
Editor's note: Diane O'Leary is a philosopher of medicine and a 2023 Public Voices Fellow on Advancing the Rights of Women and Girls with the OpEd Project and Equality Now.

Wtf is a philosopher of medicine lol

Frustration over medical gaslighting is heating up again, with more than 262 million views for #medicalgaslighting on TikTok. What we see in this stream of thousands of posts on social media are firsthand stories from patients, mostly women, who say doctors have ignored, minimized or dismissed their symptoms as stress or anxiety, often with severe consequences.

Yeah sure.. "severe consequences!" Nice way to thank your healthcare providers for keeping you alive!


We've been here before. In 2018, the “incendiary healthcare hashtag” of #doctorsaredickheads, gathered so many gaslighting stories so quickly on Twitter that an analysis of its data seemed to suggest that women patients were ready to storm the metaphorical gates of the medical profession. It seemed that we might actually be on the cusp of change, as a long list of new journ*listic memoirs on the issue were then published — one, “The Invisible Kingdom,” a bestseller. But here we are, five years after that social media storm, measuring the size of public frustration once again, as if the idea of medical gaslighting is brand new.

Ah yes. What else can be said that hasn't already been said about the most brilliant rally cry for patient's rights everywhere in the last century, #doctorsaredickheads! I remember the first time I heard this phrase, about 10 minutes ago, it filled me with such powerful emotions and even spontaneous recovery of memories!

The rest of the article is too cringe so I'll skip to what it made me think of.


I used to work for Costco when I was a very young lad and once upon a time someone fainted in the back of the store near one of the sample stands.

Naturally, some lady :marseychonkerfoid: their vicinity asked "Did they eat the sample?" :marseyscream: followed by another lady saying "I ate the sample too!" who fainted. From there what can only be described as a wave of faintings spread like wild fire across the whole crowded store as dozens of woman sample enjoyers fell victim to the worst biological terrorist attack in the history of retail. They were all rushed to the hospital where they were all unfortunately diagnosed as females.

:marseydead: :marseydeadgenocide: :marseyrope: :!marseydead: :!marseydeadpat: :marseygunshotsuicide:

The CDC was called in to investigate the deadly samples and after a comprehensive scientific analysis of the facts, it was amazingly determined that Patient Zero, the original fainter, had not in fact consoomed the samples, and that the faintings were indeed a case of mass hysteria due to a terminal gender condition.


Bonus thread of doctors whining about foids whining:


Boyfriend only wants s*x for his birthday and I don't feel like it

My boyfriend and I have a date planned Friday for his birthday at a very nice fancy restaurant. I bought makeup and nails and a new dress. We never get to go on dates.

He gets angry when he expects something and it doesn't go his way, so I mentioned to him that I might not feel like having s*x Friday night. Just so he can manage his expectations. I'm a single mom to a young child and I also work with kids so I am touched out, burnt out, and emotionally drained. Having s*x is the last thing I want to think about.

He of course became frustrated and said s*x was the only thing he wanted for his birthday. He said he was just doing the date for me, he didn't care whether we went on a date or not (even though he's been begging me to go on a date for months). He just wants s*x.

We went into this whole argument about it. I don't understand why he can't just go out and make some memories with me and not expect s*x afterwards. We never get to go out alone. Like ever. We can have s*x anytime. I pointed out how shallow he's being and he got so pissed he got off the phone with me.

Like we can't just go out and have a good time together without having s*x? When we can have s*x literally any other time?

Should I have s*x with him since it's his birthday even if I don't want to? It just feels icky to me.


None of them stop to think for a second that the man was married for a reason and that's because at least one women found he worthy of it.


Tbf, younger women are less picky towards older men, than youger men to older women.

That probably also plays a part.


This girl is the online fetish surveyer. She was also involved in some controversy but can't remember what.

Feminism unironically caused a whole UK city to go bankrupt

Context: In 2010, a bunch of lazy foids decided to sue the Bong city of Birmingham because they'd been paid less for serving kids lunch than men were getting paid for collecting garbage. In all weathers. At 6 in the morning. Somehow, the court sided with the foids, declaring the roles were indeed "equivalent", and Birmingham has been bleeding money ever since.

Today, Birmingham declared itself effectively bankrupt, and naturally the evil MRA-incel-misogynists (which I'm totally not) are arguing the ruling was r-slurred (which it totally was).

!biofoids this is your fault


Maybe I should have been more tactful or understanding. But I wasn't. And I don't feel particularly bad about it. I knew that dating again after my LTR would be challenging, but I didn't expect to hear these pathetic, rehearsed routines that sound like a testosterone-deficient AI chatbot.

I've known this guy slightly for several years. We're in sort of adjacent friend groups, and he's nice-looking in a way that isn't too intimidating. He seemed like a safe, friendly option...right up until he immediately started babbling about wanting children, fishing, his "values," family, babies, and fishing. Also fishing. I mentioned that I didn't have any children, and his response was: "Well, you could if you wanted to...right? Like, there's nothing physically stopping you...?"

My response (see post title) didn't even phase him, and I just quietly filed him away as someone I had to tolerate until I could somehow excuse myself. Which I did with all haste.

There is nothing—literally nothing—that kills attraction faster than opening a date with a recruiting pitch for a woman's uterus. You want to have a family? That's nice. I want a new inkjet printer and an electric car that doesn't need to recharge.

What really grinds my gears is that I KNOW there's some grimy "dating coach" out there, as usual, who's telling men that talking about babies makes our ovaries light up like Christmas trees for first-date s*x. It's insulting, and I'd almost rather a guy respectfully ask for s*x on a first date. I really, really hope it gets better than this.

CONTEXT: I'm 24. We walked on the beach for 30-40 minutes in a public place.


Asking if you want kids someday is fine. Asking if your uterus is in good working order is not.

If he wants kids and you don't it's best to find out quickly so you can part ways and find partners whose wants align with yours.

it's better to waste time :#marseyagree:


That being said, doing it on the first date is a bit too fast I think. Wait until 2nd or 3rd at least.

Nah huge waste of time if you ask me.

Like sure at OP's age you can but I'm 39 - if I want kids I'm not waiting to find out if a guy I'm dating is open to kids or not - I'm finding out right now

based foid :#marseywallpat:

There probably IS some lunatic dating coach giving that advice.

But I think it's fair to ask about kids since it's a question that's usually asked on dating apps, but I guess he could have said it in a less... weird way. It's a deal breaker for a lot of people. For the record, I'm woman that doesn't want kids.

but when you say you don't want kids on the first date, it's empowering :#marseysuffragette:

I mean, are we mad that he let you know before the first date was over that he wasn't worth any more time? Or should he have waited until many dates in when y'all are liking spending all this time together with this person who doesn't bring up anything controversial (yet) then realize you could've been out finding someone better suited for you?

Absolutely the way he said thing was weird AF, but I'd be absolutely grateful I found out right away. If I didn't want kids, I'd say “that's awesome for you. I actually don't want kids so this probably won't work out” If I do want kids, maybe I'd say “cool. I'd like to have kids of my own someone too, but it's also important to me that my future partner be there to take an equal part in raising them (ie not be gone fishin all the time). Or if I don't know if I want kids yet, “That's great you already know that. I'm not sure if I do or don't.” Or “I haven't even put any thought into that yet at this point but it sounds like you're absolutely sure so maybe this isn't meant to be”. Either way, see ya never ✌️


Mmm.. Red flag. Seems he does not really want to get to know you …just sizing up your breeding abilities. Is he rw fundie? That would fit.

the obligatory blaming the rightwingers comment


20 somethings start off with kids? I thought that was 30s - 40s age group. Anytime a guy has asked even coworkers I am honest. Sadly probably not in the cards for me due to health issues and my constant hormone imbalances with hashimotos. Yes I am very aware it could happen but statistically given I am on the asexual spectrum highly unlikely. 24 girl you got plenty of fishes in the sea 😜.


Trans lesbian here. I'm not old enough to be thinking about children, but if I were I don't think I'd be asking my girlfriend about kids on the first date?? Like that's so weird. I'd want to be in a committed long term relationship with someone I know I'm compatible personality-wise with before I even START that conversation. Like get to know the person first, you want kids this badly but you don't care about making sure the mother of your children is someone you know, love, and trust? Even if you've known them for years, I think it would still be prudent to make sure you work as a couple first, no? This is so strange to me.

>Trans lesbian here. I'm not old enough to be thinking about children



2nd girls is barely making a single point

1st girl is completely right, male loneliness is mainly a male problem, it's the result of toxic masculinity and a changing gender role that leaves many questioning who we are supposed to be + (What a man is supposed to be)

This is a male problem one we have to figure out ourselves, tho noone is rejecting honest help of course

Oohhhh... White top cool girl Pickmeisha is trying sooo sooo harrrddd....

Well she's welcome to do something about it if she is SOOO WILLING to pick up EVEN MORE EMOTIONAL FRICKING LABOR from dudes WHO ARE STRANGERS TO HER AND ALL OTHER WOMEN

For real, where is the lie with the first girl/lady/woman... You have to be ULTRA tone deaf and aloof to not have noticed that the discourse regarding this "le uwu lonely men peepeedemic" goes hand in had with "uwu not enough kids are being born".

Loneliness doesn't KILL... unlike systemic sexism and unchallenged SA and r*pe.

Quite the low price to pay for women's safety if you ask me, if "uwu lonely peepee" is what it takes.

"pickme" insult should totally be considered a sexist slur. You are saying this woman's opinion is not her own, and she only say it to appease men.

At some point i gotta say, that if this insult was not so popularly used by women throwing shade at perceived "gender traitors", pickme insults would have totally been popularized for what it is, projection of internalized misogyny.

Just like homophobia or racism, just because you cannot understand that some women can have unpopular opinions, does not mean you should distill it down to "she just wants men to like her, that's why she has these thoughts". you misogynistic frick

Frick right off with your gymnastics here. She is a pickme for the reason that she encourages and advocates the perpetual FREE EMOTIONAL LABOR provided by women.

No john, YOU are the misogynist.


A brief-ish history of Ruby Franke.

Ruby is a 41-year-old mother of six living in Utah. Her husband and the father of her children is Kevin Franke, who we will get to later.

In January 2015, Ruby decided broadcasting her children's entire lives was a great parental move, and founded the YouTube channel 8 Passengers. There's a popular sub-genre of so-called Mommy Vloggers centered around Mormon families, enjoyed both by other Mormons and people who enjoy snarking on them. Ruby's no-nonsense parenting style found success, and soon every personal moment of her kids lives was pasted online :marseyneat: with the channel eventually reaching a peak of over 2.2 million subscribers. :marseychartuptrend: Between views and sponsorships, Ruby began making bank :marseycoin: and was praised by many as a model mum. But wasn't long before criticism started to roll in too.

If you spend any time reading snark on Mommy Bloggers or Vloggers, you'll know accusations of abuse and terrible parenting flow freely. People can be accused of abuse for sins as mundane as refusing a kid a smart phone, or neglect for using canned spaghetti sauce instead of making it fresh. But unsurprisingly, the Venn diagram of the people who thinking exploiting their kids for clicks and legitimately destructive parents can indeed overlap—and sometimes accusations point towards situations of legitimate concern that are more than hot air. This is one such case.

As 8 Passengers continued over the years, viewers noticed a distinct decline in Ruby's mental health, and the growing mismatch between her kids 'bad behavior' and punishments. A young child might be threatened—on film—with having a stuffed animal decapitated unless behavior improved. A boy might have his bed taken away and made to sleep on a bean bag for months as punishment for a prank. A 6-year-old who forgot lunch might be left without food for the school day to 'learn a lesson.' The eldest boy was even sent to one of Utah's rather notorious 'wilderness therapy programs' for unclear reasons, but probably for behavior most dramatards would recognize as pretty milquetoast. You get the idea.

There's debate over why this is. Some speculated that Ruby noticed her views increased when she behaved erratically or devised odd punishments. Unfortunately, this self-aware theory has probably proved to be a little too optimistic, and recent events show she may well have just been spiraling. By 2020, the situation had gotten bad enough that people beyond fans and snarkers started notice and express concerns. Even her eldest daughter, who by that point was out of the house, leveled accusations, calling for the channel to be shut down and CPS to investigate. This lead to a loss of sponsors, subscribers, and money. But instead of taking this as a sign to step back to re-asses, Ruby kept filming until January of 2022, when she finally quit and took the channel down.

Now, you would hope that no longer being in the public eye would be a marked improvement for the kids. And that maybe, just maybe, Ruby might have seen the light and taken this time away from vlogging as an opportunity to get her life and parenting back together.

Unfortunately...not. :marseydepressed: In a tragic irony, it turns out that being constantly filmed and exploited may have been the only thing keeping the kids safe from far worse abuse.

This Wednesday, Ruby's youngest son escaped out a window to a neighbor's home and requested food, water, and police help. This was a truly heroic act by the brave young chad, who saved not only himself but a younger sister still at home by fleeing. I will spare the gory details, but suffice it to say the child was malnourished, wounded, showed signs of having been restrained, and was in such condition the neighbor was visibly upset while reporting to police. Both children were ultimately hospitalized. :marseydoomer:

Thankfully, Ruby was apprehended and placed under arrest without bail for aggravated child abuse. A woman named Jodi Hildebrant was also arrested. And while it's unclear what will happen to the children now, they're at least much safer than they were before Wednesday. :marseyhope:

Dramatic Questions:

Where the eff was dad in all this? In the past, he was on board with Ruby's antics. More recently, it is speculated they were separated, and that he was living apart from Ruby and the younger kids with his eldest son. If true, Dad and the oldest boy being out of the house may be part of what allowed Ruby's abuse to spiral out of control.

Where the eff was the extended family in all this? The eldest daughter did try to raise the alarm, but was estranged and probably had no idea how bad things had gotten. The same appears to be true to some degree about the extended family—although it's debatable whether Ruby's sisters are telling the truth when they say they've worked behind the scenes to try to alleviate the abuse, or are just covering their butts. :marseyshrug: Either way, at least they aren't making excuses for her.

Who the eff is Jody and why was she arrested too? Part of what may have contributed to Ruby spiraling is her connection to a group called, well, ConneXions. Long story short, this shit is a 'mental health org' with accusations of being a scam and/or cult, on which Ruby presented herself as a "mental fitness trainer". I shit you not. Crazy child abuser lady wanted you to pay her shitloads of money to lecture you on mental health. Jodi created ConneXions, and—according to rumor—moved into the family home when Kevin moved out. It looks like the two fed the worst aspects of each other, while billing people for parenting advice, until they both ended up arrested. :marseymugshot:

And that, at least for now, is the tale of 8 Passengers and Rube Franke. I hope this effort post :marseylongpost: has caught everyone up on years of drama. It's my first post, so be nice. :marseybegging:


I'm a substitute teacher to school boys and girls ages 10-15 in middle school and in the process of getting a master's degree in education. I feel like I've already noticed the effects of misogyny and oversexualization towards us school teachers. So many of the boys that I teach are lost causes. So many of them are squandering their education because they are so consumed with degrading and putting down both the women that teach (most of us are women at the school) and their female classmates. They disrespect us and don't listen at all. They're usually very disruptive and don't respect any female authority figure or any woman for that matter. They are so consumed with asserting their masculinity and their dominance. It frustrates me because they will literally sit there not learn anything and become more and more angry with how educated and outperforming the girls around them are becoming.

A lot of them I've noticed watch Andrew Tate and Sneako videos and repeat the same misogynistic talking points. I often hear very sexist and homophobic remarks from them and it's disheartening because these boys are so young. I also catch them staring at my backside when I'm turned away or they try to look under my skirt by dropping their pencil. I also heard in the hallways of them referring to me as “that big booty substitute.” It has subconsciously changed the way I dress around my students and I rarely wear skirts.

I've noticed that when I meet the parents of some of these boys I immediately get it because these parents always have this attitude of “you know how boys are” when you talk about their son's behaviour. The fathers are usually not present or not really involved in their children's lives so they don't have positive male figure at home. It's just so scary that nothing will be done about it. I have no faith in this generation's futures of these boys.

“that big booty substitute.”


"So many of the boys that I teach are lost causes."

You have no business being an educator.


We really really really need to begin a campaign of mass arrests of anyone spreading misogynistic/Nazi/christofascist garbage for profit on the Internet. This needs to stop.

We need to decide, together, that this type of speech is not protected by various charters and constitutions. It is hate speech, and it damages the very fabric of society. Laws against it are a reasonable curtailment of the right to free expression.

When Germany emerged from WW2, one of the laws they set into stone was: you will not deny the holocaust. It worked; Germany has fewer neo-Nazis than North America.

Jail works. We have the cowtools to stop this. Let's use them.

i agree. arrest all zoomers :#marseyzoomergenocide:

That is so scary to hear. Where are you located?


Challenge them.

I was raised conservative. Belligerently conservative. I would debate with teachers about whatever alt right Christian science "theories" my dad taught me. I was politically active since first grade. I was judgemental and ignorant.

The reason I changed is because teachers gave enough of a shit to challenge me. I'm an atheist liberal now. I don't think all is lost for these boys. And I don't think you're as helpless to make a difference as you think.

that totally happened :#marseysurejan:


Her post history will tell you she is lonely, quit her job at Chipotle, and drives a 2007 Corolla.


I had to c*m across this rag piece today so you do too. I was deeply divided on whether to post it here or in peakpoors but I'm feeling a little misogynist today :marseychud: Where do I even start? I guess at the top:

Seven years ago, I wrote an essay about what life would feel like if I didn't struggle with saving money [...] writing that essay and having it go viral failed to change the struggle I had with my own bank account.

Classic L

A lack of impulse control, she said, leads to impulse spending, and difficulty with executive functioning and planning make budgeting a struggle.

I don't have a mental disorder (I am flawless) but I think I'm right to speak that this is an insult to spoonies who have figured out how to manage their life, with or without a diagnosis.

“I have found such a clear correlation with my impulsivity and my cycles,” she said. Estrogen dips on premenstrual days, she explained, and because estrogen and dopamine typically work together, low estrogen means low dopamine, causing her to be more impulsive. “I cross-correlated it with my credit card statements, and there's a $600 bump in those days,” she said.

:#marseytypinglaugh: :#marseytypinglaugh: :#marseytypinglaugh:

She used sticker charts, colored progress trackers, and bullet journaling to “hack the system” of her brain. She also automated her savings and debt payments.

Emphasis mine. Who doesn't do this? :marseybruh2:

Ms. Fulmore started therapy to deal with the shame she had accumulated from a world that reflected a message that her struggles were her fault.

It _is_ your fault. That's okay to accept, though. But instead of doing that...

She also started the stimulant medication Vyvanse, which helped her focus and reduce her spending. Aside from her student loans, she's now free of debt.

:!#stoningpills: :#marseychonkerfoid: :#stoningpills:

“I'm in a number of support groups, and hearing so many other women share the same stories of struggling with money or struggling with impulsivity or self-control, it was just validating to feel like, OK, well, I'm not the only one,” she said. “So maybe I'm not as bad a person as I thought I was.”


Literally (not) me
Shit like this is gonna turn me gay

It's either profiles like this or the blandest, whitest, dog frickers typing like a Chicago drill artist

Yasss Nikki Haley has embraced her inner e-girl 💅💅.



Patriarchy is at fault for :marseydarkfoidretard:

Basically, $15/month for a bunch of bikini pics :marseyxd: Coomers deserve abject poverty.

Redditors discuss

‘The Sopranos' Star Drea de Matteo Launches An OnlyFans Subscription Site

One of the classic lines in HBO's “The Sopranos” was, “A Don doesn't wear shorts.”

Now, one of the show's characters is taking that advice a step further. Drea de Matteo, who played Adriana, Christopher Moltisanti's girlfriend on the series, has launched an OnlyFans site. For $15 per month, subscribers can see candid shots of the 51-year-old actress in uncensored poses.

The subscription-based service was first started in 2016 but quickly gained notoriety as a place people could view NSFW content. Celebrities who have embraced the platform include Denise Richards, Cardi B, Bella Thorne, Tyga, and Chris Brown.

De Matteo launched her profile with a photo that showed her completely nude, save for a pair of animal-print boots, smoking a cigarette while sitting on a bed.

The new venture was announced on de Matteo's Instagram Story on Thursday, where she revealed that her OnlyFans was live.

De Matteo played Adriana the first five seasons of The Sopranos. After Adriana became an informant for the FBI, Tony Soprano (James Gandolfini) ordered her killed. Silvio Dante (Steven Van Zandt) murdered her in a memorable episode, but de Matteo returned for two episodes in season 6. She won an Emmy for the role in 2004.

After The Sopranos, de Matteo appeared on TV's “Desperate Housewives” and “Sons of Anarchy,” among others.


Whole thread is just people pooping on her post history :marseylaugh:

Why are moids like this?



I am so jealous of my boyfriend's girlfriend.

My partner and I of seven years decided to be in an open relationship about a year ago. He stated he didn't want poly but really just s*x and fun connections and what not. Well he met someone and now he spends half his time with her. They go away for days at a time, I am forced to Google schedule time together otherwise he fills up his time with her, I don't feel like a priority. He says I am and I expressed that they are spending too much time together but it has seemed to fall on deaf ears. He had told me time and again if it came down to it he would chose me. While I didn't give him an ultimatum he told me a couple days ago that he won't break up with her and that if I cannot handle this new change in the relationship then essentially it will end. I am absolutely gutted. I feel like this is the beginning of the end. He said if at any point we need to shut it down we could but now he has changed his mind. He spends time with her family and goes away on little trips and runs when she calls crying and I feel like this is going to tear me apart. He is a good man but all I think now is that he is choosing someone else. If I don't put up with this then it's over. He knows I am upset and I can't help it. I feel like my anxiety and sadness over this will push him into her arms and home will not be a place he wants to be anymore. I feel like he bait and switched me and now I'm sharing the love of my life 50/50 without a choice. Less than that because our of the 50 percent he is at home, his work and friends and other life stuff needs to be addressed. It was my idea to open the relationship and I feel like I am losing him and I feel like I will lose him.

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