
They are keen to be BLEACHED.

I mean my competition there is literally this:

I'm quite lean and fit, so it might be worth a little vacation.

Resident seething jeet nationalist @Sasanka_of_Gauda what do you reckon


As the above states: the sweet girl has been home for a little bit now. She was initially very spooked and upset when touched. She's sleeping next to me and her kittens have been separated from her, as the vet directed me to do to prevent them from ingesting her antibiotics and pain pills for the next week.

She has a less serious infection than anticipated, but from the look of her right now, I'm very worried and will be up late and very early to be with the cats.

Sheila cannot start her meds until she eats a substantial amount of food, but she just wants to eep. This is spooky stuff on Friday the 13th! :marseyspooky:

!animalposters !cats !catholics



I've been all around looking for accommodation this weekend, went to this place today and the chick renting it was absolutely TINY and all I could think about was having s*x with her and and then we got to her apartment and there was some dude and I was like "frick" in my head but then turns out he was the roommate moving out so I was like "okay maybe there is a chance" but then she mentioned a partner overseas and I was like "frick" again

But then later, thinking rationally she was kind of annoying and probably wouldn't even like me in that way, and actually I'm pretty r-slurred if I let wanting to bang my roommate influence my decision of where to rent when there are so many more important factors.

Basically, being straight and attracted to real women is a massive pain in the butt. I try to be devout and only have eyes for my 2D waifu but the sad truth is that sometimes as a straight male with the biological drive to breed you're going to encounter such temptations that completely mess with your brain and can cause you to make some really bad decisions, especially when she's got LONG DIRTY BLONDE HAIR AND SPARKLING GREEN EYES AND THE TINIEST MOST FRICKABLE BODY YOU CAN IMAGIN- HNGHHH

I fricking hate myself.

Wouldn't life be so much easier if you could just turn that desire off.

rant over

TLDR: being a straight male attracted to real women is very annoying because you have to fight your biological desires all the time to avoid doing dumb shit

I made a diorama for my Miku :mikuleek:
I dont think my downstairs neighbor appreciates my attempts at late night chats

Please pray for us and our tiny baby momma girl! :soycry: :marseysulk: I hate this

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I already forgot the password to this throwaway so once I close this tab I cant reply to any comments, sorry.

This took place when I attended a secret society at the University of Oxford in 2019 called the Piers Gaveston Society. Named after the alleged homosexual lover of King Henry V or something. They have 2 major orgies a year - a large winter orgy (approx 150ppl) and a smaller summer one (approx 30 people).

The club was historically organised primarily by aristocrats, and it used to be famously heterosexual and right wing. But during the 2000s the leadership started to be co-opted by much more leftist and queer students in Wadham College, and the event became much more liberal and (some would say) more fun. Also they started a policy of "free drugs" and the whole thing in general became druggier.

The year I went, the actor Hugh Grant filmed a secret video promoting the event, to give you an idea of the things influence. In addition, the whole thing is bankrolled by a mysterious other celebrity, who pays ~£50k a year which handles organising, paying for drugs and alcohol, and compensating landowners (and allegedly bribing the police to stay out, but who knows). I heard multiple rumors as to who the secret funder is, but none credible. I heard mentioned David Mitchell, Hugh Grant, Chris Patten and Richard Osman, but I doubt any of that tbh.

For me, I was never really 'in' with this crowd, but I was friends with a very hot person who got an invite for being hot, and she gave the invite to me. All we were told was the costume theme (it was a series of Baroque paintings showing the apocalypse) and a date.

On that date, at 10pm we were texted a location and told to be there within 40min. The address was some industrial estate in Oxford, so we legged it to get there in time. When there, a yellow American-style school bus was waiting. We all got on, and were driven an hour or so to a random field in the middle of nowhere. We queued up and were all searched. We were warned that if we brought a phone or a camera it would be thrown in a nearby lake, but I guess that was just for show because the guy in front of me in the queue has a phone and they merely confiscated it and said he could get it back at the end.

The setup was multiple large tents in a field.

One tent had a bar with free drinks, and another tent had a table with free drugs. They had weed, MDMA cocaine, but that all ran out within like 90 minutes. Another tent was just a big dancefloor playing techno. A medium size round tent was filled with BDSM equipment, and some rope-tying professional women had been hired to help tie people up. A small tent had some paramedics smoking and hanging out for safety. Finally there was a large round tent and a few smaller ones covered in pillows where 90% of the fricking took place.

I dont remember much because I was high on coke and MDMA and it was a long time ago, but heres what I texted a friend the next morning, while still high:

>Just got back from the orgy

>it was fricking mental

>they literally had a free drugs tent, and no less than 3 different s*x tents, each one for a different "vibe" (vanilla, group, BDSM), plus 2 dance tents and a VIP super special tent where I wasn't allowed in but I saw some bouncers going through the crowd asking for any virgin volunteers and then taking them inside, so I bet that must have been the real place to be haha

>a 17 year old donkeypunched me so hard i lost hearing in my right ear, and i have a cute date tomorrow with a girl who whipped me while i was totally naked in front of the whole crowd - they had like a professional bdsm guy who was so good with ropes and knots it was unbelivable. I also backhand slapped my ex (consensually) until he bled which was HIGHLY cathartic and a Good Time. I took a tiny bit of coke for the first time, and I think it made me aggressive, coz im not normally that violent - im a real sweetheart really - actually i was fairly restrained and didnt really have penetrative s*x with anyone even, i was vibing a bit too hard ngl and also... STDs are a thing that spook me innit

>there were also so many lesbians. so many. you literally couldnt find a single girl without someone else's head between their thighs at points, and you would be chatting to a girl and then realise that as you are talking to her she is naked and sitting on some other chicks' face haha

>but the main thing that really, really surprised me was that everyone was extremely attractive

>i had always imagined this degenerate shit would be full of old weirdos but no, i was definitely one of the worse-looking people there, and one of the least muscular ha ha

>really great! i had a good time and also only just got back lol and am about to crash into the mother of all MD comedowns. just hope my hearing comes back haha

Just as some extra context you might be amused to know:

Despite what I texted my friend, my defining memory was of slight boredom - I liked hitting people when I was high but the whole thing did nothing for me sexually. I remember at one point a tall posh guy trying to feel me up and encountering nothing except my totally flaccid peepee, and then getting amusingly cross at my obvious disinterest. I think when I wrote those text messages I was (a) high and (b) trying to sound cool. In reality it was a bit mid - just not my kinda thing.

I met some of the organisers at the event and they were VERY r*pey and weird, and even high I was smart enough to stay away from them as much as possible. the "VIP" tent i mentioned in my texts was insanely bad vibes. I met some people who tried to impress me by offering to take me inside, and they were all very predatory and slightly scary in manner.

Since then I have never done anything similar, and I am now in a 3-year monogamous relationship with a normal girl who would probably be very surprised if she found out about my past.

Thank you for reading my blogpost. If you comment fast before I close my browser I will answer any questions you might have.

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I need help.

Would you rather suck on Trump's tits or Kamala's tits?



post the color :marseyracistcheck: i am to u, then people will reply to all the top level comments with what color :marseyracistcheck2: you are to them


Question for !homeowners

!homeowners would you rather stay in your slightly too small unglamorous house which you'll pay off completely within 7 years, or move to a much bigger more glamorous dream home, with a way bigger but still affordable mortgage for another 20 years?

I just don't know what people do in these situations.

I want the house but I don't want the added risk a bigger mortgage comes with. I.e. would need to build up bigger emergency fund despite having bigger outgoings.

I don't like my current house but I do like the idea of having no mortgage outgoings in 7 years.

What would you do or what have you done when faced with this decision?

I am a convicted gaypist in the state of New York

I found this on my own completely without any help


Later virgins

Dream :marseypillpopper: post

What's the craziest dream :marseypillpopper: you've ever had recently? Any sleep :marseyhatman: paralysis :marseyhatman: or lucid dreams?

A letter :marseystamp: to myself :marseycyanide:

It's time to stop living :marseyzombie2: in regret.You made some bad choices studying :marseyklennyreading: English, but the past is in the past. It's time to make the most of what you have. Consider :marseyhyperthonk: teaching overseas. It would :marseymid: mean quitting drugs :marseytrippydance: but it's worth the sacrifice :marseytrolley: to build :marseyikea: a life for yourself.

You also need to need to get over Sarah :marseymerchantelf: H. She loves you as a friend, and you need to accept :marseyokay: and appreciate :marseythanks: it. Friendship is rare and you should :marseynorm: value such a close :marseynoyouzoom: friendship instead of wanting to stick :marseybundle: your peepee everywhere. You also need to calm down on the drugs :marseysosa: and stop taking so many benzos, it's bad for your health even though it feels :marseyvapecrying: good. Kendrick :marseyrapper: Lamar isn't bad as I thought :marseymindblown: he was, he has some good songs. Hard is Life is an amazing person :marseywall: and she deserves respect :marseychudgravedance: and love because she has a hard life and she deserves support.

I need to certmax and find my way into the IT field.

I'm really really sad (🌸•︵•)💔

I was super sick today (🌸>.<). Had a stomachache and didn't leave bed at all (🌸•︿•)💧. I even called in sick to work (🌸•︵•) which is something I haven't done in years. Somehow that made me super depressed and sad (🌸。>﹏<。), and I don't mean the internet "haha I'm so depressed xD" depressed (🌸-_-), but the "I've been seeing a psychiatrist weekly for the past 4 months" depressed (🌸´•︵•)💭.

I am doing okay in some areas of my life, but somehow all of this feels null and stupid and devoid of purpose (🌸。•́︿•̀。)💧, and that makes me want to cry (🌸TT_TT). Why is life even worth living? (🌸•︵•)💭 There's nothing that makes me truly happy (🌸•︿•), and the older I get, the more frustrated and sad I get that everyone else seems to find life worth it (🌸•-•)💔. Am I broken? (🌸。T_T。)

Anyway, I needed to vent to someone about this, and I guess I chose this place because I'm stupid (🌸。>﹏<。)💦. That's all. Have a great night (🌸´•︵•`)✨.

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  • X : /h/vlogs
Burgerland vacay :marseybeach: :marseydinosaur:

I love patsy @patsy - Lil B

I love patsy. Lee(Patsy's pronoun) is great. I want to sleep with Harvey(Patsy's pronoun). Lee(Patsy's pronoun) kicked me out of Harvey(Patsy's pronoun) chat group twice. Patsy if you are seeing this, I find you very attractive. I respect you and your pronouns. I know you are not perfect. You are severely neurodivergent, probably 5'4, stink like onions, fat and also black. But I still love you pat. And always will. OXXO Lil B love patsy regardless. Patsy, dm me if you want to be loved by a Successful black man. #BitchMob #Based #TrueLove #TaskForce #LGBTQ #Gay #BLM #MeToo #UnconditionalLove - Lil B

@Patsy - Lil B

Anyone here going to RADwood Detroit?

I'll be there with the 928. Hopefully will get some points for having he original car phone, but not in it for the awards.

Anyways, rDrama meetup this weekend on the 14th at Hart Plaza in Detroit. I've got an extra ticket if you want to come with.

Fixed the battery drain issue so no more jumping it from the lawn mower.

I'm so desperate for human interaction lol. My crazy/hot lesbian ex just reached out to me and I might even respond.

Update after seeing my hot gay psychiatrist & some advice for people who are depressed

Not a huge update and no one cares BUT I saw my hot gay psychiatrist yesterday. Still haven't been able to turn him. Huge FroCho L.

I have been off all meds now for a couple months. I did it behind my doctor's back because I hated the way the meds made me feel (emotionally numb, dissociated, borderline high all day). Even Ketamine started becoming unpleasant. I decided I would try to get better on my own.

I didn't see him for a few months as I found therapy was really emotionally difficult and I was also out of town. I went back yesterday finally and told him about going off the meds.

My psych said I am the best he has ever seen me (!!) and I don't need to go back on them. I am continuing therapy and most importantly continuing the lifestyle changes which helped me get over this period.

I was in a really dark place this time last year & I sort of feel robbed of the last 12 months of my life. I still don't feel my current life is worth living but I know I will be able to make one with time. If you are prone to depression, I have some advice. Mainly it's about controlling your environment and thoughts.

1. For me, the main thing is staying sober. My mood is even keeled as long as I don't drink. If you use any substance as a crutch, stop and consider if it's actually making the situation worse. I was sober almost the entire summer but when I tried "moderately" drinking again, I quickly realized how much the booze hurt my mental health. I'm back to sobriety and might join AA.

2. BEING CAREFUL ABOUT WHAT MEDIA I CONSUME. By media I mean which subreddits, twitter, music, TV shows, etc. Unsubscribe from all depression meme pages or negative subreddits. Only consume positive things. You might use dark or angry music to console you, but it's just keeping you in that mindset. Rap, pop and dance music will put you in a better headspace. Rdrama is one place I really need to avoid but I'm here for the debate tonight, then I'll be gone into the ether again. I also started getting really into contemporary art, it's a healthy and challenging hobby plus there are several art groups in Chicago so a nice community as well.

3. I paid a witch in Croatia for an energy cleansing.

4. Prayer. I asked a minister at my church to pray for me and started reading the Bible more and talking to God again. When things were really bleak I felt as though God had forgotten about me but He's always there.

5. Watching YouTube videos on near death experiences. It's oddly life affirming. They are all a little different but even across cultures they have common elements (moving rapidly through space, a being of light). If you look at life as a place for you to learn, it makes the hard times easier.

6. Watching my thoughts, not giving in to the victim mentality that you get with depression ("it's never going to get better"—>"It's gotten better in the past and I can get back there"). This is probably the hardest thing to do but makes the biggest difference. When you're depressed, those thoughts are very comforting but you're just prolonging your pain. Even if you don't believe it right away, think or say the opposite of whatever the thought you have. You need to practice new neural pathways.

7. Golden retriever cuddles (Chewy only tolerates me)

8. Support where you can get it. For me, it's mainly been my sister as you guys know. You can reach out to old friends, not to trauma dump but just catch up. You'll feel better connecting with other people. Support doesn't have to mean talking about the bad stuff. There are also religious groups, AA or group therapy, hobby groups, professional support like therapy, my witch in Croatia etc etc. If you join any online groups, be careful not to join anything geared for depression because those turn into very sad echo chambers. You don't need fake positivity, but you do need to get into more positive environments.

9. Mediterranean diet. It's the most delicious diet anyway. Hummus, fatty fish, veggies. The omega 3s are shown to help depression symptoms.

10. Exercise. I'm literally just going on walks at the moment but I'll start running again this week. Getting out of the house and in nature is VERY helpful.

11. Crazy hot Epsom salt baths. This is the only way I'm able to stay sober I stg because the hot baths relax me more than alcohol does. Helps MAJORLY with anxiety which is the main reason I drank. Getting massages has been proven to help depressed people as well because human touch releases the ✨ good chemicals ✨

12. DO NOT ROMANTICIZE YOUR DEPRESSION. I've also noticed this with alcoholics romanticizing their decline. Don't let it become your identity or you won't overcome it.

13. I went blonde again. It was just a symbolic change for trying to start fresh. Some people get tattoos or change their clothing style. You could redecorate your house. Making any visual changes help you move into a different mindset and get excited about the next chapter in your life.

Basically, once you are stable, throw absolutely everything you can at the depression. You may as well try (REALLY try) because if it doesn't work you can always keep yourself safe.

Finally, there are a few books on depression I would recommend: the Upward Spiral (the absolute best one imo), Lost Connections & the Depression Cure

Why do people even drink beer

Drinking it after forever and it's literally like shittier tasting cold drinks. 5 percent v/v :marseycalvin: it was happy hour and really cheap tho so I'm not complaining too much.

mom just asked if i've "heard of this streamer destiny" :marseyscared:
Tim Burton, Danny Elfman, and Andrew Lloyd Webber

Who would you prefer to see strangled to death in front of their children's eyes in order to keep James Earl Jones alive for 15 more minutes?



Is this brain damage

edit: oh no, the filters :(

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