


Why do people here .. ?

You show people a way they can save a lot of money eating out (apps, save 50% or more)

So they lecture you that instead of eating out you should spend hours shopping and making everything from scratch like you're some kind of a farm family Like, some of us don't like to eat out or do it for convenience?

Or, why do people eat out when poor people can't afford it? How about this: you might be too poor but some of us like to if that's okay with you!!

They do that to steal your data! Like, using credit cards or loyalty retail cards or when they have your email or phone number, They don't also get your data?


Pick any tweet here, throw a dart at the replies. You'll find !peakpoors


It's yes :marseylaugh:

Here a vet tech copes that they're legitimately a useless profession


“Someone once told me human medicine is more important”


“Specialized repair tech”

Aka mall kiosk phone guy


Here's another vet tech. This one is mad that veterinarians (who go to school nearly as long as actual doctors) make more than them for being cat/dog CNAs

LPNs aka nurses who don't go to college or as I like to say little pretend nurses

24k a year means the VA rates him at like 60% disabled

Go get a job fricko

Ok that's all love ya

someone good at economy, what are zoomers supposed to do.


I've been at my current job for over a year now and it's got solid pay ~$60k/yr. I've still been bumming it at my parents with the goal moving out by buying my own place - likely with a friend who'd pay me rent.

However, with the housing market as it is with 8% interest rates and low supply it seems I'm stuck kicking back with my parents again.

At the same time, I feel like I'm stunting my development as I'd held off any serious relationships until I have my own place.

Renting doesn't seem ideal unless my parents kick me out (unlikely, we all get along and I pull my weight) as I just see it as lighting money on fire I could be saving for an actual house.

ATM I'm thinking of bitting the bullet for inflated interest rates as I'm in a good place financially (I have zero debt) but it does make me concerned that the “you will own nothing” seems less and less like a conspiracy theory for the Zoomer generation.

Is this r-slurred? What is the best move here?


It's a 3 parter! Pics here if you're too :marseysoyjak: to go to Reddit

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although i may never get to cross paths with him, it was an honor to share this earth with him 🫡

!birdposters !animalposters

Rising nba star Josh Giddey outed as p-dophile

Thunder sophomore bangs high school sophomore.

Let's her post it all over the net.

It's legal in Oklahoma so it's mostly just morally wrong.

He looks so young lmao

Yeah to Utah with warren Jeff's

Her Tik tok

Don't click it you pedos

The “proof”


Not exactly a niche subreddit, so you've probably seen it, but there are definitely some gems.

Loser finds cases of soda :marseychonker2: convinces wife to take glamour shots :marseywould:

comments do not disappoint :marseymanysuchcases::marseymanysuchcases::marseymanysuchcases:

and of course they are

peasantry and swinging go hand in hand

Redditor needs new shoes, fortuitously finds the ugliest shoes ever made

imagine pulling something like this out of the trash :marseylaugh::marseyxd:


yum I guess

Expired dumpster beef

:marseycop::marseycop::marseycop::marseycop::marseycop3::marseycop3::marseycop3::marseycop2: you got a license for that

diabetes's trash

the gays are stealing all the trash


We had one but tbh I did always wonder where the frick the dust went.


Don't blame payday loan businesses. They provide a service to folks who need money with bad or no credit. The interest rates are so high because the default rate is high. Otherwise, they would not be able to stay in business. It's simple math. You should actually thank them for taking a risk on you and loaning you money in your time of need. Congrats on being responsible and paying off your debts!

The correct finance take is downvoted. I guess Redditors would rather this guy not be able to get money when he needed it.

And who's fault is it that they have horrible credit again? Not the pay day loan people.

In America? So many reason: medical debt, being in the foster system, minor crimes like shoplifting as a teen, being gay (ie your parents make you homeless), disability, a fire, your landlord ups the rent by 50% or more, your employer decides to fire you, ohh so many reasons.

Instead of being judgmental, you may want to show some empathy and compassion for those less fortunate. SPECIALLY if you call yourself a Christian.

The seethe is amazing.

It’s horrid. Places like that, payday loans/advances and rent to own businesses are nothing short of predatory. You only ever see them near poverty stricken areas of town. They just want to make your life worse

Well im not debating that they are not predatory.

But like do you think rich people need loans to buy basic items like furniture?

The shady stores don't stand a chance there because they would laugh and then buy something that costs more than 3 of the shitty rent to buy furniture sets that have probably been repossessed twice before you got it.

So close to getting the point. So close. Just because someone is poor doesn’t mean that it’s ok to target them with your predatory shit, and it certainly doesn’t mean that these businesses even vaguely belong in working class communities.

Completely misread the point and smugposts about it.

That's all the effort you are getting out of me. So many people there with poor financial decisions.


Basically most of the comments are saying the same thing.

>throw another $5 in cheap frick :soysnooseethe:

I love how he has no problem spending $80 on the food but leaving a respectable $5 tip is out of the question. Congratulations instead of wasting $85 he wasted $80.

I mean if you're using $70 on food you might as well tip $5 at that point.

You are just figuring out why we say no tip no trip. Another $5 isn't going to break them and if it does they don't need to spend $80 for take out

If they can afford to pay all that, they can afford to tip. Fricking buttholes

If you can spend 80 bucks, you can give a tip or you can get it your darn self

Why would I do that if a delivery monkey is doing it for free? :marseysmug3:

you people are desperate. instead of taking $3 orders that ur basically breaking even on if not losing money why don't u get a job at McDonald's for $17 an hr lol

A lone voice of reason in a sea of :marseysneed:

Somehow this post generated over 400 comments. Dashers be sneeding.

!peakpoors !r-slurs

Reported by:
  • DickButtKiss : Slim anus??!? you darn right slim anus, i dont get fricked in mine like you two little flaming cute twink
  • D : Juggophobia and seriously mid bitches
The Peakpoors hole is gonna be taken over by the juggalo gathering this weekend

Their Facebook group always has plenty of good shit.

Our boy James can’t make it, his hovel nearly burned down

Jesus fricking Christ

Idk what else to say

You gotta be doing some wild shit to get kicked out of the gathering lmao

Only cool cop is a black cop at the gathering

Absolute monsters eating faygo hotdogs

Really pisses me off

This “woman” hurts me

First casualty this year

What kind of fam kills fam

Smh MCL whoop whoop

Ok and to end the first post here’s some ugly people

Someone pin this or tag someone to pin this. Best thing going on rn


Butthole lawyer got me fired 😭

I made a post the other day about how I was stiffed on a $550 tab by a couple attorneys and followed the advice I received and reached out to the firm on the card to tell them about what happened. Well it completely backfired, the woman on the phone who I think was just a receptionist told me she would follow up with my concern. I made a post on their Facebook page too but somehow it got deleted? They ended up calling my restaurant on a Saturday and told them about it and that if I was not terminated they would be pursuing legal action against both myself and the restaurant.

My boss was very nice about it and said that he actually contacted his family attorney about what to do and unfortunately they had to let me go. I'm just devastated and have never felt more worthless it just sucks how we are so replaceable and people deemed “better than thou” can have our jobs taken from us just like that.



What the frick is the end goal in all of this economic turmoil?

The car market is fricked; The housing market is fricked; Food prices are insane. Our salaries haven't changed. It's demoralizing to see Redditors who have houses talk about how great it is and that the housing market is never going to come back down. I don't think the car market will ever return to normal and I wouldn't doubt the housing market is the same way. But the price of a house and the salary of the average American is a large chasm.

Even in small, LCOL areas, I've seen people talk about corporations buying houses and driving up the prices. I'm beginning to see talks of entire neighborhoods of houses that are only for rent. Not rent to own. In theory, you shouldn't buy a house that is more than 3x your annual income. So a single person making $50kish a year has to find a house for $150k but where is that happening? I live in a low income, high crime area and the house I'm in is appraised at $175k so I can't afford to purchase the house I'm in.

I spend a lot of time wondering why I'm back in school, what's the purpose when most of my working life will be spent paying bills and putting the rest into a retirement fund that I likely will never use. With my prospective and current salaries, I won't have money to vacation, get a new car, etc. What's the point of all this then?

To get back to my title, what the frick is the end goal in this economic turmoil? 75% of us being homeless and living outside while corporations hoard houses? Moving to a new country likely won't help because I see many people in various countries talk about having the same issues.

The poor will start a war with each other rather than coming together to fight the rich.


As someone who is 50+ , I'll say that what our generation has done to future generations is criminal. :marseylongpost:

>not like the other boomers :marseyfellowkids:

There's no big plan, just a bunch of people with really big account numbers who want the biggest one. That's literally it. The gravity of all that money will eventually implode and you are collateral damage.

Finally someone with some sense.

You will own nothing. You will live in the pod. You will eat the bug. And you will be happy.


And much more :marseycopeseethedilate: all over the comments.


I have to repeat this again. She is 22 years old, already has 4 children and lives in a trailer with her partner. 6 ppl living in a trailer

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