Foid writes an article about how men need to stop interacting with her, r/Australia does a misogyny

Nice peepee, girl!


Step 1, Don't compliment them and move along.

Why shouldn't you compliment people?

Because they'll get upset if:

• ⁠you don't know them,

• ⁠you do know them but they're at work, or

• ⁠you know them but there's some difference in rank between you at work or socially

• ⁠if you comment on their physical appearance and they're not your family or romantic partner


Uhm… I don't know who needs to hear this but they only get upset when you are ugly.


I have complimented a bunch of random women and I find that as long as you're not leering, awkward, or being sexual most women appreciate them and will acknowledge it or smile at you. No strings attached compliments are great.

Are there women who will think I am a creep for it - sure but frick this world where we self isolate ourselves or others because we are too scared for a kind word.

Tell us you don't get it without telling us

:#bloomer: v :#soyegirl:

We only seem to discuss this from a women's perspective.

As I man I struggle more with hardly ever getting a compliment; I guess it would feel nice. Or receive flowers; I would like that!


Oh the world has completely gone mad. There is great scrutiny attached to things which are normal. Societal norms are taking away genuine human expressions.


dont talk to them, don't look at them and don't think about them you sickos!

Better not be reading any t shirt slogans either you degenerate

And finally, a Redditette's perspective-

Keep this in mind.

We don't dress up for you. We don't make ourselves look nice so we can be judged by random guys and that is exactly how it comes across. They may as well be holding up a scorecard.

Maybe you think you are being precious and unique but we've heard it before and we've been abused, insulted and followed by guys saying the same kind of thing. It can descend from "Nice hair" to long strings of threats of vicious crimes, murder and of course profanity just because we didn't want to give some rando our phone number because he demands it.

Getting out of that situation is about self preservation. We don't want to get attacked and we don't know if you're going to or not.

When a woman doesn't receive your "compliment" well or flat out ignores you, this is why.

We don't go out to get scored by creeps, can we have that? Can we just go shopping, to work, so on and live our lives without some creep feeling the need to tell us he likes the way our body looks because he wants to get some? The world is not a dating site.

Just stop.

!strayans be nicer to the sheilas in your life



The before and after:

$100k+ spent on treatments, AMA.

I began treating my acne scars in 2018. Had 10 rounds of blunt cannula subcision, all with either diluted sculptra or radiesse in the same session. Other fillers too...juvederm, restylane skinboosters...Had mass punch excision (12-14 atrophic scars on each side). Had 10 RF Microneedling sessions (7 Cutera Secret PRO & 3 INFINI RF Microneedling), Had 2 eCO2 and 7 eCO2 with secret pro, 5-7 TCA crosses with 70-90% strength, a phenol cross with fractionated erbium and subcision with Dr.Rullan in San Diego. And then the full 2 day phenol peel with Dr.Rullan in San Diego last December.

I also did a TON of microneedling and dermarolling at home for microswelling effects (like consistently, for over 2 years). Hate to say it but a lot of the after photos I am seeing in this community, 95% can be attributed to microswelling or photos taken in not the same lighting. A lot of it is the former - microswelling. Microswelling is great for self-confidence but we should be more real about it.

Acne scars are notoriously difficult to treat but it shouldn't be a shock to any of us. The collagen and fat is literally destroyed underneath our skin as a result of the inflammation our skin endured. I am ever hopeful though, my wallet can tell you that much. I even have a second 2-day phenol booked in August with Dr.Rullan. But please be willing to be more critical.

And there is no shame in some good ol microswelling, but let's calll a spade for a spade, shall we?

I am hopeful that tropoelastin will come out eventually...that microcoring may prove fuitful....something has to be done. It is long overdue.

You can read my threads here - I've painstakingly documented a lot of my acne scar journey.

Edit: how was I able to afford all of these treatments?

Answer: I saved. But my earlier treatments, my mom paid for. See, my mom has amazing skin. No joke. Like glowing. Poreless. She takes care of it too, has all her life. People tell her they want her skin. When I had cystic acne, she never took me to a dermatologist. Not once. When I first got scarring, she would tell me I just had large pores. Then she told me my scars would go away. It was a lot of psychological damage. But my whole family is like that. They all have amazing skin, and when i talk about my scars, they tell me I don't have scars. Which is crazy. Everyone on this thread sees them, I see them, ffs. Telling someone they don't have something when they do, that is so damaging.

When I finally did my own research, I realized scars were not going away (no duh right lol. But I had believed my mom because she's my mom). My mom later admitted to “not wanting to hurt my feelings” and not wanting to take me to a dermatologist because she didn't want them to give me medication. But honestly. I can't even blame her. I wish i took more accountability when i had cystic acne.

Anyway, she paid for the first bit of my treatments. The rest I have used my own money from work. This is also 100k spent over 5 years, not all at once.

Things i've learned in the past 5 years of acne scar treatments:

1. Microswelling is an amazing yet tortuous by effect of almost all of our acne scar procedures. You can save yourself the hassle of spending thousands on an ineffective laser by simply buying a good quality 0.5-1.0 mm dermaroller and doing a few sessions at home, microswelling voila! without the fat melting.

2. Do not spend your money on providers who do not specialize in acne scarring - you will regret it. There is a huge chance of creating new scarring from the hands of a provider who does not know how to treat acne scars.

3. Your scars will likely change shape throughout your treatments.

4. Also stay optimistic. Optimism is key. Be relentless in seeking improvement because it is possible but also try to be methodological in order to minimize error and saving money in the long run.

Before any treatments (um besides like 8 ematrix laser treatments ha ha ha)

Left: last year. Right: a fewm onths after my first phenol. Notice the same harsh lighting.


I started dating this guy in June. We're both in our early 30s. I knew he had ended a 3 year relationship in the summer of 2022. That was the only long term relationship he's had in his adult life, and he's done some casual dating.

Our communication, goals, and values all align really well and things are good, in ways I didn't know relationships could be. He's met my family, we've said I love you (it's early but I truly feel this way), I'm invited on his family's holiday trip and my ticket is booked (by them), etc. I've had some bad dating experiences in the past so I'm pretty jaded and keep watching for the bottom to fall out and it just doesn't. He's progressively becoming a better boyfriend over time instead of worse (which is new for me--I always thought it could only go the opposite way lol).

The issue? He has now called me his ex girlfriend's name 3 times in the last six weeks. And I'm really starting to lose it.

1st time--I had COVID in early August and he took care of me. We went to get grocery pick up order, and while he was getting the order, the attendant asked what the name was, he told her "[Ex's first name] [My last name]." He caught it immediately and apologized to me.

2nd time--He was meeting my family, and we were out on a little sailboat just him and I, and he called me her name. I literally almost jumped overboard.

3rd time--This past weekend. He called me her name in front of one of my best friends, on a weekend out of state trip, while getting ready to go hiking.

I'm trying to figure out the psychology behind this. I'm not a jealous person, but due to my own past traumas, this sets me off like a bomb. He's terrible with names and words (Example: He called my friend by the wrong name after staying with her for 2 days), but I feel like my name should be one he can recall. Additionally, the ex and I do not have phonetically similar names. Her name ends with a different sound, and we begin with different letters as well.

When I've heard him do this, my dark side spins and says "either he's A. Cheating on you with her. or B. Isn't serious about you, because no man would risk throwing away a relationship with a woman he's serious about, by repeatedly calling her by the name of an ex girlfriend he's been broken up with for a year."

Any thoughts? Has anyone experienced this? What do I do?

EDIT: Putting in an edit one commenter mentioned was important: He and the ex still talk. They broke up allegedly on friendly terms (which I want to say is great, but honestly i've seen more people stay unwittingly connected or attached to an ex when things amicable and they immediately transitioned to friends then when there was a clean break), are "friends" and have a shared business venture which is the cause of their texting about at minimum every few weeks. My rational brain says he's probably not cheating on me, but somehow knowing they still text even about non emotional things makes me go to this dark place even easier when he calls me her name.


All this mixed with a nice dose of ostensibly asking for advice while shooting down anything that doesn't validate her paranoia:

What is his response the other two times?

If he's super apologetic, he might just genuinely be bad at names.

He is apologetic, but my brain is like "how apologetic can you be if you keep doing it?"

He seems to feel bad, and apologizes or tries to offer other comfort measures (ie, hug me, kiss, rub my leg) while apologizing, but at that point im so upset its not something i want. If I continue to full court press him about it, or bring it up later, he gets irritated. Ie "yes, i am over her. no, i do not want to get back together with her. I enjoy being with you. Me calling you her name because Im terrible at names doesn't disprove that." [-16]

Reported by:


Naturally, the BPD girlbosses of /r/popculturechat are celebrating this.

Celeb Divorce Lawyer Links 'Barbie,' Beyoncé and Taylor Swift Tours to Uptick in Breakups

"They're feeling their power by going to see 'Barbie' and Taylor and Beyoncé. And they're like, 'I don't need this,' " said attorney Laura Wasser

The blockbuster Barbie movie and world tours from Taylor Swift and Beyoncé might be inspiring an uptick in divorces, according to a divorce attorney to the stars.

Laura Wasser — whose A-list celebrity clients include Ariana Grande, Kevin Costner and Britney Spears, to name a few — told Cosmopolitan she thinks those pop culture behemoths could be linked to many recent breakups.

The ongoing writers' and actors' strikes have also played a part, she said.

Celebrity Couples Who Broke Up in 2023

"Something going on with a lot of my clients and what I'm seeing here in Southern California is that we're in the middle of one of the worst strikes in history for the writers and the actors," said Wasser, 55. "So you've also got people who have more time on their hands."

"They're angry about our reproductive rights getting rolled back, they're feeling their power by going to see Barbie and Taylor and Beyoncé," she continued.

"And they're like, 'I don't need this. I'm the one making this money and I'm not comfortable, not working, and have this spouse who's either also not working or never was working.' "

Wasser added, "A lot of people have said, 'I'm out.' So it's compounded by what's going on here economically."

According to Forbes Advisor, about 7 in 10 heterosexual divorces are initiated by the woman. A viral article in August compiled by Huffington Post showed Barbie viewers claiming they broke up with their boyfriends after seeing the movie.

Swift, 33, is bringing her Eras Tour concert film to movie theaters next month, and Beyoncé, 42, continues to perform her Renaissance World Tour to fans far and wide.

After becoming the highest-grossing movie of the year with over $1 billion at the global box office, Barbie is now dominating the streaming charts at home.

The film stars Margot Robbie, who produced the film with her husband Tom Ackerley, and it's directed by Greta Gerwig, who co-wrote it with her partner Noah Baumbach.

Wasser represented Baumbach's now-ex-wife Jennifer Jason Leigh in their divorce — and the attorney is believed to be the basis for Laura Dern's Oscar-winning performance as a divorce lawyer in Baumbach's 2019 movie Marriage Story. Some of Dern's scenes were filmed at Wasser's offices.

In her Cosmopolitan interview, Wasser shared her advice for people going through divorce.

"I think you really have to embrace the fact that this is the next chapter. This is not a sad death," she said. "This is the first day of the rest of your life, and you are going to be stronger as a result of coming through this. It's definitely a challenge, but it's a challenge filled with promise."


Has anyone tried pretending to be a woman online? I feel like that's an untapped Drama mine none of us have hit


This was her three years ago:


Foid posts supreme L in story of revenge :marseyfoidretard:

Foid fricks a guy for 2 years, feels used, gets back at the dude by paying him to come fix her broken kitchen light. Then she gloats.


"Hahahaha! Now I have my revenge for letting this guy have s*x with me for years! I catered to him and tried to prove I would be a good girlfriend and just kept having s*x with him for nothing in return! Then he said he loved me to get me to continue having s*x with him! I have waited years for this, years, I will frick this piece of shit over! I will make him perform a simple task that he's trained to perform and make him drive hours to do so! Look! That fool brought his cooler in like he was going to stay the night! I have ruined him! I must tell Reddit!"


"Well, I fixed that light and didn't get laid, but I got some money. Maybe I can pay to fix this darn cooler I had to bring inside because it won't keep my lunch cold. Hey, might as well eat this extra sandwich I didn't get to from lunch on the way home. Nice."


Alternate title: :marseyclueless: Women have each other's backs :marseywholesome:

For US resident, particularly women who have a secret device hidden from an abusive partner/family member, be aware of a national emergency alert test scheduled for October 4th at approximately 2:20pm EST.

Protect yourself and learn how to silence your device ahead of the test. You can read more in the article attached.

All the cheating husbands running off grabbing their secret phones...


Yes. But less life-threatening.

I don't think men realize being a woman is like walking through a lion's den with a steak tied to your neck. We're surrounded by predators.

scrotes smh :#marseynails:

Yup because 0% of women cheat only husbands


No one said that… conservatives fighting their imaginary enemies again


Men cheat far more than women. And generally women are simply looking for something missing in their relationship. Men cheat because they're literal animals and can't think beyond their front zipper.

a woman cheating is not the same as a scrote cheating :#marseyfeminist: :#marseythumbsup:

It takes 2 to tango. Unless you're saying men are cheating on their SO with another dude, then i guess you would be right

That equation only works if both are married. If the man is married and screwing his junior account executive who is single then who is the cheater?

Him. Stop 👏 blaming 👏 women 👏 for 👏 your 👏 bad 👏 decisions.

We're not sirens causing otherwise peaceful and pleasant husbands to drop trow and screw around.

>Stop 👏 blaming 👏 women 👏 for 👏 your 👏 bad 👏 decisions

preach sister :#marseyclapping2:

someone dares break the circlejerk

Wouldn't it be easier to live an honest life? You can frick other people if you are open about it. You might not have a husband but it's a lot less scummy

Wouldn't it be easier to learn how to read?

Read the room.




Reported by:

I (f26) have been dating this guy :marseychud: (m25, German from a small village) for 8 months now. He's amazing and I truly love him. I have had my fair share of shitty partners but he's totally different.

>date shitty moids

>thought they were actually good people

>found out he's shitty

>break up

>date another shitty guy


However! I have been noticing :marseynoooticer: that he says some really racist stuff. Now, I'm not the kind of person who throws the word racism at every opportunity, so this is big.

He ALWAYS has a bad thing to say about arab immigrants, he always makes the assumption that these people don't work and just leech of the government.

Looks like someone doesn't like kebab

He praises colonialism and tells me it's the reason why these “shit hole countries :marseytrump:” have been modernized, and if they were left alone without the Europeans, they would have still been inhabitable deserts, so there must be a “reason” why Europeans could achieve all this greatness while other ethnicities couldn't.

Germs are quite behind on the colonialism game compared to most Europoor (especially :marseyflaguk:) countries.

We cooked a traditional dish from my country and he said that I shouldn't be taking any pride in that because it was invented by the British, and if not for them, we would have still been eating rotten fish! (Fermented fish is another traditional dish that we have).

Said by the people who eat Mett (raw pork) :marseyyikes:

He also says that the reason why black people were so happy about the movie Wakanda :marseyblackpanther: was because they wanted to see themselves “finally achieving something”,

Really? :blacksoyjak:

Black users please explain

he's also 100% against immigration and tells me that he doesn't want to see these people here, and when I ask him what if these people integrate, he responds that this is like asking what if water doesn't make you wet.

Expats that only speak English but not local language exists everywhere.

I told him about some very obvious racist situations and he still tried to justify these situations, saying that I'm just overreacting and that this wasn't racism.

no No NO I AM NOT A CHUD :chudtantrum:

What's really weird is that he isn't even a “pure German”, his own mother is an immigrant and he's half Jewish! And due to his Jewish parent, he always gets mistaken for spanish/Italian, not only that, but his own gf (me) is Arab, an immigrant, brown, Jewish and is originally from one of these “shit hole countries”.

>half jewish

Max Naumann moment

EDIT: okay, I'm stupid, very stupid, I admit that. You're all right.

To answer some questions:

yes I am both Arab and Jewish

no his hatred to Arabs isn't because he's Jewish, it's because they “destroyed his country”

Yes he knows that I am an Arab

Yes I know that I am an idiot, I was just gaslighting myself and telling myself that I was just overthinking, thank you all for opening my eyes.

Chuds not going for non-white womyn challenge (impossible!)

Not going through the comment this time since it's just redditisms.




Saavedra, according to court documents, turned 36 on Sept. 11, three days following his arrest. Court documents listed a number of prior arrests and convictions for Saavedra, but those entries were redacted from the court documents we received.

In court documents, Saavedra is listed as a transient.

Court documents state that Phoenix Police officers responded to a residential neighborhood near 75th Avenue and Camelback Road for a burglary in progress call at around 10:05 p.m.

When officers arrived at around 10:13 p.m., they contacted a man in front of a home, later identified as Saavedra.

"As officers approached this male, they observed him to be suffering from apparent gun shot wounds to his abdomen and right arm," read a portion of the court documents.

Eventually, officers made contact with an alleged victim, who told officers she had received a motion notification on her security system, and then saw Saavedra on her security camera walking around the front of her home.

"The victim stated she exited her residence and gave the defendant several commands to leave the area or he was at risk of being shot, in an attempt to scare him away from the residences front yard area," read a portion of the court documents. "The victim stated she then ran back inside of her residence, instructing one of her children to close and lock the door behind her. The victim stated as she entered her residence, she began calling police and went to retrieve a firearm in order to protect herself, her husband and five children located inside."

The alleged victim, according to police, later heard Saavedra bang on a carport door. After she told her children to move away from the area and hide as far away as possible, she heard the glass windowpane of the carport door shatter, and Saavedra's hand reaching inside.

"The victim stated as she stood with the firearm, she observed the defendants hand came through the now open and broken window, and reached for the doors doorknob in an attempt to open the door,' read a portion of the statement. "The victim stated at this point her 13-year-old son, seeing that the defendant was attempting to make entry and his mother was not firing the firearm, in fear for the safety of himself and family, took the firearm from his mother and fired the firearm towards the defendant, striking him."

Saavedra, according to investigators, was later taken to the hospital for treatment of his injuries, and was eventually released into police custody.

What led to the incident taking place?

In an interview that was done after Saavedra was read his Miranda rights, court documents state that detectives asked Saavedra on why he tried to get into the home. Saavedra replied that he had been smoking methamphetamine with a friend for about 48 hours prior to the incident, and that he was trying to locate his friend in various residential yards.

"The defendant stated upon approaching the victim's residence he heard her inform him to leave the area. The defendant stated he then approached the carport door of the residence, and believed it to be his son, despite knowing the residence did not belong to him," read a portion of the court documents.

When asked by police if he knew his actions could scare the people inside the home, court documents say Saavedra replied, "Yeah, I mean I was high obviously."


no drama, just weirdos :marseywut2:

I can't tell if this is a butch lesbian with peepee envy who was brainwormed enough to get an actual phalloplasty or a :marseyliathomas::marseygigatitty: with a very specific coom fantasy.

The history suggests the latter, but I'm not sure.

judge for yourself:

which one is it?

OP's post:

It might sounds super weird but I'm a girl who always wanted a peepee despite enjoying being a girl.. Since as young as I remember I just always wanted to have one. I like girls so I guess I'm a lesbian? But I've always wanted PIV s*x as the one owning the peepee. It just feels right for me. And doesn't make me feel less feminine cause I'm petite and girly. It's just that I wonder if there really are people open to this out there... That's why I'm asking if anyone of you would date someone like me. (If you say yes I won't harrass you by messages or anything like that. Don't worry. I'm only asking because I just hope that I somehow also have a place in this world..)

the real weirdos are in the comments (as usual)

I'm an ace lesbian, so this probably isn't too helpful, since s*x generally doesn't seem super appealing to me, but I'll admit a girl with a peepee def sounds way more appealing than a guy with a peepee!


It seems like the best of both worlds there.


As a bisexual I would, it's like having a warm strap on but still having warm pillow puffs to play with and all the other things I love about dating women

Thank you very much for your answer, it makes me feel a little better about myself 🥰


As someone who's pansexual, I wouldn't say no to an AFAB with a functional peepee. At least it would be interesting lol.




I have peepee envy for sure. I am straightish? I love pegging guys.




38M husband has got freebase 3 times in less than 2 weeks. I 38F am at a loss

Update- he is now getting it again 3rd time in a week and a half. I'm about to just file for divorce. I'm sick and tired of this shit.

My 38F husband 38M is getting base or as I know it crack. He has been acting weird last few days. Finally comes out and says that a guy that sold him drugs a few years ago texted him and said he could hook him up. My husband told me this today. He used do this shit years back and he almost cheated on me. He gets “super sexual” as he puts it. A few years back he met with escorts to get drugs. After that didn't pan out he somehow got this guys number and started buying from him. Anyway. I am completely blindsided by this. I told him that this is a hard pass and I don't want him to get it. I said he will lose me if he does it. He said “I'm just trying to have fun with you” now I don't do drugs unless it's like smoking a joint which I do like maybe once every 2 years but nothing like coke or base/crack. I still haven't fully gotten over the fact that he met escorts to get the shit last time and lied to me and it really was a horrible time. I know I'll probably get shit for asking but I reacted by crying and basically telling him he doesn't give a shit about me or my feelings. Did I overreact? He hasn't done this in years and I'm so triggered that this is happening again. The last time he tried to get on tinder as well. He is also recently sober from alcohol about three months. Says this isn't about hurting me when I told him clearly this will hurt me. Honestly I feel like he just cares about his own wants and doesn't give two shits about my feelings.

update He got it and now is planning to get more this weekend. He told me “I should just deal with it because he doesn't want to lose me” Maybe at this point I don't deserve anything better and should just resign to the fact he's going to do whatever he wants regardless of how much it hurts.


No drama in the link but this will hopefully generate some, for some reason the existence of whores triggers the native neurodivergents on this site. Enjoy.


There's a difference, I think. Men fantasize, hookup and masturbate about these whores, but they would never be exclusive or date these types of women seriously. The majority of men want their women to be more on the reserved side, while also being “their whore” only when it comes to the bedroom

So guys want to frick girls who frick everyone, but want to date girls who don't frick everyone, but frick like they frick everyone?

Make this make sense.


Men don't make sense. It's ridiculous. I don't even think men really like women.

Many women do similar things. Flings with guys they know aren't good for them, but settle down with a man who is marriage and father material.

Ok… this isn't talking about women

least fragile reddit foid


OP Interesting, but then why do they want women to look like these “whores” if they would never date or marry them?

this smells like :marseychonkerfoid:

Your looks aren't determined by your sexual activity.

Pornstars either have naturally good bodies or have worked on them, usually a combination of both. And that work is usually eating right and working out, you don't get more attractive by being fricked.

Men want to be reserved with their partner in public and get wild in the bedroom. When I'm in a bedroom mood, I may think about watching porn. When I'm not, I'm fantasising about the cute girl I saw in a bookshop or I see a young couple with a kid and I'm daydreaming about when I'm a father and husband.

OP And most men want women with good bodies, so I believe you guys do like the look of pornstars.

100% a fattie :#marseychonkerfoid:

Women also desire guys with good bodies. Porn didn't invent that.

Make a post about it. I'm talking about men.

:!#marseylaugh: :#marseychonkerfoid:

absolutely seething

Who hates whores, they make the world go around. If someone is so concerned with their partners purity needs therapy.

totally not a therapist is search of clients :#marseyfreud:

This thread just made me hate men. You guys are hypocrites and losers


this thread is why i laugh at the male suicide rate

house edgy member :#shadowrage:

You are a psycho

of course you're not gonna say this to the males being objectifying, misogynistic degenerates in these comments. i've read comments from males IN THIS THREAD saying that "whores need to know their place in the world" and "should learn to drop to their knees if a man says so" so yeah i'll continue laughing my pyscho butt off

Go outside and get help. You're hurt.

OP Stating an opinion means she needs help and she's hurt? Who hurt her since you know.

OP quickly jumping to the defense of her fellow hoes

Why do women love stories where the woman cheats on her boyfriend/fiance but hate cheating themselves? The notebook, Titanic

OP Make a post about that if it upsets you. This is a different topic.


after not receiving an echo chamber response, the fat foid runs to the twoX hugbox

OF and web cam model here, when I first started it amazed me how many men would criticize Onlyfans and adult site streamers publicly , only to be on my DMS asking for freebies. Bunch of hypocrites.

I never understood this myself. Having dated OF models and the odd lapdancer in the past, I always just viewed it as "it's their chosen job and deserves the same respect as the any other job because at least they working for their money".

please ladies, just a crumb of coochie


The Madonna/Whore complex remains sadly true for many guys. Women are either s*x toys or saintly wives you choose to have your children. They lust after the women they would never have a relationship with openly because they view s*x (especially the type of s*x they are interested in) as fundamentally degrading to a woman. At the same time they find it hard to maintain romantic relationships because they expect the wife/girlfriend to be perfectly angelic and pure. Even if she is a virgin he might get annoyed if she becomes too sexually demanding. S*x and love are split for these men and no one woman can ever really receive both because of their weird view of s*x and love as being incompatible.

this is just "alpha fux, beta bux" foid edition


Is that American thing? I wouldn't even think about relationship with a woman who were virgin, "pure" or not sexually active.

rent free :#marseysaluteusa:

I think for many men, there is a distinction between attraction/sexual gratification and dating/relationships. They will fantasize over, masturbate to, and empty their pockets for any woman who will meet their sexual need.

But most will not want a long-term relationship with one of these women because they won't see them as “wife material”. I also find many men who do date these women end up being incredibly insecure in the relationship and can't handle having their partner be sexual objects for other men. Very much a “not in my backyard” kind of situation.

>can't handle having their partner be sexual objects for other men.

isn't that just a commited relationship, aka the majority of relationships?


Shockingly, misogynists' seething hatred for half the population of the world is not particularly rational.

>hatred for half the population

so all women are whores? :#marseyquestion:




and others.

see more in the thread

Reddit :marseytrain2:s celebrate male suicide
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