Propane :marseyhankhill: leak ay work

When do I get to go hlme

Why are :marseytrain2:s like this

Its a winter day. Everyone is wearing full length pants. Except for the one :marseytrain2: in a mini skirt and net leggings over its disgusting man legs. I can't see any sexy legs why do I have to see the one I least want to see :marseycry: It was on the elevator ahead of me over three flights

:marseyheart: just told a kid good job for keeping his fellow rowdies in line on the bus :marseyhmm:

Malays are the rowdies here deal with it :marseyindignantgook:

But kid was so nice offering people boarding the bus a seat and shushing his fellow rowdies when they got noisy (trust me it gets really noisy) and I thought that type of behaviour should be encouraged so I told him good job when we all got off at the :marseytrain: station and he shook my hand

I hope when I have kids they are as well behaved :marseythumbsup:

We don't really do the talking to randos shit in public so it was pretty awkward for me but it was a “must praiseeeeee :soyjakyell:” situation


No memes, just confession.


  • grabbed a stranger girl's butt at a party when I was drunk in university. I regret the #metoo.

  • Fricking gf, and she said she's tired, so I begged her to coom first and she pretty much just let it happen

  • in 9th grade had a house party, me and my buddies put some kind of powder we were told makes girls horny into the vodka. Some Spanish Fly shit from the pharmacy that was probably just bullshit. Real or not, it was attempted date r*pe

Winco has Loss prevention now

My wife seen em grab and cuff someone outside :marseygrass: the store for stealing :marseywatermark: liquor :marseydrunk:

I was :marseyill: so I drank half a cup of whiskey :marseydrunk: now I'm not cold anymore :marseybeachtowel:

thank u for coming to my ted talk

Rewatching the witcher I forgot just how shit it was.

Literally any scene with Yennefer is just shit. Her back story is entirely meaningless and does nothing but make the show drag. The fact they made her the MC (in a show called the WITCHER) is just criminal.

Cavill carries the entire show on his back with his scenes being the only ones worth watching, yet they still butchered his saving the princess one of the most iconic scenes, by randomly cutting to yennefer getting a hysterectomy. Literally. The conflate an epic fight were Geralt tries to break the curse on the princess instead of just killing her with "Oh noes i's gotta get lady bits cuts up (by a gay man lol) so I can look pretty n shit?".

At this point I'm looking for a fan edit that cuts all scenes without Geralt in them because honestly theirs no point to watching them.

Ciris plot line is meh, nothing that interesting ever happens and all I can think when I see her is "They wanted to make her a BIPOCette before fan backlash forced their hand" (Which of coruse has since been memory holed with every mention of it scrubbed from all outlets and all searches for this information just returning blatant ads for seasons 3 and 4 disguised as news).

I want a addon that warns me if any show I'm about to stream has women or coloured on the writing staff so I can save the time and just not watch it.

Never trust a yankee jew, doubly so jewesses and triply horse faced ones.

@sneedman :horny: Watching Dancing on Ice rn
I sent this girl who rejected me an autism test.

I wasn't trying to be an butthole or anything. In the moment it felt like the right thing to do because we were getting along so far but then she said no to having any feelings for me, but I still felt like she had some of the personality traits. I sent it to help her out in case she is also a bit 'tistic but now I am wondering whether I might have accidentally caused offense.

I believe any highly empathetic adults and any adults who get along with neurodivergents have at least some of the 'tism in themselves as well. So I just wanted to help her do a quick barebones test on herself for it if she was interested.


Thanks rdrama.

Am I extroverting correctly?

It's Sunday and I have completely given up social media beyond responding to friends and sending a predetermined number of relatable memes.

I am trying to decide whether I should use my free time today to do stuff or go into the deepest trance that I can.

Good luck to you and good luck to me.

My elbow hurts :marseydeathpose:

No better time than when you're carrying an open bottle of glass primer -- a super thin, toxic, fast-drying paint

This project is going GREAT, by the way :marseygiveup:

:!marseyrain: TERF posting L

So I recently visited a younger relative of mine. He's an anime obsessed pothead and back when we used to live in the same city, he did have a futa fetish. Yup, you can see where this is going.. Anyway, we're catching up and I ask if he's dating anyone. Well, wouldn't you know? He's found himself a train. Fem/nonbinary I guess? I couldn't even say anything, my brain just kept screaming at me not to start on a TERF rant. Fortunately I managed but it was close. Looks like a bearded dude with boobs (hey, at least my relative's not a train (yet?) which I'm sure most of your sickos thought this would lead to).

Oh the rub, dude always sticks to white chicks but this one time, yep, he's found himself a kang. The rest of the fam found the train's tiktok (my relative posted his relationship status online with links :marseyfacepalm:) so it warms my TERFy heart to say the ensuing discussions were train rope material. However, we're a catholic immigrant family so I already knew their views thus it's not much of an upside. The jokes are funny though. My parents are still puzzled over the nonbinary thing but it's not like I actually get it myself anyway. This has seriously messed up my family events planning. The older gen says they refuse to be in the vicinity of the train. But tbh, I'd still rather hang out with my coombrained relative and his themfriend than listen to my older relatives go on about how the IMF/US/EU are the only reason our country remains a shithole plus multiple variations of conveniently immigrant friendly QAnon nonsense.

In support to my relative who bravely came out to me, I keep my mouth shut and avoid commenting on the relationship. I did warn my relatives with kids about the dangers of anime though. I still laugh at the jokes cuz well, it'd be bad form not to.

!biofoids (I assume you're all at least mildly TERFy) !transphobes !chuds


@WootFatigue you're the car guy afaik

Temps are - 5 to 10 f with windchill and 10f to 20f without

I have found the final great challenge. I must become an extrovert

I have to learn to talk to any and all women confidently.

I have to learn to cooperate and work with all types of people.

I have to learn to push forward my own wants and desires and communicate the same to others clearly.

i have to learn to set clear boundaries and learn to read people correctly.

I have to learn to lead people and to have fun with people.

I have to learn to understand emotions fully when in flow.

I have to learn all the extrovert traits now that I have fixed everything I could within.

This is going to be a pain in the butt I can feel it.

Good luck to you and good luck to me.


@MarseyIsMyWaifu love sucking peepee


>Wife video calls me to show me some t-shirt

>blah blah blah we converse for a while

>wife says that the shopkeeper doesn't allow pictures

>asks me to search for the t-shirt online

>I say it's impossible if she doesn't have a photo

>she gets very mad

WTF :marseybangfast#:

I am still running the priority list. I made my peace with theology.

So we all have that slight spiritual connection. I have determined my own version of it to keep my mind at peace. So now metaphysical concepts and shit won't ever bother me again.

I also have continued to work as per the priority list. I am now getting better returns.

I also developed a self reinforcing mantra for myself to keep myself focused on the tasks in front of me and minimize external noise and thoughts.

I am still waking up in the mornings.

I further improved my diet.

I am honestly not sure what else there is left for me to improve.

Now all that's left is to make as much money as I can I suppose.

I finished reading the python book once completely today and am now ready to study it properly on the second run. I will also be reading through the learn to automate with python book along the way.

BTW, blasphemous 2 ( vidya ) looks cool, if you do look it up, let me know your thoughts on it.

Good luck to me and good luck to you.

Reported by:
The stores are already out of milk and bread :platynooo:
Reported by:
  • box : /h/peakpoors :marseyneat:
  • uwu : You could order any food you want and you chose Taco Bell. You're paying $12 + tip to eat $2 food.
  • elfbinn : who tf would tips at taco bell lmao
  • of_blood_and_salt : who
  • NoUntakenNames01 : report #5 + fake Pizzashill 2/10 larp
  • tardzan : The delivery guy would get the tip, not the taco bell guy
  • Merryvann : i have become the taco bell
  • STAN_ARTMS : me as the salsa
  • DickButtKiss : Check out TacoBellFan 22 on Youtube
  • rDramaHistorian : I don't like salsa, but if I were to have some, i would get spicy salsa is what I'm saying
Reported by:

Here are two more that I'm not as happy with.

There's supposed to be a blizzard so I'll be spending the day mounting the blower onto my tractor. 🚜

That's all.

Reported by:
  • Arestovitch : How I suppose to read your stuff when you post such asymmetrical face ?
  • J : !downmarseyrs holliemisia
  • RWBY : Sneedman don't open your parachute
EFFORTPOST Trying to be normal diaries 2 (mini post) - skydiving, sobriety, and Stan

You will never be Holly's son.

!biofoids where can we find you? To date. For guys 5/10 or below who can't use Tinder.

Fear of driving

In previous posts, I made it quite clear that driving there was the primary challenge. In this case, I realized I'd have to deal with ramps, which terrify me, as well as the freeway which involves driving fast.

Like a little b-word, I missed my first ramp but I think I subconsciously did it on purpose because I was scared, but later on, there was another ramp that I entered. Sweaty hands on the steering wheel, I had to push my car faster than its ever been, at some points reaching higher than 140km/h.

To my surprise, the fear subsided once I realized that on high-speed roads, most people are extremely forgiving, and generally are just trying to get home. I overtook a lot of slow cars, which is something I seldom do. I also saw a car hit the curb, as well as a car. As sinister as it may sound, these things proved to me that I'm not the only one who can get involved in a car accident - it's pretty much unpreventable if you're going to drive.

The only bad thing that happened wasn't my fault. Some inattentive minibus driver throws on his hazards and stops in the middle of the road to pick up his passengers. It was the first time in my life I literally swerved and if I didn't reach fast enough I could have potentially been a mass murderer because it's always your fault if you rear-end someone.

Needless to say, the fear of driving has subsided, and dare I say it, with some good music and a nice view, it can be enjoyable. I recognize how deadly it is, and I don't know if the car accident flashbacks will stop, but driving 3 hours for the full trip and back is something to add to the cookie jar.


Quick notes from Holly!

The cookie jar is a concept from Dave Goggins. Basically, you collect your best moments in life, your achievements, the times you proved to yourself that you're capable of something, and you add them to a mental cookie jar.

Far be it for me to make assumptions but I doubt any of us here are Navy Seals or ultramarathon runners. Still, we have our small achievements. Getting a job, a promotion, having the courage to break up with someone toxic - these are all cookies.

During your hardest moments, pull out the jar, and have a nibble. It'll give you the motivation you need to keep going.


At first, I felt like I could only drive places I was familiar with, and in the morning when there's no traffic. Now I know I can handle the streets like the OG I was born to be. Send me anywhere and anytime and I can get there.

Lastly, truck drivers are based. They'll literally stop on the side of the road to let traffic pass to prevent lines from building up behind them. Support your local truck driver!

The Skydive

I arrived at the skydiving location. All the staff was gregarious, and I tried to match their energy. For example, when one guy asked about myself, I also asked him the same question. There was a secretary named C. And I made sure to call her by her name when we exchanged words.

There is a moment I'm particularly proud of, even though it's minor. So I wasn't the only diver. I was accompanied by a young girl, probably in her twenties. Gorgeous 9/10 white girl with braids.

She stood beside me and our equipment as we waited for the instructor to return. I turned to her and greeted her. She said hi back but she was very shy. I then told her my fricking name. She shared hers. I forgot what it was but it was a Nordic-sounding name beginning with a G. This is the first time in my life I've gotten this far in a casual conversation with a woman.

I could tell that she didn't want to chat so I didn't badger her any longer (I don't think she was pissed, just introverted) so I left her alone after that.

We then got on the plane. What do you think the most interesting thing on the plane was? The gorgeous girl? The equipment? The view of the coast below? Nay, none of this is what sticks in my mind.

What has captured me is the sense of camaraderie I saw between all the workers. I don't think you can call it friendship. A different kind of love develops between people when they're risking their lives together. I'm sure I'd see the same thing in the military. These weren't bros. They were brothers.

Far less interesting but still notable was how it was obvious that the girl was scared of jumping. Doing this was overcoming a fear as I said prior. This didn't really activate my fear response. On the other hand, talking to everyone there, telling her my name, far more terrifying moments for me.

The plane flew higher, ascending like an albatross in the late afternoon. This time, the door was wide open so I could see more of just how high we were. Again, what scared me the most was not following instructions and pissing my instructor off.

When we reached the right altitude, we jumped - and that was it. I hurtled to the ground but I felt nothing. If anything, it was peaceful. I could feel the change in temperate as we descended, then when it felt like we were headed for certain death, he opened the parachute.

Still, the ride wasn't over. He could do loops with the parachute like a rollercoaster. That part I liked. We eventually landed and I was left with the looming thought of “why the frick did I do that?”.

I want a gf.

Being an advice takercel

So many of you have told me to not get a piercing and to slow down with the benzos. Okay, I will. I will only take my medication as instructed and I will not pierce my face for now at least.

Benzos don't kill you automatically. They frick with you if you abuse them, which I have been doing because I got prescribed so darn much. Correct usage can be extremely helpful in ceasing panic attacks, reducing anxiety, and preventing self-harm compulsions. Benzos are medicine. The devil is in the dosage.

Some skydiving advice - wear gloves. it felt like my hands were freezing off!

A toast!

As I was hurtling from the sky, it became obvious that while physical activity is important to prevent fatness, it doesn't challenge me. The things that make me suffer are social. That's the direction I need to go in.

So I'll still join the hiking club, but that's more for cardio. Instead, I want to join the local Toastmasters society near me. I want to master public speaking, control a room with my words, and learn how to have a presence. Toastmasters is the way.

Plot hole in Stan by Eminem

In the last verse, Eminem plays himself and speaks about a news story he saw (obviously about Stan). However, he states the following:

Well this is bullshit. It did say it was to you. the tape mentions him multiple times, even quoting his lyrics.

1. Hey Slim, drank a fifth of Vodka, dare me to drive?

2. I loved you Slim, we could have been together

3. See Slim (screaming) shut up b-word I'm tryna talk

4. Hey Slim, that's my girlfriend screaming in the trunk

Gee, I wonder who the guy with Eminem's name tattooed across his chest was addressing. The only was this makes sense is if the tape was water damaged or something, preventing the contents from being heard.

You're in denial, it was always obvious it was addressed to you.


My only question is what time frame am I looking at? Months? Years? How long does it take a 156cm man trying to improve improve himself to find a gf. If I had some idea, it would give me hope.

I hope you've all had a great week. I know we're all battling our own demons and I want you to know you're not alone. We will suffer together, and we will find the light together.

  • why male genital mutilation is just as bad as female genital mutilation

  • Christchurch massacre

  • Oxford shooting

:marseypasschingchong: Going to Bangkok next weekend :marseypartyzoom!:

Those ladyboys pass so much more than any of you mayofrickers :marseylaugh:


gonna have me some hoi tod

and some fricking seafood buffet :marseyslurpfast:

I have upgraded to running my to do list on a priority basis

I woke up very late. It's like I have to sleep a long time for my brain to reprogram to a new update.

Not a problem today though as I am running my to do list on a priority basis so I already got some work done today that matters within 2 hours of being awake.

Yesterday was a wasted day because all I did was diagnose myself with undiagnosed ADHD ( mild to moderate ) and study an hour of python. ( Which I have been told I am doing wrong but it's okay as it helps me warm up to doing it the right way )

It doesn't really matter whether I have ADHD or not, what matters is that the solutions that work for ADHD work for me too, so I focus on that part.

Today feels like a good day so far and hopefully things continue to improve.

I also did fix the problem of minimizing the waiting gaps in my tasks by trusting others to do the things they say they will do, after which I only need to remind them if they fail. Delegation of duty. It means you accept delays for non priority tasks as long as the person you delegated the task to gets the blame for failing to do their job on time. This way you can focus on your work and not have to worry about what the other person is doing. This is also why finding the right fit for the job at the beginning is important. You don't want people you have to babysit 24/7 outside of the higher value sensitive tasks.

I fix sleep timing again by tomorrow night. Learn to plan expenditures across the month. I learn to get better at doing any and all tasks without hesitation.

Good luck to me and good luck to you.


Memes, stories, stupid bullshit you're going through, I don't care. Even that guy who only posts Goatse, c'mon in.

Here's a fun photo of her from recently, playing with her towels and rolling around on her bed after a bath.

:!marseysperm: CREAMY_DOG_ORGASM knocked up my cat and she is in labor :marseysperm:

so i found a half dead kitten last year. how quickly do they grow up. I thought she was a good girl. she stayed inside and chilled in my office all day.

I guess while i was distracted by the gay cat website @CREAMY_DOG_ORGASM was grooming my poor girl :marseypedo:

This was her earlier today. Clearly pregnant. She doesn't go out so creamy must have snuck in and look at how he ruined her!!! :marseychonkerfoid:

Now she is making terrible noises and has gone into labor and I had to go buy kitten formula. I expect child support, you clearly know where to send it

!zoochads this is the consequences of your actions


I was at 337777 total winnings now I'm at 30000

!goomblers how do you deal with fried dopamine receptors :marseydeadinside3:

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