
Gracchi Brothers, Marius, Sulla, Pompey, Crassus, Caesar. Are we watching the beginning of the end in our lifetime, or is the system robust enough to let complete r-slurs keep "saving" America from the last guy in charge.

Or better yet, is anyone even really making a difference at all while in the presidency, and we keep getting worked up and dooooming over nothing?




What an awesome use of the Presidents time!


Reported by:
Brazil has had 0.5% annual productivity growth for the last 40 years :marseyitsoverbrasileiro: :marseydarkxd:


Dems fortifiying Nasty Nimrata

>Breaking with longstanding tradition, Biden won't appear on New Hampshire's primary ballot

>New Hampshire law mandates it hold the first primary, and legislators in the Republican-run state refused to break with tradition. The state's attorney general is accusing the DNC of voter suppression and sent the organization a cease-and-desist letter last week that threatened further legal action.


>The DNC has said that it will not award delegates based on the results of the New Hampshire primary, meaning the Democrat who wins the January primary won't move any closer to winning the Democratic presidential nomination.

Only if the Demonrat nomination miraculously ends up close. Otherwise, the Satanists will divide the vote in half as a coverup

User tries to justify (Houthi) slavery. : GetNoted


I had this timeline so much.

This is from this subreddit.. : ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM


Redditards are r-slurred

Daddy Says No Globo Homo

>The only way to ensure that people can vote for who they want is for us to prevent them from voting for who we don't like.

-Every collectivist ever

Now it's time for some actual unironic quotes from this seditious sack of shit...

Steven Greenhouse:

>The US supreme court is facing a crisis of legitimacy

You're right. Replace Roberts and the 3 leftoid Judges for treason.

>There's a growing sense among Americans that the Roberts court with its 6-3 hard-right supermajority is irrevocably broken

Demonrat judges are evil. Don't care.

>Some of us white, Jewish journ*lists have also gotten a sense of Trump's backers from their many anti-Semitic tweets"

Those are called Neo-Nazis sweety. They call Trump, Zion Don. They call Ron DeSantis, Ron DeShabbos. They hate Republicans too :marseynails:


!chuds in shambles

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- New documents obtained by the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government reveal that the federal government flagged terms like "MAGA" and "TRUMP" for financial institutions if Americans used those phrases when completing transactions. Individuals who shopped at stores like Cabela's or Peepee's Sporting Goods, or purchased religious texts like a bible, may also have had their transactions flagged. This kind of pervasive financial surveillance, carried out in coordination with and at the request of federal law enforcement, into Americans' private transactions is alarming and raises serious concerns about the FBI's respect for fundamental civil liberties.

In light of these revelations, Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) has requested transcribed interviews from Peter Sullivan, Senior Private Sector Partner for Outreach in the Strategic Partner Engagement Section of the FBI, and Noah Bishoff, former Director of the Office of Stakeholder Integration and Engagement in the Strategic Operations Division of the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN).

Excerpts of the Letter to Noah Bishoff:

"The Committee and Select Subcommittee have obtained documents indicating that following January 6, 2021, FinCEN distributed materials to financial institutions that, among other things, outline the 'typologies' of various persons of interest and provide financial institutions with suggested search terms and Merchant Category Codes (MCCs) for identifying transactions on behalf of federal law enforcement. These materials included a document recommending the use of generic terms like 'TRUMP' and 'MAGA' to 'search Zelle payment messages' as well as a 'prior FinCEN analysis' of 'Lone Actor/Homegrown Violent Extremism Indicators.' According to this analysis, FinCEN warned financial institutions of 'extremism' indicators that include 'transportation charges, such as bus tickets, rental cars, or plane tickets, for travel to areas with no apparent purpose,' or 'the purchase of books (including religious texts) and subscriptions to other media containing extremist views.' In other words, FinCEN urged large financial institutions to comb through the private transactions of their customers for suspicious charges on the basis of protected political and religious expression.

"In addition, the Committee and Select Subcommittee have obtained documents showing that FinCEN distributed slides, prepared by a financial institution, explaining how other financial institutions can use MCC codes to detect customers whose transactions may reflect 'potential active shooters, [and] who may include dangerous International Terrorists / Domestic Terrorists / Homegrown Violent Extremists ("Lone Wolves").' For example, the slides instruct financial institutions to query for transactions using certain MCC codes such as '3484: Small Arms,' '5091: Sporting and Recreational Goods and Supplies,' and the keywords 'Cabela's,' and 'Peepee's Sporting Goods,' among several others. Despite these transactions having no apparent criminal nexus---and, in fact, relate to Americans exercising their Second Amendment rights---FinCEN seems to have adopted a characterization of these Americans as potential threat actors. This kind of pervasive financial surveillance, carried out in coordination with and at the request of federal law enforcement, into Americans' private transactions is alarming and raises serious doubts about FinCEN's respect for fundamental civil liberties.

"As the former Director of the Office of Stakeholder Integration and Engagement in the Strategic Operations Division, you engaged regularly with financial institutions following the events of January 6, 2021, including the distribution of material about how financial institutions could use private customer information to assist federal law enforcement. As such, your testimony will aid our oversight. In particular, your testimony will help to inform the Committee and Select Subcommittee about federal law enforcement's mass accumulation and use of Americans' private information without legal process; FinCEN's protocols, if any, to safeguard Americans' privacy and constitutional rights in the receipt and use of such information; and FinCEN's general engagement with the private sector on law-enforcement matters."

Read the full letter to Director Wray here.

Read the full letter to Noah Bishoff here.

Poltards sneeding about Kang that snagged a white woman to live in his storage locker with him :chadblackyes:

>fat white woman, ugly as sin, living in a low cost POD (shed) with a BIPOC

>i fricking despise modern women

>This white woman would rather live with a poor BIPOC than a financially stable white man who owns a house. I hope his ten inch peepee and "owning your parents" was worth living like a pig in a barn, ladygarden.

>Bet she said no to a whole lot of good guys that don't live in a storage box hole like some vermin.

:naziack: :chudpanic:


A federal judge has rejected a lawsuit by a psychology lecturer challenging a UC Santa Cruz requirement that applicants for faculty jobs describe how they would promote diversity on campus.

John Haltigan, formerly an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, said he did not seek a professorship at Santa Cruz because his views would have made his application futile. But U.S. District Judge Edward Davila of San Jose said Haltigan can't show he was harmed by the requirement without applying for a position.


Reported by:
  • JimieWhales : :marseymutt: still economically illiterate
  • corp : ^ Please do not report my posts in bad faith. This is a warning ^
  • FormerLurKONG : Bad faith report :marseysmug2:
  • BimothyX2 : I will OWN the LIBS @jimiewhales
  • J : Vaccine misinformation
  • Healthy : rDrama Poll: Healthy has the lowest care about this post in over 10 seconds (before i read it)
:marseyitsjoever: ABC Poll: Biden Has Lowest Approval in 15 Years, 71% Say Economy 'Bad' :bidenshocked:

Link to actually ABC report

Course no /r/politics thread, wonder why :marseyhmmm:

edit: nvm :marseyhugpeepeehands: found it

funny picture

related r/neoliberal cope: Don't count Biden out: January polls are historically unreliable

Sistas discussssss :marseynails:

Jew self-loathes

Reddit calmly discusses

Now we're talking. Downmarsey away zealots.

And then Newsmax will accuse this Jew of being antisemitic.

How about restoring Ukraine funding.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure America shouldn't be calling out anyone about their war crimes. Perhaps we should leave that up to someone else.

Literally name one war crime America has ever committed, r-slur


Best part:

when the judge asked during jury selection if anyone felt he had been treated unfairly by the court system, Trump raised his hand slyly. The gesture drew laughter from the crowd

And then as a follow-up, he started dunking on the b-word who he sexually assaulted in the first place

"There's no more money" says German finance minister to protesting farmers.

If only those farmers were Tesla and other "green" megacorps.


Reported by:
Vivek Ramaswamy places fourth in IA Caucuses, ends campaign, endorses Trump.
Reported by:

Reddit on suicide watch



Vice: Le Orange Man (Bad Nazi) is so totes gonna get PWWWWWNED omg I can't even

Reddit discusses

Deng grindset


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