Reddit Damage Control has started

Pushshift Reddit Archive

>site ran by former reddit admin turns out to be power trippers


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Spoiler: nothing. Fricking nothing.


Because its supposedly a necessity for one to have s*x with their AI chatbot lmao

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  • care_nlm : imagine owning anything that connects to the internet, what a fricking loser
Amazon shuts down smarthome for chuddy doorbell

When I connected with the executive, they asked if I knew why my account had been locked. When I answered I was unsure, their tone turned somewhat accusatory. I was told that the driver who had delivered my package reported receiving racist remarks from my “Ring doorbell” (it’s actually a Eufy, but I’ll let it slide).

I reviewed the footage and confirmed that no such comments had been made. Instead, the Eufy doorbell had issued an automated response: “Excuse me, can I help you?” The driver, who was walking away and wearing headphones, must have misinterpreted the message. Nevertheless, by the following day, my Amazon account was locked, and all my Echo devices were logged out.


But what is hate, anyway?

Drama in the Tumblrverse as people begin using ChatGPT to finish abandoned fanfictions.
Google Maps satellite imagery quality

This is something I've been noooticing for at least a couple years now but it's finally bothering me enough to post somewhere about it. Back in, oh, I dunno, 2017ish, google maps satellite imagery would load to the highest possible quality at a given zoom level within the desktop web page. Image quality would update every time you changed the zoom level.

This is no longer the case, and has been so for some time. This is incredibly annoying: I can no longer distinguish between buildings at zoom levels above those extremely close. Take this screenshot of Miami for example:

So blurry that it's useless.

Why did they do this? Is there a way around it? Is there alternative software? I swear to God it was not like this in the past. Please advise.


Thread with "proof"


le orange site link:

Music is already one of the most extremely devalued art forms given how oversupplied it is. Boggles the mind to think of the consequences of technology like this reaching quality levels where the differences between it and professionally produced music are imperceptible.

make better music

As if the current music scene hasn't already plummed the depths of banality. At this rate the stars of the 70s and 80s will be in business until they expire.

maybe create more original and better music

Can you imagine what the HN front page will spit out in a few years?

A profitable startup? That might be asking too much though


I don’t understand what’s motivating certain types of people to continue working on these types of AI practical implementation projects. There’s nothing good for the world this (type of AI in particular) will offer. Maybe someone will say this will let people who aren’t musicians express themselves by creating music. That’s not true. It’s as true as hiring a musician to make a song for you, given a description. And nobody would say that the person who hired the musician was expressing themself.

it's called acceleration sweaty :marseynails:

before you ask, yes, it has an audio equivalent to img2img, yes you will be able to generate rock renditions of the 2 girls 1 cup theme in :marseysal:

Is WebP really better than JPEG? (No, not really :marseyshook:)
Is it ethical to get a fiat loan as a bitcoiner?

People hate reddit's official app with the fire of a thousand suns, and MANY of them have been force logged-out and told to download the app on their mobile devices instead of using the mobile website.

The people are extremely, EXTRA - EEMLYYY unhappy about this. To the point that even redditors are considering not using reddit!

Reddark Twitch Stream

LMAO /r/HolUp, /r/memritvmemes and the bi subs keep going private and public. Mod infighting or buggy API?

Main Frontend:

Alternative FrontEnds:

Are all websites bound to a simple equation of how expensive bandwidth is?

Just thinking about recent reddit news and how they’re sperging that “third party apps” will dodge ads while costing them money.

That brings me to the question: Is the fundamental limit to hosting on the internet just bandwidth costs?

Sure there’s some costs of developers and routine maintenance but it seems to me the limit of a website will always be the ongoing bandwidth costs.

Is there a good equation to quantify this?


Based takes (all downvoted):

This whole drama is very odd to me and feels like a (very) vocal minority of users incorrectly extrapolating their preferences to those of all Reddit users.

Reddit owns its API. It has every right to price access however they see fit. It is wild to think that will spend $10s of millions to support 3rd party apps. Or to expect that they would acquire third party apps.

I predict Reddit will stick to their guns and that this entire brouhaha will have little to no effect on Reddit's user and engagement metrics over the medium term.

If you're outraged and highly engaged with this controversy, do you think its possible you're in a bubble?

Why does the Apollo guy see the API as his entitlement? Reddit ain’t a charity. Neither is HN.

You fill a site with communists who don’t want to work and think everything should be free and then you’re surprised when the reality of running a business outrages them? Stop trying to have it both ways.

The reality is that the Reddit users that actually care about this enough to show up and rage in the AMA are also the ones that are almost completely unmonetizable. So I doubt there was ever really any risk of major loss from this.

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