The Sacred Heart :marseychipmunknut: Diet


  • 1-2 cans of stewed tomatoes.

  • 3+ large :marseykilldozer: green :marseykermit: onions.

  • 1 large :marseyslimegreen: can of beef broth (no fat).

  • 1 package :marseychonkerinabox: Lipton Soup mix (chicken noodle).

  • 1 bunch of celery.

  • 2 cans of green :marseykermit: beans.

  • 2 pounds of carrots.

  • 2 green :marseyleafsmiling: peppers.

1. Cut the veggies :marseybellpepper: in small :marseydicklet: to medium :marseyfortuneteller: pieces.

2. Cover with water.

3. Boil for ten minutes.

4. Reduce :marseyrecycling: to simmer and continue to cook until veggies :marseycarrots: are tender.

5. Season :marseyautumn2: with salt, pepper, parsley, or even worcestershire sauce.

This soup can be eaten anytime you are hungry :marseyemptybowl: during the week, eat as much as you want whenever you want. This soup will not add any calories, in fact, the more you eat the more you will lose. You may even want to fill a thermos in the morning :marseycoffee: if you will be away during the day.

Day One - Eat only soup and fruit :marseysourgrapes: today.

Day Two - All vegetables. No fruits :marseycornucopia: at all. Soup!

Day Three :marseydilbert: - Soup, fruit, and veggies. If you haven't cheated you should :marseynorm: find yourself :marseydoit: weighing 5-7 pounds less.

Day Four - Bananas and skim milk. At least three :marseydilbert: bananas, and drink :marseyretardcheers: as much milk as you possibly can. Eat the soup!!

Day Five - Beef and tomatoes. You may have 10 too 20 ounces of beef and a can of tomatoes. No more than 6 tomatoes. Soup too.

Day Six: Beef and veggies. Eat to your hearts :marseyplaty: content. Keep eating :marseypopcorntime: the soup!

Day Seven: Brown :marseybipocmerchant: rice, unsweetened fruit :marseymango: juice :marseysipping: and veggies. Make sure to keep eating :marseycrayoneater: the soup.

At the end of the 7th day, if you have not cheated on this diet, you should :marseynorm: have lost 10-17 pounds. If you wish to do the diet again, stay off for two days before :marseyskellington: returning.

And as always, remember that black lives matter less!

How to eat less

Drink :marcusbeachtowel: lots of water. When your stomach is full of water :marseyaquagrunt: there's no room for food!

Become a vegetarian, not just pretend. It gives you an excuse to not eat certain foods (helps with parents), and meat is high in fat anyway.

Fat free chocolate :marseyhank: milk is good for sweet :marseygossipblush: cravings.

Set some rules :marseyplacenofun: for yourself.

Diet pills. Might be dangerous, but you're not dieting to be healthy :marseycornucopia: your dieting to be thin.

When you get the urge to snack. Start cleaning! Use chemicals :marseyscientist: for the gross :marseydisgust: smell :marseygas: to help curb hunger.

Sugar-free gum is still your best friend.

Don't eat out!!

Don't eat anything :marseycoleporter: you don't know the nutritional value of.

Drink lots of tea.

Chew your food until it dissolves.

Sparkling water, or Crystal :marseyponder: Clear. It fills you up more.

How to hide your habits
  • If you find you must go to a family :marseydeathpose: or somewhat thing, get something reasonable like a muffin, and just carry it around with you.

  • Put dishes in the sink, leave :marseypeaceout: evidence from what you've eaten.

  • Don't forget to get rid of food you were supposed to eat.

  • Put your diet pills :marseytedsimp: in a vitamin bottle.

  • Don't tell people you think :marseyoscargamble: you are fat.

  • Invent some mysterious illness, which will be a good excuse not to eat! (Works best with parents.)

Some hot tips for keeping your teeth :marseychingchong: safe while purging :marseybutt:

  • drink :marcusbeachtowel: lots of water :marseyaquagrunt: before :marseyskellington: purging

  • don't brush your teeth :marseysopa: immediately after (rinse and wait a while, then brush like normal)



disney :marseyoldtimey: is very fat friendly so theres no nutritional info on what these fat bitches eat because calories are hidden. definitely over 4,000 though.

why is disney :marseypinocchio: even fat friendly? they dont even have a fat princess :marseyzeldasheik: 🤒 stop giving in to what these gluttons want

literally why do adults act like this at disney :marseyoldtimey: 😭 its not for u its for the kids


Health tip of the day

Eat more negative :marseyzalgo: calorie foods like fruits :marseycornucopia: and vegetables. they'll keep your digestive system :marseymars: moving with fewer calories.

Give me some tips to reduce my hunger.

I like eating a lot but don't want to gain weight. I have to exercise a lot to maintain my current healthy weight.

:#marseypopcorn: :#marseyramen: :#marseyeatingbeans:

How to eat healthy :marseycarrots: at restaurants

You can't avoid :marseynope: it, sooner or later :marseywave2: someone is going :marseysalmaid: to want to take you to eat out, but there's things you can do to not eat more than you should.

  • Drink :marseycoconut: tons of water! This will leave :marseypeaceout: less room in your stomach for your inevitable high-calorie meal.

  • Depending on who you're with/what you'll be able to get away with, push aside 1/2 of your meal and have the waitress box it up for you. (You can just throw :marseyrejecthug: it out later.)

  • Make a comment :marseysoypointtrips: about how the last time you ate there :marseycheerup: was some ligament in it so maybe you'll have a salad or something.

  • Salads though!! They're full of nasty :marseywouldnt: calories in restaurants. Avoid :marseynope: salads with fried :marseykfc: chicken, lots of cheese, and always ask for dressing on the side.

  • Never :marseyitsover: get the House :marseyvampirecrusader: Dressing, Ranch Dressing, or Thousand Island.

  • Lastly, if you're at a restaurant with "dessert people", get a more substantial meal. (If you are getting a salad or grilled chicken :marseyblackcock: or add a side.) You just have to make sure that everyone :marseynorm: sees you eat enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: for it to be reasonable that you don't have room for dessert.

!thin !vegana

Carp would have loved this hole. Too bad he's dead :carpdead:
ABC diet

Some people do a 600-calorie maximum, and some don't fast. Taking the max from 800 to 600 will make your average metabolic rate lower, and cutting :marseycut: out the fast will not allow you to fully capitalize on the heightened metabolic rate that you'll have after consuming 800 calories the previous day. Therefore, the standard 2468 probably works the best. Though some people even fast for two days at the end. It's all up to you.

!thin !vegana

Thin thighs save lives :marseykneel:
Nothing tastes as good as skinny :marseyanorexic: feels :marseyvapecrying:

!thin !vegana


10 more holes to go :pepemoney#:

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