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Faces of rDrama

Please join me in celebrating our wonderful rdrama users, y'all are beautiful.

:capych#ad3: .

Did I miss anyone? Please contribute.

Edit: goddam, there's a lot of self doxxers here...

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I uploaded like one selfie (not filtered bc I have integrity). I had “99+” likes in like 5 minutes. Wow, thanks!

Then I noticed a lot of the people I matched with wanted “short term”.

Okay hard pass, just not my vibe.

One guy though….we started chatting. He was Latinx so I started flirting in Spanish (I'm good at that and rarely have the opportunity to speak the language). He lived in a neighborhood I wouldn't be caught dead in but I thought I'd give him a chance? I'm not shallow, honestly. He kept calling me a catfish (I'm not that hot) so I figured he was being sweet. I told him I disliked the app and was gonna delete so we moved to text.

What. The. Frick.

So I blocked him and I'm back to dating people I meet in the wild and/or on rdrama.

People here also try to neg me with my age but I never took it personally since my dream was always to be a classy old lady but holy shit the audacity of this Mexican goblin MY AGE who lives in a shitty neighborhood.

Pic related. It's my goal in life.

What did my coworker mean by this :marseythonk:

I think she thinks I'm neurodivergent (I'm just socially awkward)


Anthony Edwards, a rising NBA star has impregnated a living, plastic, Pixar mom and is asking her to get an abortion. She's sharing the text messages.

“Heck NawI can't do this”

I'm even into fake plastic bimbos, but this b-word is too much.

I unironically hate my wife and want to divorce her

Divorcees of, what do you even do in this situation? How do you get the ball rolling without getting all your money stolen away and your life ruined?

I can't bear her anymore. She makes me miserable when I'm around her. I look forward to her going to work because being in her presence makes me seethe.

She's unloving, she's involved in politics and that's all she talks about which makes me so bored. She has lost all sense of fun and humour. She's got a shit part-time job but is actually quite capable -- if she spent half the time she spent doing politics shite for free she'd have a decent career. If I dare raise the fact she's got an easy job and does nothing to bring additional income to the family, she gets angry and upset that I'm demeaning her.

She does nothing around the house so it's always a mess. I work full time and have a decent career in data. Currently manipulating behind the scenes for another promotion to director level and, no bullshit about male and females roles in household chores, I don't have the time to clean shit up when she has been at home all day doing nothing important.

Ideally, if she were to get elected as a politician -- which isn't likely to happen but that's what her focus is on -- that would be an ideal time for me to leave her because instead of earning 4 times less than me, she'd earn the same so I wouldn't get fricked with child support.

But it's so unlikely to happen -- she's failed twice before to get anywhere but just won't stop. So I'm stuck. Options are wait another 10 years for the kids to be 18, accept financial ruin and become a poorcel, live in misery cohabiting with a cold fish of a wife who I despise.

What would you do?

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  • konrad : junkie
  • whyareyou : Fake news ozempic makes you feel like shit as normal

Inb4 people call me fat.

I am no longer underweight and dealing with a frick ton of work stress so I'm restricting eating again. Whatever, we all have our coping mechanisms, don't @ me.

I don't usually have big problem with hunger but I also use all cheats I can (bronkaid, vaping, monster zero).

The WSJ had an article a couple weeks ago about websites illegally selling compounded ozempic. They were kind enough to share exactly which websites with readers. ♥️

I ordered two 3mg vials, sterile water and all the other supplies I needed.

It arrived yesterday. This morning I added 10mL of sterile water to the 3mg powder (I know how to do this properly, don't worry). The starting dose is 0.25mg/week for 4 weeks. I injected 2.5mL, not remembering it was 3x concentrated. So I took 0.75mg.

Now I'm nauseated af. Luckily I'm also not hungry at all. I will prob continue at this dosage since I already fricked up. I'll let you guys know if it works or if I die.

This isn't even the riskiest thing I've done in pursuit of beauty, but I already made a post about doing my own filler (bought from China) years ago.

My excuse is I only slept about 3 hours last night.

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I have now hit the wall!

Today is my birthday and I am officially walled. Wearing my lucky occasion shirt to celebrate. Thanks for being a great group of people on a weird website. <3 Sneaky


She was expecting some kind of praise, Started our family meeting with pronouns and went from she her to she her they them. Pink hair etc etc

I will be attempting to scale bedtime back to 12:30 starting tonight

I can't seem to sleep past 8:30 or so and the 2am nights are really starting to take their toll. I thought you guys would be interested in this bold new development.

I realized too late that the timestamps in the picture suggest a relation but there is none it's just a funny image and I love funny images

AI is pretty cool

Like look at where we are already with @TouchFluffyTails and how he cranks out dozens of high-quality pieces all the time like it's nothing. Look how cute this one is!

It's Marsey (a catgirl) hanging out with an actual cat. It's conceptually interesting and the execution is really cool and the same thing would have taken a human many many hours of work.

In a few years we'll surely be able to just like input shit we like into some drag & drop thing to create a dataset of music we enjoy and the AI will pump out a functionally limitless amount of completely original works perfectly tailored to our ultra-specific tastes.

There's no point to this thread, I just remembered the image and thought of custom robomusic and got a lil excited.

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  • SCD : 106 comments
:marseyill: Anyone else come down with a cold or smth recently?

I am suddenly super congested and idk what came over me??? I am thankfully on PTO this week but wtf. I just ordered an assload of cold and allergy medicine from Getir. I am suffering. Send good vibes.

Edit: msg to a friend but applies to my rdrama homies

Edit 2: I work with biologics coordinators (usually they are nurses) bc I deal in high dollar biologics not normal drugs. This is why I talk about “my nurses”. Yes I sell drugs. No I will not say which one. (The callout comment was removed bc chud award but wanted to clarify)

Just fricking kill me (codecel posting Ls)

Everyday, I regret ragequitting my FANG job when interest rates were low.

My net worth is down about 40% from ATH. I've been unemployed for 16 months while the stock market rebounded. My R-SLURRED financial advisor told me to sell meta stock for capital loss harvesting at all time lows.

My business loses money every quarter. My cofounder does basically nothing and the sales guy quit. 200k went down the drain paying for business expenses and nobody wants to buy this shit at ZIRP prices.

On the plus side the weather in Florida is a lot nicer. Post your suicide suggestions below.

Foids cannot comprehend consequences.

Pojom wants me to buy her a bed.

I buy her a bed.

Say "clean your room or I'm not building the bed in there. I'm not going to clean your room and build the bed too, if I can spend my free time building the bed you can spend 10 minutes cleaning.

A week passes and she does not do it. I say if you don't clean it today I'm taking your bed for myself.

She says "I don't believe you."

Currently I am in the bed I have taken from her and she is shocked by this.

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Boyfriend Acquired, motherlover! :marseyjam:

:marseyblob: I have a fricking boyfriend.

I'm so happy omg, motherlover! :marseyblush:

Love you all, motherlover! :marseyx#oxo:

!lgbt !cuteandvalid !femboys !bottoms


I didn't ask for details but I think she disgusts me now

I think I'm gonna dump her while she watches the Taylor Swift movie tomorrow

Reported by:
  • Aba : druggie
  • Healthy : Prediction for eventual suicide just moved up 8 months.
  • KeithFarrelleCozart : the dk music heavily accompanies this post

My insurance approved me for Spravato (esketamine)!!! I start tomorrow!!!

It's inhaled (a spray) and then you hang out in a room for 2 hours. They said not to listen to music with words & that it peaks at about 40 mins. You aren't allowed to drive until the next day.

I've failed maybe 8 SSRI/SNRIs in my life and I'm currently on an off label (ie really fricking high) dosage of Prozac but still having acute suicidal ideation (SI).

Ketamine is an NMDA antagonist and works differently than SSRIs. A lot of people get relief from SI immediately after the first session but sometimes it takes a couple.

I'm so happy I finally might get some relief from my despair and suffering. I am really reaching “last resort” in terms of what's available to me. I have electro shock therapy left and that's about it. Hoping this works.

Has anyone else here done it?

Edit: I'm out of benefactor awards just fyi

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