:marseyduck2: :marseytrad:

:marseytrad: :marcussatisfied: :marseyitsover:

:marseyduck2: :marseytrad:

:marcussatisfied: :marseyinabox: :marseyinabox: :implies: :marseytrad:

:marseyduck2: :marseyinabox: :marseyinabox: :implies: :marcussatisfied: :marseyrain:

:marcussatisfied: :marseyrage:

I got drunk off my own sake


I have spent the last few months building a koji incubator, incubating koji and then fermenting sake. I spent today pasteurizing and bottling the sake, and finally got drunk off homemade ricewine.

It's unfiltered nigorizake and it's DELICIOUS



i have a list of different bait posts I want to write, but every time I find a subreddit and sit down to write it, it ends up reading like shit :marseysad:

Total Leaf Death (poll inside)

You have leaves in your lawn. Leaf pickup is tomorrow.

!homeowners , what's your preference?

I just realized I have been doing pushups wrong my entire life

I was going for a run with one of my friend. It was cold outside so I decided to do some pushups first.

He watched me do 2/3 then he laughed and called me an r-slur because of my form.

Now I do 25 strict military pushups, first 20 in a row, then downward dog pose to let a breathe in (without breaking touch with the ground) and then 5 more quickly before I'm out of breath.

My friend was in the military (chair force but still) and he told me that's not the correct form.

Apparently you don't have to go chest to the floor every time, there can be enough space between your chest and the floor (3-5 inches).

I tried that and immediately I could do 25 in a row without even pausing for a breath.

I'm not that weak. Just my form is shit :marseyfeelsg#oodman:

My peepeehead dog ended up killing our new cat.:!marseyshooting::!marseyklenny2:

Got pulled home from a camping trip by my wife. My frickstick husky got wound up and tried to go from playing with a 130lbs akita to playing with a 3 month old kitten. It was a stray we took in just a month ago because my kids really wanted it. This fricking dog misbehaves and gets wild every God darn fricking time I'm not around anymore, I don't know if I should be mad at him or my darn wife for not beingable to handle the dog she wanted. I just spent two hours trying to comfort my daughter, she's spent every waking minute cuddling her since we brought her in. And it's her fricking birthday, I get to burry my daughters cat for her fricking birthday.

Frick you dog I hate you.

RIP Luna I'm sorry.:!marseylibations:

Check out this NiN music festival goerer. This b-word stood on stilts while probs on 10 party drugs.

An image from yer girl's escapades.

My pumpkin > yours 🎃 :marseypumpkin:


Kinda salty still. Someone that “really needed” the prize more won:marseyannoyed:

Serious: should I become a fighter pilot?

I'm at the age where I can still have a cool life (sorry millenials) and I've been thinking about joining the navy/air force so they can let me pilot extremely expensive flying death machines (I even dream about it regularly). Should I do it?


  • way less money than just being a corporate employee

  • possibly away from my family for a while

  • cancer from jet fuel


  • pilot fighter jets

  • with things heating up everywhere I might actually get to fight fr (🤞)

  • possibly of dying an instant and cool death

Important: I would NOT be joining the Canadian armed forces

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I have now hit the wall!

Today is my birthday and I am officially walled. Wearing my lucky occasion shirt to celebrate. Thanks for being a great group of people on a weird website. <3 Sneaky

Post your favorite selfies!

This one really captures my smile well!

My pre-9/11 Volvo V70 Cross-Country

This little beast has had $10k in preventative maintenance done over the past years and I got it all for free.

:soyjakfront:RARE FARTMAN DOXX:marseysoypoint2: my posting setup

I must have slept wrong or turned over wrong or something because I woke up with immense pain in my neck and shoulder.

Now I can't turn my head without feeling like a knife is stabbing me in my neck. I can't even lie down properly because it's agony.

I've taken ibuprofen and paracetamol, which helps a little. What else should I do? Heat pack? Cold pack?


What's your Halloween costume?
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sorry about the dog fur, It Is Inevitable (literally just showered too and there's already this beast's pelt everywhere)

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what supplements do you guys take

I try not to waste money on something that I'll probably piss out anyway so I don't really do multivitamins. The only things I take now are creatine, which is probably the most studied supplement in history and pretty definitively works, and vitamin D in the winter, which isn't quite as definitive but I need all the help I can get in the winter months. Anything else I should look at?

City mayo's are r-slurs

So I was heading towards my metro that arrived, I was heading down the stairs but there was tons of people in front of me and I wasn't in mood to push people so I didn't catch the metro. Then a neurotic mayo mid 40 that was pissed he didn't catch the metro sarcastic told me “going slowly” I boldly told him “frick yeah” and he pussied out.

He was like typical mayo from city who played the rat game and hate his life, who is often kitty, doing shit job because he has shit degree and is mostly poor while he copes about thinking he is good person and helps the soycity. He had one moment of boldness and wanted to show his personality but pussied out the moment escalation started. He him self didn't tried hard to catch metro yet he decided I was the problem :marseyxd:

And there are tons of mayo's like him. Like once I was walking with my dog near some social housing and my dog decided to piss at spot where all dogs are pissing and some mayo in his mid 30 started crying “no I don't let your dog piss at my house” :soycry:

I ignored him and let my dog do his thing :gigachad2:

Then he tried to push my dog I stoped him and told him is that his house ?

He told yes :soycry:

I told him no, it's public property and dogs can piss on it :gigachad2:

Mayo's don't even know the laws they created :marseyxd:

Poors with ego are the most pathetic thing especially when they are mayo men.

But thing is a lot of city mayo's (25+ year old) are like Peter Pans they are hippies who act and think they are those wholesome children late bloomers who soon will be successful and they live like pizzashill for years yet think tomorrow will change everything while they waste their money on some “soul food” (not the same as burger soul food but food that supposedly being correct made with respect of nature) and drink tons of alcohol. Then cry when nobody respects them :marseyxd: they are legit good at nothing.

Like growing up I though I would end up being some weak r-slur that is good at nothing but looking at those mayo's I think I ain't that bad in the end

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Kitty so good it's got me missing her


Tfw 75 hours over 6 days but a pay period :marseytampon: splits em so no OT

:#marseyrope: :#marseygunshotsuicide:

Why are all bed sheets made from microfiber now :marseydisgust:

they moved the regular cotton plain weave to the premium category

New Tall Cat has a name now.
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Confession: sometimes I squeeze my cat a little cause she scream

I'm a monster :pepeleave:

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