
A lot of the good trades jobs are actually pretty math intensive. Geometry for carpenters, algebra for electricians etc. But I guess these students are counting on an illustrious career as a grunt day laborer

Lol what? !tradies maybe I've been half assing it but I really don't use anything past 6th grade math for either carpentry or electrical work.

It is interesting you mention this! I had a great conversation with someone a few weeks ago who is a plumber, and he talked about the intricate trigonometry he has to do by hand on the job site when the computer is not available. Amazing.

He blew smoke up your butt. Phones exist, he had one, he used it.

The dismay my students have over hearing they absolutely have to be proficient with ohms law to be an electrician or HVAC tech is overwhelming

I have never meant a single sparkie under the age of 35 who can do ohms by hand. None of them.

I have nothing solid to base this on other than vibes, but I think that pushing “college readiness” yearly starting before they even hit puberty undermines faith in college. Like if we're having them paint banners for various high class famous colleges and then send them into a math class they're failing because algebra isn't clicking for them and then on to an English class where they didn't do the assigned reading because the words made no sense… are we not telling them that college is both mandatory and unattainable at the same time?

The Trades represent an attempt to escape the trap. They're where you go to succeed if you suck at meaningless BS schoolwork.

Reasonable comment, heavily downmarseyd lol.

I don't think they're thinking "trade school." They're thinking on-the-job training and their uncle or brother-in-law is going to get them a job. We (as responsible adults) think tradespeople are well trained professionals, but there's a large subset of tradespeople who want to do the quickest and cheapest job possible for the most money. THAT is what high school students think the tradespeople do. THAT is why that's what they want to do.

God what a c*nt.

There is also a large subset of "tradespeople" without training...some of them stand outside Home Depot at dawn. To that add the people who learn enough welding to fix a plow or who wired their own pole barn without it burning down yet. They tend to be hired by contractors because they work cheaply.

U know it bb.

Yep. This one kid stood out to me for that. I know his mom and he would skip class and say it didn't matter because he was going to work for his dad when he graduated. Just assumed he'd graduate. Out of curiosity I asked his mom what her husband did that he could just hire on family members. He worked for a construction company- not a boss in any way. But this kid decided he could just work at dad's company and VOILA!! Smh

And? Unless his dad is a complete and total failure his recommendation is going to carry a lot of weight.

Also, the true way to “succeed” in trades is to work under someone until you can own your business when your body can't do the work anymore. You have to have a basic grasp of educational skills to do that. Owning your own business is no joke, and trades are often rotating doors of employees. My sister's boyfriend is a plumber and it's common for men to be employed for a week or so and then be let go because they have low work ethic. It's not easy. It's just a different type of difficult.

!r-slurs come get your boy.

Tradesmen make more than you (which you lot b-word and moan about to no end). They are literally more successful than you.

Mechanics make good money but it's hard work and these days it's way different since a lot of the cars have electronics components up the wazoo to the point anyone bad at math or tech is not going to be able to fix many issues as a mechanic for the newer vehicles.

Oh look another r-slur. You buy a fricking code reader/sensor tester and plug it in. It then does all the math for you, because why the frick wouldn't it?

You can really noootice that this guy has never worked on his own car.

Oh no not the dreaded "Check engine light" what could it be now?

Whatever the reader says it is

Yeah these kids need to go work at a lube monkey job for a while and see if they like it.

I never planned on being a mechanic as a career, working as a lube tech was just a high school/college job, but my back and feet ached everyday and the skin on my hands are still fricked from the oil decades later, and I ended that job at 23. Now that I'm in my 40s, I understand why all the older guys there were burnouts hooked to pain pills. Their bodies were breaking down but they couldn't find another gig.

lol no.

Does anyone else think public education is dying? : Teachers
Antiwork mad working class isn't hecking enlightened

He fricked up the audio normalization so his shill sections are 5 times as loud as the rest of the video

Sophia, 23, Dallas TX

Personal Life:

  • No college

  • Her mentality about money timestamp

    • mentions that she is often a passenger on roommate's motorcycles


  • "Plan Administrator"

    • Company works at post office

    • Sounds like a makework job

    • 20 an hour. 40'000

      • 40 hour weeks
  • Her career plans timestamp

    • Sounds like makework job harassing actual workers with dumb regulations
  • Was doing safety audits in warehouses previously?

  • "Where do you want to be in 5 years?" timestamp

  • Also door to door sales for a window cleaning company timestamp

    • Made a single sale since February


  • "Why are we in so much debt today?" timestamp

    • Claims she moved to arlington then moved back and cost of living there was more expensive

    • Host pushes back, she's spending $800 a just on eating out (rent was $650 at its highest)

  • Self-scored financials out of 10 timestamp

    • 2
  • Credit Card 1 (Capital One Quicksilver) ($6360) timestamp

    • $209 minimum payment

    • $146 interest accrued

    • $7000 credit limit

    • Made minimum payment and also made $1095 in new transactions

    • "Nice things like nick-knacks"

    • Claims she budgets timestamp

      • Later she gives more details about how she "budgets" timestamp
    • She defends her gas station snacks timestamp

    • "I saw that I could get more points" timestamp

  • Shares an account with her parents? timestamp

  • "What about my credit" timestamp

    • She's watched his show but somehow doesn't understand anything
  • Credit Card 2 ($4879) timestamp

    • $170 minimum payment

    • $175 paid

    • $142 new purchases

    • $121 interest accrued

    • 30.74% interest rate

  • Credit Card 3 (Apple) ($4816)

    • $137 minimum payment

    • $87 interest accrued

    • No new purchases

  • Car timestamp

    • 2021 Kia Rio

    • 66'000 miles

    • $273 minimum payment

    • $10'195 remaining

    • 72 months remaining

      • She tries to justify why she went with such a long term
    • 6% interest

  • Checking Account timestamp

    • $644 in there current "That's bill money, can't touch that"

    • Some discussion about cleaning her car, apparently it's constantly messy and she's spending a lot to clean it?

    • Tons of eating out in her checking

  • Fell for the dumbest crypto scam on the planet $40 timestamp

    • Posts thirst traps on twitter and got scammed by a based thirst trap trapper bot

Spending Pie Chart timestamp

  • Spends near double what she makes

  • 15% housing

  • 4% debt payments

  • 3.4% phone

    • Financed her phone, $137 a month

    • Mentions she forgot her phone was financed and financed a second phone timestamp

  • 18% transport

  • 18.4% eating out/snacks

    • Goes through the details of these, there's so much timestamp
  • 15% shopping

  • 6.6% medical

    • "started therapy recently, also $1'000 of medical debt"
  • 7% Misc

  • 7.3% "Other Large Purchases"

Hypothetical Budget pie chart timestamp

"I love frogs" timestamp

  • "all my frog stuff is still being put up"

  • "I buy things like that"

  • mentions about frog conventions, wants to include them in her budget

Peakpoor :marseywagie: take too braindead :marseybrainlet: even for Redditors :marseysnoo:

Acting like smoking weed is shooting up meth. I get you shouldn't be spending money on it if you're in debt. But I feel like he would discriminate anyone. It's a medicine. yes it can be abused. I know he is 100% sober, but he can't possibly realistically hold that expectation to every other human and act like they're stupid for doing ANY vice whatsoever. Thoughts?

Yo man this is like my medicine man takes fat bong rip, coughs lungs out for five minutes :marsey420:

I think if you are in the debt most of the people on the show are…spending money on weed is pretty stupid…

OP: (-30 karma) I agree. It was more a hypothetical. Personally I have 0 debt. 100k invested. 10k HYSA 20k checking. I am wondering what he would say about me spending money on weed.

I would also be curious to see someone come on with a medical card for a legit reason and see what he says about spending money on it at that point


It can be a medicine. It by far and away 99.5%+ is not used for that purpose.


I was replying to OPs assertion of it being a medicine.

Smoke the stank if you want. I don't care. Better yet, vape it so it doesn't stink so bad. Legal cities are so bad now. All of them smell like piss and weed now. And this comes from a legalization advocate...

OP: It is a medicine. I was not saying the majority of people are using it as medicine. But that doesn't take away from the fact it is 🤣😂. Percocet is a medicine. It can be abused. Xanax is a medicine. It can be abused. Adderall is a medicine. It can be abused. Weed is a medicine. It can be abused.

Kind of. Like how Pepsi is water.

OP: If you believe in no medicine whatsoever. I respect your opinion. I truly do. But if you take any medicine. You're a hypocrite

I say this as someone that smokes daily. You're the type of insufferable person that makes it embarrassing to talk about to a stranger. You're the weed equivalent of a weeb.

OP: I respect all beliefs but when mine are attacked I'm going to defend them and not fall over. :#marseyweeb:



Calling it a medicine is a little bit of a stretch considering the vast majority of the users are teenagers and 20 somethings. Yes, I'm aware it can help cancer patients with nausea. I'm also aware 99% of the people who I've met who smoke weed, do it recreationally and don't have cancer.

It's also not legal federally, just decriminalized.

OP: The legality of it is not relevant. The people he attacks are buying it legally.

It treats countless additional conditions other than nausea for cancer patients going through chemo.

A bit of a naive, bigoted comment, IMO. :marseyrage:

Le bigot sans le bong

Since you're Honest_Graprfruit I'll be honest. This sounds like you're coping. :marseyagreefast:

Most people smoking weed abuse it. If it's showing up as a monthly expense... you're likely one of the abusers.

OP: Medically prescribed by a doctor bucco.

Would you say the same about a monthly charge at a restaurant for alcohol?

A beer distributor trip a month? Liquor store?

OP: If the answer is yes you would call that coping too. Then fair enough, I respect your opinion. But if the answer is no, you're hypocritical

The surest sign you're not mad and also winning an argument: the double post :marseycope:

they said its medicine, even they're not have disease and use that for treatment..

OP: For the last time I'm not SPECIFICALLY talking about the people in dire debt on the episode. I'm talking in GENERAL.

You sure seem extremely mad about anyone who doesn't wholeheartedly approve of your weed usage bro.

Today I learned the majority of Caleb's fanbase is a bunch of nerds.

OP: Couldn't agree more lol. At the very least: sheltered, naive, bigoted, etc.

OP: The classic "if I don't believe in it, it's wrong and everyone should listen to my opinion and yours is stupid if it isn't mine"

Double double post! The naysayers are sheltered, naive, even bigoted. :marseyxd:

How did this guy get into such a state? The answer may (not) surprise you:

Appreciate it man. 28 year old with a college degree and a liscensed CPA in the commonwealth. However, a year boozeless (I call it this out of respect for people that are completely sober, with mmj I don't feel just saying sober) is my greatest and proudest accomplishment in life. booze was always my Achilles heal. No matter how hard I tried to booze like a normal person. It would never work out in the long run. I quit mmj for about a month for health reasons (went off my ssri in that time too) and am honestly struggling to pick back up like I did. There is a fine line between enjoyment and plunging into a physical anxiety attack. Apparently SSRIs dull the effects of thc on the brain. And having been on them for over 7 years it had been a very long time since my brain had been exposed to thc without that buffer of the anxiety med.

He wasn't even feeling the full effects of his "medicine" because of his other medicine, and now trying to go full bore back into weed addiction is fricking him up :marseyrofl:

Pretty much for the entirety of April, I didn't smoke. Sweats were real bad at first. But subsided. Dreams are insanity. So vivid and weird. Mostly bad. But I'm a dream guy I like dreaming and find myself waking up in awe of what I just experienced sometimes lol.

When I feel down during a t break. I just think back to myself a year ago withdrawing from booze. In bed dripping sweat. Twitching. Head on fire. Questioning my desire to move forward with life. It makes the t break feel like a walk in the park.

Cheers to you and your sobriety journey. It's a journey, that in my opinion, only people with addiction issues can fully understand.

Why yes, I am from PA but say cheers :marseysmoothbrain:

Also :marseychonker2:

Health wise. Ok. Got horrific cholesterol marks in October 23. Have lost 25 pounds since and nearly cut it in half. Proud of that too.

Got an ekg last week that came back abnormal. Have an echo cardiogram next week to explore more. Extremely nervous.

My biggest issue is forgiving myself for the potential damage I did to my body with my heavy drinking and occasional drug use (never addicted to drugs :marseysmughips:, I was a bender guy then not do it again for a few months) I guess you could call that a sort of a addiction.

/u/Honest_Grapefruit259 lay off the mary jane neighbor, you're killing yourself

Poors :marseygangster: once again prove :marseyjudge: that they are incapable :marseydisagree: of self governance :marseyblackcop:.

Aubrey, 27, Johnson City TN (currently in Avon, Colorado)

Personal Life/Education:

  • Degree in Business Administration

  • Hates office jobs

  • Was working as a "scheduling coordinator" making $16 an hour

    • Tries to explain how she got fired timestamp

      • "He wanted to talk to my manager and needless to say, I got fired"
  • Relationships timestamp

    • Single but "dating around"

    • Has been engaged but "[she] just wasn't happy so [she] ended it"

      • "he made good money" :marseyxd:
  • "When did this all start" timestamp

    • "[Her] parents told [her] 'No' a lot."

      • Segment where they call the father to ask him, father dunks on her and she copes :marseyxd:
  • boyfriend told her to get a cc for gas/food timestamp

    • Then she got a discover card afterwards with a $1000 limit :marseyxd

    • started spending money to feel better?

  • "If you're expecting some dude to swoop in and bail you out, that's not gonna to happen" timestamp

  • Wants to "travel the world" timestamp

    • Thinking about moving to California this time
  • "Tired of living paycheck to paycheck" timestamp

  • Admits that she has a fake tan

  • mention of she has 1400 insta followers


  • "Worked my my dad for like the past 5 years" timestamp

    • He has a hardwood flooring business

    • Inventory/jobsite management/whatever he wants her to do

    • $19 an hour

  • Moved to Colorado to work in a Resort Town

    • Was a lift operator, transitioning into golf course when she returns? Seasonal work?

    • Does not know what she's going to do when it's snowing if she's working at golf course?

    • Employee housing, living cheaply?

      • $600 includes internet, electric, etc
    • Attempt to explain what she will do in off-season timestamp

      • Now she's going home "for like a month and then I might come back"

      • Basically a month vacation

  • "Are you lazy?" timestamp

    • She says she's a hard worker (she's not working)
  • 590 credit score

  • Career Goals timestamp

    • Wants to have her own "mobile bar"

    • She has no bartending experience

  • Discussion of her career future timestamp


  • Self-rated 4/10

    • She's seen 4 episodes

    • She took that financial score test before coming on and got a 1

  • Credit Card 1 ($2399) timestamp:

    • Minimum payment $200

    • Missed payment

    • $2200 credit limit

    • 30%

      • She's shocked it's a 30% interest card timestamp

      • She never looked at the interest

    • "It'll be there though, it'll be there that's all I'm saying"

      • she tries to explain why she won't be working next month to try paying this off
    • But my fly-points timestamp

  • Credit Card 2 ($3135) (Best Buy) timestamp

    • $199 minimum payment

    • $40 missed payment fee

    • $48 interest accrued

    • Claims she's living paycheck to paycheck (she doesn't make a paycheck)

    • opened this when she was getting a laptop, got a 4k credit line

    • Bought an apple watch, a TV

      • Apple Watch was a christmas gift for her ex-boyfriend?
  • Credit Card 3 ($3970) () timestamp

    • Over the limit on this one too

    • Limit is 3'900

    • $298 minimum payment

    • Late fees

    • $96 interest accrued

  • Credit Card 4 timestamp

    • Card she got for discount tires

    • Hasn't paid on it

    • Might have been sold off to collections

    • "I get calls all the time and I just ignore them" timestamp

  • Credit Card 5 ($8573) (Discover) timestamp

    • "Every month they'll give you like a 5% back on Target or Amazon"

    • $643 minimum payment

    • $130 interest charged

  • Credit Card 6 ($1325) timestamp

    • $21 in late fees

    • Interest free until paid off?

    • $51 minimum payment

  • Credit Card 7 ($348) timestamp

    • $10 minimum payment

    • 350 credit limit

    • "On the app it closed it so I can't even make a payment on there so I have to call them to do that"

  • Car (Eastern Credit Union) ($13350) timestamp

    • 3% interest on this

    • $325 minimum

    • 2018 Mazda CX-5

  • Checking Account timestamp

    • $70 in here,

    • Lots and lots of online shopping, fair bit of eating out too

    • A few trips to liquor stores

    • Has a vaping habit

Spending pie chart timestamp

Hypothetical Budget timestamp

  • $1812 in minimum payments
Reported by:
  • Sner : arnt you literaly insane? I choose poverty hunny. I can quit any time I want :marseyindignant:
What is with poors and paperwork?

No links, just text. If you're out booze cruising, you'll notice that poors often have their entire dashboard covered in random paperwork. Doesn't matter what kind of vehicle, as long as it's cheap and poorly maintained.

Why is this such a common behavior? What documents could they possibly have that are so damn important, they need to be on the dash? You really don't have an afternoon once a month to go through it and get rid of what you don't need?

As a secondary, you also know they're driving slow as shit everywhere because otherwise the papers would fall.

Goddammit I hate poors.

I want to create a post on Reddit (in bad faith :bidenshocked: ) asking this question, just to get the expected responses

1. "they're too busy trying to survive under capitalism"

2. "what does it matter to you, it doesn't affect you"

3. "idk what you're talking about, I'm friends with multimillionaires who have random papers covering their dashboard and empty coffee cups on the passenger seat"

4. :npctantrum: because I'll specifically call them the poors instead of poor people.

Then I'll ask a similar question asking why Hispañols drive slow as shit, too. Like they're afraid to get it above 1,200rpm. Expected response there is "they're being safe and maybe you need to learn some patience" (when they pull out in front of you on a country road)


But not really


Willow, 27, Tuscon Arizona

Personal Life:

  • Got COVID last week timestamp

    • tested negative this
  • Has a kid in Tuscon, divorce just finished

  • Has an IT degree + some IT certs

  • Subsisting off severance pay, savings, and freezer meals timestamp

  • Has a "partner" timestamp

    • Rekt the partner's car earlier this year

      • Early on in the relationship, things still going well
    • Partner is currently in the room


  • Usually IT, got laid off 3 weeks ago timestamp

    • Has been applying to a jobs, about 10 applications a day, "getting kind of desparate"
  • Uber driving timestamp

    • Was using the truck but it broke "really bad" and couldn't the fix

    • "Very first drive got blinded by the sun and wrapped it around a pole" :marseypass2:

    • Car was worth 4 or 5 grand, Ford Focus

      • Mother gave money to bail out? And give partner?
    • Truck has since aged out of Uber


  • 401k $32'000

    • "About to get split in half" (divorce)
  • Divorce Deets timestamp

    • 20k legal fees

      • Lawyer felt bad so no interest on a pay as you go timestamp
    • Caleb pretends he didn't notice this guest is transgender :marseymindblown:

    • "My ex-wife decided to kidnap my child across the country when I started hormones"

    • "She lied just long enough to establish residency in Tuscon and then I got served divorce papers"

    • Sold home in Michigan (a half-acre) for net $53'000

      • Home was a gift from family?
    • "My ex does have to pay for a portion of my attorney's fees now which feels nice" timestamp

      • About a third of them
    • Married for 4 or 5 years timestamp

      • Married because wife got pregnant

      • "A lot of pretty terrible things she did in the meantime which resulted in other bills I had to pay off"

        • Psych ward visit "from her abuses that sent me going insane"
      • 50/50 custody of the daughter, 4 years old

    • "Why was the divorce messy?" timestamp

      • "She got really resentful because she didn't want me to [transition] because she's Catholic and very strong in her belief that trans people aren't real"

      • "She wanted me not to have unsupervised access to my kid"

      • "During the divorce she accused me falsely of five felonies"

        • "Forging, child abuse, diddling the kid, and abusing her, and I forget what the fifth one was"

        • "That's why she has to pay a large portion of my lawyers fees, the judge was not pleased with that"

    • Wife is living with her parents rent-free, judge decided to count this free rent as income :marseylaugh:

    • Has until June 1st to get a job

    • Does not qualify for unemployment currently

    • Wife did have a job during the marriage

    • Used to have 3 cars, sold a Chevy 1 ton truck to help pay for the lawyer

    • More deets timestamp

      • Ex's mother is retired

      • Communication is "sparse" with a rude message from her here and there :marseytran#smisiaaward:

  • Worked for 6 months of the last year? Intiaily timestamp

    • Got a job mid-last year but it was "an IT sweat shop"

      • Explanation of this - timestamp

      • Making $52'000, "much lower than what I made in Michigan"

    • Tried to start a business, "it didn't work out well, I ended up breaking even"

  • So where'd the money go? timestamp

    • "So first, I have a big stupid truck I love, that I keep fixing and I have a loan on it. It's lifted and-" :marseygigachad:

    • "So here me out-" :marseyemojirofl:

  • Self-scored 1 or 2, "it's pretty bad"

  • Credit Card 1 (Quicksilver) (9'167) timestamp

    • $334 minimum payment

    • $10 in transactions

    • 242 interest accrued

    • $167 over the credit limit :marseydepressed:

    • 30.7% interest rate

    • "For a while I wasn't allowed to touch the funds from the house" timestamp

      • Explanation of how he has this bill from needing to keep "both his cars"

      • Has another car in Michigan at his mother's house

        • "It's also very old and broken"

        • First car, it's always broken but he wants to keep it. "It works, mostly, there's always something a little wrong with it"

        • "I actually hate car-based transportation but I like cars"

  • Credit Card 2 (Wells Fargo) (7'270) timestamp

    • $73 minimum payments

    • interest free but not any more, now 30%

    • no new purchases

    • "I've gotten very used to losing money at this point."

      • Caleb takes shots at the Reddit, guest takes a potshot as well :marseyxd:
    • Thinking about bankruptcy timestamp

      • Pretty reasonable thoughts behind this actually

      • Has already talked to a lawyer about this, $1700

      • Planning to pull the lawyer fees from his retirement this goes forward

      • Would take about a month or two for the proceeding

    • Mother has agreed to sign onto a loan if needed, already bailed out once while he wasn't able to touch the house funds

  • Credit Card 3 (Trio) (2461) timestamp

    • $49 interest accrued

    • $73 minimum payment

  • Does not plan on using credit cards again timestamp

  • Rent is $850

  • Tried applying other places, "Walmart, the gas station down the road" timestamp

    • Rejected from these :marseydespair:

    • Walmart mentioned specifically as ghosting him

  • Car (Dodge Ram 1500) ($7'000) timestamp

    • From 2007

    • Bought in 2021 - 4 year term, cost 11'000

    • Truck deets timestamp

    • Thinks about $7'000 in repairs over the time he's had it

    • Uses for off road driving frequently for fun (based)

    • Repaired own front suspension

    • Partner bought him new tires

    • Thinks that it's worth more than he owes on it

    • 1 payment late right now

  • RV ($20'000) timestamp

    • Bank this is from is "super shady" and won't give statements

    • Thinks 7% or 8%

    • 10 year term

    • has had it a little more than a year

    • Thinks it's worse more than he owes but would be extremely difficult to sell

    • 1 payment late right now

  • Caleb pushes back on the bankruptcy timestamp

    • Caleb suggests that he move to Phoenix for better job prospects and only see kid on weekends [timestamp]

      • "That doesn't feel like an option - that kid has so many emotional problems from being taken from me, I couldn't do it to her"
    • Some pushback on whether ending up in this situation was actually out of the guest's control

  • Checking Account timestamp

    • Some eating out, oil changes, fair bit of amazon, google, a car wash for the '90s car

    • He gets maybe 5 more car washes for the '90s car - wanted to fix rust on it?

    • $64 worth of steam games

    • $45 venmo to Therapist

  • Got state health care? timestamp

  • Partner hops on timestamp :marseyturtle:

    • Did not know about this much CC debts

    • Dog barks because nobody's paying attention to it

    • Partner has "about 10'000" in CC debt

    • On marriage

      • "not happening any time soon" both divorcees

      • partner is 25

    • Dog had lime disease when younger

    • Don't live together, did briefly because guest was briefly homeless in January

    • Guest and daughter were staying in the apartment for a little while

    • "She doesn't know how to cook so she heads to McDonalds"

    • "She hasn't been applying to fast food jobs" timestamp

      • "Only thing I can't see myself being able to deal with is fast food - it just seems so overwhelming"

      • "She's neurodivergent" timestamp

    • Guest hates IT and wants to become a lawyer timestamp

      • Thinks mother or grandmother might pay through school
    • Mention of a quarter million inheritance

  • Birds-eye view of the debts timestamp

    • Caleb thinks it's 2 years to pay off

    • Caleb cuts it there :marseyprojection:


I was wondering why I was doing all these no tip orders for diapers and candy (I'm not exaggerating holy shit so much junk food and baby formula) but why are the orders always for a few items but the fee I'm getting is like 8 bucks to drive a few miles? You'd think they'd order more so it's worth the exorbitant fee.


Cameron, 20, Houston TX

:marseyking: At least two Red Bulls :marseysaint2:

Segment like a really sus video where Cameron explains he consents to the show timestamp


  • "Kinda complicated I guess"

  • Part time real estate, part time construction with my Dad

  • "From Sunday to Wednesday I do real estate, I guess full time"

    • He lays out his schedule timestamp

      • 5am wakeup

      • 6am gym

  • Real Estate agent, lots of calling people

    • Done it for a year

    • Wants to do this full time

    • This month is "most money he's ever made"

    • $14'000 this month but he "spent most of it"

      • Sold a single listing and got them a new place - he knocked their door
    • He tries to explain how timestamp

    • When he started he "spent the money before it was in [his] pocket"

    • Was a server at resturaunt, quit it to be agent

    • Hems and haws then admits it's 2'500 "over 6 to 8 months" so much less than other guests :marseylaugh:

    • "I try to prospect but like I've started playing Minecraft and stuff you know what I mean?" timestamp

      • This is what he was doing last year instead of working?
    • Works 4 hours a day 4 days a week timestamp

      • Actually it's 1 hour a day of calling people?

      • Actually he's showing houses as well?

      • Maybe 3 a day? :marseyantiw#ork:

    • A day in the life of a real estate agent timestamp

      • Later clarified to 1 hour a day with a lot of staring at the screen doing literally nothing, sometimes watching Financial Audit videos MARSEY LFMAOOOOOO


      • 3 hour lunch break lmfao

    • Saved $2000 of that $14000 check

  • Construction timestamp

    • Dad's company, Dad cuts him a check

    • About $125 a day, 3 days a week (around 10 hour days for this)

    • Doesn't know if he's W2 or not

      • "Uhhhhmmm my dad has his company and I just kind of go in and he gives me a check"

      • "I don't know I just get the check and I just picture deposit it into Wells Fargo, it goes into my account"

    • Just started this, started around last month

  • Living with his parents

  • "I used to make a lot of money as a server"

Personal Life;

  • Girlfriend of 2 years is in the room timestamp


  • Parents helped him out 7'000 on a car downpayment

    • He paid them back 4'000
  • He did not set money aside for taxes

  • Credit Card 1 (Discover) (1'015) timestamp

    • 1326 previous - 994 payments + 664 new transactions

    • "Why are you putting more money on a card that is accumulating interest?" timestamp

      • He is extremely confident things will just work themselves out
    • "If you look at my spending I try to be really conservative with it" :marseyxd:

    • Lots and lots of eating out, some paint he got reimbursed for

    • "Everyone's net worth is negative at 20 years old" :marseybrainletclapping:

  • Credit Card 2 (some bank name) (2404) timestamp

    • $2391 - $200 payment + 157 new purchases + $55 interest accrued

    • He paid another $200 payment on this

    • Credit limit is $2500

    • Ate $29 in fees this year

  • His stonks timestamp

  • 2016 Jeep Wrangler timestamp

    • $31355 balance :marseytrollcrazy:

    • 10.something interest rate :marseytrollcrazy:

    • There's an unpaid balance of $680

    • He tries to explain, his parents took the car out for him, in their name, he's paying for it

    • Caleb seethes because he keeps looking at the camera :marseyrage:

    • 6 year term

    • Jeeps in the shop, $300 - lots of other spending on parts for the jeep

    • Suspension is messed up

    • Lots of other issues with it

    • Pays for car insurance under his parents name - $400 a month

    • Went to college for a year, took a year off, couldn't afford to both go to college and pay the jeep :marseydespair:

    • He didn't really know what he was doing at college

    • "My way of justifying it was I didn't know what I was doing in college and I had the Jeep anyways"

  • Credit Card 3 ($472) (Spark Business) timestamp

    • 536 - $71 payments + $12 interest accrued

    • Not the real estate card

    • "This card was a really dumb decision... probably the worst one"

    • "Every year we get a fee as realtors, we have to pay like 400, 500, I didn't have the money so I opened a credit card and paid it with that."

    • Minimum payment 17, 30% interest

  • Credit Card 4 (CapitalOne) ($352) timestamp

    • Minimum $25

    • $8 interest accrued

    • $727 - $700 + $323.85 :marseyxd:

    • "This month I spoiled myself" :marseyexcited:

      • He tries to explain why he thinks this is a good idea
  • How much he owes to his family timestamp

    • $11'000 total?

    • Informal, gets brought up when the dad's mad :marseymad:

    • He paid 4000, it's down from 15'000

    • Pays $400 for rent

  • Checking Account timestamp

    • $150 in there

    • fair bit of going out to eat, eBay headphones, smoking "trying to quit," $1000 into his RobinHood

    • THIS R-SLUR INVESTED 15% of the portfolio INTO TAKETWO HOLY SHIT :marseyxd:

      • waiting for GTA 6 thinking it will moon shot

Spending piechart timestamp

  • He gave his parents 4000 which might be upfront rent payments might be debt payment? to help pay off the house???

Caleb makes him cry bigly :marseycry: timestamp

  • "To be honest, it might just be a reaction to the Red Bull"

Oracle seems to be a long-term sponsor, every video now


ya'll see the tweaker faces the "substitute elemetary school teacher" is making the whole time?? :#marseybowl: lmao. Gee I wonder where all the cash is going tsk tsk

In my opinion more authentic than caleb hammer.

Next week I'll post the pitty parents making 6 figures who send their kid to live with grandma during the week.


Maya, 24, San Antonio

Personal Stuff:

  • Full time student timestamp

    • Gets a "Chapter 35" from the VA, her mother is a "totally disabled" veteran so she gets a stipend for all the months she's in school?

    • Gets $1488 a month

      • Will last 36 months
    • Taking 12 credit hours this semester

    • Doing her first sophomore semester right now - took a 5 year break from college

  • Dropped out of HS at 17 years old

  • Started working at 19 - "partied" for two years :marseysquint:

    • Got a job at Taco Bell, promoted to manager at 21
  • Bought an RV to move out from her mother timestamp

    • She'd moved back in with her after a long-term boyfriend didn't work out

    • "I talked the RV down to 4000"

    • "1993 Fleetwood Flare"

    • Sold it for 6'000, all that's gone now though

  • Why don't you have a part time job? timestamp

  • Owns a pet, there's a Petco transaction on CC 1

  • Got her eyebrows waxed before coming on the show timestamp

    • "Like you can't tell because - [words words words]"
  • Studying "Neuroscience premed" timestamp

    • "I never plan for the future for anything"

    • "There were a lot of times where I was genuinely unable to get a job" - "I just wasn't allowed, physically wasn't allowed" :marseysquint:

    • Confusing story idk what this means?

  • Over the summer worked at Six Flags, "passed out multiple times" because they would not let her drink water timestamp

  • Family Deets timestamp

    • Mother in San Antonio

    • Father in San Diego

    • Divorced when she was little, father raised her and sister alone - mother left to San Antonio in 2011 - first reached out to mother during the RV arc - father is very poor, won't be able to help with much

    • Has had to help father with money a couple times


  • No Savings

  • Both cards' balances have gone up, gone up more since the papers shown

  • Self-scored financials 3/10 - timestamp

  • Credit Card 1 (quicksilver) ($7'494) timestamp

    • Paid $247 off on this

    • $141 in new purchases

    • Accrued $182 in interest

    • "I kinda girl math myself a little bit"

    • Can't cancel a $60 a month subscription because it's "complicated" timestamp

    • Tiktok shop timestamp

      • "I see stuff on Tiktok and I'm like that looks like a good thing to purchase"

      • "I put a 30 minute timer on it because I'm on there so much"

      • "Just Delete it"

        • "But then how am I supposed to send my friends memes"
    • 30% interest, she thought it was 25% :marseyxd:

  • Some vet stuff, two cats, kitten got neutering botched and cost another $400

Marseypicker ate the last half of this somehow and I'm not retyping :marseyshrug:

High points without timestamps-

  • 1000 shortfall in her budget

  • Tried to kill herself with vodka and ibuprofen wandered over to the police station and called the suicide hotline

  • Yugioh deck worth of medical bills from doctor shopping about her a "pain in her right side"

    • Female doctor gave her more tests for no result which she thinks is somehow better than the male doctors telling her to go home because nothing's wrong
  • She's got a simp paying for her groceries and her car

    • She goes grocery shopping with this simp and he buys her stuff
  • Had sugar daddies a year or two ago while living out of an RV

  • Roaches are living in the microwave at the apartment she shares with 3 roommates

Assaulted by homeless person in Cambridge : boston

have an idea for an epic ping group :marseymarseyloveorgy: :marseyagreefast: :marseybeggar: :marseypoor: :chudbrasileiro:


Ted, 62, Austin TX


  • Retail Manager

    • $21 an hour, at least 40 hours a week

    • time and a half overtime

    • Around $3000 a month

    • No benefits, he's on his wife's

  • Wife makes around $3500 a month

  • "retail management is not my endgame"

  • Spent 14 years working for Texas "Commission on State Emergency Communications"

    • Got a Master's degree because of this?
  • Went to Art school at some point

  • Went through a bankruptcy 6 years ago

    • All of this debt has accrued since bankrupcy
  • Wife has probably the same number of credit cards timestamp

  • He has $17'000 saved for retirement


  • "Why is there so little invested?" timestamp

    • Boomer ramblings and deflection
  • Self-scored - 5/10 timestamp

  • 150k or so left on his mortgage

  • Credit Card 1 (CreditOne) ($811) timestamp

    • $20 in new purchases, $20 in interest

    • Paid $75 on this

    • Minimum payment 30

    • Why Spend on his card?

      • "Our expenses are higher than our income"
  • Credit Card 2 (Apple) (2115) timestamp

    • Minimum payment 67

    • $41 in interest accrued

    • Puts his life insurance payments on his card?

  • Credit Card 3 (Discover) ($4196) timestamp

    • $69.50 in new purchases

    • Made a $100 payment, also made $100 purchase?

    • Minimum payment $84

    • $57 in interest

    • Lots of mobile games micro-transactions on this card (company called "Zynga")

      • "I was able to quit smoking, and drinking, but I can't quit this"
  • Credit Card 4 (eBay) ($1'487) timestamp

    • Made a $75 payment

    • Minimum payment of $30

  • Credit Card 5 (Lowes) ($535) timestamp

    • Made $50 in payments

    • $12 in interest accrued

    • $30 minimum

  • Credit Card 6 (JC Penny) ($1'591) timestamp

    • Made 75 in payments

    • $40 in interest charged

    • $57 minimum payment

  • Credit Card 7 (Venmo) ($753) timestamp

    • $30 minimum payment

    • $102 in new purchases, made $30 in payments

    • $15 in interest

    • Eating out and microtransactions on this card

  • Credit Card 8 (Walgreens) ($441) timestamp

    • "I think that's the one that started it all, they had this display when you walk into the store"

    • $29 minimum payment

    • $12 in interest

  • Credit Card 9 (Verizon) ($1'290) timestamp

    • He wanted to take advantage of the discount on the phone bill using the card to pay for it :marseyemojirofl:

    • $48 Minimum payment

    • $34 interest accrued

    • Made a $100 payment

  • Credit Card 10 (Upgrade) ($1'272) timestamp

    • $72 minimum monthly payment
  • Credit Card 11 (Upgrade) ($9'260) timestamp

    • Thinks he has two Upgrades because traveling?

    • $126 interest accrued

    • $474 minimum monthly payment

    • "Uhhh I I uh I run a non-profit"

    • "Some of these now that I think about it might have been expenses"

    • "Performing Arts Venue" - He's the president (doesn't get paid)

  • Credit Card 12 (Sitco) ($378) timestamp

    • $29 minimum payment

    • $10 in interest

  • Credit Card 13 (Chevron) ($128) timestamp

    • $29 minimum payment

    • $71 in purchases

    • 50 in payments

    • $2 in interest accrued

    • More mobile payments on this one :marseylaugh:

    • Playing "Empires and Puzzles" and a couple others

  • Credit Card 14 (Ally) ($228) timestamp

    • $28 balance
  • Credit Card 15 (Amazon) ($580) timestamp

    • $29 minimum payment

    • $14 interest

    • $50 payment made

  • Credit Card 16 (At Home) ($45) timestamp

    • "Why wouldn't you just pay off $45?!" :marseyemojirofl:
  • Credit Card 17 (Alta) ($0) timestamp

  • Synchrony ($656) timestamp

    • $30 minimum payment

    • Made a $50 payment

    • Made $12 in purchases

      • It was Starbucks :marseyxd:
    • $14 in interest accrued

  • Credit Card 18 (didn't catch name) ($28) timestamp

    • 28 minimum payment

    • 70 cents in interest

  • Credit Card 19 (NFL) ($1'474) timestamp

    • $39 in interest charged

    • Made $43 in purchases

    • $54 minimum payment

    • More in-app purchases :marseyrofl:

  • Credit Card 20 (MGM) ($242) timestamp

    • "We went to Vegas"

    • $5 interest accrued

  • Student Loans ($229'000) timestamp

    • he's in forbearance, doesn't know why, Caleb can't figure out why

    • 7.6% interest, 17'000 a year in interest if they ever start back up

    • "Yeah, I'll never pay that off"

      • "You're right" :marseydarkxd:
    • "That servicing company is under investigation or something, it's in the news"

    • "Well it doesn't matter much I'll be dead before that's paid off... so I don't even consider that a debt"

  • Mortgage ($122'205)

    • 3.8%

    • $1'268 monthly payment

  • Synchrony Bank is where most of his cards are from timestamp

    • :marseyxd:
  • Car

    • Doesn't have one, wife has a car, not paid for, newish because of a car accident that wrecked their old one

    • Used to have two

    • Both worked at home but he got laid off then when to retail

  • Checking Account timestamp

    • 3'240 + 8'111 - 10'094 -> 1'259

    • Lots of eating out

    • A $100 Verizon payment here, not using the Verizon card since it's maxed out :marseycry: ]

    • More microtransactions

    • "That's how I pay my daughter, we give her money to help her live" timestamp

      • She's finishing up her undergrad

      • Boomer gets testy when question about this

  • Wife debts itemized timestamp

    • Not even going to try writing these out, 28 different ones :marsey!rofl:

$906 in interest is accruing a month (not counting Student Loans) :marseydespair:

Should he consider bankruptcy? timestamp

  • Total $379'000 ($122k of that is the mortgage), includes the student loans

Income/Spending Pie Chart timestamp

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