
Other highlights from the thread, cbf pulling up responses but I assume poors be mad:

Couple of times in life I've found myself holding the actual budget of a poor person (compiled more or less under duress, following a family intervention), & each time it's basically been the Dril tweet. Like the rank orders of the categories don't even make sense.

Real life anthropology of poors here :marseynoooticer:

20% of income on salons, more spent on car than on rent, etc.

But also just pervasive high time preference. E.g. making minimum wage but buying a bottle of water on the way home from work.

Yes, this is one of the crazy juxtapositions of "poverty" in the US. You can meet poor people who spend more on entire categories than do people who own private jets.

Personal adornment is the common one.

Poors be shopping :marseyscooter:

This topic makes me realize that "time preference" is a misnomer, because the thing that poor people spend most extravagantly is time.

Three hours getting ready on a Saturday, entire days spent shopping for a hat, months each year watching TV

And he veers into race realism to close it off :marseychudnotes: :

Big puzzle piece for me was hearing someone point out that below a certain cognitive ability, people don't have hobbies, that there are entire countries where nobody has hobbies in the classic sense

What's this have to do with poverty?

A hobby creates artificial structure to gamify some part of reality. It's the kind of shape rotation that you notice is not happening among the dull. There's no engagement with relations, with things as exemplars of classes.

Now imagine you're poor and it's Saturday...

If creating experiences is beyond your mental ability, your menu of options is just stimulus/response gradients: go to mall; buy the brand name hat; buy the flavorful snack; prettify body or car

These are the most complex things you can imagine, poverty just results emergently

This is why poverty often presents as a puzzling mix of profligacy and miserliness; luxury car lease and reusing Ziploc bags 100 times

It's not that they don't know things are expensive, it's that their only joy comes from passive consumption of rich stimulus

There's a lot more :marseylongpost: but I cbf doing the markdown (if you highlight replies I'll pin your comment). In conclusion: nerds rule, poors drool :marseygigaretard:


So this is a complete compilation of all of LPG's posts on the /o/ board. He was a used car salesman and had countless examples of the most mind boggling financial self destruction. Tale after tale of poors deciding that yes, 29% apr on a car loan is perfectly fine if it means not having to be seen in a hyundai anymore.

This collection of stories is the perfect distillation of peakpoors, and I hope you all enjoy :marseyexcited:


The replies to this tweet, which puts the bar as low as possible (frozen foods), somehow receives gratuitous pushback. Examples:

One pot pie is 600 calories :marseychonker2:

Unless it's like Stouffer's or hungry man frozen dinners, McDonald's is much worse than any frozen option.

This one is the funniest to me. Somehow this person is distressed by the prospect of taking a meal out of the freezer and into the microwave.

Normalize institutionalizing these people and whipping them in shape


It was a not-so-happy meal.

An enraged McDonald's customer says the fast food franchise is no longer affordable for ordinary Americans, calling the company's contemporary prices "crazy."

"So, I get there's a labor shortage, I get there's wage increases and a number of other things," Idaho man Christopher Olive began in a viral TikTok clip, which has recently resurfaced.

"But $16? $16 for a burger, a large fry and a drink? It's just crazy!" the flabbergasted content creator complained, panning to his itemized receipt from a McDonald's restaurant in the city of Post Falls.

The video was original posted on social media last December, but has now gone viral again after McDonald's recently reported an increase in revenue directly influenced by a "strategic" hike in menu prices.

In the comments section of of Olive's, viewers voiced their frustration with the price of the fast food.

"It's officially not convenient or affordable anymore," one moaned.

"Companies know they can get these prices now so they'll never go back," a second commiserated, saying the glory days of cheap fast food were over.

However, others left comments in defense of McDonald's, telling Olive he ordered a premium burger and could have secured a different meal for a lower price.

“Bro ordered the most expensive meal they have and acted surprised,” one defender declared.

"You sound like those boomers that complained about 5 dollar popcorn," another sniped.

However, Olive isn't the only one to go viral about the cost of McDonald's meals.

In March, a Connecticut content creator voiced his outrage for the $16.89 Big Mac combo meal at the fast food joint in a viral clip.

"Ya'll remember them stimulus checks they gave out? Thought you was getting away with that stimulus money huh?" he quipped. "They want it back."

And furious TikTokers aren't the only ones pressed about pricing. A viral Reddit thread asking, "what is no longer worth it because of how expensive it has become?" shed light on consumer's displeasure with fast food costs.

Redditors decried that the chain eateries have “gotten ridiculously expensive” as of late, with some users claiming that a McDonald's meal would run customers as much as a sit-down establishment.

Gone are the days where hungry patrons could snag a hearty breakfast of two Egg McMuffins for $3, recalled one person, or when the dollar menu was packed with items available for just $1.


I work at the HFT (high frequency trading) desk and my office got sent this package in the mail, with our teams name on it.

>the listing price is increased by 11% after every sale

>starting price €12000


>each print is subject to 9% of future re-sell rebate to flow to the artist


>and a 24 month lockup


I guess the guy is trying to make an NFT, but in real life?

Anyway, let's take a look at the enclosed sample of highly-valuable artwork this rando wants all this money for:

>embarassing cryptoshitter memes drawn in MSpaint

>for €12000+


Deadbeat nephew tries to shame rich relative for not giving handouts

Why do people here .. ?

You show people a way they can save a lot of money eating out (apps, save 50% or more)

So they lecture you that instead of eating out you should spend hours shopping and making everything from scratch like you're some kind of a farm family Like, some of us don't like to eat out or do it for convenience?

Or, why do people eat out when poor people can't afford it? How about this: you might be too poor but some of us like to if that's okay with you!!

They do that to steal your data! Like, using credit cards or loyalty retail cards or when they have your email or phone number, They don't also get your data?


There is no recession :soyjakanimeglasses:

Dont believe your lying eyes :soyreddit:, its not a recession if we dont call it one

>In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it. Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality was tacitly denied by their philosophy.~George Orwell, :marsey1984:


Part 1 – link

Part 2 – link

:marseychonker2: is now sponsored by a company that makes him food, he's moving up in the world. timestamp

Her third time coming back :marseydoomer:

"Have you tried to improve your life at all? Financially speaking, of course."


"To be honest, the only thing that I remember that we went over is mostly like-

"You could have watched the video, you could have watched it at any time or you could have asked me"


  • Started a new job at a restaurant, got fired from it yesterday after 4 weeks

    • 14/hr + tips, 8hr shifts

    • "I was late a few times, maybe 5, 10 minutes late twice and I had a little personal breakdown one day and I had an unexcused absence" [there's more to this]

    • timestamp for the firing story

    • "I went in like the alleyway and I clocked in at 5 and then I went to go park my car and that took about 30 minute-" :marseyxd:

    • "They treated me like I did a crime, they said I'm never allowed in the building, I swear." timestamp

    • "Like I used their iPad to text someone timestamp

  • Doing a cleaning service, not getting many hours

    • On call, "hire a maid type thing"

    • 2 hours

  • Has a live-in nanny position

    • Means that her rent is nothing


  • Can't sell the car explanation segment timestamp

  • Can't do Uber because her check engine light is on

  • Collections

    • $4200

    • $523

    • $421

  • Car 13'033

    • Has made her car payments late sometimes?

    • 2014 Kia Sorrento 6 cylinder but not certain which exactly timestamp

    • "My boyfriend just hit something the other day" :marseyscream:

    • "He said he hit like an animal"

      • Damage is on the back and on the side
    • 177'000 miles?


  • Negative in the accounts, again :marseypoor:

  • Beginning balance of -$5 timestamp


  • Paying her bills through her boyfriends? timestamp

    • This is also the start of the expenses section
  • Holy shit she's still doordashing and still eating out :marseyxd:

  • She could have gotten a free bus pass but has chosen not to timestamp

  • Was living in Louisiana for 4 months, hated it, then moved back to Austin and was homeless 2 months sleeping in her car

    • Was working at a casino, lived rent free?

Personal Life:

  • Boyfriend deets

    • She's landed an incredibly loyal straggot willing to be homeless with her
  • Boyfriend is working at home depot

"I didn't know what APR meant" timestamp

Attempt at explaining a plan to her timestamp


One of the strangest looking men of all time shows off various pc accessories

He’s a fan favorite but also extremely hated


A couple of other details:

  • $320 a month for cigs and booze

  • $200 for "fitness"

  • $150 phone

  • $100 eating out

  • $80 App purchases

  • No car so he ubers sometimes.

  • 2 Big dogs

How was he even approved for this rental lol that's crazy.


Isaac, Houston, TX


  • 2022 - working as Sales Rep at a Tile store, making 3-4k a month while going to school full time

    • Left job to focus on classes because he was having issues
  • Doing UberEats/Doordash, also getting money from his father

    • "If I need some I'll ask and he might send it"

    • He stopped doing the gig stuff because he injured his knee timestamp

      • Can't do regular Uber because his car does not qualify

      • Has a 2012 Corolla - later clarifies that it's above the miles limit

      • "My knee hurts when I drive"

        • He drove 3 hours over to Caleb, driving 3 hours back later.

        • Something to his meniscus

  • Costco opening nextdoor - planning on getting a job there

  • Was a Solar Salesman at the beginning of this semester but the company closed down?


  • Studying Biotech (undergrad)

  • 4th year but with credits he is a junior, will be finishing in 5 years

    • Had some issues during COVID, didn't pass a lot of classes - trying to make up for that now
  • 2.0 GPA overall

    • "Yeah I just got to 2.0 last semester" :marseyspecial: timestamp
  • "Yeah I passed one class... in COVID" timestamp

  • Failed Intro to Biotechnology class :marseyemojirofl: timestamp

    • "I was passing that class up until the final"

    • Failed "Fundamentals of Chemistry"

  • "Why'd you pick this major" timestamp

    • He thought it sounded interesting

    • "So what's your career path"

      • "What do you mean my career path?" :marseybrainlet:
  • "A 2.0 is good though" :marseydespair: timestamp

  • He's taking 26 credits this semester :marseypikachu2:

    • "You can't do that"

      • "Can't do that at one college" :marseyretardchad:
    • "I've learned a few new techniques this semester so I'm dialed in" timestamp

      • 'Like what?"

        • "ummmmm"
      • He's just taking adderall :marseyemojirofl: l timestamp

  • Payments to "StudyPool" timestamp

    • Website where you "get help" on your assignments

    • "I would never cheat" - this site is definitely cheating :marseyxd:

    • Looks like it's a per assignment basis - lots of these :marseybigbrain:

    • $360 last month (allegedly splits with his friend)

  • NBS Facts timestamp

    • $30 payment, he says he doesn't know what that is


  • Put his all tuition on his credit cards timestamp

    • An Apple card specifically :marseyretard2:

    • "I haven't missed a payment" :marseywhirlyhat:

  • Spending a lot on eating out/misc bullshit

  • Self-rated a 5/10 in finances timestamp

  • Credit Card 1 ($14'715) timestamp

    • $548 minimum payment
  • Should he consolidate his debt timestamp

    • If he could actually control himself yes
  • Missed payment timestamp

    • He says he doesn't have any but there's $40 in late fees - he paid it a day late but confused this with the concept of a missed payment
  • Reasoning for putting tuition on the CC timestamp

    • thought his dad would help pay it off

    • Dad had purchased a house but needed help with the down-payment - $15'000

      • Father is letting him live there rent free and considers this repayment? Not sure if I followed this right
  • Coinbase and Robinhood timestamp

    • Invested in crypto?

    • Coinbase - $3'666 in 2021, down to $60 today

    • Robinhood - $6'006, down to $6?


  • Oracle ad placement

  • There's some sort of on-boarding video now timestamp

    • He didn't bother watching it :marseyxd:
  • Girlfriend gets time to talk timestamp

    • Didn't know how much debt he's in

    • "I think he's nervous he's not usually like this"

    • "He gets defensive when we argue so I think that's what he was doing with you"

    • Thinking about marrying him, wouldn't until he's out of debt

    • Guy's dad doesn't actually give him that much money

  • Guy applied to show through Insta

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