
noooo you can't post your unpopular opinions on /r/unpopularopinion noooo


Ngl I always use my foot and will not stop. Idgaf


Oh boy, another thread about body count :marseydeadhorse:

Just don't mislead him if he asks just be truthful.

He's never asked but I've told him that it's a lot more than his

Is he aware of the threesomes?



Check your misogyny omg. He doesn't owe him details on her sexual past wtf, apart from STI status everything else is irrelevant


You truly found a unicorn, you better hold on to him and treat him good because 90% of guys would have an issue with that.

In my experience 90% is way overshooting. I'd say more 20% of guys would have an issue and the rest won't care. You have to realize that the real world isn't Reddit or the comment section of a Fresh & Fit video. Most people have more important things they care about in a relationship and in life.


the western world. Almost anywhere else, it's a big deal

Right now, yeah. But the whole world is becoming more modern as we speak.

least delusional foid :#marseyfoidretard:

Never in my real life has this come up, but it the idea that people care about this sort of thing seems to live on Reddit


I guess he's not insecure because he knows he's good

Not every guy is Adam 22. Don't think it can be chalked up to being secure/ insecure. If a man has a problem with how much you slept around it's probably because you're more or less a ho. And not some “small peepee energy” of being insecure

this exchange caused someone to post it on /r/NotHowGirlsWork


Just unsubbed. Why is it I've never actually met any of these supposed men who hold body count in such esteem? Perhaps I'm just mad because if she's a 'ho' for 20 people (her pure chaste Chad knight has only slept with 2 including her) then I'm a whoreasaurus rex lol

>if she's a 'ho' for 20 people then I'm a whoreasaurus rex lol

what an unbelievable twist :#marseymindblown:

I almost wish I was looking to date again so I could ask a guy his "body count" and then act repulsed when it's above 10 or so 🤣

In the name of a friend being "slut shamed", I went on a date with the man who shamed her. He said he "picked me because I was more chase". I worked "So what's your number" into the conversation. He started to brag about experience, how his number is huge because he likes to "teach girls". I made a big dramatic scene out of dry heaving and saying "that's so disgusting!". He was absolutely stunned in shock.

I turned to a table with some older women and said "He said he slept with so many girls and most of them were virgins!" The oldest lady called him a "Babylon whore", lectured him on being away from God and shaming his family with his promiscuity and low morals. He looked like he was having an out of body experience from shock and disbelief.

For once it wasn't a woman. Sweet justice.😄

:#marseylaugh: funny, but i doubt it actually happened

My husband has never asked for an exact number because he doesn't care. He knows it's “a lot” and he knows that it doesn't affect a. the size of my vag and/or labia, b. my ability to be faithful, or c. my DNA.

Bingo! Majority of us don't care and know it doesn't really affect anything.

woah, ladies one at a time :#marseypolyamory:

Of course OOP's comment relating to not being misogynistic on a thread in a mainstream subreddit gets downmarseyd

because why wouldn't it

>not the hecking reddit karma


I've met some of them and trust me, you don't want them.

I'm in my late 30s and polyamorous but sexually inexperienced when it comes to number of partners. And sometimes that comes up with some dude I'm talking to and some of them... Their interest increases so much it's disgusting. Like, they see me as having higher "value" and they see their own chance to potentially "lower" that "value" by a lot since there is still "so much left".

Absolutely vomit inducing. Sadly, though, I might not ever have noticed if I hadn't given them reason to drool like that, because they sure as heck wouldn't have turned me down no matter that pointless number. They just wouldn't respect me, in either case, because men like that don't respect women or even see us as fully human.

stopped reading at polyamorous

I'm asexual, s*x averse, and polyamorous. Should I ever meet guys like this I think I'll just lie and say I've slept with 50 guys instead of the truth, which is more like 3 people, zero if we are only counting PIV.

>I'm asexual, s*x averse, and polyamorous

:#marseyconfused2genocide: :#marseyconfused2genocide: :#marseyconfused2genocide:



How the frick do you deal with any of this shit? Good lord.

Reported by:

The family was poor. The father a drunk. The kids beat her up at school. The envelope had no return address. The upper left hand corner just said:


Well open it, said her mother. And she did.

It was a check for one million dollars.

In the memo section it said “You'll Never Want Again.”

The address section had no name. It just said TREEHOUSE CORPORATION.

It's a prank, said the mother. Throw it away.

Yes, the girl agreed. A prank. But it's funny. I like it. I'll put it in a frame.

That's ridiculous, the mother said. Why torture yourself like that.

It's fine, said the girl. It's funny.

The next day she skipped school and rode her bike to the bank. Presented the check. I think this is a joke, she said. But can you check to be sure. The teller gave a half smile and went to get the manager. She took the check with her. The girl's heart picked up. There was a long moment at the window. The radio was playing Fleetwood Mac. Well there you go again– you say you want your freedom. The manager came to the window. He wore a light purple shirt and a dark purple tie. He was holding the check. Are your parents outside, he asked.

No, she said. I rode my bike.

I'm going to need a parent or guardian for this situation, he said.

It was real.


Her parents didn't steal the money. They bought a modest house. She went to a new school. They didn't beat her up there. She read French. She played viola. Before the school she didn't know what a viola was. She loved it.

She looked for TREEHOUSE CORPORATION every day at first. Then every week. Every month, every year. But she never forgot. She went to college. Majored in journ*lism. Asked her professors: how could you find someone from their bank account. Treehouse Corporation was an LLC owned by an S Corp owned by another LLC in Bermuda, and so on. They didn't want to be found.

She placed little classified ads. Places where someone who owned a corporation would read it. The Financial Times. The Economist. I'm the girl from Oak Grove. You gave me a gift. It changed my life. I'd like to talk to you. Please write to me.

No one did.

She got a job at a newspaper. The Paris bureau. A girl from her town, her home. She met a man, a painter. They married in June. A boy. She would speak at night about the gift. Treehouse. Let it go, he told her. His palm on the back of her neck, kissing her hair. Let it go. It gave you a life that brought us together. It did its work. It doesn't matter anymore.

And one day there it was. In her very own paper.

A billionaire was dying. He'd built half the homes in America. He never gave interviews but now just once. He grew up poor. The father a drunk, he beat the boy. One day a kindly neighbor gave him a gift. His first ten dollars. He bought lumber. Taught himself to build. Made a place he could be safe. A treehouse.

He had no office anymore. His mysterious foundations didn't return her calls. Marcel took the baby while she flew 20 hours. Back roads to the mansion outside Omaha. She came to the gate with the high beams from the rental car cutting into cold pouring rain just as night fell. Big black button on the old intercom. Hello, she said. Hello—do you remember me. You gave me a gift.

No one answered.

Please, she said. Please—I've looked for you all my life. The cold rain fell and fell. She was crying.

And a voice came.

I can't believe you've found me, a man said. Raspy and tired like waking up from a long sleep. Is there anything you'd like to tell me. And she said: can I have some more money.

31 year olds on dating sites be like

The Wisconsin woman accused of decapitating her lover during a meth-fueled escapade gave a sick description to investigators of how she dismembered him and sexually abused his corpse at the same time, her trial heard Wednesday.

Taylor Schabusiness, 25, offered up the disturbing details in a filmed interrogation soon after she allegedly choked her 25-year-old boyfriend, Shad Thyrion, to death with a dog collar in February 2022, jurors heard.

"I was sucking and cutting at the same time," Schabusiness said in the video, which was played to the jury during Wednesday's proceedings, Law&Crime reported.

"I liked it," she continued. "I didn't know what to do."

Schabusiness, who could be seen laughing at various points throughout the interrogation, added that her lover's head was allegedly the "first thing I took off" and that she was "very" excited about abusing his corpse.

Green Bay Police Department Detective David Graf, who was among those to interview Schabusiness, testified Wednesday that the alleged killer had copped to initially choking her boyfriend as foreplay --- but she "enjoyed it" and "wanted to see what would happen." :marseyhead:

Schabusiness then allegedly confessed to cuddling her boyfriend's headless corpse in the wake of the grisly slaying, Graf said.

"She described how she had sexual contact with the body in terms of playing with his peepee. Also, she described that she had a dildo that she placed into his mouth ... And that she had also cuddled the body," the detective testified.

Prosecutors have said Schabusiness used the dog collar to strangle Thyrion at the Green Bay home he shared with his mother before she sexually abused him and then dismembered his body with kitchen knives.

Thyrion's severed head and peepee were later found by his mom in a bucket in the basement of her home, jurors previously heard.

Investigators subsequently discovered parts of Thyrion's body spread throughout the basement, including his torso, which had been emptied of its organs and had his foot shoved into the chest cavity.

Schabusiness is charged with first-degree intentional homicide, mutilating a corpse and third-degree sexual assault.

In February, she attacked her former attorney in the middle of a court hearing before a deputy wrestled her to the courtroom floor.

Brown County Circuit Judge Thomas Walsh ruled in March that Schabusiness was competent to stand trial after that same attorney entered a plea of not guilty by reason of insanity on her behalf.



Random comment for flavour:

Why is this controversial when it's perfectly acceptable for women to demand that the only men they are looking to date make over $250k/year, be over 6'5, have the body of Arnold in his prime, drive a Benz truck, with a 10" peepee, all while said woman making the demands has mountains of debt not even including her student loans, is obese, leases a Corolla, and has 3 different kids from 3 different men.

And women seriously wonder "where have all the good men gone?" I'll tell you where Rebecca- I've gone to my financial advisor and he told me to stay the frick away from you and your bastard children, keep stacking bands and I can retire in my 40's somewhere it has never snowed. I'm out bitches, good luck finding the 6'5 millionaire who's into obese women. 🤣


I'm talking thrush or a uti.

Quite frankly I'm fricking sick of it. I know it just comes to either men putting their grubby, greasy, dirty, unwashed hands in me, OR them just not washing their junk properly.

It's partially my fault too, because usually I ask before they put their fingers in me, if they've washed their hands. You're not gonna believe this but I'd already had a talk with him about him stinking because HE DOESN'T BELIEVE IN (man made) SOAP (he uses olive oil), and him not washing his hands earlier that day after he touched RAW CHICKEN. He agreed to change that stuff, because he wants to be clean and smell good for the people around him. So I thought his hands would be clean.

My fricking mistake.

I'm in a rage. I slept with this guy that I've been seeing exclusively for a while, for the first time, I let him have access to my body in an intimate way, and now it's left me with unbearable thrush that I'M left to deal treat for days. And he doesn't have any consequences.

I spoke about this to him as delicately as possible, asking if he could please wash his hands next time, and that I also feel frustrated this happened, but me feeling that way is not his fault. He responded saying he just didn't get why I felt frustrated that it happened in the first place. “I've already apologised to you and offered a solution, what more do you want from me? You're blowing it out of proportion.” “No woman I've been with had ever complained about this, so how am I meant to know?”

Maybe I am blowing it out of proportion. But it's MY FRICKING BODY THAT'S AFFECTED, so I'm allowed to be upset by this!!!!!

I said, I know, the solution is simple, But I'm just asking for a deeper level of understanding and empathy. That you understand how I have to spend days physically rebalancing myself, and the emotional toll it takes having somewhere so intimate, be so uncomfortable. Is that too much to expect?? I'm sick and tired. And itchy.

Edit: Hey guys, just wanna say I do always pee after s*x / anything similar

i know you'll be quick with the "this is bait" posting :marseyoctopus2::marseyoctopus4:, but check her post history.

Oh hun. You should've left the second he told you he doesn't use soap 😭😭😭

Seems he didn't even have to say it, OP said he stinks 😩

But is he hot? 🤔

SO hot. He does literally everything for me, I'm so not used to it. He makes sure I'm chill, relaxed, calm. Plans dates and always asks when he can see me again. And then this happened.

this reads like an incel story :#chudsey:

Olive oil? How does that even work.

it's like an olive oil bar of 'soap.' (it's pure olive oil, nothing else added in. He doesn't like putting 'man made' stuff on his body, and yet he'll eat junk food??? ) I don't even know man. I questioned it and he said 'well everyone in spain uses it.' and I said okay, I'm sure they do, BUT WE CAN'T SMELL THEM FROM HERE CAN WE



I (24f) left for a fricking three-week vacation and came home to family, friends, and coworkers suddenly using all this "men's rights" and manosphere slang. I won't repeat it here, but the fricking more I learn, the fricking more frightening it is. My fiancee laughed about my cousin's so-called pretty privilege, then asked me what I "brought to the fricking table" as a fricking partner other than looks and education. :marseygigachad: For the fricking first time in 2.5 years, he asked me in uncomfortable detail about my past partners. :marseyfans: I answered honestly :marseysurejan: and he replied that we'll be splitting every expense from now on [he earns at least 5x what I do]. :marseymoney:

I've reached out to friends and family since then, but no conversation (with the fricking exception of my dad) has gone further than asking how much my fiancee earns. Then awkward silence. Is this fricking gaslighting, or am I just going insane, b-word? :marseyxd:

Context: All he does is fricking play video games while spending two hours a fricking day promoting his family's company online. :marseykneel: Nice that he has time to learn about "men's rights." I, on the fricking other hand, actually work. :marseyseethe:

A bad fiancée makes a fricking worse husband.

you mean wife, and i agree :#marseythumbsup:

I hope it's ok to offer a fricking man's perspective in this thread.

Unless it becomes clear very soon that your fiancé's new behavior is a fricking quickly-passing phase, I urge you to delay any marriage plans and to reassess whether you want to be in this relationship. He is fricking treating you [disrespectfully] as a fricking gold digger and financial burden whom he sees as little more than arm candy. You are fricking young, appear to have a fricking good head on your shoulders, and deserve much more than what this version of your fiancé seems to be offering you.

first of all

I hope it's ok to offer a fricking man's perspective in this thread


second of all

how dare he have standards, b-word? :marseyraging:

He makes 5x what you make and only works 10 hours a fricking week, b-word? Wtf

:#marseypoor: :#marseycountryclub:

Sounds like he has a fricking cushy "job" with the fricking family business.

She said she is fricking educated, so she must be making a fricking minimum of $20/hr = 40k. So, if he makes “at least 5x” = 200k or $385/hr.

It's just weird

Education = a fricking higher wage is not a fricking great assumption, though for OP's sake I really hope that she makes more than $20/hr.

it's not my fault you did gender studies, sweatie :#marseynails:

Sounds like they have all been listening to Andrew Tate. Regardless this is your fricking sign he is not fricking relationship/marriage material and you do not want to ever get pregnant by someone like this and be tied to him for next 18 yrs. If he plays all day then demands to know what you bring to the fricking table then he obviously is a fricking clueless dolt. He probably is fricking knee-deep into the fricking Qanon Hole too. Run from these men they will make your life living heck with emotional and verbal abuse if not turning physical eventually. These young men are so fricking in love with Andrew Tate and his philosophy so let them all date him after they realize no woman wants a fricking loser who forks over donations to Tate's club because they is too fricking ignorant to realize a fricking grifter when they see one.

yeah, before andrew tate no one asked questions like that :#marseywomanmoment2:

This is a fricking dog whistle for the fricking growing movement of white supremacist misogyny in the fricking world. Things are fricking going to get worse and they won't get better unless he realizes that he's on a fricking power trip. Every move you make to defend yourself will be fricking seen as an attack against him.

Every time I say this to people they tell me I'm fear mongering

They have something to gain by silencing you and by telling you you're fear mongering. Patriarchy will try to squash any and all attempts to call it out. bell hooks referred to it as the fricking Capitalist Imperialistic White Supremacist Heteropatriarchy and discusses how the fricking concept will try to hold onto power in literally any way possible.

Definitely recommend her books if you've never delved into them, especially "All About Love" and "The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity, and Love"


Gaming culture and misogyny culture go hand in hand. (No offense to anyone who plays)

it's all g*mergate's fault :#marseysociety2:

One has to wonder who paid for her three week vacation :#marseythinkorino:

Women posting L's

How to stop paying my (25f) bf's (31m) rent, bills, food etc

I (25f) have been with my bf (31m) for just over 3 and a half years. A few months into the relationship he lost his job and I've been paying his rent and bills as well as my own (we both live in different sharehouses just renting rooms). I also give him money for food and stuff. He always says he will try to find a job but claims either no one will hire him, or the ones that will have extremely sh!t pay.

It's really difficult for me because I barely have enough money to pay for both our bills/rent/food that I can never buy anything nice for myself for fun or gifts for friends and family for birthdays and Christmas. He also can't buy things either and gets extremely grumpy if his friends invite him out because he can't buy drinks and won't go if he can't drink. Also gets mad because he won't attend anyones birthday if he doesn't have a brand new outfit, and refuses to go if he doesn't have one, won't even just wear something he already has (btw I've also bought a few thousand dollars worth of clothes for him over the years so it's not like he doesn't have anything)

There have been times where I've gotten some extra money for selling items or as gifts, and he's basically demanded he have that money. If I refuse he gets mad. There's even been times he blocks me on all social media and phone until I send him what he wants.

Things got really bad about 2 years ago where he said I better find a way to get money for him or he's breaking up with me and blocking me everywhere. I kept saying no and asked him to be reasonable and to understand that I can't just get money from nowhere. If he thinks it's so easy for me to get money then it should be easy for him too, right? Anyway he kept forcing me, and out of fear I stupidly sc@mmed some people online and he encouraged it and enjoyed it. Of course now it's come back and the p0l!ce are coming after me for that. I know it was stupid.

There's been many times I've wanted to get out of this situation but if I do, not only will he hate me, but he will probably end up homeless and starving due to having absolutely no money and apparently unable to get a job.

I can't continue to give him money, and I need to see what happens with the legal stuff which I'm really scared of. But I love him and don't want to put him on the street.

When he's not after money he really is so sweet and loving, so please don't say he's just there for the money. Also please don't make rude comments about the sc@ms, I finished it quickly long time ago before I was even caught because I didn't want to do that kind of stuff in the first place.

Reported by:
  • rDramaHistorian : All kinds of reazuns and logix... Occam's razor just say foids be lyin & shit


However -

The chart only goes to 2021, and the number of people who were self isolating in 2020 and 2021 was quite high. I'm interested to see the numbers from 2022 and 2023 to see if the trend continues or goes back to looking closer to what came before the pandemic.


The pandemic will still lead to some lasting changes that will be integral to daily life from now on. It's possible that women realizing no s*x is better than bad s*x, or how happy we are not being toyed around with or mistreated, is one of them.

yet you get lots of :soyjaktantrumfast: at the mere mention of body count

Hmmm well abortion rights have been restricted, other women's right attacked, the incel Andrew Tate group grows, and young men are turning more conservative…

pendulum is shifting, sweatie :chudsmug:

Don't forget porn sick too


The data is all from before RvW was overturned.

So women are even more Celibate now

reddit foids? absolutely not :#marseyfans:

Yes. I can relate. I'm 23 years old and still a virgin. I never thought I would make it this long without ever having s*x, but hooking up or being used for s*x is not something I'm interested in.

:#marseytrad: :#marseysurejan:

Well, well... if isn't the consequences of men's own actions. You bring nothing to the table, you demand everything on the table, and you make women's lives harder, sadder, and more violent. My husband is thankfully a good man, but if he ever dies I will absolutely not for one second be lonely or desperate enough for peepee to date one of today's men. Not a single one of them is worth the time, effort, or labor.

presented without comment...


I think my boyfriend is lying about his divorce.

I (42F) and my boyfriend (48M) have been together for five years.

We met online, something I had never thought I would try, but at the time, I had been single for many years and my sister had recommended it to me. I was reluctant at first. She kept telling me how she had found many dates through this website and that it would be perfect for me as I'm always busy working so I could just use it in my free time or only when I felt like it. Anyway, one night over dinner she told me about this man she had recently met through the website and how perfect he was for her and how she could see a future with him. So I gave in. I gave it a try not expecting to actually find someone but when I matched with Carl, we hit it off instantly. He was so funny and charming so we exchanged numbers and then agreed to meet for coffee the following week.

When we met for coffee that day, Carl told me that he had just gotten a divorce from his wife (46F) of many years who he has one daughter (25F) with. I was fine with this, I'm not really the jealous type of person and he had assured me that he was ready to move on and that their relationship had been dying for ages. The first date went well and after a few more successful dates, he asked me to be his girlfriend. I was over the moon as I really liked Carl.

I have always been very passionate about my work. I'm a nurse so my job is very demanding and intensive which means I work most nights during the week but still, I wouldn't change it for the world. I thought this may be a problem with Carl when we first started dating as I wouldn't be available most nights and during the day after working a shift, I would be catching up on sleep and therefore, not available to see him or talk to him. However, this was not the case. Carl thought it was perfect as he told me that he had a very busy schedule too with his work, business appointments and making time to see his daughter.

Carl told me that he was always free on a Tuesday which happened to align perfectly with my work schedule as I didn't work on Monday or Tuesday nights. He started coming over to my house every single Tuesday, pretty much every single week since and that was five years ago.

Here's where it starts to get a little bit weird though. Since we agreed to see each other on Tuesdays, Carl has come to my house every single Tuesday 11am-3pm but refuses to see me any other day and out of that time frame. He has always arrived perfectly on time at 11am and always left promptly at 3pm - no exceptions. As well as this, every single time he comes over, he brings this tiny, dirty chihuahua along with him. Well last week, I found out that this dog he has been bringing ng belongs to his ex wife. His excuse for this was that he likes taking the dog on walks and they do 10 miles of walking everyday together but he works too much to commit to getting a dog for himself. I found this to be really odd but I didn't question him about it any further. I know 10 miles might seem like a lot to walk the dog every day and to be honest, I don't nt quite believe it myself but I know that he does walk the dog regularly as every Wednesday and Thursday he calls me whilst he walks the dog. This is always between 4pm-6.30pm with again, no exceptions. He always ends the call at exactly 6.30 and always calls at exactly 4.

Anyways, a couple years ago I got the dreaded call that my dad died. I was absolutely distraught as he was my biggest supporter and was always there for me. I asked Carl if he would come to the funeral with me but he refused as the funeral was being held on a Sunday and not during his allotted time to to see me, Tuesdays 11am-3pm. Of course I was upset by this but eventually, I convinced myself that he was probably just busy.

Fast forward another year, I had become very sick and I had ended up in hospital, it was so serious that the doctors had told me I would have died had I have waited another day to seek medical help. I called Carl in despair and asked if he would bring me some clothes I had at home and drop them off at the hospital. Carl refused because I had asked him on a Saturday and not on a Tuesday. I was in so much pain, I was in the hospital for months. I constantly begged Carl to see me and again, he refused unless it was on a Tuesday at 11am-3pm.

The final reason that made me think my boyfriend may be cheating on me with his ex wife was last month at his daughters wedding. The wedding was to be held in Italy and the plan was for Carl and his ex-wife to fly out there together four days before the wedding and for me to fly out by myself a day before the wedding. Carl's daughter had rented out a huge, luxurious villa for close family and friends to stay in before and after the wedding. I thought this was perfect - I have never spent the night with Carl so I thought us sharing a bed would be a huge turning point in our relationship. That was until I found out that Carl and his ex wife would be sleeping in the villa and I would be sleeping in a converted barn by myself at the bottom of the villa garden. I asked Carl if I could please sleep in the villa with him but he refused so I refused to go to the wedding and stay home.

On top of this, I have never been to Carl's house, in fact, I don't even know where he lives and he has me blocked on all of his social media. I can only contact him on what's app.

I think Carl may have been lying to me when we first met about his divorce to his wife. I'm starting to get the impression that he is actually having an AFFAIR with me and cheating on his wife. He's so secretive with me and appears to still have a lot of contact with her. Or maybe they decided to rekindle their relationship after their divorce? Or maybe I'm overthinking and they are just really close friends, I mean they do have a daughter together. So reddit, am I being crazy? What should I do?


Thank you everyone for your helpful insight and comments, I have been trying to read through them all. For all those saying this story isn't real, I can assure you that it 100% is, obviously now I am having severe doubts about him and what he has told me I'm realising how stupid I looked in this relationship. Some of you don't seem to realise that when you're truly in love you really don't want to lose that person. For those offering helpful advice thank you. I have a plan in place for when I see him this Tuesday and I will update you all after that!

Reported by:
[personal] [pizzashill in shambles] I survived skydiving

Left chin visible so you'd know it was me. I look terrible in all the photos but idc.

It was literally some of the most fun I've ever had in my life. The 60 second drop before they pull the parachute feels like you're going to die. My brain has never had that much dopamine before. Might go again next weekend if there are any time slots, was that fun. I highly recommend.

Plot twist, Lil Tay ain't dead



we dated for 3 months after


and incels can't get a date :#marseyblops2cel: :#marseylaugh:

Reported by:
  • AmbyValent : This post was weird any annoying, it hurt my feelings. 🙃

Just a bit of reddit foid sneed for you enjoy.

Edit: Some more sneed planted

>I dunno what to say. Stay ignorant of you want? At the end of the day you have every right to choose to not improve your s*x life if that's what you want.

I'm 45 and my gf is 24, it's great.

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