiliated on this show? She obviously doesn't need the money if the mom is supporting her

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For women :marseyuterus: attention :marseytrickster: is more important than anything, even water.

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You think this person has any concept of shame in the first place?

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This ladygarden is just stealing money from her mother she's stealing money from her mother's company that helps neurodivergent kids. She's stealing money form neurodivergent kids.

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That b-word is stealing from me?


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I'm still a little confused whether she's taking money from the company itself or just from her mother's own bank account. I think I got muddled up between the salary she gets for whatever makework role she's doing and the money she siphons from the mother beside that. The call at the end made it sound like the money was a cashapp connected to the mother's own account.

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Actually we need to deprive neurodivergents for the betterment of society the girl is doing the world a service.

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JESUS this fricker is dedicated to FAT

leave Caleb ALONE :marseyraging: :marseyraging:

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>"It's chump change to me." :marseycapitalistmanlet:

>13%apr 15k left on shitty crossover suv with a minor accident and no fricking brakes :marseysteer:

>blowing money on gaming :marseysoyswitch:

>5 different online schools :marseygrad:

>multiple bariatric surgeries instead of exercise and proper diet :marseychonkerfoid:

100% enabled by loaded mom who never made her learn basic discipline. You need some amount of discipline to properly maintain a vehicle, finish school or pursue a career, and have healthy habits, and you never get that kind of discipline without parents who make you do things for yourself instead of just throwing money at you.

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Blew lots of money on Temu,

Is that like Swahili for Wish?

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Xhe looks like a goblin in a wig crossed with Keffals

:#goblina: :#keffalscry:

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:marseyno: That woman has some incredible chin genetics. Highly desirable.

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thought a 13% interest rate was good

How do people like this exist? Even an r-slured kid would recognize this as too high.

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I know this is going to be a very controversial statement, but I am a man of principle.




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Eh, :marseywouldnt:

The Mom sounds like a better choice. At least she could buy me things :marseycapitalistmanlet:

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I was expecting much fatter and uglier. Hit it and quit it is a possibility.

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:donkeykongn: :donkeykongi: :donkeykongg: :donkeykongg: :donkeykonge: :donkeykongr:

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You're a drive by troll who is obviously deeply mentally ill and unhappy, and have nothing of value to contribute to any intellectual conversation, only your insecure ad homs from your terminally online heck hole of a life.

























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