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So actually, who's winning and who's going to win?

I keep hearing conflicting info on this but it should be obvious to anyone curious, I know you're doing the team sports thing but just tell me how the war is going and who's actually going to win.

I don't really follow this war so I don't know if the following bonus options make sense:

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I answered Russia wins, but it's really "other", because I'd hardly consider what I think will happen, which is some sort of cease-fire on the line of control from Dnepr east not far from what we see, maybe with the rest of Donetsk Oblast (and if it goes on long enough - perhaps also Zaporozhye city) to be a proper victory, considering it achieves pretty much none of the vague goals enumerated at the beginning.

But that's really the only possibility. Either Russia gets something it can sell to the people as a win (which will happen eventually as Ukrainian army is more and more ground down), or NATO actually intervenes in some major way, which would be WW3 and we all die. Anyone that thinks there's any other option is delusional and does not understand Russians at all.

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yeah :marseyagree: people think :marseynoooticer: russia :marseysalutenovorossiya: can just :marseyblops2chadcel2: withdraw like US did in afghanistan, no this :marseysharksoup: is to the bitter end as Crimea :marseyukrainerentfree: is considered Russian, ukraine :marseyazov2: has to lose or it is WW3

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Russia is not coming out of this as anything other than an African tier nation.

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will :schopenmarsey: only happen if it gets nuked, in which case US will :schopenmarsey: also be nuked

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Russia was already near an African tier nation before they absolutely destroyed their economy and launched a failed war of aggression.

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obviously not true, also not everything western :marseycowboy: is magically better :marseygenetakovic: for the sake of being western, thats not how the world :marseyww1french1: works mr racist :marseymayoface: neolib

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Neighbor at the absolute peak of Russian power they couldn't even afford cars.

Modern Russia is even poorer than the soviet union was. Like realistically you have to accept the west is a much better place to live, and anyone with a functioning brain will tell you that.

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neighbor at the absolute peak of Russian power they couldn't even afford cars.

The soviet union had some of the most developed public transportation networks in the world, making cars not very useful for the average person. Trans lives matter.

Modern Russia is even poorer than the soviet union was

neighbor we argued about how the fall of the soviet union destroyed russia and now you post this? :marseybruh2:

trans lives matter

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I mean in context Russia might be better off today, I'm not even sure. The soviet union was pretty fricking poor.

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I think currently Ukraine is gaining punching power while Russia is finishing theirs. Both sides have more infantry than they started with, and both sides are training new units for summer fighting, but the quality of equipment and training Ukraine is getting is far better. Russia's biggest strength is artillery and armored superiority, but they are fast losing both and are looking increasingly clumsy in their offensives.

If Ukraine can put brigade-sized units capable of combined arms in the field with sufficient artillery support in May/June, which is seeming likely, Russia is going to be firmly on the back foot and face some embarrassing losses of territory that will be tough to recover from, even if they retain much of the donbass

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I think currently Ukraine is gaining punching power while Russia is finishing theirs. Both sides have more infantry than they started with, and both sides are training new units for summer fighting, but the quality of equipment and training Ukraine is getting is far better.

Yeah, all of this is based on NATOid propaganda and weird to state as though factual.

and are looking increasingly clumsy in their offensives.

Based on that vid of a single company getting blown up? There are literally dozens of these from Ukro offensive attempts over the summer, where they've lost an astonishing amount of people and equipment in their 20 attempts at offensive while probing for weak spots, before finally getting some ground in the north of Kherson oblast.

These things happen during wars. Always have, always will.

If Ukraine can put brigade-sized units capable of combined arms in the field with sufficient artillery support in May/June

They had that from the beginning of the war until about fall, when they started running out of native and Polish armour.

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This, maybe after a major offensive gaining more land Russia ends of the war with the condition that Dnepr and Crimea be accepted as Russian territory but most of the world.

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Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.

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Russian army mantra :marseyxd:

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I believe as the war drags on, Russia will have to lean on China more and more in order to prop up its whole economy. Ukraine likewise will have to lean on NATO more and more as well.

Both China and NATO will get tired of paying for this shitshow (which will become increasingly expensive), but neither will be willing to back out. So they will force Ukraine and Russia to the negotiating table.

Russia will keep Crimea, Ukraine will promise not to join NATO (and maybe make some sort of anti-fascist commitment), everyone will pump military hardware into the region, and both sides will claim total victory.

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for ukraine, if they want to win they just have to rid the entire country (except crimea) of russian troops and regain all land they lost post 2022. i was a lot more confident of this happening a couple months ago, but they're losing ground in bakhmut, and unless the russian army runs out of slavs they wont stand down any time soon

for russia its a bit harder. their explicitly stated goal was to demilitarize ukraine, remove the zelensky administration, and stop nato expansion. they already failed to stop nato expansion, ukraine is more militarized than ever, and zelensky is still in power. even if they kick zelensky out of power and demilitarize ukraine, they still caused nato to expand

while its not their explicitly stated goal, russia still wins if they're able to hold onto territory and successfully annex it into russia

tldr: its easier for russia to win than for ukraine, but anyone who says they know whos gonna win is lying

source: i played eu4

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If only Russia could find some other way to stop NATO expansion, like maybe not constantly threatening military force against anyone that resists their slavBIPOC bullshit.

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The girl reading this

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Russia :marseytrotsky: is winning and is going :marseysal2: to win

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I don't know, the more I look at this the more I agree with that saying that there are no victors in war

The way I believe it will end is by just dragging out- it will go on for a year, maybe more, but at some point both sides will start running out of steam. Russia will obviously fold first, but I doubt that they will ever be pushed out completely. Likely some regions will remain under their control and new borders will be established. They will parade it as a successful conclusion of the military operation and that all goals they set out were achieved. We will probably hear similar shit about how we are victorious because we managed to protect Ukrainian national sovereignty despite the fact that the country is in ruins and half of the population lives abroad. It will be a failure for everybody, no matter how you twist it. And while peace or truce may be established on paper, it is certain that the borderland regions will remain in a state of proxy war through frequent terrorist attacks and political manipulation for which no one will claim accountability. Nobody will desire to return home, and with wrecked production and agriculture the country itself is all but defeated. It will take decades to recover as people continue to die from food insecurity, terror attacks and unexploded munition.

This was the best case scenario I see

The worst case scenario, and one I find more likely is that chinks decide to frick around while the west is tired and worn out from the conflict. Then it's WW3 and we all die :marseydeadinside:

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Darn, you're really mad over this, but thanks for the effort you put into typing that all out! Sadly I won't read it all.

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what does black swan means?

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Something nobody sees coming.

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I wish Russia would win but I do think that the Jewish war lobby will eventually overwhelm them and they will all die :(

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