
That's right !fitness lads, spring time and soon summer :marseybeach:, meaning it'll be time for sunshine and babes

:#gisellegewelle: :#donkeykongeating: :#!gisellegewelle:


It's cold as heck here in the west but summer should be warm.

What are your plans to prep for summer, any advice you need from other :marseychonker2: fitstrags (and you need to include too many coom images :marseycoomersnipe:), any recipes you found or routines and other shit.

I'm fermenting some rum wash and my whole room smells like molasses.

Now I want molasses cookies

My favorite new tourist group to hate is eclipse tourists

The mountain I live on is is in 98%th or so path of totality and my ranger station is on alert for tourists all weekend. We are expecting about 20k flatlanders coming here to nh and double over to

Maine so it's probably going to be an absolute shitshow.

I've had four service calls already since this morning so assistance. 2x CT, 2x MA goddarnit tourists

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My nephew loves me

Today my little nephew :marseywhirlyhat: told his mom that I'm his favorite aunt out of all of them :marseyhearts:

I'm so lucky to have a loving family in my life :marseygiftboxmarsey:

I am drunk right now

:#marseydrunk: :#marseydrunk: :#marseydrunk: :#marseydrunk: :#marseydrunk: :#marseydrunk:


Oh I figured out what's causing my hot start issue. When I have the car on I get a good 55psi fuel pressure but as soon as I shut it off, the pressure bleeds off immediately instead of staying pumped up. So the ecu is expecting a primed up shot of juice and says “no baby you're already worked up enough as it is” but the problem is that she's on antidepressants and can only build the pressure up, not hold it anymore basically the cylinders aren't getting any fuel for those first few cranks.

Replacing a fuel pump isn't too tricky as the cars usually have some access ports built into the sheet metal to pop out. Well, like the 996, this uses a saddle tank and a two-part master and slave Venturi system to equally suck from both basins within the tank. The problem is this chassis was never designed for such a tank to share room with Rwd components and what I'm saying is there aren't any access holes. You have to either drop the whole rear subframe and driveshaft, or you can lift up the carpet and cut your own access holes very carefully.

There arent any clear photos of exactly what to cut and where either. And the factory pump is no longer available and all you can do is rebuild the existing pump with a new motor and regulator. What brand is good depends on who you ask and everyone's got an opinion.

I think I'm gonna go for the cut method. I'm not going to start in on it until the Porsche is running though.

Just waiting on a few more o-rings and a hose before I can put it back in - but in the meantime I decided to do another leakdown test on that bad cylinder.

It was down around 12% and I was certain it was a stuck ring or something with the cylinder itself.

Spraying some oil in it before hand allowed me to trace it to an exhaust valve.

So as long as I'm not getting any misfires from it I'm going to just let it go for now and see if it gets worse and try to diagnose what exactly is causing it. This is all good news though. Being able to stay out of going inside the block avoids an $8-15k job.

I can't believe Maddox got a job with Harbor Freight.

Below is my long and winding rant about why I am quitting the site.

Loljk I'm not a woman or a gay.


man liking women who kick butt but i had to be born with a vagina

okay i am straight. heterosexual. i love women. i worship women. i breathe women. my god how much i love women. id genuinely be a slave of one if i got the chance. i am easily manipulated by women in fact. they are my kryptonite. i am ready to establish the matriarchy if it means that i get to serve womens whims. anyway. i cannot get into a relationship with one. :marseyselfflagellation:

i see like genuinely bad (and kind of ugly) dudes getting into relationships with girls and i cant help but have that pathetic little 'nice guy itch' at the back of my head. we get it you have a peepee, how lucky you are to have one! :marseyraging:

im not even saying that im a good partner. im inexperienced, clingy, awkward, jealous and overprotective :marseyshy4: but i have genuinely seen SO MUCH WORSE. there was a guy that literally said SLURS, and made HITLER JOKES but somehow he still managed to get into a relationship with ANYONE, let alone a girl. :marseyrage:

genuinely, the only women willing to talk to me are either gay, much older than me, taken or literally are not interested in dating in general. :marseycry:

i swear if i tried confessing to a straight girl shed think im a lesbian. im not saying because i am pessimistic and have a bad opinion of them but cause many girls demonstrated that they dont see me as a guy (or im just in the closet in some cases). :marseyoverseether:

add several heartbreaks to all that and id probably be an incel, except my love of girls is stronger than that. checkmate. :marseyitsover:

anyways just kind of wanted to vent this shit unbearable :skull:

im dying

of heat exhaustion. global warming iz real. i kneel :greta

Frickin shit!

Frick! Life is good. You need those little obstacles to make you appreciate the good shit.

Had a problem but now it's all good! I bet this is how Hawaiians feel all the time.

Porsche Proctology Part IV: Parts Purgatory, Pliers.

Saw this at Costco and it was pretty neat. Toyota Caldina. It's got a 256 hp 3S-GTE engine and the awd system from the Celica GT-Four. Still would be tough explaining to someone why you'd want to import one.

Continuation from here:

Nothing too exciting, aside from waiting on parts orders that trickle in everyday. Always want to get on in last minute then eat the shipping charges when I remember something else an hour later. At this rate though I should have everything together and possibly back together by the 15th.

I got this timing tool. It's not as precise as checking with the computer, but I'm trying to avoid buying a windows laptop and special software just for my car. This at least gives me confidence it didn't jump a tooth. When the first piston is at top dead-center, the slots on the cams should line up so that this cam-locking tool can fit in both slots.

Connects to the alternator. Gotta figure out what to do with it. Leave it, glob some hot glue onto it, liquid electrical tape, or de-pin it and re-crimp.

These aren't adapters, but are short little extensions for when a short socket is too long and a long is too short.

Finally got a parallel/ratcheting tool for these clamps. Had been using the plier style but the extra leverage really gives it that last squeeze it needs. The nice things about this style clamp is it doesn't bite / cheese-grate the hose.

Partially reassembled. I changed out those pulley bolts to match.

Guibo / aka flex disc. This couples the main differential with the driveshaft going to the front wheels. Mine's not too bad but pretty cracked up and I might as well change it while I'm in there. That's been a bad theme on this project and has added about an extra $2k in parts expenses.

This O-ring is seemingly too thick for the fitting it needs to mate with. My old fitting didn't have an o-ring there and it connected firmly - yet my old one also leaked. Will have to do more research but will eventually force it on.

New hose on the left, old hose on the right, also on the right is a section of hose I wasn't supposed to cut off, that I cut off. Cheap enough mistake, but then add shipping costs plus waiting time and each mistake becomes really annoying.

Test-fitting which fastener and wrench type would work best for doing this job with the engine in-car. Going to change out the original E-torx head bolts for something simpler like an 8mm hex head. Something you can use thinner wrenches on.

Factory 02 sensors are around $150 but you can get the exact same ones for $50 if you reuse your old connectors.

I hate spring clamps with a passion, but this car has a lot and I can't replace them all. So I picked up these. They're based on the standard Knipex Cobra but with swiveling tips on the jaws to grab ahold of the spring tabs. They also have a locking lever to keep the clamp open. They make clamping fun!

Here's another set of my favorite pliers. These are hose-grip pliers and are meant for, well, gripping hoses. That's great and all but what I really bought them for is to release the tabs on electrical connectors.

Especially old ones packed with dirt and grease.

Also picked up these Raptors to help retrieve a slightly stripped oil fill plug.

Proxxon rotator ratchet. This one's got a really neat trick and if you're lucky I'll make a video.

And finally I picked up a digital torque wrench in the hopes that the ease of setting it will promote its use. You'd think stripping an aluminum block would encourage it but no.

This is the worst post I've made on this site so far and if you upvote it you share blame.

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The most absurd shit has happened this past month. Yes, soon I am getting married :marseybride: like this month soon. People have had months to make travel arrangements.

Also before reading this if you're wondering why I speak so negative about who was supposed to be my best man well you should know it's probably :marseyitsover:

tl;dr The man I considered my best friend for a dozen years is more concerned with his peepee and himself than the biggest obligation I will probably ever ask of him.

I was wondering why my best man hasn't made his travel arrangements yet :marseyquestion:

To preface this is someone who has never travelled alone :marseyscared: (since high school), and we are both early thirties :marseyboomer: So he's never booked a plane ticket or a hotel :marseyreluctant:

He is also poor :marseypoor: No, it's more accurate to say he's a poorcel. He lives in a house owned by his dad :landlordpride: and works a dead end job :marseyjanny:, pays his car off to his dad at 0%, doesn't do anything but drive back and forth to work and errands, yet still is broke :marseybeggar: So he has no real bills or obligations :marseyneet:

So, traveling hundreds of miles for a wedding is going to be an issue. I initially thought that was the problem :marseyhmm:

Even though he was the first to know about the wedding and its location, five months ago he drug his feet all this time :marseysad:

Why did I say reformed-incel? Well up until now, I figured this was mostly true. When I met him 12 years ago he was one of the first fledglings of the online incel culture :marseyblops2cel: Sluthate? Puahate? All sites I've never heard before him. And when Elliot Rodgers happened :marseyelliotrodger3:, revered him.

I didn't frick either, but I never had this hatred he had so it was intriguing :marseyreading: to talk and learn about while talking about vidya and other moid shit while smoking cigs after a late night's work :marseydoomer: I no longer live near him but we strongly kept in touch, more than any one of my confidants. I still go visit to see him twice a year but will not be able to this summer because of the honeymoon.

He was very insecure when I met him but he's overcome a lot of it since then :gigachad2:

This started to crumble once he actually started dating :marseymalding:

What started as a couple Tindr flings :hump: ended in finding a woman he would date for two years. Also a woman who was in a polycule :marseychonkerfoid: A few months in he had a moment where he realized that is fricking stupid so he dumped her :gigachad2: But the kitty was too strong; so much that while I was visiting and lodging with him after flying hundreds of miles, he kicked me out of the house early because he just needed some alone time :marseyshrug: I mean hey I was there for a week at that point and I was going to leave in a couple days but he's not used to that kind of prolonged company so I understood :marseythumbsup:

It wasn't until I flew back a week later that he told me I was kicked out **because he wanted this foid back over for kitty :marseypoggers: :marseywtf2: **

They continued to date for two years. But not even a year in he realized he didn't like her very much, all the while she wanted to get serious :marseytrad: But he was too cowardly to break up because, his words, "I don't want to be alone". :marseypathetic2:

So when it finally ended I thought he might have learned something :marseymoidteach:

Back on the dating market he does something I was proud of: bagged a foid at work :horny: :marseygeisha: I actually wrote about this already but I deleted and overwrote it before editlogging was a thing. A passionate romance ensued :romance: I was very happy for him :marseyexcited: He's never felt love from a woman like that before and never had someone to love so hard :marseyembrace: This was the woman he was wanting to bring to my wedding, and even marry himself! This is important information for later. But the point is that there was a lot of passion and my man was happy :marseythumbsup:

Which is why as soon as that honeymoon phase ended and one (1) argument over buying shoes ensued :marseyfoidretard: , it was over. She started playing the distance game. "I need time alone :marseytedsimp2: "

At this point fellow moids, you might be screaming (or you're apathetic, so why did you read this far? :marseymagdump: ) that he needs to drop this foid and move on :handsomechud: Everyone told him that. Me, and his meatspace irls, which is just a handful but they frick and they know r-sluration when they see it :marseyagree:

So what does my man do? :marseyopera:

He continues to go see her, "breaks up" but keeps fricking her, has a whole breeding kink arc...and then she gets PREGNANT :marseypreg: :marseyviewerstare: and then she gets an ABORTION :marseyhanger:

:r#equiredreading: Readers may want to know that I went through a similar thing with my now fiancé. Check my abortion AMA for more information.

So at the time of that AMA I had no one else to talk to except you strags and my man :foreveralone: So when he had to go through the same shit I did all I could to support him.

Anyway after the abortion he goes back to hit it a couple more times :marseymoidmoment: but then he's truly done with her. This breakup process started shortly after telling him that the wedding will happen in half a year.

All this context informs what happened last month. Every one of my groomsmen have already booked, except one (could not make it because money, but we're going to fly out and see that son of a b-word :gigachad2: ) and my best man.

So about every day I start asking him when he is booking because prices are going to go up if you wait any longer :marseycapitalistmanlet:

And one night I finally ask: are you going to come to the wedding? :marseydetective:

:marseydisagree: No! :marseydisagree:

He didn't save any money. He thought his dad was going to pay for it :marseyfacepalm:

So at this point I'm sort of pissed :marseyunamused: but then the following r-slurations were uttered that eventually led to me write this post:

He doesn't want to come because he is anxious about making all the travel reservations, traveling alone (30s man btw) and that he doesn't have a date for the wedding.

:marseypoggers: :marseypoggers: :marseywtf2: :chudspin2: :marseywtf2:

:marseydisabled: Bro why does that matter? Especially the date? I'm asking you to be there for me. And you can go bar crawl and frick women here easily and there are other women at the wedding anyway.

:soyjakferal: I...I just don't want to, okay?

My heart was in pieces :marseydeathpose: Seriously I haven't been the same since.

What follows is a screed about how sorry he is. No not a real apology; Shinji Ikari shit :marseyeva: about how he's the worst person and he should die and I should not feel bad for him :marseymisatoannoyed: :marseypathetic:

B-word you're my best friend how am I just supposed to walk away from this bombshell? :marseydeadeyes:

You mean to tell me that all those months I was deluded into thinking you'd come?? :breakheart:

So right now he just ignores my messages and last weekend when I insisted we hang out he says that he is a broken person and that I should go focus my attention on my partner :marseyeyeroll: :marseyeyeroll:

So it's effectively over right now. Also the only man I'd ever even talk about this cute twink site with so now you r-slurs can hear me complain :marseymagdump:

!attentionmaxxers required reading

!moidmoment Great examples, including me

!truecels This is what lies ON the beaten path. Do yourself a favor and continue to not attempt breeding.

Major Mandela effect

I've seen on news reports and social media for the last two years calling people that unlawfully travel into the US "migrants". I could have sworn that they used to be referred to as "illegal immigrants" or "illegal aliens". Very strange. Does anyone know what's going on?

hows your morning going

yes, it came out while i was driving

My new user ID is 4096

And my old one is 777

I get all the cool numbers

Can someone tell me why my username is showing as jingleballs?

I haven't been following meta shit recently. Is this a lame April fools thing or?

My cat just took the smelliest dump ever

That is all.


Imagine being a boomer :marseybacktotiktok: and seeing this, you'd have absolutely 0 idea what the frick is going :marseysal3: on this cluttered screen. I barely understand what's going :marseysalmaid: on.

Gen Z and A gonna :marseyvenn6: have fried :marseykfc: dopamine receptors from all the brainrot they scroll every day. Gen B is gonna :marseyvenn6: come out with pre-fried dopamine receptors.


I cannot distinguish whether my life is cringe based, or based cringe.

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