
Orange site:

Game and toy maker Hasbro announced it will cut roughly 1,100 jobs on Monday. When added to the 800 layoffs made earlier this year, the total amounts to just less than one-third of the company's entire labor force. The news comes exactly two weeks ahead of Christmas, traditionally the biggest holiday of the year for game and toy sales.

"We entered 2023 expecting a year of change including significant updates to our leadership team, structure, and scope of operations," said CEO Chris Peepees in a memo to his employees that was shared with Polygon. "We anticipated the first three quarters to be challenging, particularly in Toys, where the market is coming off historic, pandemic-driven highs. While we have made some important progress across our organization, the headwinds we saw through the first nine months of the year have continued into Holiday and are likely to persist into 2024."

The news likely comes as no surprise to insiders, including investors, who have been tracking the shortfalls of the company's toy portfolio for some time. Meanwhile, Hasbro subsidiary Wizards of the Coast, which publishes both Dungeons & Dragons and Magic: The Gathering, is experiencing all-time highs for both revenue earned and the number of players engaged in those brands. Activist hedge fund Alta Fox attempted to push the Rhode Island-based company to spin off Wizards in 2022, but the effort was defeated in a high-profile shareholder election in June 2022. Now the 100-year-old company is left to rebuild in 2024.

Polygon reached out to the tabletop teams impacted by these layoffs, including Avalon HillMagic: The Gathering, and Dungeons & Dragons. One representative said that the company is "not sharing breakdowns on geography or teams out of respect for employees." Impacted workers are expected to be contacted by the end of the business day Tuesday.

"Cost-cutting is not a strategy," Peepees added. "We know this, and that's why we'll continue to grow and invest in several areas in 2024."

One area of investment for Hasbro appears to be the video game sector. Its latest project, Exodus, made a big splash last week at The Game Awards. Following the success of Baldur's Gate 3, which was produced under license by Larian Studios, Wizards' own Archetype Entertainment appears to have a solid footing. Founded by veterans of BioWare, the studio behind Star Wars: Knights of the Old RepublicBaldur's GateNeverwinter Nights, and the Mass Effect trilogy, the game will be released on PlayStation 5, Windows PC, and Xbox Series X. It currently has no release date.

Hasbro stock has fallen some 20% this year according to The Wall Street Journal, with today's price down slightly on the news. Long-term investors, meanwhile, are expected to continue to earn dividends at a rate of 5.8% annually according to Google Finance. Peepees earned a reported $9.4 million last year --- his first year as Hasbro's CEO. At the new price point of $59.95, that's roughly equivalent to 156,797 copies of the Player's Handbook.

Update (Dec. 13): As of Wednesday morning, social media posts in the wake of Hasbro's cuts show the impact across Wizards of the Coast, from IT staff to presenters to game designers and artists. Layoffs even include foundational members of the 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons team, meaning that those who built the most successful version of the seminal RPG will not be there as it turns 50 in 2024.


I really hate mfers who say sportsball

Unhinged lmao

Pure fantasies lmao

Anyways this shit better pass

Mega thread

Let's now consider the Mehinaku, an indigenous community located in a remote part of central Brazil.

I'm going to dwell on this society at some length, because they are explicitly and self-consciously a nonviolent society. The Mehinaku go out of their way to maintain peace with neighboring communities that are more aggressive and confrontational.

Yet even this community exhibits familiar patterns regarding cultural conceptions of masculinity and manhood.

The Mehinaku reside among impassable streams and waterfalls, making their territory inaccessible to all but the most determined outsiders. They depend on river and lake fish for protein, and the men are expected to go on long fishing expeditions to distant waters, over rough and hazardous terrain, sometimes for days or weeks.

The Mehinaku men are very concerned about their manhood. For them, manliness is a status equivalent to the highest social virtue. A man's prestige comes not necessarily from being a good man in some abstract moral sense, but from being good at being a man. This entails living up to the 3 rules I mentioned before regarding provisioning, protection, and mastery documented by Martin Seager.

The Mehinaku men earn their laurels by trying to outperform the others in fishing prowess and in accumulating property such as tools and other goods. The community judges a man's industriousness, his willingness to go on long and arduous fishing trips to distant lakes and streams, often over treacherous terrain where rival coalitions might ambush and attack them.

A fear of economic inadequacy haunts these men. They experience intense anxiety about appearing slothful or lethargic. When a man returns from a dangerous fishing expedition, he is expected to appear immediately in the village plaza, where people gather expectantly. He then ostentatiously displays his catch before distributing it unsparingly. The anthropologist David Gilmore, describing the norms within this community, notes that, “The hallmark of a real man is that he is selfless…he always shares his food.” In contrast, men who are stingy are seen as “parasitic” and “despised as freeloaders.”

The Mehinaku instill a sense of hard work, civic duty, and the conventional understanding of manliness into little boys. For example, if a boy sleeps in late, or lounges about, or refuses to accompany his father on his fishing expeditions, he is mocked and called a “little girl.”

Moreover, a boy is often warned that if he is lazy, then when he grows up he will be undesirable to women. Thus, this community has managed to ignite the cauldron of young male energy and channel it away from warfare with neighboring communities and toward economic productivity, industriousness, and generosity, with a coinciding increase in desirability to potential romantic partners.

As I mentioned, the Mehinaku fight no wars and are regarded as a non-violent society.


If you made 100k a year where I grew up, you could buy a house every single year. Not a mortgage or down payment, you could pay for the full cost of quite a few houses with less than a 100k.

Start off with this worthless anecdote (they reveal later they grew up in rural Appalachia mountains).

This. Majority of times people don't manage their money. 100k is enough if you not buying nonsense. I know people that live in less and do better

Or single mom with 2 kids, a $3300 monthly mortgage, (my house is 50 years old) and prices just keep going up.... got a hybrid to help on gas... just got my car tab bill and it was almost $600.... I feel like I'm constantly drowning, despite making more on paper than both my parents combined....

Buying a hybrid to help on gas :marseyeyeroll:. Includes the rent to give us a good idea she can't somehow make it on $4,000 a month after taxes and mortgage .

Not disagreeing with your main point, but I want to point out that as a fellow grad student, we tend to forget we do have subsidized apartments, free healthcare, comparatively very small commutes on avg etc on top of our salary.

Uhh none of that was true for me or anyone else at my school, or most of the grad students I've interacted with, aside from basic (non-dental/vision) healthcare being included in the funding package for some programs. We lived in the city because it was generally cheaper than living near campus and we did not have subsidized housing. Rent took up about thirty percent of my stipend.

So in other words, you lived nowhere near where you wanted to live? Thats a big thing about the COL in relation to the 100k target OP laid out.

Also, were you a student pre-pandemic? Were you a student pre-pre pandemic? The costs have only rise insanely high in the last 4 years. 5 years ago you could have bought a house in my neighbourhood for 150k, today its 500k.

Now imagine making 100k a year and having to rent a 400k condo in order to live in a decent neighbourhood, walk to work, have any space at all, etc. And all of a sudden now youre meant to somehow save for a down payment while rent sucks up half of your 100k a year paycheque.

And I know what youre going to say. "4k is way too much for rent, you need a cheaper apartment" and of course, you would need to rent a cheaper apartment, in a less nice neighbourhood, and smaller, with fewer amenities... But remember.. youre making 100k a year, how is that not a ridiculous situation to be in?

This is a different responder (or they forgot to log back into the account) but it's delightfully weird. All kinds of leaps in logic and even uses a stupid measure (rent a $400k condo) hoping you wouldn't think about how much this person is actually paying for rent. Can you imagine not living exactly where you want? Not I.

Where I live, to rent a three bedroom house costs about $3,500 per month.

If you assume mom and dad both have a car and car insurance, assume a family cell phone plan, electric and gas bills, gas for the car, assume a normal amount of credit card debt and assume a normal assortment of medical expenses and assorted media payments... Then add groceries for a family of four, plus some dental/orthodontist/medical costs for the kids, you're up to needing about $6k let month just to break even.

$6k per month is about what you'll make after taxes if you earn $10k per month, which is $120k per year. So that's about the break even point for a middle class family of four.

This poor guy carefully crafted this scenario where he came up with all the expenses he could for a family of four but they only went up to $70k a year. So he just assumes a 40% tax rate (it's more like 15%).

Massive generalization: Jobs that pay this well tend to exist in expensive areas. I can see how someone making 125k with kids in NYC would legitimately struggle, but you'd be a very rich man in my little town.

This. Our house old income is 300k…we also bought a house for 700k and had to bid 100k over asking price. It's wild out there…

To put things into perspective, before buying a home, we were paying $2600 for a 1 br, 800 sqft apartment.

I can't tell if this is a humblebrag, a lie, or he just completely misread what this post was saying. There are also a lot of similar responses too. Just to save you some effort, even if this person lived in California and bought this house at a 7% mortgage rate they would be netting about $17,500 a month and the mortgage would be like $6,000-7,000.

I live in NYC, I Make 6 figures. It's easy to not have money when

-the cheapest dirty takeout food place costs $40.

-Groceries while coupon clipping is $500 a week.

Now this guy is definitely a liar. Lists a bunch of other things.

Single mom of 3, Sonoma county. Rent with no utilities going for over $3k. When my landlord passed a rent increase on to me that brought my rent to $3,650, I balked and gave up lease figuring I would find something. Oops. Now can't find a place, seems new market rate. Now paying a hotel what rent was and my things that are important are in storage. Stopped tonight and bought- clementines, crackers, chicken, Parmesan cheese and some kalmatta olives and wtf almost $80!! Can't seem to save and get ahead.

“Single mom of 3”

Stopped reading. There's your answer


A ton of other posts where you know they're either just making up numbers that feel right, or there's $700 a month worth of uber eats orders they're not mentioning.

:marseybigbrain: plumbing

Will this be worth watching or no :marseycalebhammer: . Namaste

>it just occurred to me that none of my local banks probably had enough cash on hand for me to rob and pay for this watch. oh well... where do I find a guy like Simon Peter Gruber?(Hans Gruber's brother) Federal Reserve Bank surely has more than a few million cash on hand at all times, right? Or do they only have gold? I'll have to think about it while I get a dump truck.

:#marseystinky: :#marseywagiepat: :#marseymcwagie: :#marseypoorgenocide:

Average Missouri Wedding
Me irl

Matt rifes doctor calls him out

I mean who really cares but

Poors :marseywagie: cope and seethe :marseysneed: at starter pack meme
Rising nba star Josh Giddey outed as p-dophile

Thunder sophomore bangs high school sophomore.

Let's her post it all over the net.

It's legal in Oklahoma so it's mostly just morally wrong.

He looks so young lmao

Yeah to Utah with warren Jeff's

Her Tik tok

Don't click it you pedos

The “proof”



Dealing with the depression that comes with being priced out the city.

I have been here for years and have wonderful friends. To make it I have had to live with multiple roommates and live in shit holes . It got to the point where I can't take moving every year and can't pay off my debts when in the city .

I can't even afford rent or go through the heck of competing with 30 people for an adorable room .

Is anyone else in the same boat . Did you have to move out of the city due to the cost of living ? How did you deal with the feelings of defeat? Did it hurt you that you had to leave your home and change your lifestyle completely?

More from this r-slur

Why is it okay to hate addicts ?

Anyone else annoyed by people calling autism “ tism” or “ spergs”?

S*x it extremely overrated

Now, just imagine if you grew up here and could no longer afford it.


Me right now. This is my home but it's not worth it anymore. It hurts. It hurts a lot

It really fricking sucks


I know this may not be a perspective that people like but when I saw my life turning towards poverty / NYC making me lose, I decided to go to a bootcamp in a field that I had some background experience with and enjoyed

Software engineer?

UX design

Too poor to afford New York, just learn to code :marseyxd:

:marseynoooticer: Based on your post history it looks like your money is going to drugs so of course you cant afford rent

:marseypearlclutch2: Ah yes, nobody who has done drugs has ever afforded rent

:!marseyindignant: If funds are limited, rent should be prioritized over drugs

:marseyjunkie: Easier said than done, brother

:marseysulk: ETA darn no solidarity for people struggling with substance abuse?

A wild no-fapper appears. Comment too long :marseylongpost: to copy-paste.

No drama, just laughing at poors.

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