DDR won the presidency! :marseyparty:

:#marseyhappening: (5 months from now)

:marseysaluteusa: Trump to be barred from fbi criticism because democracy

:marseygroomer2: big mad over straggots kissing :romance:


My favourite response to my political post about the "State of the Race"


The uniparty halves obviously need to differentiate themselves somehow, but I did personally nOT have this on my bingo card.


!leafs !burgers

/pol/tard reveals his power level


!neolibs, it's admittedly hilarious to see the wokescolds of my generation get the same treatment they gave the boomers. Zoomers, it'll happen to you too.

EFFORTPOST The State of the Race! Who's winning? What's the issues?

Reading Rdrama, it's become pretty clear that this dump is a rightoid circlejerk that's blind to what's actually happening in America, and I want to just spread the knowledge :marseybow:.

The first thing to handle: Am I biased? No - I'm a European (:marseybong:) that's neurodivergentally into American Presidential Politics, especially the Cold War era (Franklin Roosevelt to H.W Bush), and I'd wager I know more about every era then most Americans here. Not saying that to brag, it's just autism.

So the next thing to handle - the state of the race. Which Dementia Daddy is winning? It started of with Trump fricking destroying Slumbering Joseph, who has been facing declining approval ratings ever since the fall of Kabul (:marseysigh: America hates to see an anti-war president). This is despite the fact that America does not like Trump. This is simply a fact, Americans have never liked Trump. He didn't win the popular vote against Hillary Clinton, herself massively unpopular, or Joe Biden.

Let's compare starting approvals. Gallup gives W. Bush :marseybush: 57% approval at the start of his term, which skyrockets to 91% by 9/11 and ends at 28% when he leaves office. Obama :marseyobama: starts with 68%, getting a lowest approval rating of 42%. Even Sleepy Joe :marseybiden2: started with 55%. Donald Trump :marseyhitler:? He started with 45% approval. That would peak at 49%, and would average at 41%. Please, I implore you to forget that you're a rightoid and accept a basic fact - Trump is not personally liked by Americans. They think he's a loudmouth butthole who's attitude is unfit for office, and during his term 59% of the public didn't like him. So, a Sleepy Joe sweep, right?

Biden started popular enough. He was basically an Obama third term, and Obama was massively popular. He was very old, the pic above is a newspaper reporting Nixon being re-elected while Biden unseats an incumbent, which was a concern, but people generally liked him.

That would change fairly swiftly. Inflation from the Covid spending :marseyballoon2:, under Trump lmao, caught up with America and inflation became rampant. Joe Biden had been elected on a promise of being a boring cracker who could let people forget about politics for a while, an elder statesman who would handle everything. He was already being blamed for the economy, but then there was the pull-out. Despite it being awesome, America finally stops wasting money on that shithole, Americans were horrified by the images it produced. His approval ratings sank like a rock and disapproval ratings soared. :marseystocksdown:

The "Joe Biden is too old to lead" stuff went from a Republican talking point to basically accepted fact. The public was promised a boring statesman they could forget about it, and they're seeing global chaos and inflation - which has gotten back to decent rates, but since the only way prices will go down is through a recession, no one thinks it has. I mean yeah you have dipshit shooters like Will Stancil, but that's about it. So, Drumpf sweep right?

Yes and no. Despite Biden's massive unpopularity, the Red Wave promised for 2022 was barely a red drizzle - the Trump Republicans were so massively unpopular, the Democrats managed to narrowly expand a Senate majority, unseated 3 incumbent governors and Republicans only got 9 seats from the 435 seats up for election in 2022. The public hated Joe Biden, but the Democrats weren't unpopular. However, that doesn't change the fact that Joe Biden is unpopular.

Turns out deplatforming works, hooray! With Trump, he became less of a man and more of an idea. Yeah, Trump was an butthole - but prices were low and the world was at peace. (Incidentally, ask anyone who thinks this how exactly Trump will do this again and watch them not answer you.) America has always loved it's Dirty Harrys and Dr. Houses - take no shit buttholes who get results. Trump, away from the spotlight and with Biden viewed with contempt, was poised to crush Biden. That was until;

Some rightoids have tried to spin this, arguing the public doesn't care that Trump paid hush money to his mistress. They're on the right line of thinking, but they're overestimating the public's knowledge. They don't know what Trump did, and they don't care. Trump went from butthole they don't like to Convicted Criminal(tm) - a massive step up. They have faith in the institutions, they think whatever the verdict is, it's fair, and while they could hold their nose to vote for the butthole that made prices low, they can't do it for a Convicted Criminal(tm).

Biden's popularity hasn't change. They still think he's a senile idiot that shouldn't be in office - but he's not a Convicted Criminal(tm). For contrast, NeoCon-Nikki Haley has pulled anything from 4% to 13% over Joe Biden. While the highest results were obvious bullshit, the pattern is there. If Biden didn't have to run against Trump, he would get his butt paddled.

So, two massively unpopular old men are running against each other. One is a criminal nobody has ever liked, the other is a senile r-slur. Who wins?

Frick knows mate. Trump leads in some key swing states, like Arizona and Michigan, but his sheer unpopularity following the conviction has led to these being narrow leads. Worse still, the Biden Campaign has about $100 million more then the Trump Campaign, so some targeted ads could ruin Trump. If I had to goomble, and I do :marseygambling:, I would put money on Biden winning. The warchest advantage will be the difference maker, but I wouldn't be surprised if Trump won.

Personally, I'm rooting for Biden winning while losing the popular vote :marseypipe:. I think the Rightoid outrage after 2016 would be funny.

Thanks for reading my longpost :marseyshy3: I promise there's no agenda :marseyblush:



How gay Republicans challenge America and the LGBTQ movement - Vox

Author reveals to audience that he is a redditor in about the middle of the story with an LeopardsAteMyFace ref.

Generally not a very good interview, and I think the subject matter expert is lacking in expertise. Doesn't feel well researched.

In which Neolibs :marseysoylentgrin: discuss what to do with subhuman rurals :marseymoonshine:
Reported by:
Rumor is Trump picked Vivek for VP.

Or not:


Its goombling time:

No debate: RFK Jr. is a threat to Democracy :soysnooseethe:


More than a year ago, as leading voices on opposite ends of the Democratic spectrum, we sounded the alarm that third-party candidates could once again hand the White House to Republicans. The candidacies of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Jill Stein have made that threat more real now than ever before.

Trump has attempted to muddy the waters by characterizing RFK Jr. as a “Democrat plant” and “a radical left liberal.” No one should be fooled by this desperate attempt to define RFK Jr. as a liberal, or even a Democrat. His policy stances read more like a resume to be Trump's running mate. He and third-party candidate, Jill Stein, are parroting views right out of the MAGA/Vladimir Putin playbook and yet, perhaps counterintuitively, they risk dividing the anti-Trump coalition and putting a convicted felon back in power.

Neither third-party candidate has any chance of winning the presidency. But, for a moment, let's put aside their lack of a path to 270 electoral votes and talk about their agendas.

RFK Jr. came to national prominence as a conspiracy monger and anti-vaxxer. Since then, he sounded even more like a MAGA radical: he has argued for a 15-week national abortion ban, declared that the government can do nothing to restrict gun violence, said climate change is a “pretext for clamping down totalitarian controls,” and proclaimed that Biden is a greater threat to U.S. democracy than Trump. He also released a YouTube video on the Ukraine war riddled with so much Russian propaganda and misinformation it took one journ*list almost 3,000 words of analysis to correct the record.

Stein has echoed similar MAGA sentiments, also arguing that the U.S. is at fault for Putin's war. She has a long history of touting Russian propaganda, and after dining in Moscow with Putin and Trump aide Michael Flynn, she received help from Russian election-meddlers during her 2016 run.

It's no coincidence that this time, Stein has directed her attacks exclusively at Democrats and Biden –– not Trump. She has lied about Biden's climate laws, lied about his expansion of the Affordable Care Act, lied about his immigration policy, and accused Democrats of being fascists posing a threat to democracy.

These are not the views of “radical left liberals.” Indeed, they are antithetical to Democratic values –– and the MAGA elite know it. Beyond a long list of MAGA endorsements, there are some eye-popping donations from Trump allies to these supposedly independent candidates. RFK Jr.'s super PAC, “American Values” 2024, got $25 million from Timothy Mellon, a MAGA financier who has also donated tens of millions to Trump.

There is a reason MAGA donors see bankrolling third-party candidates as money well spent: they know a strong third-party showing –– even from those spouting MAGA rhetoric –– is going to help Trump and hurt Biden.

Biden won previous third-party voters by 30 points in 2020. Young voters, moderates, and independents –– all top targets for the Stein and RFK Jr. campaigns –– backed Biden by double digits last cycle. Recent polling shows that a multi-candidate race this cycle could siphon off those exact voters. The national polls tracking Stein and RFK Jr.'s on their impact on the race remain fluid, but simple math shows that if a tiny percentage of these voters in the swing states back RFK Jr. and Stein this November, they could tip several battlegrounds from Biden back to Trump.

Simply put: There will be no President Kennedy or President Stein. But third-party candidates could determine who holds the White House. That happened in 2000 and in 2016, and the data and evidence suggest it could happen again in 2024.

MoveOn and Third Way represent different views about the future of the Democratic Party, but we share a common goal: protecting our democracy and fundamental freedoms by ensuring Donald Trump is defeated.

Democrats failed to take the third party threat seriously in 2000 and 2016, and they cannot make the same mistake again in 2024. RFK Jr. and Stein are on the Red Team, and a vote for either could help Trump retake power and destroy our most sacred institutions. We have to sound the alarm now.

Reported by:

Is China in a economic crisis or just propaganda? : China
Why doesn't the US fix it's medical system?

Other developed economies have been able to get their medical costs down without issue. ( Exception Canada )

If the US were to get the costs of medical treatment lowered to affordable costs then the only issue left facing the American people when it comes to money would be the price of purchasing a house.

There are only two real expenses related issues. So why doesn't the US, the greatest economy in the world fix them? There are already successful blueprints out there for the medical issue. The housing one is more unique as every developed economy appears to have problems regarding it.

Healthcare spending is growing at a far faster rate than the incomes of the average American are growing, so obviously this is going to be problem down the line as the cost of medical care would be higher than the ability of the average American to afford it.

The same applies to the housing crisis. Costs are going up far faster than incomes are going up.

The only way the US healthcare and US housing market could sustain itself in the future would be by mass selling to millionaires across the world. Their domestic market audience just not being rich enough to be able to afford it.

Conclusion: In the future only millionaires will be able to immigrate to the US at the rate things are currently going.

Are things actually expensive for Americans?

The GDP per capita of the US is 85,373 USD

The median income is 37,585 USD.

The price of a ps5 is 499.99 USD

37,585/12 = 3132.08 USD

A ps5 costs 15.9% of the Median Americans monthly income and is a once in 7 years purchase.

The iphone 15 pro max costs 1,199 USD

That's 38.28% of an American's median monthly income. An Iphone's lifespan is 4 years.

The average home price in the US is 495,100 USD

That's 13.17 times more than the median income of the average American today. The average American can obviously not afford to buy a home today.

The average hospital stay in the US costs 13,262 USD.

That is high enough to take away from a large chunk of the years savings for the average American.

The average food cost for an American is 779 USD. He can obviously afford the food.

The average rental cost is 1,518 per month. Again affordable.

It appears pretty clear that the average American can afford everything except for being able to buy a house and getting medical care.

So are things really as bad in the US as the average American complains?

Because it seems like the only two things actually worth complaining when it comes to pricing are a house to own and a good hospital stay.

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