post your last few amazon prime orders

The fleet is ready to go tomorrow.

A follow up post from last weekend when a couple people were asking about the equipment my family uses on the farm. Ready to go combine soybeans tomorrow so Redditors can get their Soylent (actually our beans go down the Mississippi and eventually to China to feed their hogs).


Job Application Anxiety

Interviewed for a job last week. Was the third round of interviews, and each interviewer liked me and went 15+ minutes longer than alloted. My past experience almost perfectly aligns with the new role requirements.

Stressed the frick out because there were 119 applicants on LinkedIn alone. Final interviewer said they have several more candidates, but they are hiring multiple people for this role.

Someone convince me I'm getting this job. Perfect opportunity and a chance to go back to remote work. The number of applicants is crazy, does anyone know if they are inflated or bots? Will hear back by tomorrow at the earliest and next week most likely.


It's my 2-year anniversary here :marseyparty:

Today also marks 10 years since I bought my house

So I'm celebrating by being all mopey and sorting through all my backups, deleting all the duplicates and worthless stuff.

Reported by:
:marseysweating: Does my wife have a rdrama account :capyclu!eless:

She's saying that it looks like my mayo chinchilla prolly because of her asian eyes :marseychingchongpearlclutch#:

This is my room, what does yours look like?

It's good bread but goddarn, they don't mark prices very well in bakery part of store so didn't figure this out until checkout.

I'm getting French bread next time. That's $2 a loaf.

Greedy fricking Italians!!! :!#marseyindignant:

My dog chewed up my glasses

My dog chewed up my glasses

All these PhDs and they expect me to come in on my remote day

How fricking dumb are PhDs to email me late at night on Sunday asking me to drive 2 hours to a job I actively want to get fired from without being too obvious?

They're supposed to be some of the smartest people in the country but still haven't figured out that the faster I get fired, the faster I can frick off to Goombling and doing nothing. I didn't respond to their emails because I wasn't be a fricking loser and drinking all night with friends, something they know nothing about. They'll be lucky I sign into teams on time, luckier if I'm not shitfaced drunk and even luckier if I actually listen to what they have to say.


The one where she's sat on the gun and someones revving the shit outta the engine, was shot on shitty flip phone cam.


Feels bad man


Why do grocery stores hire r-slurs?

I was fricking at the fricking grocery store today and there was a fricking downie bagging my groceries. I've seen this kind of thing at other stores and thought it was fricking weird.

Are fricking they allowed to pay them submininum wage or something, b-word?

@pizzashill @Lappland @Chad_Thunderballs

Anybody into pocket knives? If so post your EDC

REI just did a a sale and I picked up a tagged out from Benchmade. I like it a lot

My Pear Haul :marseymandela:

Probably the best yield I have ever had and it was super dry this summer on top of it. Grass looks green now because we have had a couple inches of rain the last week so stuff livened back up.

!homeowners post your bounties.

I think I'm starting to hate dogs

All the dogs in my neighborhood are constantly barking at each other and barking at people walking by their houses. I can't even go into my own backyard without my neighbor's collection of mutts barking at me through the fence.

Can I just get some goddarn peace and quiet? :marseyanorexia:

AI is pretty cool

Like look at where we are already with @TouchFluffyTails and how he cranks out dozens of high-quality pieces all the time like it's nothing. Look how cute this one is!

It's Marsey (a catgirl) hanging out with an actual cat. It's conceptually interesting and the execution is really cool and the same thing would have taken a human many many hours of work.

In a few years we'll surely be able to just like input shit we like into some drag & drop thing to create a dataset of music we enjoy and the AI will pump out a functionally limitless amount of completely original works perfectly tailored to our ultra-specific tastes.

There's no point to this thread, I just remembered the image and thought of custom robomusic and got a lil excited.

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